Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread


Super Moderator Emeritus
i take my Kings basketball very seriously as well. how is that comment going to lead to further abuse? sounds a little ridiculous
Don't say you weren't warned. I've seen any number of newbies like you come and go over the years. Prove your knowledge, don't just brag that you have it. If you don't, do not be surprised if you're the one left looking ridiculous.


Super Moderator Emeritus
alright, so after 1 summer league game, Honeycutt got hurt and never made it to town, Whiteside hasn't come around, Jimmer still looks overwhelmed at this level, and TRob may be a SF/tweener...

Just testing something out: sign TWill, bid on Brendan Haywood:

C- Cousins, Haywood
PF- Thompson, Hayes (TRob as stretch)
SF- TWill, TRob, Cisco
SG- Evans, Thornton
PG- IT, Salmons

hmm...would fix some things. We'd gain size, athleticism, defenders. But...still in desperate need of a consolidating trade or two to clear out the clutter and competition.
I like that lineup...with the unavoidable (I guess) exception of using Salmons as the backup PG.
After watching his interviews over the years and his play, I think he's just not very mature or really understands what it takes to be a pro. He might not be the brightest star in the sky, but I don't know if I'm willing to say that because I've never met him.
Beasley isn't the brightest star in the sky either, yet he at least tries and flashes his skill regularly. There are high IQ guys in the league and low IQ guys in the league, just like in most professions, but it's Hassan's perceived lack of effort and I don't want to be here attitude which is the most concerning. He honestly looks like he pops three vicodins before games. That's how out of it and lackadaisical he looks.

I don't mind misses. I don't mind foul trouble. I don't even mind a few too many bad passes. What I do mind though is he rarely flashes any type of effort at all. I play pick up with guys who show more effort and commit harder fouls, and that's just the older guys who cn only rebound and commit hard fouls.
Beasley isn't the brightest star in the sky either, yet he at least tries and flashes his skill regularly. There are high IQ guys in the league and low IQ guys in the league, just like in most professions, but it's Hassan's perceived lack of effort and I don't want to be here attitude which is the most concerning. He honestly looks like he pops three vicodins before games. That's how out of it and lackadaisical he looks.

I don't mind misses. I don't mind foul trouble. I don't even mind a few too many bad passes. What I do mind though is he rarely flashes any type of effort at all. I play pick up with guys who show more effort and commit harder fouls, and that's just the older guys who cn only rebound and commit hard fouls.
I agree 100%


Super Moderator Emeritus
were back now though :) wait till next season ;)
We have another area of the board for discussion of the NFL ... and we have several NFL fantasy leagues that run every year. (I run a couple of them.) Check the GENERAL forum for those. And be forewarned that we have a number of 49er fans around.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
right ok reading whats above have i got this right...

How did T-Rob do - Did well but turned it over alot... might be in wrong position

How did Jimmer do - Not very well

How did Whiteside do - Doesnt know what to do

How did the kings do - Best not to talk about this one

and did anyone impress you who wernt drafted and could be a steal for a team - In 3 games only one guy stood out??? Michael Lee :/

Have i got this right??
The TRob thing is closer to "did poorly....if he's a PF. But flashed a lot of surprising skill suggesting he may not be." Looked like easily the most talented guy on our roster, but the talents he flashed weren't the talents we supposedly drafted him for, and a number of the Charlotte guys looked better.

I would like to see the flip tonight. As mentioned, lousy competition with a Lakers team that scored 50 (FIFTY) points yesterday, so there will be no excuse for him not to hit the glass, go flying around inside, and he should not get scored on much. If TRob the PF shows up then you have the intrigue of a PF with some SF skills. If the SF shows up again, then you may have just drafted a tweener.
We have another area of the board for discussion of the NFL ... and we have several NFL fantasy leagues that run every year. (I run a couple of them.) Check the GENERAL forum for those. And be forewarned that we have a number of 49er fans around.

I know I know i just couldnt resist :) i dont know enough about the NFL players to join any league though :(

Back on topic im looking forward to tonight games.... which is a perfect time for me to move to todays game page :)


Hall of Famer
Beasley isn't the brightest star in the sky either, yet he at least tries and flashes his skill regularly. There are high IQ guys in the league and low IQ guys in the league, just like in most professions, but it's Hassan's perceived lack of effort and I don't want to be here attitude which is the most concerning. He honestly looks like he pops three vicodins before games. That's how out of it and lackadaisical he looks.

I don't mind misses. I don't mind foul trouble. I don't even mind a few too many bad passes. What I do mind though is he rarely flashes any type of effort at all. I play pick up with guys who show more effort and commit harder fouls, and that's just the older guys who cn only rebound and commit hard fouls.
He screams loudly!!!!! :) At least there is that.


Hall of Famer
After listening to the announcers, I get the perception that the NBA has of the Kings. The fact that they are accurate is besides the point sadly. I think it was mentioned several times that players that were picked would do well or bad depending on who picked them. Whether those were the exact words I think the meaning was clear. It is a death sentence to be drafted by Sacramento. If announcers will say that, you can imagine what is said off camera. I didn't hear the Sullinger reference but I suspect it was thought Sullinger would do better because he wasn't on the Kings. It had nothing to do with the skill level of the athletes and obviously was meant as a huge dig at the Kings organization. The fact they picked Sullinger who plummetted in value from last year to this was just to drive home the point.

Sell the damn team.
It wasn't so much about the Kings, although they were using them as the current example (they were playing at the time) as it was about a player is better off going to a good team that has experienced veterans there to show the young players the way. I don't think this is a revelation. I've said the same thing myself on this fourm. Its just logical that if T Robb was drafted by the Spurs, with Tim Duncan there and with Pop's as his coach, it would be a better situation for him. It doesn't matter if its the Kings, the Bobcats or any other bad team in the league. I don't really think they were trying to take a dig at the Kings orginization. They were just stating the obvious at the moment.

I think its wise to keep perspective here as well. It was just one summer league game, and in the end, its all just summer league. I've seen many a player tear it up in summer league and still not have a very good regular season. Don't get me wrong, its better to be good than bad, but its a short measuring stick.


Hall of Famer
Pretty good except I think you exaggerated a bit about Michael Lee. Actually TRob showed flashes of skill but when the opposition comes out in a full court press against a team of inferior quality that has had only hours of practice, this is what you get: a terrible performance by the Kings.

Not being a homer here but I think the use of the full court press was bush league.
You know, while I didn't like seeing the full court press and the havoc it was causing, I think in the end, its was a good thing for them to go through. It let Robinson know what its like in the NBA. I know that as a player, I liked challenges. Tougher the game, the better I liked it, even though it didn't always end up in a win. The only way to be one of the best is to be challenged at a high level. You either fold up like a wet noodle, or you toughen up and get better. Although T Robb had a tough game, he did play better in the second half. Which shows he was starting to rise to the occasion. If you want tough steel, you keep putting it in the fire.


Hall of Famer
Beasley isn't the brightest star in the sky either, yet he at least tries and flashes his skill regularly. There are high IQ guys in the league and low IQ guys in the league, just like in most professions, but it's Hassan's perceived lack of effort and I don't want to be here attitude which is the most concerning. He honestly looks like he pops three vicodins before games. That's how out of it and lackadaisical he looks.

I don't mind misses. I don't mind foul trouble. I don't even mind a few too many bad passes. What I do mind though is he rarely flashes any type of effort at all. I play pick up with guys who show more effort and commit harder fouls, and that's just the older guys who cn only rebound and commit hard fouls.
When he came back into the game in the second half, he did play more aggressively. I think he ended up with 7 or 8 rebounds, and he got most of them in the second half. It appeared to me that he got a fairly quick hook in the first quarter from Bobby Jackson, and rightly so. He looked like he had bought a ticket and was just a spectator. I suspect he got an earful on the bench. I honestly don't have a clue what his problem was. It was as though he was trying his best not to foul out in a game where you get 10 fouls for heavens sake. I don't know how many blocked shots he ended up with, but I saw two in the second half.

To be fair to him, there were two instances in the second half where Whiteside left his man to stop the ball and no one rotated and his man ended up dunking the ball. On the other hand, there was one strange play where he left his man standing under the basket, and went all the way out to the 3pt line to double a player. I don't have to tell you the result of that one. Just one of the dumbest plays I've ever seen.


Hall of Famer
I just want to give a shout out to Michael Gilchrist and Jeffery Taylor. Both had outstanding games at both ends of the court. But it was their defense that stood out. I certainly hope the rumor I heard, that the Kings wern't going to draft Michael Gilchrist if he was there instead of Robinson, isn't true. Because if it is, then I'd have to say that Petrie and the entire scouting staff are idiots.
Is anyone having trouble watching the archives? I bought the $5 pass but I can't watch the Kings vs Bobcats game. It has been saying "This Game Will Be Available Shortly" forever now. The other games work though. :/
I just want to give a shout out to Michael Gilchrist and Jeffery Taylor. Both had outstanding games at both ends of the court. But it was their defense that stood out. I certainly hope the rumor I heard, that the Kings wern't going to draft Michael Gilchrist if he was there instead of Robinson, isn't true. Because if it is, then I'd have to say that Petrie and the entire scouting staff are idiots.
I was very impressed with Taylor. The guy looked like a seasoned vet out there
Now some of you see why I was so open-minded, pre-draft, regarding Robinson's ability to play the 3 from time to time. While I questioned whether he could guard the position, I truly felt he possesses many of the skills from an offensive perspective. I believe it was Bajaden that stated he felt Robinson could guard both the 3 and 4 positions. I told him that, if true, Robinson was my top choice for our #5 pick, if available.

Now, last night's game is nowhere near a true indicator whether he can play the SF even on a limited basis, but it showcase some of the skills I was talking about. With his quick feet, motor, and drive to improve, I think we may have a kid that could eventually play both positions. We shall see.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Don't say you weren't warned. I've seen any number of newbies like you come and go over the years. Prove your knowledge, don't just brag that you have it. If you don't, do not be surprised if you're the one left looking ridiculous.
Too late.
i was hoping with all my mighty might of all mights that taylor would fall to us in the 2nd

...and then the damn bobcats snatched him
i was hoping all my mighty might of all mights that MKG would fall to us at the #5 pick...and then the damn bobcats snatched him. i really hate them for taking 2 players i wanted. i have a bad feeling jordan did the smart thing and let cho do the picking this year


Hall of Famer
Ironic that everyone was impressed with Robinson's ballhandling skills, and you wern't. Don't let the results distort his abilities. Because he had 8 turnovers doesn't mean he can't handle the ball. It means he tried to do too much, and some of those turnovers came because of bad passes and not his ballhandling. Defense wise, if you separate his perimeter defense from his post defense, then you have two different stories, and one of those stories points to his being better at SF. He was very good out on the perimeter staying in front of his man, and he had at least two steals. In the post he seemed overwhelmed by the size of the Bobcats. Now put him out there with Cousins, and it may be an entirely different story.

Don't know if anyone has mentioned it or not, but the Bobcats had three of last years starters in their lineup. If you add in Gilchrist, who is penciled in as a starter, the Kings were esentially playing against the regular starting lineup the Bobcats. I think everyone now knows why I was so high on both Gilchrist and Jeffery Taylor. The fact that Petrie made no effort to aquire Taylor really pisses me off. His defense last night was outstanding, as was his shooting.
It's not ironic. It's typical. Most people don't know what I know. :D I could care less whether they were impressed with his ballhandling (i.e dribbling for most). I'm totally against him playing the 3. I hope the coaching/management has some freaking commons sense and play to his strengths at the beginning of his career rather than his weaknesses. So he can dribble the ball upcourt. That's nice. But it doesn't mean squat for playing the 3. Did you see him weave in and out of traffic? Did you see him make good passes on the move? Did you see him with a stop and pop jump shot? Good 3s are fluid, can change direction and speeds easily and recognize and create plays on the move. That isn't Robinson. It's asking Robinson waaaaaay too much to make him a three. That's all he needs - a position change at the beginning of his NBA career. Let's help him look as lousy as possible right of the bat. Instead, how about just making him a good ball handling 4 instead of a less than mediocre ball handling 3? Play to his strength, not a weakness. Let him also be in a position to rebound the ball (his strength) rather than be 25 feet away from the basket and not rebound the ball. Last night he played to his weakness. It's the same thing we saw with Jimmer last night. He's a system guy without a system. You might as well have IT post up guys next or put Tyreke at 3 point land, or having Cousins play point guard (which we did see last year). I'm probably over-reacting making this point, but this org seems so brain dead in how they deal with young talent, that it's hard not to be hyper-sensitive about this point.

Like I said, he's not a post up 4. He's a face your man and shoot or drive 4. So they need to define that role for him now and build on what he does ywell. Then expand on that central strength over time.

As for his defense, I'll defer to your observation about his perimeter D. Maybe he was good at that. (I do think it's possible that he can guard some 3s). He can definitely create havoc on the outside with his quickness. My observations were mostly of the interior, and he didn't look good at all there.
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Most people don't know what I know.
You are a bit over-impressed with yourself, aren't you?

While you ultimately may be correct about Robinson not being able to play the 3, you have no clue at the moment. Besides, nobody is suggesting that he's a finished product and could play the position right out of the gate. Unless I've missed something, the only thing being pointed out and discussed is that he appears to possess some of the necessary skills, on both sides of the ball, that suggest he may have some potential to play the 3, even if only part time or in favorable matchups.

It's obvious he would have to improve his perimeter shooting and ball handling skills, but the rest seems to be there. He has quick feet, an fairly explosive first step, exceptional length and athleticism, and better ball-handling skills than many thought. It's not out of the realm of possibility that he could develop his current skill set to the point where he's able to play the 3 sometime within the next couple seasons.

That said, it's a role I'd like to see him eased into over time. The PF position should be the focus for now.
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Hall of Famer
You are a bit over-impressed with yourself, aren't you?

While you ultimately may be correct about Robinson not being able to play the 3, you have no clue at the moment. Besides, nobody is suggesting that he's a finished product and could play the position right out of the gate. Unless I've missed something, the only thing being pointed out and discussed is that he appears to possess some of the necessary skills, on both sides of the ball, that suggest he may have some potential to play the 3, even if only part time or in favorable matchups.

It's obvious he would have to improve his perimeter shooting and ball handling skills, but the rest seems to be there. He has quick feet, an fairly explosive first step, exceptional length and athleticism, and better ball-handling skills than many thought. It's not out of the realm of possibility that he could develop his current skill set to the point where he's able to play the 3 sometime within the next couple seasons.

That said, it's a role I'd like to see him eased into over time. The PF position should be the focus for now.
You responded to a phantom post. One created out of your own imagination. So who doesn't have a clue? Read the post. Then comment. I don't disagree with anything you said. Did I ever say Robinson would forever be a 4? Hardly. The whole point is that I don't want him played at the 3 at the very beginning of his career. I'd rather build from his strength rather than risk ruining his confidence (and team performance) by throwing him to the wolves at the 3. And those icons are there for a reason.