Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

I really think we should be playing him off the ball, spotting up and coming off screens. I think he would have more success for now in a Reddick role. But who knows, it's game 1, maybe he shakes off the rust. But I do think the Jimmer at PG is somewhat forced.
I had always thought Tyreke was going to be the PG, and Jimmer was not going to have to handle it much. That was my thinking after we drafted Jimmer... now it looks like we are trying to make Jimmer our PG? I understand it is summer league and he may/may not be the best ball handler out there, but it does both the Kings and him a deserve playing him out of position just because he is the best option *right now*.
MKG looks better than anyone I've seen in any game so far. Really wish we'd gotten him. :( Even Taylor is killing us, he would have been a great consolation prize.

Robinson hasn't done anything as we can't beat the press. Jimmer still can't handle the ball and the other PG is a chucker. They're not posting up T-Rob at all, must be frustrating for him. One positive is you can clearly see he's a great athlete, but we already knew that.
its amazing how the same issues persist even in summer league! Not once have we posted anyone on the block. Just a bunch of idiots jacking up shots. MKG ... is good. Really good. I also really like Taylor. I wish we could have picked him up in the second round
No posting up, at all. Too much one pass, iso/shot, which we saw far too much under Smart. As I said, it takes little effort for BJax to call a post play.
It's early blah blah blah.. But he (Robinson) doesn't look like someone who CANT play the 3. He deffinetly has the handle and the open court game for it. He's guarding MKG right now... Should be interesting to see how he can defend that spot.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Okay, this is interesting. robinson has shown nothing inside at all. no post work. no boarding. no defensive presnece. Ont th eother hwand if I had not seen him before I would have thought he was an atheltic SF with some shooting woes. Very smooth with the ball out there and on the break,.
I had always thought Tyreke was going to be the PG, and Jimmer was not going to have to handle it much. That was my thinking after we drafted Jimmer... now it looks like we are trying to make Jimmer our PG? I understand it is summer league and he may/may not be the best ball handler out there, but it does both the Kings and him a deserve playing him out of position just because he is the best option *right now*.
Well, Reke and IT are obviously our best PG's. With all the attention Reke draws, not sure why we're not taking advantage and having Jimmer spot up off it. Seems we're intent on making him a PG.

Kerr just ripped out organization, lol. Kerr is also spot on by saying Jimmer needs to be a jump shooter where others create the shots for him.
No posting up, at all. Too much one pass, iso/shot, which we saw far too much under Smart. As I said, it takes little effort for BJax to call a post play.
Agreed, it just all stems from the head coach. I highly suspect Smart is calling the shots anyway. My god Jimmer looks awful. I am honestly losing hope for him, at least as a PG.
Okay, this is interesting. robinson has shown nothing inside at all. no post work. no boarding. no defensive presnece. Ont th eother hwand if I had not seen him before I would have thought he was an atheltic SF with some shooting woes. Very smooth with the ball out there and on the break,.
The question is, is TRob resorting to it because we're not running post plays and don't intend to, or is this by design. Pretty sure BJax just said a couple days ago TRob would not play SF in summer league, especially offensively.

Per usual, I'm confused with what we're doing.
It just seems like we have some good players (not just summer league), but I don't get the feeling that any of our coaches has any clue how to use players to their strengths. That's what I really liked about Adelman. He seemed to be able to get the best out of his players. He put them in a position to shine, not fail.
Kerr for GM, anyone? Seems to understand our weakness a whole lot better than Petrie.

Roster pieces don't fit, forcing players to play out of position, would take advantage of size inside and bang, whereas Smart just wants to run and gun, and shoot the first open perimeter shot.


Good Lord. The sky is already falling in the first game of SUMMER LEAGUE??? We only have 3-4 NBA players on this team. The rest are guys who will likely not even be invited to training camp. This team has nothing to do with what the real team will look like in October.
Kerr is absolutely right about the Kings having talent but not having pieces that fit together, but you can't blame it on picking 5-6. This has been Petrie problem for years. The team was set up to succeed with a PG, but wasted years of Martin and Cisco by not getting that PG. They still need a PG and get a higher pick, but they draft Evans. The team is then setup to be tough and defensive, and they go after a bunch of chuckers. They need a PG still or a shotblocker to get defensive again, and draft Jimmer instead. It's not like there weren't fitting options out there. Petrie just never understood how to build a balanced team.
Good Lord. The sky is already falling in the first game of SUMMER LEAGUE??? We only have 3-4 NBA players on this team. The rest are guys who will likely not even be invited to training camp. This team has nothing to do with what the real team will look like in October.
Are you saying you can't identify any strengths/weaknesses of players because it is summer league? That's what is sounds like.
Good Lord. The sky is already falling in the first game of SUMMER LEAGUE??? We only have 3-4 NBA players on this team. The rest are guys who will likely not even be invited to training camp. This team has nothing to do with what the real team will look like in October.
I understand your point in it being just a summer league game, but the offense looked a lot like the real Sacramento Kings offense. Jimmer still looks like he's afraid to even have the ball in his hands and can't dribble. Just disarray everywhere
Good Lord. The sky is already falling in the first game of SUMMER LEAGUE??? We only have 3-4 NBA players on this team. The rest are guys who will likely not even be invited to training camp. This team has nothing to do with what the real team will look like in October.
This lol. Summer league is nothing more than getting a first glance look at some of the rooks/younger player. These guys have played together for a week. Chill the heck out
This lol. Summer league is nothing more than getting a first glance look at some of the rooks/younger player. These guys have played together for a week. Chill the heck out
Why are you in this thread, for a summer league game... if you do not want to discuss what is going on? Currently they are playing like a mess. If they were playing awesome, we would be talking about that.

Jimmer looks the exact same, versus lesser competition

Lee is playing the Outlaw role. Just jack it up if you're open. Has made some.

TRob is playing partly the Cuz role, and partly the Reke role, lol. In the halfcourt, we're not posting him at all. At all. just iso-ing him 18ft away while everyone proceeds to stand and watch. When Jimmer gets any pressure at all, TRob turns into the ballhandler and does better breaking the pressure, as Reke did next to Jimmer.

Hassan still looks like he's rather be anywhere but a basketball court. Dude just doesn't show any enthusiasm.

Our philosophy looks eerily similar to what we saw all year under Smart, just with lesser talent. Rarely see a pcik & roll close enough to do something positive, as the pressure is forcing Jimmer too far away. No posting up. No cutters. All our success is in transition while our halfcourt offense is absent. I don't care about the score or missed shots. It's the philosophy. It's just run and gun, shoot the first good shot.