Evans for Vasquez

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Vasquez has a 14-4-9 statline...... incase some of you didnt know. We need a true facilitator anyways we all know it. So get on the band wagon already. Much better basketball player than tyreke. Maybe not 1 on 1. As a team player. Im convinced.
What the hell happenned to our basketball savvy fanbase. 8 years of crap has killed some brain cells.
Marc Stein @ESPNSteinLine 2 minutes ago

Three-way footnotes: Portland also gets Terrel Harris w/Robin Lopez, pays Lopez's $1.6M trade kicker and sends two second-rounders to SAC
I think the main question that should be asked about Tyreke is whether not he was that complimentary piece for Cousins. This team has already pretty much said that Cousins is the cornerstone here, and he should be. I know the coaching was bad but I have seen very little evidence of any great chemistry on the floor between Cousins and Evans and when you look at what both do best, they could very well get in eachothers way more than anything. If Tyreke develops into a lights out shooter it could've worked maybe.
Wojnarowski really doesn't. He's easily one of the most reliable reporters there is. I have no idea why a small few think he's like the rest.
I thought it was a "formality" that the BOG would vote for the relocation to Seattle when HBN first came to agreement with the Maloofs in mid Jan? Who reports that that has integrity?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Totally convinced? I said heading towards a certain direction. I didn't say they're total failures.

Don't put words in my mouth and fabricate strawman arguments. My opinion is based on what's transpired thus far, the evidence we have, while you're banking on hope, per usual.

If you want to hope the rest of the off season goes beautifully, go right ahead. I however will stick to the evidence we have. I'm not banking on the unknown from a rookie owner and rookie GM.
See the punctuation mark at the end of my first sentence in the new snark? The question mark indicates a question, not a statement of fact or a strawman argument. Your posts all seem to indicate, at least to me, that you've pretty much already made your decision about the new front office. I happen to disagree. And yes, I'm going to remain hopeful and show support for the new guys. You're drawing conclusions from incomplete evidence, IMHO. And that's fine, if that's your wont. All I'm trying to say is you cannot really fault others for not wanting to jump off that particular cliff quite yet. It's not about "banking" on Vivek and PDA as much as it is watching the whole movie before faulting the ending.

You know I respect you, rainmaker. I just think at times you're the Yin to my Yang. You're as apt to look at things in the "glass half empty" view as I am in the "glass half full."
It's MUCH easier to find pieces to fit around a "true PG" than it is to find pieces to fit around a player like Evans (if he were to play PG).

Anyhow, I wish it was Lopez, and the General but I will take Greivis in a heartbeat if it meant losing Evans for nothing.
COMPLETELY AGREE. Although you and I may be in the minority now, I think this is a GREAT trade personally. I think Vasquez is going to fit very, very well in this young team and the guy can FLAT OUT PLAY.
If this is such a great trade, then why was our front office looking to get Jose instead? You owuld think if they really liked the deal they would be sold on this player at the outset, not a higher priced free agent.
Vasquez will maximize the use of Cousins, McLemore, Thornton, pick and roll/pop will be great with him and Cousins, JT, P Pat. IT can finally become that Bobby J sixth man. If we keep Jimmer he becomes a useful piece(or we use him as trade bait). Amnesty Salmons, and look for that high caliber SF.

All of a sudden we have guys in Cousins, Thornton, IT, Vasquez, potentially McLemore(lets wait and see) who all play with intensity and fire. Where last year we would look to Tyreke to bring the fire, and he just didn't deliver, and it held everyone back tbh.
how similar is this situation to the Monte Ellis situation? The franchise up and arms over the trading away of a superior player who may or may not be who you want as the floor general?


Hall of Famer
Boy you really like to jump into the future don't you. That trio haven't even set foot on the court yet.

Remember when people thought the trio of Evans, Thornton, and Cousins would be the foundation of the team?
Boy, your failure to see that's an option for NO is quite sad. If you have the inability to see the direction NO might go, I can't help you.
No, they utilized the sign and trade to at least get something for Tyreke since the only other alternative was let him walk for nothing...
Here is the problem. If Tyreke was an unrestricted FA and he wanted to go to NO then this is a no-brainer deal. You do the S&T and you get back an asset in Vasquez and you do it every time.

However, he is a restricted FA in time around. So it's impossible for him to 'walk for nothing' if we don't want him to.

As mentioned before, we're getting 2 things for Tyreke. We're getting Vasquez and we're getting cap space.
Tyreke is the far, far, far more valuable piece than Vasquez. We now know that Vasquez wasn't even our first PG choice...and that they really wanted Calderon.
So the only way this is a good move is if we get a great impact player with the cap space that is gained via the Tyreke for Vasquez swap.

If we don't get an impact player, then this is simply a bad move. And the reason it's a bad move is very simple.

We have the ability to sign Tyreke and retain his services...and then trade him on OUR terms if we need to. Tyreke is a valuable asset and he will continue to be a valuable asset at 11m/year.

So from an asset standpoint Tyreke at 11m/year is better value than Vasquez + 9m wasted cap space.

It could very well be that DA has a lot of plans for this cap space. He could still try to bring in AI/Granger/Gay to have an impact SF alongside Cousins/Vasquez/B-Mac. Or it could get wasted on the likes of Chuck Hayes/Ben Gordan/Charlie V.

But the Kings FO is in the driver's seat when it comes to Tyreke. He can't walk for nothing...and the FO had better have a plan to use the cap space to bring back an impact player else this will have been a poor decision by them.
I get that, but I am in the camp that 11M for Reke is a fair price.
It may be a fair price but I'm glad we are not paying it. It's a shame to lose Tyreke but we have and I'm looking forward to other transactions which I fully expect. I'm sorry so many folks here are groomed by all this because I'm enjoying it.
If this is such a great trade, then why was our front office looking to get Jose instead? You owuld think if they really liked the deal they would be sold on this player at the outset, not a higher priced free agent.
Why did they pull the offer to andre iggy? That should answer your question. Jose isnt a bad facilitator either. After this transaction I feel tyreke just didnt blend well. Im thankful we got vasquez and not calderon though.
If this is such a great trade, then why was our front office looking to get Jose instead? You owuld think if they really liked the deal they would be sold on this player at the outset, not a higher priced free agent.
Because they offered the deal to Jose BEFORE the S&T was available.
Here is the problem. If Tyreke was an unrestricted FA and he wanted to go to NO then this is a no-brainer deal. You do the S&T and you get back an asset in Vasquez and you do it every time.

However, he is a restricted FA in time around. So it's impossible for him to 'walk for nothing' if we don't want him to.

As mentioned before, we're getting 2 things for Tyreke. We're getting Vasquez and we're getting cap space.
Tyreke is the far, far, far more valuable piece than Vasquez. We now know that Vasquez wasn't even our first PG choice...and that they really wanted Calderon.
So the only way this is a good move is if we get a great impact player with the cap space that is gained via the Tyreke for Vasquez swap.

If we don't get an impact player, then this is simply a bad move. And the reason it's a bad move is very simple.

We have the ability to sign Tyreke and retain his services...and then trade him on OUR terms if we need to. Tyreke is a valuable asset and he will continue to be a valuable asset at 11m/year.

So from an asset standpoint Tyreke at 11m/year is better value than Vasquez + 9m wasted cap space.

It could very well be that DA has a lot of plans for this cap space. He could still try to bring in AI/Granger/Gay to have an impact SF alongside Cousins/Vasquez/B-Mac. Or it could get wasted on the likes of Chuck Hayes/Ben Gordan/Charlie V.

But the Kings FO is in the driver's seat when it comes to Tyreke. He can't walk for nothing...and the FO had better have a plan to use the cap space to bring back an impact player else this will have been a poor decision by them.
Well said.


Hall of Famer
Here is the problem. If Tyreke was an unrestricted FA and he wanted to go to NO then this is a no-brainer deal. You do the S&T and you get back an asset in Vasquez and you do it every time.

However, he is a restricted FA in time around. So it's impossible for him to 'walk for nothing' if we don't want him to.

As mentioned before, we're getting 2 things for Tyreke. We're getting Vasquez and we're getting cap space.
Tyreke is the far, far, far more valuable piece than Vasquez. We now know that Vasquez wasn't even our first PG choice...and that they really wanted Calderon.
So the only way this is a good move is if we get a great impact player with the cap space that is gained via the Tyreke for Vasquez swap.

If we don't get an impact player, then this is simply a bad move. And the reason it's a bad move is very simple.

We have the ability to sign Tyreke and retain his services...and then trade him on OUR terms if we need to. Tyreke is a valuable asset and he will continue to be a valuable asset at 11m/year.

So from an asset standpoint Tyreke at 11m/year is better value than Vasquez + 9m wasted cap space.

It could very well be that DA has a lot of plans for this cap space. He could still try to bring in AI/Granger/Gay to have an impact SF alongside Cousins/Vasquez/B-Mac. Or it could get wasted on the likes of Chuck Hayes/Ben Gordan/Charlie V.

But the Kings FO is in the driver's seat when it comes to Tyreke. He can't walk for nothing...and the FO had better have a plan to use the cap space to bring back an impact player else this will have been a poor decision by them.
that I agree. I am fine as long as we get an impact SF. but we have to make that move just have to or else this is a big time talent bleed.


Hall of Famer
You're drawing conclusions from incomplete evidence, IMHO. And that's fine, if that's your wont. All I'm trying to say is you cannot really fault others for not wanting to jump off that particular cliff quite yet.
I'm speculating off the evidence we have.

Because people question these moves and speculate off the evidence we have doesn't equate to the sky is falling or we're jumping off cliffs. That's quite insincere.
It's MUCH easier to find pieces to fit around a "true PG" than it is to find pieces to fit around a player like Evans (if he were to play PG).

Anyhow, I wish it was Lopez, and the General but I will take Greivis in a heartbeat if it meant losing Evans for nothing.
Not me. Lopez was going to take away our ability to sign or absorb a major player for this team. Adding him plenty we just sign another role player instead of going all in with our cap space.
Vasquez will maximize the use of Cousins, McLemore, Thornton, pick and roll/pop will be great with him and Cousins, JT, P Pat. IT can finally become that Bobby J sixth man. If we keep Jimmer he becomes a useful piece(or we use him as trade bait). Amnesty Salmons, and look for that high caliber SF.

All of a sudden we have guys in Cousins, Thornton, IT, Vasquez, potentially McLemore(lets wait and see) who all play with intensity and fire. Where last year we would look to Tyreke to bring the fire, and he just didn't deliver, and it held everyone back tbh.
You basically post the same message over and over but each time it gets a little more subjective and a lot more baseless. I'm kind of hoping its a reflection of you enjoying your cocktails on the 4th.
We have the ability to sign Tyreke and retain his services...and then trade him on OUR terms if we need to. Tyreke is a valuable asset and he will continue to be a valuable asset at 11m/year.

Tyreke got 1 offer for 11m/year.

No other offer from teams with capspace. No other team without capspace tried to pursue him in a S&T at that new contract number. I think you are overestimating Tyreke's value at 11m/year at his current production.
good lord, this is pathetic. i love how all of the posters so quick to criticize tyreke's game just because he played on a bad team are so ready and willing to excuse vasquez of the same. he's much less efficient than 'reke (43% from the field last season, and no better than evans from three), he's turnover prone, without much of a rim attack, and with a considerably lower ceiling. oh, not to mention the fact that he's yet another weak defender on a team full of guards who couldn't stop my grandma. what a talent bleed. the gloaters can have their moment in the sun, but if the kings' vaunted cap space goes unused, or is spent on further mediocre talent, the new regime is poised to stack blunders on top of blunders in year one. so disappointed in their lack if vision, and in their poor management of one of the few genuine assets they had...


Northernmost Kings Fan
Vasquez puts up good stats for fantasy, but I'm not so sure he is good for wins. Guys blow by him all the time and he turns the ball over at an alarming rate. No argument about his assists, hopefully that will make up for his deficiencies and if he can mesh as a team guy with McLemore and Cousins then there's potential for success.

Now we need to fill the SF position.


Hall of Famer
But the Kings FO is in the driver's seat when it comes to Tyreke. He can't walk for nothing...and the FO had better have a plan to use the cap space to bring back an impact player else this will have been a poor decision by them.
Thing is, an impact player isn't a role player, so not even AK would count. Are we going to flat out sign an impact, star FA in the coming weeks? Well, if we did it'd be the first time in Sac history we ever did that.

So, then we look at trades and absorbing salary for that impact player. Aside from Cuz, which player do we have that will garner an impact player in return, and on top of that do so while sending less salary than we receive?

Anyone thinking we can just acquire an impact player, I'd like to see some examples of what we can do in the next few weeks. Sounds fine until you think about our history as a market, the FA's available, and what it would take to trade for an impact player with the pieces we have.


Hall of Famer
We''re tanking. They're gonna trade Cousins mid-season. Calling it right now.
Maybe tank and trade cousins for the #1 pick in next years draft. get 2 top 5 picks in next years draft. should be able to get the next lebron and Garnett I hear. :p
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I'm speculating off the evidence we have.

Because people question these moves and speculate off the evidence we have doesn't equate to the sky is falling or we're jumping off cliffs. That's quite insincere.
It seems you've already made a conclusion that this trade won't work out as if the combo of Cousins and Tyreke was going so well. Did it ever occur to you that maybe their games don't compliment each other?
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