Evans for Vasquez

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Much rather praise the will to change a broken franchise than bash those making the change in hopes for a better future. Our team is sooo good. Like yea. We win all the time.
Did it ever occur to you to try a Reke/Cuz foundation under a real coach with complementary players? Seems you've jumped to the conclusion it can't work based on two years under Keith f'ing Smart with a crap roster and crap system.
I believe the FO did their due-diligence. I think they watched a lot of tape with Evans at PG/SG/SF and probably found major flaws with every position the old coaches had him at? I don't necessarily agree, because I think he could have been a great SG, but since they Drafted McLemore maybe they figured that putting Evans at either PG or SF would be a step back? I admit our coaching has sucked in the last 4-5 years but there was one common theme with every coach we had. They wanted to take Evans off the ball in order to get others involved. Countless interviews with the coaches over the last 5 years (after losses) all had the common theme about sharing the basketball.

Anyhow, I wanted Evans to stay as a SG and to bring MLM off the bench for a bit until we see what he can do, then after we see what MLM can do we would figure out where the team needs to go. The FO didn't share my vision. I am ready to move on.

Also, (tinfoil hate time) I wonder if Cousins had any say in what happened? I know the ownership group spoke with him about the direction of the team and what it would take to win, and maybe Cousins wanted a more free flowing offense? Who knows...


Hall of Famer
Now I think iggy would be a bad move for the franchise, especially with the kind of money we discussed.
They may get more bang for their buck with AK 47 here, but Iggy could still work well in this line up. Also Vasquez may be little more than apace holder given his contract is up this season.
good lord, this is pathetic. i love how all of the posters so quick to criticize tyreke's game just because he played on a bad team are so ready and willing to excuse vasquez of the same. he's much less efficient than 'reke (43% from the field last season, and no better than evans from three), he's turnover prone, without much of a rim attack, and with a considerably lower ceiling. oh, not to mention the fact that he's yet another weak defender on a team full of guards who couldn't stop my grandma. what a talent bleed. the gloaters can have their moment in the sun, but if the kings' vaunted cap space goes unused, or is spent on further mediocre talent, the new regime is poised to stack blunders on top of blunders in year one. so disappointed in their lack if vision, and in their poor management of one of the few genuine assets they had...

Alot of the scoring load was on Vaz' shoulders for more then half the year while Gordon was out for 42 games. Defenses swarmed him.. He was forced too take tough shots alot and commited alot of tos for the same reason. We have much more fire power offensively and I can see his Turnovers going down and his percentages going up because he wont be a main focus for defenses when scoring and dishing the ball. He had too play "Hero" ball alot of the time just too keep his team in it..

I meen come on, the dude was playing with Rookie Austin Rivers (who shot the worst fg % ever i believe, correct me if im wrong), Ryan Anderson, Lopez and a Young Anthony Davis.... Im actually shocked he averaged 9 apg.

He know has scoring power House DMC, Sharpshooters in MAc and MT, plus whoever else we get who i guarantee will be better then that NO lineup.

I predict a much more effective season next year.
Gary, we've always disagreed about how Evans should be used, but I've never questioned your intelligence...openly. ;)
I know we both want the team to do well, and hopefully there are more moves. We'll see what shakes out.
Thanks :) Me too! I don't think this is the end! Buckle up!
No, but I would have kept Reke, McLemore and Cousins and got rid of everyone else. Build around those 3 and go from there. You don't make your elite prospects fit around role players. You find role players to fit your best talents. I feel like all some of you watch is the Kings and know nothing of the NBA. Sissy ball doesn't win in the NBA. When the defenses get tighter and your system breaks down, YOU NEED guys who can create for themselves.
People keep saying this, but other than those three players, what assets do we really have? What are going to get for an Outlaw, Hayes and Jimmer package? These are players that a team that just won 28 games didn't want to use...and now other teams are going to give up assets and players for them? It's sad, but our top 3 "untouchable" players are and were our only real assets.
Kirelinko is out of the question if you arent able to see that
Why is that? I like him as a ballplayer, and Sacramento has a decent sized Russian population so it might help a little at putting butts in the seats. What makes it "out of the question"? I'm not arguing, just asking.
People keep saying this, but other than those three players, what assets do we really have? What are going to get for an Outlaw, Hayes and Jimmer package? These are players that a team that just won 28 games didn't want to use...and now other teams are going to give up assets and players for them? It's sad, but our top 3 "untouchable" players are and were our only real assets.
So how do we improve the team now? So much of the positive reaction to this trade is of the wait and see all the other moves in store. I don't think we have much in the way of great assets so I'm concerned how we make major improvements with what we have left. Which is why I'm disappointed we didn't maximize the asset we had in Reke.
I'm just being an objective fan, i am not going to ignore the deficiencies in Tyreke's game and how he hasn't improved them in 4 seasons
as opposed to Tyreke? who can't shoot a lick off the dribble, and has average at best B Ball IQ. Yeah i'll take Vasquez+IT any day.
So much for being an objective fan.

And for all of you who keep saying that "he hasn't improved in 4 seasons"...

Alot of the scoring load was on Vaz' shoulders for more then half the year while Gordon was out for 42 games. Defenses swarmed him.. He was forced too take tough shots alot and commited alot of tos for the same reason. We have much more fire power offensively and I can see his Turnovers going down and his percentages going up because he wont be a main focus for defenses when scoring and dishing the ball. He had too play "Hero" ball alot of the time just too keep his team in it..

I meen come on, the dude was playing with Rookie Austin Rivers (who shot the worst fg % ever i believe, correct me if im wrong), Ryan Anderson, Lopez and a Young Anthony Davis.... Im actually shocked he averaged 9 apg.

He know has scoring power House DMC, Sharpshooters in MAc and MT, plus whoever else we get who i guarantee will be better then that NO lineup.

I predict a much more effective season next year.
Lol. So Vasquez gets an excuse for a crap team but Tyreke doesn't?
Why is that? I like him as a ballplayer, and Sacramento has a decent sized Russian population so it might help a little at putting butts in the seats. What makes it "out of the question"? I'm not arguing, just asking.
We need a scorer at Smallforward now. Someone that can create his own shot and break down defenses. Or else our offense will be too predictable.. (Gay, George,Harris, Deng types) Our teams going to have trouble producing offense with that current starting lineup. Id say the SF needs too average at least 17-20 ppg and play good d.
Why is that? I like him as a ballplayer, and Sacramento has a decent sized Russian population so it might help a little at putting butts in the seats. What makes it "out of the question"? I'm not arguing, just asking.
Want to win or put butts in the seats? Hes a awesome ball player, even could blend well with mclemore and vasquez. But I think there is much better out there.
lol i think we need iggy now...a guys who can slash, plays defense and is a good ballhandler/passer...make it happen pete
We just gave up ours with pretty much the same criteria. I don't know if we are going out to get the older (but currently better) version of him.
If this is such a great trade, then why was our front office looking to get Jose instead? You owuld think if they really liked the deal they would be sold on this player at the outset, not a higher priced free agent.
I know, its sucks to have a FO that actually has backup plans. What a bunch of tools.

(That was heavy sarcasm in case it didnt translate over the internet)
Yeah it's comical especially when the same people use how Vasquez is an upgrade since he makes his teammates so much better.
Vasquez AND Capaspace is potentially an upgrade depending how we use it. If we can get someone like Deng out of aswell then that would be great.

If it wasnt for the capspace I wouldnt of traded reke for vasquez straight up.
So how do we improve the team now? So much of the positive reaction to this trade is of the wait and see all the other moves in store. I don't think we have much in the way of great assets so I'm concerned how we make major improvements with what we have left. Which is why I'm disappointed we didn't maximize the asset we had in Reke.
We did maximize the asset. Maybe not on the court, but when he became a RFA, it was either match him or let him walk. Instead we got a starting PG to replace him and some major cap space to play around with. What more do you want? It's not like this was a trade before the deadline.
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