I also follow IT, and Cuz and Jimmer on twitter, and I've never read a tweet by any of them in reference to anything in that article. I certainly understand IT being frustrated after earning the starting position last season, but lets be honest, after Tyreke was removed from the equation, there wasn't much competition. And to some extent, thats part of the problem with this team. When Tyreke came to the team as a rookie, he was handed the starting job. When Cuz came, he was handed the starting job. Same thing for JT when he first arrived. Why? Because there wasn't anyone of significance they had to beat out.
Utah drafted Derrick Favors, but he start? No! On most good teams, new draftee's have to earn the right to start, and by the time they get that start, they're ready. Now a lot of the teams are sending their draft picks to the D-League, which is what its intended for. Only on the bad teams, like New Orleans, the Wizards and the Kings etc, do you see draft picks in the starting lineup. And I make exceptions for the Lebrons of the world. When you give the starting job to young players that haven't really earned it, they start to feel entitled, and when you take it away, it can cause problems.
So I question the validity of the article, but if it happens to be true, and I'm the GM, I have an easy answer. I'd trade IT tomorrow, and thats that. You can't let the inmates run the asylum.