Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

AleksandarN said:
Because that was unintentional where as Artest's elbow was clearly intentional. Artest should know by now not to do stupid crap like this. He is under the microscope.
this is a few posts back, but i still want to adress it. the thing is, i agree with you. what artest did was stupid. but my point is not that the punishment was undeserved (and i'm not so sure that it was deserved), but that the nba has no sense of discernment whatsoever when it comes to handing out penalties. bruce bowen kicks ray allen in the back intentionally several weeks ago in a spurs/sonics regular season matchup and receives a $10,000 fine, but no suspension. i see inequality here.

manu ginobili is a great player. he's also a great actor. he's an incredibly valuable asset to his team, and would be an incredibly valuable asset on any team because of his energy level and fearlessness. the problem with ginobili's fearlessness is that he has a bad habit of flailing about wildly on both offense and defense. i have seen no replay of ginobili's elbow to ron's face, so i can't say whether it was unintentional or not. however, i can say that it was careless. ron artest, as a defender, has the right to own a certain amount of space in front of the player he is guarding. the only way for an offensive player with possession of the ball to elbow a defensive player is by either a) using the off arm or b) grasping the ball with both hands and elbows out so as to "clear out" space. with a replay, i would be able to tell you which happened. without it, all i can say is that both a and b should deserve some sort of punishment. ginobili was assessed neither a foul on the play or a penalty from the league.

i'm no longer talking about grudges, i'm talking about what is right and what is wrong. a coupla weeks ago, you might remember a bulls/hawks game in which andres nocioni was clearing out space with his elbows to secure a rebound. he clipped josh childress in the throat with one of his elbows unintentionally, and childress retaliated immediately, unaware that nocioni had not meant to hurt him. nocioni was fined and childress suspended. yet, here we are, one game into round one of the kings/spurs series, and ron artest has been suspended one game, but ginobili has received no penalty whatsoever. i hope i have drawn enough comparisons to prove my point. i'm not necessarily jumping on a conspiracy bandwagon, but it seems clear to me that the league does not spend as much time as it should when it comes to fairness in handing out potentially damaging penalties.
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I still do not see it as being intentionally to the head, he did hit manu in the head but he hit his shoulder first! so does this mean that everytime tim duncan uses his patented elbow move and it grazes a head it will be a 1 game suspension, also shaq does the same thing.
If you watch the end of the play you can see ron put his hand up as to say it was an accident, he clearly went to shoot a hard shove into manu, I do not see it just going for his head, until after it slid off manus shoulder. I can see where they can think that ron was going after manus head because ron got elbowed in the face, but I just don't see it being anything but inadvertent.
It is unfortunate, but we have to live with the nba and there apparent hate for ron artest. by the way does anyone know how many games bowen got suspended for kicking wally in the head?
I don't buy the Artest put his hand up meaning it was an accident. From what I've seen of him, he appears to do that when it is intentional but not out of anger.

I just don't think it was intentional along the lines of a punch. It was more of a questionable defensive maneuver that ended up at the head. That doesn't really deserve the suspension.
Ginobili is a former soccer player, he's a great actor. That was merely a love tap by Artest, if he really wanted to hurt him, he would have!

There's no way you can suspend Artest one game for this in the playoffs!! It's absurd. Especially one day after the fact and considering that none of the 3 officials called neither a technical or a flagrant on the play.

It's clearly a double standard and a fine based on reputation alone. I remember an previous poster had mentioned that Bowen had once kicked Wally in the head and had also intentionally kicked Ray Allen in the back a few weeks ago and was NOT suspended.

I can even see a fine for Artest, but a suspension?? Complete and total BS.

You should really be proud of yourself Stu.

Watch the Kings win this next game without Ron and then lose the rest with him. Just seems like a perfect end to this season.
I hope fans aren't going to blame the Spurs for this. They seem surprised by it and didn't seem to care about the foul after the game. This seems to be just the usual Stern bull****.
Wow, I don't believe this. I don't even know what to say! Why do we always have to be cursed in some way? It's usually turnips and now this. No it's not the end of the world but it's pretty much killed our PO dream.
Why haven't they said anything on ESPN or I just checked and no mention. They all into the Reggie Bush house thing.
I can't use the words I want to express how I feel right now.:mad: I know Ron's beyond mad, I hope he handles it in the right way.
Stern and his idiotic thinking is behind this. Didn't Stern just say that Artest has been good and all of a sudden he gets suspended. This is THE PLAYOFFS!!! A person has to make some sort of statement. Im surprised it took Stern this long to get Artest for something.
im serious, my frickin stomach hurts right now. i feel like breaking something. this is insane.. when the hell is the league going to stop playing favorites? this crush could not come at a worse possible time. i cant believe manus play was never under review. im sick right now.
AleksandarN said:
Because that was unintentional where as Artest's elbow was clearly intentional. Artest should know by now not to do stupid crap like this. He is under the microscope.
After calming down, I do believe Ron hit Manu intentionally and maybe a fine or supspension is called for. What bugs me is, I watched at least a couple of replays of Manu's elbow to Ron's face. It looked darn close to intentional to me. He kind of glances back then wham, drives his elbow into Ron's face resulting in a cut requiring stitches and Ron playing with a huge fat lip that must've hurt. So where is the fairness? Heck, Ginobili wasn't even called for a foul!

Personally I think Ron got caught and Ginobili got away with one. And Ginobili caused more serious damage! That is what is making me angry about this!
I didn't see the play when Manu popped Ron in the mouth, but I did see when Ron delivered the forearm on Ginobili. It was definitely intentional, and it warrants a suspension. There is no conspiracy against the Kings, David stern is not a flaming idiot, etc., etc. Ron should know much better, especially since he in under a microscope, and especially during the playoffs. I'm very disappointed in what happened, and without Ron, game 2 will be very difficult.

As for Kobe elbowing Bibby in the face way back when, I thought that was intentional as well, but I don't recall Kobe being suspended for that. But then again, my memory is a bit foggy and may be skewed by emotion.
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horse ****

how lame is that??? seiruosluy, they didn't even call a flagrant on it during the game! i don't remember the exact moment, but i was unaware they even called a foul on it.

this has everything to do with ron artest's reputation. notice ron was the one with the stiches in his lip, and he's the one getting suspended. manu should at least get a fine for that. but oh wait, its the spurs, they can't possible do anything wrong.

****** nba..........
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Good bye game 2.

Good bye series.

Good bye Ron Artest.(at least for game two)

That is not worth a suspension. Not worth a suspension at all!!!! I hope that David Stern, or whoever decided to suspend Ron, is feeling like the King of the world right now. Probably feels like he just won the lottery, giving everyone high-fives on his decision.

I hope he feels happy, cause I'm definately not....:mad:

Edit: Sorry, this was kind of my vent. I just had to let it out.
Its crap, plain and simple, it is because of who he is. Nobody on ther Spurs cared much about it, the Kings had forgotten about so had the media.

It was a non-issue but they are trying to send some kind of message, even Haslems actions didn't warrant a suspension. He threw a 1 oz plastic mouth piece on the floor in the direction of an official. He should have been kicked out like he was, but that was enough.

The league has terrible officiating and they are trying to cover up the officials mistakes by suspending players and taking the focus off the obviously mistaken calls that are hapopening night in and night out.
Padrino said:
i see inequality here.
Inconsistency. I've been harping about that on this site for a few years. I was one of those who thought it was insane for Artest to get 73 games and Jermaine O'Neal get less than 25 for what they did comparitively speaking.

Kings cry foul as Artest suspended for elbow

Published 10:15 am PDT Monday, April 24, 2006

[Updated at 2:50 p.m. Monday] SAN ANTONIO - Ron Artest's reputation might have caught up to him at a terrible time for the Sacramento Kings.

The NBA suspended Artest on Monday for Game 2 of the Kings' first-round playoff series against the San Antonio Spurs.

Stu Jackson, the league's top disciplinarian, said Artest's elbow to Manu Ginobili's head in the series opener was egregious enough to warrant another suspension for the man who missed 73 games and the playoffs last season after one of the most infamous brawls in sports history.

But after their difficult playoff task got exponentially harder, the Kings suggested Artest was punished simply for being Ron Artest, possibly the most notorious player of his generation.

"You know with Ron's questionable past, they're going to look for a way to get him," said Bonzi Wells, who will get many of Artest's defensive assignments. "Whether it's minor or major, they're going to look at it in a different way."

The one-game suspension caught both Artest's teammates and the Spurs completely by surprise, because neither club thought the personal foul was even worthy of postgame comment, much less a suspension nearly 48 hours after the fact.

Artest was at the AT&T Center for practice Monday, but the focal point of Sacramento's midseason turnaround won't be in uniform Tuesday night when the Kings play Game 2 against the defending league champions.

"I talked to Stu Jackson, which was encouraging," Artest said in a brief, apologetic statement after his usual post-practice shooting workout. "There have been a lot of things that have happened in my career which (were) unfair. I support my teammates, and hopefully they'll win the game, and I'll be back Friday (for Game 3)."

The league cited Artest for his foul on Ginobili in the third quarter of the Spurs' 122-88 victory. Ginobili caught Artest's elbow in his jaw while attempting to run through the lane, and the Argentine star fell to the ground as Artest got a personal foul.

Though Spurs coach Gregg Popovich jumped off the bench to argue for a flagrant foul, Ginobili got right back up, and the game continued. Afterward, Ginobili said he wasn't injured on the play and didn't consider it particularly serious, while Popovich said he had no problem with Artest's aggressive style of play.

"I didn't even see the play, but it couldn't have been that bad," said Mike Bibby, who declared himself "amazed" by the league's decision.

"There was no flagrant foul or technical foul on the play. They look at things differently for certain people, you could say."

Popovich said the Spurs didn't even contact the NBA about the play, something many teams - including the Kings - will do for any questionable play, particularly in the playoffs.

Ginobili was shocked when he heard about the suspension after practice at the Spurs' suburban training complex.

"For us it's good, because he's a great player, but we don't have much to do with it," Ginobili said. "It didn't hurt me. I said it after the game. But the league (watches) everything we do."

Artest was injured on the game's opening possession when Ginobili inadvertently elbowed him hard in the face while driving to the hoop. Artest's feet flew out from under him, and he stayed down for several moments before jogging around the court in pain from a cut that required three stitches to close.

Ginobili alluded to the Kings' theory that Artest was being punished partly for his history of misbehavior and hard-nosed play, which also included aggressive shots to Tim Duncan and Tony Parker in Game 1.

Popovich wouldn't speculate on such ideas, instead finding a way to worry about how the absence of the Kings' emotional leader and defensive star actually could hurt the Spurs.

"Sometimes it can be your worst nightmare when a good player is out on another team, because everybody else can pick up their games," Popovich said. "We're not going to change a whole lot. I'm more concerned about the mental part of the deal for us."

Artest mostly guarded Ginobili in Game 1 and scored 16 points on 7-of-21 shooting. The Spurs routed Sacramento with a 41-point second quarter, taking a quick 30-point lead and turning the entire second half into garbage time.

Kevin Martin will move into the Kings' starting lineup at guard, with Wells moving to small forward. Martin probably will get the unpleasant task of guarding Parker, who burned the Kings for 25 points in three quarters.

Artest's defense made little difference while the Spurs scored 73 points in the first half of Game 1, making 68 percent of their shots and cruising to a 34-point lead. And perhaps his absence will inspire the passion that was missing in his teammates while San Antonio won Game 1 - or perhaps the Kings are headed for an 0-2 deficit heading home.

"I think the Spurs are going to play the same no matter who's out there," Kings coach Rick Adelman said. "When I looked at the tape, I thought it's possible they'll send a message and (upgrade) it to a flagrant foul, but I had no idea they would suspend him." --

Associated Press
What next, NBA? Dick Bavetta's crew reffing the entire series? You know this is really nothing but hypocracy. Everyone knows that the refs let more go by in the playoffs and that aggressive, rough basketball is tolerated, even rewarded, because, after all, this is the "Playoffs"! Yet if they get a little too rough then they get suspended? Seems to me they're asking a lot from the players to be able to read their minds on this policy...where does it end?
kingsfannPDX said:
this artest thing reminds of that line in scarface. he says something like "you need people like me, so you can point ****ing finger and say, 'that's the bad guy,' so say goodnight to the bad guy"
"Ju wan me to believe dat Omar was a stoolie because Sosa said so?!"
lmao, absolute BS. Max penalty should have been a fine, not a freaking suspension. Just another example of the NBA overreacting to nothing. If that had been Bowen elbowing someone in the dome, it would have resulted in a fine at worst.

Make no mistake, Artest's reputation is the only reason he has been suspended here.
Wow, I just found out hte news and it shocked the heck out of me. First thing I thought, was we are going to Arco down 0-2.

But know I think WHY?

Manu did a nice flopping jobbut if the NBA can call a suspension for that, then why can't they do that for Giniboli in the beginning of the game when ARTEST got elbowed too?

Again, Artest's history. I dont know why the NBA has bad things against him. What I have seen in Artest is a new person.

He doesnt argue about calls even if they are bad ones, doesn't do fights anymore, and is a leader for the Kings.

Worst suspension and they dont even do that to the greats like KOBE.