6 team deal (Bonzi to NY) .. anybody else hear this? (likely debunked)

R.Artest / F.Garcia / C.Williamson
S.Abdurrahim / K.Thomas / L.Amundson
B.Miller / J.Foster / V.Potapenko
M.Bibby / J.Hart / R.Price
S.Jackson / K.Martin / Q.Douby

15 Strong :D

I'm thinking Marin would start, and Jackson would be the primary backup for the 2/3 position. Plus- we are still hopefully going to move KT and use our MLE.

And I don't think anyone would consider Hart, Potapenko, and even Corliss as "strong." But, this is a good first move, especially if we ran the risk of losing Bonzi for nothing...


Hall of Famer
Kids this is why Officer Celt says "Stay away from drugs."

Seriously it looks like some hack read 3 seperate trade rumors after burning a fatty then decided to write a pice (literaly). I don't see any sane GM much less GP trading Bonzi for Steve Jax.
Agreed, Rain man. Martin would start, as Jackson would accept coming off the bench based on his time with the Spurs and some with the Pacers. He's better as a bencher anyways.
One other note:

Stephen Jackson remaining salary: $6.1mil $6.6mil $7.1mil &7.7mil
Jeff Foster remaining salary: $5.2mil $5.7mil $6.2mil

So in order for this rumor to be true Bonzi would have to be getting a salary averaging at least $10+mil a year in order to match salaries.
Salaries just have to be within 25%, so Bonzi would have to have a starting salary of more than $8.475 million (75% of $11.3 mil) for this to work. Which is possible.

PS: Also, Jackson is crazy. Totally crazy. I might be ok with that, but make no mistake about it. The Sports Guy said it best. Stephen Jackson somehow came out of the Ron Artest brawl looking like the craziest guy in the league, and Artest was the one who first went into the stands. That's saying something.
Kids this is why Officer Celt says "Stay away from drugs."

Seriously it looks like some hack read 3 seperate trade rumors after burning a fatty then decided to write a pice (literaly). I don't see any sane GM much less GP trading Bonzi for Steve Jax.
Is the trade happening or is it just a puffed up rumor?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Agreed, Rain man. Martin would start, as Jackson would accept coming off the bench based on his time with the Spurs and some with the Pacers. He's better as a bencher anyways.
You are mistaken if you think this would be true, at least for long.

Jackson has an attitude like Kenny Thomas, only more of a punk. Was persona non grata for Byron Scott withing a year. He left the Spurs because he didn't want to win, he wanted to start and put up numbers. Went to Atlanta. Pacers fans almost to a man want him gone because he's a chronic malcontent and plays selfishly. If there is a probelm here, it is not in the overall talent of the package (indeed it is reasonable if unexciting), it is precisely in Stephen Jackson's attitude.
Hmm. . .well for everyone who has said we HAVE to have Bonzi for his toughness, Jackson sure fills any kind of void there, and Foster provides the rebounding. As others have stated, I would prefer not to re-team Jackson and Artest. That's a little bizarre on the part of Petrie. He spent years avoiding the re-teaming of Rose and Webber, even though Rose was on the open market for much of that time, because of what I had percieved to be character concerns.

If this goes through I also assume that Kevin Martin is getting packaged with Brad for something else. That's just a hunch, but Jackson is a starting OG who is relatively young, has a decent sized contract, and is not very tradeable. Douby gets the (now reduced) sub minutes.

But was anothing more inevitable than Zeke acquiring Kenyon Martin's ridiculous contract and bad knee plus this year's playoff overachiever (Bonzi)?
Guys got this one off 790 the Zone radio in Atlanta.. take it for what it’s worth , I like it for the Hawks

Al to GS.
Troy Murphy/Najera to Indy
Francis to Denver
Kmart/Bonzi to NY
Foster/S.Jackson to SacTown
A.Miller/Biedrins to Atlanta.
Wait- how are the Warriors gettign Iverson for Biedrins and Murphy, and what is Philly getting back
Kind of funny, though. A career malcontent for a career malcontent. If this is true, the Sacramento Rehabilitation Project continues. We're the Betty Ford of the NBA!
So we get Stephen Jackson AND Jeff Foster for Bonzi? That's not bad at all... Assuming Jackson can keep his attitude under control. I mean, the Kings have been playing with fire lately (Kenny,Bonzi,Ron) and have lucked out 2 out of 3. But the Kings might be asking for it on this one...
If they want us to take that nut (SJax) off their hands, then Bonzi had better not be involved. They would have to take KT off our hands for us to seriously consider pulling that trigger.
the thing about 790 the zone is that it is live online and I've been listening the past 8 minutes, and they are dogging on peja for $65 million. they aren't talking about a six team trade.
depth? depth of crap maybe.

can't beleive anyone is liking the sound of this.

We get a role player and another KT for Bonzi. awful...just awful.

At least Saras was cheaper, has a good attitude overall, and is willing to accpet a bench role.