Liking or disliking Grant Napear is purely personal preference. I don't understand people who say he's the worst OR the best. He is who he is, and there are easily as many who like him as those who find him annoying.
I will say one thing - he has been a true supporter of the Kings, the city of Sacramento and the fans. And for today, that's more than good enough for me. I'd listen to Tommy Heinsohn if it meant keeping our team.
Disagree with that last part. For well over a year he didn't support the fans of the city, as it was us against the Maloofs, and he backed them, while shouting down numerous fans who called into his show, even fabricating truths about the Maloofs to make them appear better.
And imo, you can't shout down the same fanbase for an extended period, then turn around and act like you were on our side the entire time. There is the aspect that once Grant found out the Maloofs would sell and he would have different bosses, he changed his tune quite a bit, and that is not honorable. On this forum you can't go around calling people idiots, morons, telling them to go jump off a bridge, etc, but Grant regularly has done that to kings fans, people of the Sac community, the same people he suddenly wants to act like he's on the same side as right now. And my guess is you wouldn't be ok with a poster here doing that, they'd be banned, so why is it ok for Grant to do that to our fanbase, then act like it's water under the bridge just because he's getting new bosses?