6 team deal (Bonzi to NY) .. anybody else hear this? (likely debunked)

I don't want SJax.

He's not an efficient player.
Bonzi Wells: 13.6 ppg on 11.8 shots = 1.15 points per shot
Stephen Jackson: 16.4ppg on 14.2 shots = 1.15 points per shot

FG% isn't everything, Jackson is an average 3pt shooter (Bonzi well below average) and is a very good FT shooter who gets to the line.

Put the brawl aside and Jackson is at least comparable to Wells. He's not nearly the rebounder, but he's still tough and a good defender. He's a year younger, he's taller, and his contract is cheaper and shorter. You get Foster back as well and to me, you've got a deal.
Bonzi Wells: 13.6 ppg on 11.8 shots = 1.15 points per shot
Stephen Jackson: 16.4ppg on 14.2 shots = 1.15 points per shot

FG% isn't everything, Jackson is an average 3pt shooter (Bonzi well below average) and is a very good FT shooter who gets to the line.

Put the brawl aside and Jackson is at least comparable to Wells. He's not nearly the rebounder, but he's still tough and a good defender. He's a year younger, he's taller, and his contract is cheaper and shorter. You get Foster back as well and to me, you've got a deal.
I agree with this analysis. He's crazy, but then, the Kings are playing with fire to begin with. No one in their right minds would start a fight with the Kings.
If we could somehow pull Granger out of this instead of S Jax I would do a backflip. But of course, Granger is probably untouchable at this point in the Pacers franchise.
From A Pacers board
Some of you may be surprised by what goes down tomorrow.
I promised my source that I wouldn't tell anyone...I intend to keep that promise.
As of right now it is up in the air...I can confirm that the Pacers have offered a deal, but as of right now the other team has not signed off on it. However if the deal does go down, then it will be a good surprise.
I think KingsFans.com has been successfully intruded with a nonsense thread. This story is absolutely bogus. I don't see the Maloofs increasing the payroll for some back-up guys, plus losing Bonzi.


Hall of Famer
Is the trade happening or is it just a puffed up rumor?
PUFFED up and oout rumor.

Last night several sources all leaked the possiblity of 6 team trade with a lrge number of players. Different sources speculated on the players involved http://www.kingsfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13950 no one agrees on the major pices or even the teams involved. The Bonzi to NY stuff poped out like a stress induced zit this PM, very likely beceasue of confusion with other roumers and/or the need to say SOMETING about the deal that is still in the works.

In short as the Bard said "A tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry."


Super Moderator Emeritus
If we could somehow pull Granger out of this instead of S Jax I would do a backflip. But of course, Granger is probably untouchable at this point in the Pacers franchise.
Granger isn't going anywhere, especially not for the chump change the Pacers are getting out of this "deal."
what do you think of this eze
Kinda torn. I don't mind Foster...he's okay. Fills a need for us.

Jax...uh...scoring wise, he's a touch better then Bonzi...more of a gunner then Bonz. But, I like Bonzi's inside game.

If Bonzi was gone for nothing, then, this will have to do...but...I'm not thrilled by any means if true.
this isn't family business

But the only arguments people are making against this trade are that they don't (personally) like SJax, while we assume that everyone loves Bonzi. That's the only hesitation I have about this. Talent-wise, it makes sense. Good trade for us- we keep a decent SG and add a good backup C. But I'm really high on Bonzi and don't want to trade him- I really saw him as our long-term SG until Kevin came around. But looking at it non-emotionally, the trade has to be a good idea. Get feelings mixed in and you might as well consider that Ron and Mike are good friend with Jackson, so they might not go after Bonzi in the bathroom after all.
As good as Bonzi was for us, I'm assuming he wanted way more money then we could/wanted to provide, if this trade falls through I wont be dissapointed, we get a backup center that can rebound like crazy, and add another three point shooter/solid defender to the mix, this would be good for Martin too, because I didn't see Martin getting tons of minutes over Bonzi if he came back, but I can see him getting alot if not more then S-Jax if the trade goes down.


Super Moderator Emeritus
PUFFED up and oout rumor.

Last night several sources all leaked the possiblity of 6 team trade with a lrge number of players. Different sources speculated on the players involved http://www.kingsfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13950 no one agrees on the major pices or even the teams involved. The Bonzi to NY stuff poped out like a stress induced zit this PM, very likely beceasue of confusion with other roumers and/or the need to say SOMETING about the deal that is still in the works.

In short as the Bard said "A tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry."
I wouldn't be quite so quick to dismiss it out of hand.

It could be all fluff BUT it could also end up being true. Stranger things have happened.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm trying to find out if this has been confirmed or not but usually when it comes to Hawks, they're reliable
Reliable? No offense, but if this ends up being true and was leaked this early by someone in the Hawks organization, it sounds like they're pretty loose about discussing important business. When mutliple teams are invovled, it's really important for everyone to keep their bleeping mouths shut until all the ducks are in a row, so to speak.

I have a feeling, should this pan out, someone is going to have some explaining to do.

Thanks for whatever info you can find, loopy...
As good as Bonzi was for us, I'm assuming he wanted way more money then we could/wanted to provide, if this trade falls through I wont be dissapointed, we get a backup center that can rebound like crazy, and add another three point shooter/solid defender to the mix, this would be good for Martin too, because I didn't see Martin getting tons of minutes over Bonzi if he came back, but I can see him getting alot if not more then S-Jax if the trade goes down.
Jax is very much a SG/SF. He'll get his minutes. If anything it makes minutes for Garcia harder to come by.


Hall of Famer
I wouldn't be quite so quick to dismiss it out of hand.

It could be all fluff BUT it could also end up being true. Stranger things have happened.
Yup stranger things have happened, and I honeslty see no reason to trust or NOT trust the rumor. But the skeptic in me notes that MOST trade rumors in the off season never happen so odds are this one will not. Is there a big trade in the works with 6 or so teams... seems that way. Is Indy involved and possibly getting Dunlevy good sources say yes. But by the time we get to the Bonzi to NY Kings get back Foster and Jackson? there is no there there.
Jax is very much a SG/SF. He'll get his minutes. If anything it makes minutes for Garcia harder to come by.
Well S-Jax is more of a spark player ala Bobby Jackson, If it were too happen I would bet that Martin would be getting thirty plus and starting. I agree with it could take Garcia's minutes which could be good or bad for us.
If this ends up happening then I will be fine with it. It provides more depth and more outside shooting while giving us a solid backup center. However, I doubt that this deal will go down exactly as laid out in the first post.