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  1. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Grades v. Hornets 11/01

    Yes, but remember, this was his first real NBA Game, I think we can cut him a little slack. Next game no excuses :p .
  2. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    This Team Is complete Garbage

    I'm not even gonna say anything,*shakes head*, some people these days have no idea what they're talking about. I can't comment on any of the other players since I don't know enough, although I've heard about them. But I can say that both Nikola Vujcic and Marko Popovic will never be close to...
  3. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    After considering the whole laughing incident, I think we need a few more blowouts so that it really hits our players how disgracefull it is. haha, who says basketball players are smart? Maybe they need some more "hints" that tell them that their is a "slight problem".
  4. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    Cheer up guys, it'll take them a few more games to really start clicking, but I can wait that long. One game isn't a big deal, but its done now and nothing anyone can do to change it. I just hope that someone goes into that locker room after the game and starts yelling at everyone of the guys...
  5. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    Someone please tell them that preseason is over, and these games actually count. If its true that the guys were laughing on the bench, then it shows how much we really lack leadership. If i was getting blown out by New Orleans I would be furious, NEW ORLEANS OF ALL TEAMS! But no..looks like our...
  6. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

    This is great. Hopefully it'll shake up the team and tell them something is wrong, watch they'll step it up next game, and then the game after that and so on... However painful, its only one game, no big deal (even though it the hornets of all teams ;)). Its better to have something like this...
  7. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Bibby: I'm the Kings' leader

    I don't care who is the leader, or what he does on the floor. I just want someone to step up, take charge and take this team to the top. Bibby is our most qualified player. Although he sorta phased out during the Seatle series, this man is a fighter. He is agressive (sorta), clutch and hopefully...
  8. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    NBA shortest books (edited)

    "Emotions" By Tim Duncan "Dummies Guide For Getting Into Shape" By Greg Ostertag "Play Off's" By The Atlanta Hawks "Million Dollar Budget" By The Charlotte Bobcats "White Man Can't Jump" By Mike Bibby "How To Use Your Entire Bench in 5 Easy Steps (Players)" By Rick Adelman "Humble" By Shaq...
  9. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Official Draft thread (merged)

    I think that as an added bonus to this year's draft. We the kings fans will be able to see where GP and Maloofs want to take the team. To me, thats the main question. Are we going to get a player that is going to develope in a couple years, or are we going to get a player that can help our team...
  10. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Will Vlade be back?

    I would LOVE to have Valde on the Kings, but only as a member of the coach's/executive office. I was watching him "play" in LA, and during these extremly "limited" minutes, you could tell that the Old Divac was replaced by a man nearing the end of his player days. There is no chance that in his...
  11. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Phoenix vs. SA - Conf. Finals

    The only reason I'm excited about this series, is because I can't wait to read what Paul Shirley will write on his blog next. ;)
  12. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Can Peja play Shooting Guard?

    It would create match-up problems, but both on offence and on defence. I don't think that Pedja could handle some of the small, speedy little SG in the league. This could only be done with a team that has excellent defence..and afterall this is the Kings we are talking about. On offence Pedja...
  13. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Can Peja play Shooting Guard?

    Hedo is playing a little bit of SG over in Orlando, and it looks like its working for him. He and Pedja are very similar players and now I'm starting to wonder if Pedja can play SG. Its an interesting option that I think should be explored next season (if there is a season).
  14. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Mobley opts out

    I liked Mobley's contribuations to the team this season, but at the same time, I never thought we had a place for a player like him. If anything this will give us more cap room to sign a free agent who could be a better fit to our system right? So overall, thanks cat, appreciate your help and...
  15. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Can You Believe This ? Some Jerk Egged Bibby's House/Car.

    I'm in complete disgust. When I heard the news this morning I really was shocked at how low someone could have gone. But I mean why Bibby? Mike has been good and true for the Kings, I really don't understand what reason the *insert your own foul word* had for such a stupid prank. I hope bibby...
  16. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Mark Kreidler: The first call needed to be to Adelman

    I'm just curious. Lets say that we go after Jackson and pursue it heavily. However, Jackon decides that he would go to the Lakers/Knicks. With Adelman back, would this hurt the Maloof-Adelman realtionship? I know that Adelman is a pro, but would he have a strained view on this and hold a grudge...
  17. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Where are they now ???

    Some of these guys needed time to shine. For example Hedo's minutes were almost completely taken away when Pedja was getting hot. Gerald Wallace was rotting on our bench most of the time. Sure, Aldelman has a problem managing the bench, but when your team has lots of super starts to choose from...
  18. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Should Ostertag have played last night?

    Yes, I think it could have made a "slight" diffrence. However, you have to remember, the game is over. Dwelling on such "what ifs" in my opinion is useless. On the same note, I really hope to see that both Tag and Brad will be on the floor, at the same time, next year. Until then: "What If...."
  19. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Congrats Sonics

    The only person that I will say my congrads to, is Ray Allen. That man WAS the sonics. The rest are a bunch of class-less goons (ie. Reggie Evans). The only reason that they are going to the next round is because of one man, and one man only...Ray. Without him they are nothing. So congrads, and...
  20. Kings-Lakers-Fan

    Thank you Kings

    We've been through alot, and I loved every minute of it. Thank You.