
In his interview with Grant & Mike, RA's tone of voice showed that he was still very upset and hurt by what happened. Considering that right before the story was proved true, Adelman was quoted as saying he didn't believe the Phil story, because the Maloods wouldn't do that, he must have felt immensely hurt and betrayed.

The Maloofs have the right to pursue any coach they want, but it was pretty shabby the way it was handled.

The fact the RA said its behind them and he has a job to do. What else can he say? He's under contract and he does have a job to do, regardless of how he feels about what happened. Kind of like your boss saying I think someone else could do your job better, but then doesn't fire you. Excpet RA can't just breach the contract without financial loss on top of feeling betrayed.

No, Rick is obviously hurt, sounds like it and has been more vocal about the team's shortcomings than I can remember his ever being.

No, things look troublesome and being a lameduck coach is a difficult position to be in.

I keep trying to maintain a sense of hope about my team, but d#*m its hard. I'll be so glad when we can get back to just playing games and seeing the results. :(
I guess we'll find out if this is true or not but I wouldn't blame Rick one bit if he did leave. He was obviously upset by the way the whole "Phil" thing was handled and I don't blame him. If I found out my boss was interviewing other people for my job behind my back and then wouldn't let me fill out applications elsewhere, I'd be upset too. It would serve the Maloofs right if he did leave but then unfortunately the real victims would be the team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
He can't just leave, loopy. He has a contract through the end of the season. The only way he can leave is if: a) The Maloofs fire him; b) they agree to allow another team to buy out his contract; c) he retires. He cannot simply quit and then sign with another team.
VF21 said:
You just don't have a clue, do you?

With a better coach? It may be time for a different coach but be careful what you wish for. There aren't many truly "better" coaches out there. Unless, of course, you're only considering coaches who have actually won titles as being better. In that case, you're in deep doo-do. The ones with titles on their resume are either retired or pretty comfortable where they are.
Guy you must wake up it is time for a change at our bench and time to play another style.
Look, a lot of people have made up their mind that Adelman needs to go and we will automatically be better for it(much like Webber before him), and I think they are entitled to their opinions. BigWaxer has been here a long time and knows the Kings as well as anybody, and he's not the only longstanding "Informed" member who is of that opinion. I just happen to disagree with them. I think Adelman coached a great team(on both ends of the court) and that refs, and free throw shooting cost us the title. Those two teams were as evenly matched as two teams can be and he was in no way outcoached, that was one of the most highly contested down to the wire series in the modern era. I think one thing we can all agree on is that he isn't going to coach here forever(if even next season) and that we will find out how good he really was when a replacement is brought in. The truth will come to light one way or another.

--Finest VF isn't a guy (seriously though... you avatar kicks ***)
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Super Moderator Emeritus
At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Rick Adelman will not be the coach of the Kings next year. Too much is happening, whether rumor or truth, and bridges are being burned with alarming speed.

I would not object to a change in coaches because there comes a time when every coach leaves. It's part of the game. Adelman has had a long and successful tenure here - in fact, the most successful in the history of the franchise and one not likely to be repeated in the near future.

What I do object to is the need for some (and I'm speaking in general terms here) to belittle his accomplishments in order to justify getting rid of him. He did a lot for this franchise ... that stands by itself.

If he leaves, he leaves with my gratitude. It's becoming more and more obvious - to this 20-year Kings fan - that we have turned a corner. Be very careful, newer Kings fans. The grass ISN'T always greener on the other side of the fence.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Montenegros-Finest said:
Guy you must wake up it is time for a change at our bench and time to play another style.
1. I'm not a guy.
2. I'm wide awake.
3. I'm not saying it may not be time for a change. What I'm saying is there's no need to dump on Adelman to justify the change.
VF21 said:
At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Rick Adelman will not be the coach of the Kings next year. Too much is happening, whether rumor or truth, and bridges are being burned with alarming speed.
I agree. There are obviously some bad feeling between the Maloofs and Adelman. The guy has a noose hanging over his head now, you might as well let him go and find a new coach. Otherwise this is going to be a train wreck.
KP said:
Look, a lot of people have made up their mind that Adelman needs to go and we will automatically be better for it(much like Webber before him), and I think they are entitled to their opinions.
IMO, this is a perfect parallel. This post-Weber era has gone nowhere near the way those who were piping for his removal said it would go. I think the same would be true for RA.
VF21 said:
I don't know why I even bother but I have to ask...

Yes, he had the tools to get the job done and the Kings got to game 7 of the Western Conference Finals. If you read Phil Jackson's book, he even agrees with a majority of people that the main reason the Kings didn't win and go on to win the NBA championship was because they forgot how to shoot free throws.

How is that Adelman's fault? He sat there and watched as players who usually hit FTs like ... well ... free throws tossed up brick after brick and ultimately cost us the game.

How exactly is that Adelman's fault again?

You know what. Never mind. Don't bother to answer. People are becoming as polarized about Rick as they have been about Webber and Peja. And it breaks my heart.

It used to be that Kings fans SUPPORTED our players and our coach. We cheered them on. We didn't tear them down.

It's truly a shame, but I'm honestly starting to believe that if anything takes this team away from us, it will be ourselves.


I will reply and take the bait

Just being honest as a crazy fan of most sports. Let me first start off by saying I have no idea why so many want to hang onto RA forever. He had his chance, its time to try something else. My favorite NFL team changes coaches, My favorite NCAA team changes coaches. BTW they continue to win championships. The Kings haven't won one... My question would then be, if we had Larry Brown during that season would we have won? I almost have to say yes..

What I don't like about RA:

What appears to be no discipline on the team at all. BTW I hate the excuse they get payed so and so amount and they should already have it. Fact of the matter is we are dealing with KIDS - very rich at that, they need discipline and structure.

He whines worse then the players, When has a ref reversed his call after RA whining about it? How many times does RA toss his hands in the air? I give it about 5-10 a game.

He doesn't develop players. Yes that still needs to be done even at this level.

He doesn't stress defense at all... This has been stated by former players in interviews after they left.

I think RA is a great coach.... A great regular season coach and he has proved that. He is probably besides Sloan one of the best coaches in the league to not have a ring. Stressing offense everyday is not the answer tho. This may also (oh no I may go crazy here) have to include Petrie in the blame.

Obiouvsly the FT's were not RA's fault. As everyone say's we shouldn't have been in that spot to begin with.

RA won't be back unless he decides to stress defense so its a mute point to agrue over anyway
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Super Moderator Emeritus
And if Rick Adelman goes, his staff - including Coachie - will go with him. And the era will truly be over.

In fact, it's already over. It's time to throw the dirt on the carcass.

The Kings are dead. Long live the Kings...

And that's not being negative or pessimistic or whatever. It's being realistic. Slowly but surely and with inexorable force the remnants of the 2002 team are being dispersed. Time marches on...and so do coaches and players. And we, the fans, will rise again - to cheer for whomever wears the uniform with "Sacramento" on the front and "Kings" on the back.



Hall of Famer
I would be surprised if Rick Adelman is not the coach of the Kings by the start of the season. After that its really is up to the team and its success as far as Ricks future in Sacramento is concerned. If the team is .500 or below after the first 15 games he will get canned.

I would hate to see him go before the start of the season b/c he really is one of the best coaches out there right now. To keep his shattered, injury laden team even remotely together like he did last season was a major accomplishment and worth keeping on board.
VF21 said:
It used to be that Kings fans SUPPORTED our players and our coach. We cheered them on. We didn't tear them down.

It's truly a shame, but I'm honestly starting to believe that if anything takes this team away from us, it will be ourselves.:(
I must sadly agree.

No matter our personal feelings about Adleman, we must admit that he was part of the group that helped transform our team. If we blame him for the failures, then we must also credit him with the successes.

This fan will be sad to see him him go.
Montenegros-Finest said:
Guy [sic] you must wake up it is time for a change at our bench and time to play another style.
Be careful what you wish for. Change is not automatically better. "Another style" could end up being the current Atlanta Hawks, Orlando Magic, Toronto Raptors or even the Kings of old. Or simply not as successful as RA's teams.

VF21 said:
3. I'm not saying it may not be time for a change. What I'm saying is there's no need to dump on Adelman to justify the change.


Super Moderator Emeritus
FDR once said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." It is generally accepted that when he made that statement, as part of his first inaugural address in 1933, he was referring to the unrational fear some people had about the depression. He was saying, in essence, that if people couldn't get over always trying to find the downside, that it would be almost impossible for things to turn around.

That's what I'm saying about us worrying about losing this team. If we keep looking for reasons to quit being fans, we'll find them. And if enough of us DO find them and quit being fans, then it's pretty obvious the Maloofs will look elsewhere for a place to call home.

If anything can take the Kings out of Sacramento and away from the fans, it's the fans...
Diminished Respect

As far as I'm concerned, the Maloofs are millionaire idiots that cannot seem to separate their responsibility as owners of a NBA franchise from basketball operations.

And let's be clear here: This isn't just an issue of Rick Adelman. I'm guessing Petrie won't be around much longer either, regardless of his recent multi-year agreement with the Kings.

First it's the players. Then it's the coach. Perhaps it then becomes the GM.

And the worst of it all? It may next become the fans...


Homer Fan Since 1985
SactoGreg said:
As far as I'm concerned, the Maloofs are millionaire idiots that cannot seem to separate their responsibility as owners of a NBA franchise from basketball operations.

And let's be clear here: This isn't just an issue of Rick Adelman. I'm guessing Petrie won't be around much longer either, regardless of his recent multi-year agreement with the Kings.

First it's the players. Then it's the coach. Perhaps it then becomes the GM.

And the worst of it all? It may next become the fans...
I hear ya, SactoGreg. I was thinking the same thing about Geoff.

I used to have the utmost respect for the Maloofs. Now I am only feeling used by some millionaire playboys.
I agree VF and Sacto with both.

Worst of all they are using our passion as fans as bait to make their next mill.

As fans we should be expected to only want a ring and be critical like we are here. AKA the crazy philly fans.

Hey all I want to do is dance on the cap steps (NOT NAKED DON'T GET EXCITED OUT THERE)


Super Moderator Emeritus
There are only a couple of ways this can proceed:

1) Nothing changes. The decline continues and more fans become disillusioned.

2) Everything changes. The Maloofs realize they're alienating the very fan base that enticed them here in the first place and try to make things right.

3) Something in between.

I think most of us would love to see #3, but we'd settle for #2. I just pray it isn't #1.
You know, I just came back and read all these posts, and honestly, I'm very unconcerned about Rick Adelman's "feelings" and all these "burned bridges." He's an NBA coach. For better or worse, getting fired on a minute's notice is the nature of the business. It doesn't matter what your accomplishments have been. I'm an Adelman fan and personally don't think he should be fired, but come on, Rick, enough with the sob story.

I agree completely with VF21 that we shouldn't dump on him and belittle his accomplishments, but as for his feelings... if he's not tough enough to realize that the Kings are naturally going to go after someone with nine championship rings then he's probably not tough enough to win his first.
Hold on, I'm trying to find my rose colored glasses. I seem to have misplaced them. Things sure looked better when I had them. I discovered they were missing when I began to find more things wrong about the team I LOVE (ok, obsess about)than things that that are right. I know I must have had a STRONG pair, because I could not find this many things wrong when we only won 30 games in a good year! While I search, I hope I also find the joy I had in watching them -even when we lost.

FOUND THEM!!! We have wonderful owners with DEEP and OPEN wallets. Our GM and coach love being here and are respected by all. Players want to be here. We play BEAUTIFUL basketball. There are no better or more passionate fans to be found anywhere in the NBA. All is right with the world.

Sure hope I don't lose those darn glasses again! I like this view much better. Sometimes reality just isn't as enjoyable as our imagination.


Super Moderator Emeritus
nbrans said:
I agree completely with VF21 that we shouldn't dump on him and belittle his accomplishments, but as for his feelings... if he's not tough enough to realize that the Kings are naturally going to go after someone with nine championship rings then he's probably not tough enough to win his first.
See how easy it becomes?

He didn't say he had a problem with the Kings pursuing Phil Jackson. What he had a problem with was learning about it by picking up the Bee and reading it in Ailene Voisin's column instead of hearing it from the Maloofs first. (He couldn't hear it from Petrie, because Petrie was busy having his heart fixed - he didn't know until it hit the papers either.)

He felt slighted and out of the loop AND he had every reason to feel that way. What could it have hurt for Joe Maloof to pick up the phone - I'm sure he has Rick's number somewhere - and call Rick first?

A couple of minutes:

Joe: Hey, Rick. You've done a great job and we really appreciate it but we're gonna make some phone calls because it appears Jackson might be available. No hard feelings.

Rick: Hey, thanks for the call, Joe. At least I won't have to learn about it in the papers...

They both laugh and the phone call is over...

How hard would that have been?
VF21 said:
See how easy it becomes?

He didn't say he had a problem with the Kings pursuing Phil Jackson. What he had a problem with was learning about it by picking up the Bee and reading it in Ailene Voisin's column instead of hearing it from the Maloofs first. (He couldn't hear it from Petrie, because Petrie was busy having his heart fixed - he didn't know until it hit the papers either.)

He felt slighted and out of the loop AND he had every reason to feel that way. What could it have hurt for Joe Maloof to pick up the phone - I'm sure he has Rick's number somewhere - and call Rick first?
Here's a quote (thanks to Albeitrue):

"And yeah, I don't think I was out of line by saying I wasn't extremely happy with that, I don't think we would have won 50 games five years in a row, I think there's four teams that has been in the playoffs last four years, we're one of them. Three have been in the playoffs in the last seven, we're one of them. I think people think being in the playoffs is a given, they're not given, not in our conference. I just think the Maloof's, who have been terrific to me, they want to make a change, that's fine. I just didn't understand, as good a coach Phil Jackson is, what was he going to change in our season last year, I just didn't understand that."

To me, this sounds like Adelman is unhappy that they merely contacted Jackson, based on Adelman's accomplishments.

Sure, the Maloofs probably should have given Adelman a call, but at the same time, if it sent a loud and clear message that the Maloofs are more serious about winning nine championships than winning 50 games with a new roster, then I'm all for it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
nbrans said:
if it sent a loud and clear message that the Maloofs are more serious about winning nine championships than winning 50 games with a new roster, then I'm all for it.
The Maloofs are more serious about winning nine championships? How strange. All these years and I didn't know the franchise had won any while in Sacramento.

Winning nine championships or winning 50 games isn't the question. Whether or not ANYONE could have taken last year's team to a championship with what happened was the question and the point Adelman was correctly making.

Bottom line is that had the Maloofs shown enough respect to Adelman and what he's done for this franchise over the past years to simply call him first, none of this would be being played out in the media. They didn't use good business sense and, as a result, the team is once again mired in drama. I think he was trying to say that considering everything that's happened, if they were going to pursue another coach he (RA) had at least earned the right to hear about it from them, not Ailene Voisin.
VF21 said:
The Maloofs are more serious about winning nine championships? How strange. All these years and I didn't know the franchise had won any while in Sacramento.
Um, that's my point.

And honestly, I think it was better PR to pursue Phil Jackson and make a public (if obviously futile) effort to go after him than to coddle Adelman. It at least shows that they're serious about championships and aren't content with winning 50 games and getting bounced in the first round. It was worth a shot. And if Adelman really didn't want this played out in the media, he could have said something really simple: "I'm not worried about it." Instead he's been complaining.
I wish we had got Phil but not because I don't like RA, in fact the opposite. He has been great for this team and the fact that we even got to the playoffs this past year was incredible considering our season. The lack of respect for him was very unprofessional, he should be allowed to go to Portland or wherever he chooses and unless we have a replacement, that won't happen, although I'm sure there are some loopholes somewhere that could get him out of Sac. if he wants it bad enough.
I used to have total faith in the Maloofs but I don't anymore. We are not that shiny toy a kid gets at christmas and then discards because they get a newer shinier one. This is a basketball team as well as a business. IMHO their heart is not in it anymore and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see us move in the near future. If they're just not interested anymore then sell the team, don't ruin it.
For such "savvy" businessmen, they make some very questionable moves and decisions. If apathy prevails, it'll be the death of this team. GP can work wonders but without the Maloofs his hands are tied.