Search results

  1. MadMKEkf

    Bee: Kings strike deal with 7-footer Moore

    Yes, and it does worry me that Petrie is focused on winning games next season, rather than the total rebuild that is needed. However, I also hold-out hope that GP is planning some major trades to clear-out some vets, so that we will not be as crowded as now. It does seem like we've gone too...
  2. MadMKEkf

    Thank you Eric BRICKLAYER!!!

    THANKS BRICK!! A+++ On the excellent grades!! Very impressive in keeping it interesting, and looking at the team, even when it looked like the coach wasn't doing his job. I think everyone here would much rather see you getting the 5 million over Muss!!!
  3. MadMKEkf

    the season ended when we lost to the lakers in january...

    Agreed. Not Keeping Bonzi. Not getting another star player in a trade or otherwise. And getting supposed star/but non-star coach in Muss is what killed the season - that was destined to play-out from day one.
  4. MadMKEkf

    Grades v. Mavs 01/27

    Agreed. Even some of the wins have raised a lot of doubts... This seemed like a surprisingly strong effort against one of the top NBA teams.
  5. MadMKEkf

    Keys to the Kings (Statistically)

    Nicely done! Although this just makes me more concerned that Muss is the captain of a rudderless ship - when it is his job to install an effective rudder!
  6. MadMKEkf

    Grades v. Hawks 12/10

    King's grades in Hawk Heaven
  7. MadMKEkf

    Barbosa vs Bonzi Deals

    This is an interesting comparison -- Although I see the whole Bonzi issue contest between GM's and players to change the culture of how much money players get. Players of course want more, and GM's want to be frugal. The more I think about this, the more I think that GP is on the right track...
  8. MadMKEkf

    Bee: Musselman's staff is being formed

    Interesting report -- When all is said and done -- out of say a 100% -- I wonder how much of an impact assistant coaches make on a team? [If 100% is the way the team performs, how much is due to the assistant coaches?]
  9. MadMKEkf

    KG to the Kings??? (merged)

    That's exactly right. If Kevin McHale has any brains he is thinking multiple high draft picks, with expiring contracts, from a historical lottery team. Trading for established players to play WITH KG makes sense - once KG is gone he's got to be thinking 2-3 year rebuilding plan, or he may...
  10. MadMKEkf

    Will the Maloofs Spend over the Luxury Tax in 2006-07?

    From their recent comments I'm thinking the Maloofs ARE more open to going above the Luxury Tax. It is a great question because it seems to have been their line to stay below for this season. If the same line is true for next season then it makes it hard to give Bonzi much of an offer - but if...
  11. MadMKEkf

    Joe Maloof on Sierra Sports Round Table

    I GOT to believe that Dallas doing this well is going to open some pocket-books!! Before people could look at New York and say money does not buy you a ring - but looking at Dallas, you can see the effect of not letting money limit you.
  12. MadMKEkf

    Joe Maloof on Sierra Sports Round Table

    Hey that would be GREAT if it pans-out! It seemed that they wanted to stay below the tax - but if they are willing to go above then they could sign Bonzi AND have the MLE to get another player. With a little wheeling and dealing we might look a nice step better next year!
  13. MadMKEkf

    Musselman and his bench

    I hate to say it - but I think this is correct. I used to think that Rick should switch more, and I wanted to see the bench. I always thought that there may be a hidden diamond there. But then I tried a test and I think that Rick was right: During about the last 30 games I would test this...
  14. MadMKEkf

    PROGRAM ALERT!! - Joe Maloof on the Jim Rome Show @ 11am Hour

    During the season I said RA was 95% gone. Looking back it was 99%. But was it 100%?? - well put it this way, if RA and Ron had taken the Kings to the finals and lost, would the Maloofs have given Rick another shot at it? Likely! - so that is why it becomes semantics about whether it was 100%...
  15. MadMKEkf

    Help Ailene find a new face for her dart board

    Maybe it is time for Ailene Voisin to get a new job!
  16. MadMKEkf

    Search over?

    VF your expert work as a Kingsfans moderator is greatly appreciated!! Regarding the coach choice - we may never know the details - but I think the picture is fairly clear. I was one of the first to predict the strong possibility of JW getting the job. But I wasn't saying it because I...
  17. MadMKEkf

    Breaking News: Musselman is the New head coach

    Like many others, I'm cautiously optomistic, but REALLY want to believe that RON will THRIVE before I'm 100% content with EM. EDIT: Welcome EM!!
  18. MadMKEkf

    Coach Whis? (merged)

    I said it weeks ago, and I will say it again - I think JW is one of the frontrunners. Why? Well if you look at the Maloofs, as much as some have seen them as shafting Rick, they gave him eight years, which in the NBA is an eternity. So they actually score O.K. on loyalty. Having said that...
  19. MadMKEkf

    The "C" factor: my theory on the end of Adelman

    These are interesting ideas but I believe the reasoning is more simple by the Maloofs, somethings like this: STEP 1: Do we want to win a championship? (YES) STEP 2: In eight years how many championships has Rick brought us (ZERO). STEP 3: We need a new coach. (END) As far as who is out...
  20. MadMKEkf

    The reason why I have such respect for the Kings and their fans

    BSR, Nice! Thanks for posting!