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hoodie said:
NO, MEN DO NOT RULE THE WORLD !!!!Women rule the world; they have half the money and.....well, you know...

How long is this going to go on?


Is that so wrong? (I have that saying in my head but i cant remember where its from... AHH)
albeitrue said:
A simple confession can NEVER be wrong! :D

What woman, famous or not, do you admire most?
My mother, for all the sacrifices she has made for me over the years. (Good question.)

Adversely, what man, famous or not, do you admire the most?
Also a good question, and after much thought, I would have to say my brother. He fought through his first year of life to make it 24 more, has lived with a life-threatening heart condition most of his adult life (but to meet him, you wouldn't know it), and is blessed with this amazing artistic talent that he has harnessed and will do wonderful things with. Not to mention the fact that he would give the shirt off his back to a stranger in need.

What is your biggest goal in life, and have you achieved it?
OHSacFan said:
What is your biggest goal in life, and have you achieved it?
Not any takers for this simple question? :rolleyes:

My biggest goal in life was to raise my children to be thriving, healthy and happy. Have I achieved it? To answer this, I would have to assume that they are completely raised. Does that ever happen? They are on their way, is all I can say!

Why is it that cats can't be trained, yet they still know more than the dog, who can be???
albeitrue said:
Why is it that cats can't be trained, yet they still know more than the dog, who can be???
I think that intelligence and independence go against the idea of training. Could also be why men are so much easier to train than women.

Was it wrong of me to go there?
Led Zeppelin, Day On The Green ... 1977. (I WAS underage :p ). Can't even remember who else played, it was insignificant.

What was your best concert experience? (Remember, this is a family forum)...
albeitrue said:
Led Zeppelin, Day On The Green ... 1977. (I WAS underage :p ). Can't even remember who else played, it was insignificant.

What was your best concert experience? (Remember, this is a family forum)...
My BEST concert experience......THE EAGLES.......Reunion Tour......first show of three consecutive nights.....second two, not yet sold out.........they played for two and a half hours.......and then did a TWO HOUR ENCORE !!!!!!!!! (the next two shows QUICKLY sold out)

What was your WORST concert experience?
Q Concert 13 (Q102 radio station concert with various artists) we had lawn seats and a big storm came unexpectedly, it was pouring rain, thunder, lighting, muddy and people smashing each other, it was..crazy

Same question, what was your worst concert experience?
It was at the Hara Arena in Dayton. We were on the floor, second row from the stage, and when the concert started, that area became the mosh pit. There were people stage diving and crowd surfing, and after the concert was over, I ended up with a black eye and a Doc Marten boot print on my cheek (from one of the crowd surfers). Never so scared in my life!!

Can you ice/roller skate?
(Might be a dumb question, but I'm wondering if anyone else out there can't)
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
Allen Iverson..well oops, um Doug I guess I can say now :)

Who is your favorite Western Conference Player?
Some dude named Peja, I think.

Why does campell's chunky soup baked potato and bacon soup taste just like it's new england clam chowder?
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