Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

Bricklayer said:
If somebody has, or sees, a clip of the play, post it here -- this I have to see. A flagrant 2...well all I have to say is Ron got cheated. If you're going to pick up a F2 and get suspended, I want to see the other guy's teeth on the floor.
I agree. I also agree with an earlier post of yours, saying that if Ron was going headhunting, you would know it.

I'm a Spurs fan, and I don't think this was a good call by the NBA...
Stu Jackson is a clown. Ginobili regularly injures people-nothing happens to him. Ron Artest gives a hard foul and he's suspended. **** this.The league isn't even going to be fair, the spurs are their darlings. If Ron is suspended Manu should be suspended too because Manu ACTUALLY HURT somebody. Ron didn't hurt anybody. This is retarded, and so is Stu Jackson for pulling this garbage. If it was Lebron, Duncan, Manu, none of those guys would be suspended. It's pathetic that they're just LOOKING for excuses to suspend Ron now.
The guy keeps a clean slate throughout his stay with the Kings, brings a lottery team to the playoffs and this is how the league repays him. All I can say is, If you don't like that you don't like NBA Basketball.


West_Gunslinger16 said:
I promised myself to not to go to until after playoffs (for some reason I don't want to tell, but hey who cares anyway). But I really need to say this:

MY CONSPIRACY IS TRUE!:mad: The NBA is really strengthening the Texas Franchise in order to get more fans and viewers as possible to attain the same number of fans since the "Jordan Era". The move is PATHETIC! But really, they're the same ******** running the NBA.

Franchises they have strengthening over the years:

Rockets - due to number of fans of Yao and Grady
Lakers - charismatic player/s
Spurs - same as Lakers
Heat - Shaq fans over the world (also Wade is becoming popular)
Cleveland - so true they get to the free throw line often but they're my second fave team (wow, the NBA guys' plans are working)

I think that's about it. See you guys whenever the playoffs finish.
Bump this!
I didn't even see the foul. Did he at least get called for a flagrant foul??? I hope Miller can actually sack up and put Ginobili on his *** tomorrow night.
This goes to show you that you can't get equal justice. Ginobli put Artest on the ground and he later returns the favor and get's tossed. NBA didn't play fair on that one. I guess they wanted to appease the sponsors.
What exactly happened to Ginobili on the play anyway?

ok, so he fell down. did he sustain any injuries? i thought that was a factor also in deciding if they'll give him a flagran1 or 2.

artest is the one with the busted lip. i am terribly upset at this call!
Bricklayer said:
If somebody has, or sees, a clip of the play, post it here -- this I have to see. A flagrant 2...well all I have to say is Ron got cheated. If you're going to pick up a F2 and get suspended, I want to see the other guy's teeth on the floor.
This is what confuses me. I can understand how bad calls get made on the spur of the moment, in the middle of a game, when things are crazy and the ref is relying on an angle that may or may not be the best. But, to go back, after the game, review that play, and call it a flagrant 2?? I'm very disappointed.
Actually, judging the tpae, that was a pretty malicious play. Maybe not suspension-worthy, but I'm less angry.

Also, the Oscar goes to...... Manu Ginobili for two flops on one play.
That can not be a flagrant 2. I have seen harder flagrant fouls than that. Ron must be bouncing off the walls right about now!! Manu watch out for Game # at Arco.

The kings just need to find someway to get this game. Start Martin and move Bonzi to the three. Put Corliss out there to bang up the people driving into the lane.


Hall of Famer
Auuuuuuuuuugh! What a bunk call by the the brain trust in the NBA. If they want to send a message about rough play I could see handing down a couple fines on F1 play... but to suspend Ron for THAT crap? BS!

I hope NBrains is right aobut fireing up the team... But going up against the Spurs with out Ron is a lot like taking a knife to gun fight.
Is there any kind of appeal process in the NBA, like there is for baseball where teh guy can play until the hearing. Stu Jackson or whoever made this decision needs to the one suspended, or better yet fired !
You can't hit someone in the head intentionally. You just can't. If Artest set an excessively hard pick or clobbered somebody on a layup that would be one thing, but you have to draw the line somewhere. It didn't seem THAT bad, but still, the tape kind of changed my mind.
Wow indeed...

I don't think the league is saying it was a flagrant 2, I think they will say it was an intentional fist or forearm to the head or neck area and warrants an automatic suspension. I just don't think that applies here, though.

It's obvious Artest did it on purpose, and he really did try to do the same kind of thing to Duncan earlier, but I don't see how that's a suspendable offense. Guys like Shaq, Ginobli, and others keep their elbows up all the time knowing that the defender's head is right next to them.
nbrans said:
Actually, judging the tpae, that was a pretty malicious play. Maybe not suspension-worthy, but I'm less angry.

Also, the Oscar goes to...... Manu Ginobili for two flops on one play.
yep; ron artest is deliberately placing his elbow so that he gets hit in the face. but still, lots of moves in professional sports when in slow motion make you cringe. i am pretty sure in any given game you could find such plays or at least attempts easily. that ron got suspended is complete bs.