Its a stretch, but not impossible. Most of our rivals in sucktatude last year said "you know what? We're tired of sucking." And went for one step back for three step forward rebuild plans. Thus Portland ships out Randolph, and Seattle both Ray and Rashard, and Minny KG, and it leaves us in the terrible position of being bad, but not bad enough again. Compeltely incapable of playing with the big boys, but unlikely to lose with the young teams set to zip past us like we were standing still over the next few years. 45 is a stretch, but the bottom half of the West might be weaker than it was last year, and I could see a 37-41 win disaster without too much stretching. Best thing that could happen to this franchise might be Reggie being really and truly and totally outmatched and Musseling (ha!) out an extra 10 losses.