6 team deal (Bonzi to NY) .. anybody else hear this? (likely debunked)

Guys got this one off 790 the Zone radio in Atlanta.. take it for what it’s worth , I like it for the Hawks

Al to GS.
Troy Murphy/Najera to Indy
Francis to Denver
Kmart/Bonzi to NY
Foster/S.Jackson to SacTown
A.Miller/Biedrins to Atlanta.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We would trade Bonzi for Stephen Jackson!? :eek:

Obviously far better match talentwise than Jasikvecius, but he's a knucklehead's knucklehead.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bull-crap. NO WAY in hell they trade both Kevin and Bonzi to New York and get Jeff Foster and Steven Jackson in return. NO WAY.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Thing is, damn I have a hard hard time believeing we would intentionally reteam Ron Artest with Stephen Jackson. That just has trouble written all over it, not to mention stigma. The brawl boys, together again.
Yes that would be Kenyon. Anything else would be stupid. So basically its Bonzi for Stephen Jackson and Jeff Foster. I'm down with that. I wish GP could find a way to insert KT into the deal, or at least Jason Hart.
Funny thing about Jackson, both he and Artest were involved in the Detroit brawl, but his was the only conduct that made me not want him to ever become a King. :|
Thing is, damn I have a hard hard time believeing we would intentionally reteam Ron Artest with Stephen Jackson. That just has trouble written all over it, not to mention stigma. The brawl boys, together again.
Not to mention guaranteed ESPN coverage of say ohhhh...the first 50games....waiting for things to blow!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
In fantasy basketall we can talk here -- Stepehn Jackson has averaged 18, 18 and 17ppg the last three years for the Pacers.

But again...not sure anyone who is for this has really followed events in Pacerland with Steven and Ron. Its like hiring a guy out of rehab, and then turning around and hiring his old crack dealer a few months later.

Also, BTW, has a 4 year Kenny Thomas deal still running until 2009/10.


Super Moderator Emeritus
If Bonzi thinks he'll do better in New York than he would have here, I'll say "Thanks for the good times and GOOD LUCK!" I think he'll need it.
Letting Boniz go and getting nothing in return or getting two players capable of producing for you.

I'd do it. Besides, I am convinced there is something in this Sacramento water than seems to calm these NBA malcontents ;)
R.Artest / F.Garcia / C.Williamson
S.Abdurrahim / K.Thomas / L.Amundson
B.Miller / J.Foster / V.Potapenko
M.Bibby / J.Hart / R.Price
S.Jackson / K.Martin / Q.Douby

15 Strong :D
VF21 said:
If Bonzi thinks he'll do better in New York than he would have here, I'll say "Thanks for the good times and GOOD LUCK!" I think he'll need it.
I think he will need more then a goodluck he's going to a hell-hole i'd imagine hes gonna suffer very awfully.
Thing is, damn I have a hard hard time believeing we would intentionally reteam Ron Artest with Stephen Jackson. That just has trouble written all over it, not to mention stigma. The brawl boys, together again.
The mere thought of it makes me feel really weird inside. What's funny is that Jackson might have been the crazier of the two during the brawl. Artest calmed down relatively shortly, but Jackson was ready to take on the building.

BTW- Something's missing there, what goes to Philly? I'm assuming Al Harrington + something.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
One other note:

Stephen Jackson remaining salary: $6.1mil $6.6mil $7.1mil &7.7mil
Jeff Foster remaining salary: $5.2mil $5.7mil $6.2mil

So in order for this rumor to be true Bonzi would have to be getting a salary averaging at least $10+mil a year in order to match salaries.

Also of course more big long deals for us that aren't/wouldn't be useful in trying to resign Ron. So we would actually have to be after the talent, not expected capspace years down the road.