American Idol - 2008 (merged)


Hall of Famer
No offense, but how many times do you need to tell us that you don't like Brooke. I think we all got the hint after the 10th time that you have mentioned this.
Im very opinionated. When I feel strongly about something, I say it. Every chance I get.

I like David.

I like Jason.

I can't stand Archy.

I can't stand Brooke and Im happy she's gone.

See? It's just what I do.
I just came across this thread. I've been away from this board for a while (I had a baby and he is all-consuming, but wonderful!). I wish I would have known about this sooner because I am a faithful American Idol watcher. This season has been so roller-coaster because the talent has been really good, but the themes each week have made the show so boring at times. I mean really... Dolly Parton, Neil Diamond, Andrew Lloyd Webber???? I think the producers are so star-struck with some of the celebrities that they can get that they have forgotten who their target audience is.

The final two are next Tuesday and I am going to call in to vote for the first time all season because I won't be able to stand it if David Cook does not beat David A. The young David has a great voice, but I feel David C. is a well-rounded talent who is actually a musician, not just a singer.

Now that I know that there is a power ranking thing going on, I will be sure to participate next season. It's too bad that this thread hasn't been written on in a few weeks because it seems like there was some real interest in this show before all of the good people started going home early.

Go David Cook! :)
I'm with you on David. I think he's a real talent. Wonderful! :D

I think a lot of folks here were disgusted that Michael Johns went home so early. That and the boring theme picks.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm with you on David. I think he's a real talent. Wonderful! :D

I think a lot of folks here were disgusted that Michael Johns went home so early. That and the boring theme picks.
Welcome back, And1!! I made no secret of my disgust when Michael Johns left but I'm okay with the final two. I'll be voting my fingers off for David Cook. I think he's the real deal while I think David A. is still a work in progress. And I think he needs to be old enough to sign his own contracts, etc. without Daddie Dearest around. Looks like this year's concert tour could easily be one of the best ever.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, I really, really, really wanted to see David step up and knock it out of the park...and he did! The only problem? I think it was David Archuleta who put it all out there tonight and really made the night his own.

David Cook's choice for his final song was just NOT right. He needed to do a classic rock that would literally bring down the house and he didn't.

They both will be stars but I think David Archuleta tonight truly earned the right to be the next American Idol.
Unfortunately, I agree with you. I thought David Cook was really good but David A. was better tonight. I wish David A would have sung at least 1 up-tempo song. Every song he sings is slow or a ballad of some sort. Too predictable. Regardless of who wins, both of them are getting a record contract.

I tried voting tongiht and I actually gotten through on line 5 a few times for David Cook. Just doing my part, but it might not be enough....


Super Moderator Emeritus
SME Archie is gonna pull this win out somehow.
If he does, in fact, win it will be because he clearly stepped up tonight and left it all out there on the stage. David Cook, for whatever reason, simply didn't come out with the killer attitude.

I voted for David Cook for his overall consistency and talent, but I won't be surprised or disappointed if David Archuleta gets the title. If effort makes the difference, he should definitely get the nod.
If he does, in fact, win it will be because he clearly stepped up tonight and left it all out there on the stage. David Cook, for whatever reason, simply didn't come out with the killer attitude.

I voted for David Cook for his overall consistency and talent, but I won't be surprised or disappointed if David Archuleta gets the title. If effort makes the difference, he should definitely get the nod.
I like both, and think they are both amazing. However, while I was rooting for Archuelta, I was sure before tonight that Cook was going to win it! However, I think Archuleta might have won it with his effort tonight. Either way, they're both great...they're both gonna be successful within their own genres, and they are both going to be GREAT ambassadors for not only American Idol, but American music in general! This has been one of the most entertaining seasons in a while!!! Great talent overall, and some great mentors and musical guests!
I just came across this thread. I've been away from this board for a while (I had a baby and he is all-consuming, but wonderful!). I wish I would have known about this sooner because I am a faithful American Idol watcher. This season has been so roller-coaster because the talent has been really good, but the themes each week have made the show so boring at times. I mean really... Dolly Parton, Neil Diamond, Andrew Lloyd Webber???? I think the producers are so star-struck with some of the celebrities that they can get that they have forgotten who their target audience is.

The final two are next Tuesday and I am going to call in to vote for the first time all season because I won't be able to stand it if David Cook does not beat David A. The young David has a great voice, but I feel David C. is a well-rounded talent who is actually a musician, not just a singer.

Now that I know that there is a power ranking thing going on, I will be sure to participate next season. It's too bad that this thread hasn't been written on in a few weeks because it seems like there was some real interest in this show before all of the good people started going home early.

Go David Cook! :)

I agree Michael Johns should've stayed on instead of some of the others...namely Jason Castro! It did become a popularity contest toward the end, but when it came down to it...the right 2 people are in the finale.

Archuleta established himself as one of the ones to beat in the beginning, and kept it consistent throughout, and Cook came pushed himself to the forefront and continued to amaze!

As far as the mentors were concerned...I think they were trying to appeal to an even BROADER audience. They already pretty much dominate the 18-30 demographic. Neil Diamond, Dolly Parton, Andrew Lloyd Webber, etc. appeal to those in their 40's, 50's and beyond. I'm 24, so I already watched the show with my wife, but this season was the first time that my parents got into it namely because of the unique selection of songs being sung by the artists. I'm sure it was the same for many in my parents' demographic.
BY the way AND1...CONGRATS on the new baby! My wife is pregnant and due in October, so I'm already starting to understand some of the joy that comes with being a parent!


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm not usually that fond of the finale shows, but I have to admit I really enjoyed this one. And I'm very happy with the outcome. I may actually try and get down to Sacramento for the tour this year as I think it could really be a lot of fun to see all those people on stage.

Michael Johns is every bit as good as I remembered. Brooke and Graham Nash were surprisingly melodic. I thought Jason did "Hallelujah" much better this time around...

All in all, an excellent end to the season.

Congratulations to our new American Idol, David Cook!
I am ssssssooooooooo glad David Cook won.
Me Too!!!! Quite a compliment he received from Simon (last night?) when Cowell said he was the most genuine and nicest performer they've ever had on the show. It's great to see a nice guy finish first! :D

Of course he's talented, original and not afraid to take chances with his music. I might not have liked a lot that happened this season, but I'm thrilled with this outcome.:D
BY the way AND1...CONGRATS on the new baby! My wife is pregnant and due in October, so I'm already starting to understand some of the joy that comes with being a parent!
Thank you so much! Being a parent is wonderful, and so much fun. I had no idea how much I would enjoy it. Please encourage your wife and tell her that although the pregnancy is tough, she will forget it the minute she sees your baby. And congrats to you on getting to be a daddy as well. It's life changing and one of the coolest things ever. :)
Yay! I can't believe David Cook won. I thought there was no way, considering how hard Simon was on him. I thought it was a nice apology from Simon, by the way. David Archuleta was so good too, and it really could have gone either way.

My husband has already downloaded a lot of his songs from I-Tunes. I wonder how long it will be before he releases an album.

Tonight's show was good. I am SO glad that they didn't bring back a lot of the really bad people from the auditions. The one guy they did show was plenty. I thought it flowed a lot better this year than previous years. They showed a lot more singing than usual and it was great.

Congratulations David Cook!
By the way, I did think the winning song was pretty good and you could tell the words meant something to David Cook.

Way better song than last years', which I thought was just awful.
I'm wondering if there will be an outcry due to the show going 6 minutes long. People who recorded the show on their DVR's to watch later will come home to watch 2 hours of filler and then have the results and final songs not on their recording...
I too am glad that David Cook was the winner. In my eyes, he was the best singer AND performer by far. I think he captured the heart of viewers with his rendition of "Billie Jean". That performance was an all time Idol Classic.

I will say though that overall I was extremely disappointed with Season Seven. I thought it was way too Pop oriented, and they focused on older music way too much. Outside of Cook, none of the contestants had any soul whatsoever. Way too robotic and corny at the same time.:( This has been my favorite show for the past several years, I hope that next year, things will be different.


Hall of Famer
Congrats to David Cook! I didn't think he had a snowball's chance against the Archinator despite being the superior contestant!

Thumbs up America!

Now it's time to just wait and see what he can do with his first album. Will the Idol team pop him out, or will he be more of a Nickelback/Daughtry rocker? Either way, I cant really wait.

And as for Randy and Paula...Randy's love for Archie was borderline disturbing the last month of the show, and Paula is just...The only word to describe her is 'Paula.'

She wasn't as bad as Randy was, IMO.