I think Gordon is better than Trob, I'll give him that.
They both had sort of the same pedigree at this point in their careers, though. Great athlete, tad undersized, yadda yadda yadda. However, I think Gordon has a much, much better head on his shoulders, and that means everything. Robinson never had an honest view of himself. I remember during the combine he was talking about how hes the best player in the draft. He should go #1, etc. I just feel like he thinks hes better than he is. He never understood his role(s) and he isn't a guy who wants to do the little things because he thinks he should be doing the big things.
Gordon, on the other hand, can be a fine role player. This isn't to say he doesn't want to be more than that, but I think he is much better at understanding who he is and what he's capable of, and on the flip side of that - what he needs to work on. I don't know if Robinson ever understood any of these things.
I think Gordon has one of, if not THE best mentality/mindset in this draft. I would have never said that about Robinson.