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  1. S

    Rick's press conference

    maloofs are really disappointing me.. damn first peja and now rick
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    Rick's press conference

    damn... i'm getting emotional watching this presser... damn yall... how could they do him like that?
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    That great feeling about next year.... GONE!

    damn same here man... man im getting emotional watching the presser
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    Thank You Rick Adelman

    damn .. .another piece of the ol' kings puzzle being taken away... thanks for a ll the great memories rick
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    *New* Vince Young + Matt Leinart Sig (C/C appreciated)

    Let me know what y'all think. I'm actually quite happy with this sig, but I'd still love to hear your suggestions and comments.
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    Postgame press conference

    i think it was very nice that the media gave RIck some applause at the end of his comments
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    Highlights of the 05-06 Season

    when brad miller hit that big shot in the playoffs...
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    Things to think about..

    1. Get a REAL center 2. Move Brad to PF
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    Congrats Spurs

    yes i like the spurs. they are a class organization and play bball the right way; team basketball. i don't like van exel, but i see no reason to hate the others. i'm not going to hate a player just because he beat my team. HOrry's actually a good guy, and so are Bowen, Finley, and...
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    Congrats Spurs

    Congrats Spurs and Spurs fans. It was a hell of a series and I can't think of a better team to lose to than the Spurs. We gave it a hell of a run Kings fans and I'm proud to be a Kings fan still. At the end of the day, we can still hold our heads high. Thank you Ron Artest for playing so...
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    Game 7 if needed

    YAY!!! ABC so i can finally watch !
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    Where Were You When Martin Made The Game Winning Shot?

    i was at my friends house (who actually has cable) going crazy and yelling
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    Hobbit Ball Works?

    yeah with wells and artest more like tough dwarf.... but man, i think Big Nasty actually has a better shot of stopping Tim Duncan
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    Grades v. Spurs 04/28

    artest was freaking unstoppable
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    Inspiration for the Kings before a game

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    Webber on TNT and abc

    who? jk jk jk we lvoe you chris
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    how would kings fans react?

    i will be fine because when the clippers beat the lakers, then the laker fans can hang their heads for the rest fo the year
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    Top Kings Plays from the 2005-2006 REgular Season

    great point there.
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    Spurs' Parker, a champ and All-Star, envies Kings' Bibby

    there may be no "I" in team, but there's M-E!
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    What are you listening to right now?

    The World - Brad Paisley