Point guard


Super Moderator Emeritus
I know this requires us to believe that the Maloofs might actually spend some money, but what about going after Steve Nash?


Super Moderator Emeritus
When I saw who the Suns drafted, I immediately thought of how nice it would be to have a future HoF point guard for a couple of years. I know there's no way the Maloofs would spend the $$$ to get him, and there's most likely no way he'd come here, but getting someone of his caliber to work with Cuz and Robinson for a couple of years would IMHO take them to the highest level possible.

I can dream, can't it?

I can see a claim on Calderon if he gets amnestied.

We could see if Dallas would take Salmons in the Odom to clips and Mo Williams to us.

Andre Miller is out there. ( I know some dont like the "fit", but on 1 or 2 year deal he could get us headed in the right direction)
I really don't care if the Kings get "the perfect fit" PG - but they have to get SOME veteran PG, because there is no way they're going to be successful in the NBA with IT as their primary PG, and I like the guy.

Same thing with Tyreke - except IT is much closer to an NBA PG than Tyreke.

Whether it's Calderon, or Lowry, or heck even Nash - the Kings will not make it to the next level without someone who knows NBA plays and can run them consistently against pressure defenses.

Of course, this would require a new coach who can implement an NBA-ready offensive and defensive schemes, so... yeah, there's still that.


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Staff member
In years past I could see the Maloofs making a run at Nash. Potentially a big, splashy signing that isn't really what the team needs or a great fit, but would make waves and bring them attention.

At the moment all indications point to them as unwilling or unable to spend the money.

I'm a big Steve Nash fan, but there are a lot of teams better suited to what he does than the Kings. He'd take the ball out of Tyreke's hands, is better with athletic bigs in the pick and roll than an offensive force like Cousins and he really needs guys who can hit spot up shots on his drive and dish attempts. But of course that's just looking at it in terms of personnel. I think the idea is a no go from the start anyway because I can't see Nash wanting to come to the Kings, even if they were the high bidder for his services.
Nash did say he would consider anything. But i think he meant like Meatloaf.

"i would do anything for cash, but i won't go to sac"
Calderon will be amnestied. I'd consider him if we can get him cheap. Not the perfect fit, but a great passer who can run an offense.
From what I read by Jason Jones, Jimmer will get another shot at PG after a full offseason. They're not giving up on him and really if he can improve his handles and become more aggressive it makes sense.
VF, you bring up a great point.

I've been clamoring for a true PG for YEARS now as the lack of assists/court vision has been the primary reason our offense grinds to a halt (that and over-dribbling personnel).

I'll take two years of Nash's court vision, leadership, and passing for what looks like two years of continuous ball-stopping offense, not creating for others, and open looks going unnoticed.

Now that our frontcourt's nearly solidified (we still need some shotblocking - c'mon Hassan!), I'd place a true PG as a priority over anything else. A true PG will create for others, make others better (increase trade value!), and make the Kings offense finally enjoyable to watch again (six-plus years and counting).

Let's get Nash.
if he can improve his handles
Man.... watching Jimmer dribble under pressure was extremely painful and embarrassing last year. His "handles" were worse than most high school basketball players I've seen. I don't see how his handles are going to improve dramatically enough for him to be a legit PG in the league. Any team that plays us will have seen the tape on Jimmer and know to pressure him as much as possible.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I know this requires us to believe that the Maloofs might actually spend some money, but what about going after Steve Nash?
And that's STILL a third need, at most, of our needs. On draft night we took care of...maybe a 4th need, I dunno. We didn't solve either of our top concerns for interior defense or a SF to lock down the spot. We used our best offseaosn asset to get...well, an extra big of the wrong type. So now here we are, best asset gone, STILL needing a SF, still neding defensive length, and even still needing shooting, although Nash can obviously shoot. To make matters worse Nash directly detracts from Reke's and IT's and TWill's and even Salmons' games (and can't be paired with Jimmer either) by taking the ball away, and he's worthless the other way where he'd have nobody inside to protect the rim behind him. And he's getting old.

I do think he'd help TRob a lot, and if Thornton was still here he'd benefit but that's not enough for chasing him to be a good use of our very limited reoources here, for a2 year rental for a guy about to fall off an age clip.


Hall of Famer
Man.... watching Jimmer dribble under pressure was extremely painful and embarrassing last year. His "handles" were worse than most high school basketball players I've seen. I don't see how his handles are going to improve dramatically enough for him to be a legit PG in the league. Any team that plays us will have seen the tape on Jimmer and know to pressure him as much as possible.
Well I wouldn't go that far, but it is a legit concern. Thing is handling the ball in basketball is very similar to a first touch in soccer, where it's developed at a young age. It is very hard to considerably improve either when you get into your 20's, especially mid 20's. A little bit of improvement? Sure. But a considerable leap? Rare. It's something you learn when you're grwoing up with the ball in your hands or ball at your feet.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Side note, Jameer Nelson is apparently going to opt out. Jameer is nothing exciting, but he's closer to the sort of thing we could use, the mini-PG problem aside (can;t play with IT, so there are oly 48 min for both combined). Veteran. Finals experience. Knows how to feed a big monster inside. Not a great creater, but knows how to run an offense and run plays. Can shoot the three and score at times, but hes not going to interfere with your main guns to do it. Its not sexy, but its the sort of guy who could fit. As usual of course we'd probably have ot overpay anybody toget them to come here.


Hall of Famer
Side note, Jameer Nelson is apparently going to opt out. Jameer is nothing exciting, but he's closer to the sort of thing we could use, the mini-PG problem aside (can;t play with IT, so there are oly 48 min for both combined). Veteran. Finals experience. Knows how to feed a big monster inside. Not a great creater, but knows how to run an offense and run plays. Can shoot the three and score at times, but hes not going to interfere with your main guns to do it. Its not sexy, but its the sort of guy who could fit. As usual of course we'd probably have ot overpay anybody toget them to come here.
Another guy you brought up before, Devin Harris, might now be available given Mo Williams is heading to Utah. Could be a decent fit.


Hall of Famer
Which would be great. But you can't go into the season hoping he does.
Yeah, I agree. I do think that Jimmer has all the right instincts to be a PG in the NBA. But he definitely has to improve his handles, and his defense. Now adding Robinson, and then getting Batum (yeah a dream, I know) would make Jimmer more tolerable on defense until he gets up to speed.

I'm hoping that the Kings throw a substantial amount of money at Batum. If they can get JT on the books for 6 mil or under, that would give them around 8 mil to offer Batum. If they need more money, they can always amnesty Garcia. I know the Maloofs don't want to eat money, but at least with Garcia its an ending contract, so they only eat one year. And if someone picks him up for a 1 or 2 mil, then it only costs them 4 or 5 mil this coming season. Probably not likely, but one can dream. Sorry VF, I didn't mean to steer the thread in a different direction.
I can see a claim on Calderon if he gets amnestied.

We could see if Dallas would take Salmons in the Odom to clips and Mo Williams to us.

Andre Miller is out there. ( I know some dont like the "fit", but on 1 or 2 year deal he could get us headed in the right direction)
My thought exactly. Was hoping it would happen last year.

Only has 1 year left on his deal, but a perfect veteran for us. His D stinks, but he is a good floor general who will get the offense running smoothly when our young team goes into chaos mode. He'll be a good mentor for IT, Evans and Jimmer. And he'll help teach Cousins and Throb how to execute the pick and roll, since he will actually reward them for executing good screens and cuts/pops.

And since we would only need to pick him up for one year, he could potentially be dealt at the deadline or just let go at the end of the season if our other players progress or he isn't working out. If he got amnestied, I would big 4-5 mil on him.


Hall of Famer
Man.... watching Jimmer dribble under pressure was extremely painful and embarrassing last year. His "handles" were worse than most high school basketball players I've seen. I don't see how his handles are going to improve dramatically enough for him to be a legit PG in the league. Any team that plays us will have seen the tape on Jimmer and know to pressure him as much as possible.
Number one, lets not exaggerate. I've watched a lot of highschool basketball, and believe me, there are some terrible ballhandlers. As for Jimmer, its called practice. Most college players don't really know how difficult it is to play in the NBA until their exposed to it. And many times its a rude awakening. But Jimmer is a gym rat, and a tireless worker. So I expect him to show up with much improved ballhandling. He either will or he won't. If he wants to play in this league, he will. You should go back and watch film of some of the PG's, like Steve Nash, in their first year in the league. Amazingly, the more they practiced, the better they got.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Number one, lets not exaggerate. I've watched a lot of highschool basketball, and believe me, there are some terrible ballhandlers. As for Jimmer, its called practice. Most college players don't really know how difficult it is to play in the NBA until their exposed to it. And many times its a rude awakening. But Jimmer is a gym rat, and a tireless worker. So I expect him to show up with much improved ballhandling. He either will or he won't. If he wants to play in this league, he will. You should go back and watch film of some of the PG's, like Steve Nash, in their first year in the league. Amazingly, the more they practiced, the better they got.
this is again where Jimmer's age weighs against him. At 23, 5 years now removed from high school, he's been a gym rat for a long time. there is less opportunity for him to suddenly grow hugely as a ballhandler at this late age. Its not as if he is a converted center or something.

If he's been a 1 and done candidate the odds would be better. Won't rule anything out, but the ability of teams just to walk up and take the ball from him was alarming.
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My thought exactly. Was hoping it would happen last year.

Only has 1 year left on his deal, but a perfect veteran for us. His D stinks, but he is a good floor general who will get the offense running smoothly when our young team goes into chaos mode. He'll be a good mentor for IT, Evans and Jimmer. And he'll help teach Cousins and Throb how to execute the pick and roll, since he will actually reward them for executing good screens and cuts/pops.

And since we would only need to pick him up for one year, he could potentially be dealt at the deadline or just let go at the end of the season if our other players progress or he isn't working out. If he got amnestied, I would big 4-5 mil on him.
Agreed. I've always thought that for tyreke to reach his potential, we need a Calderon type guy. If he played defense it'd be perfect, but Calderon has always ranked high in 3 percentage, assists and assist to TO. He doesn't need a lot of shots, can catch and shoot and runs a team without fanfare. Better than Beno in all regards except midrange game.

The problem with that is you now have guys blowing by your backcourt to be met with 4 rotation bigs that don't block shots at all. There will be no fear except that of running into semi plushy DMC and drawing a charge.
Why hasn't anyone mentioned Felton? Not a shooter, but a solid floor general, doesn't demand shots, relatively young, and most importantly, a pretty good defender. Seems like a good fit to me.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Why hasn't anyone mentioned Felton? Not a shooter, but a solid floor general, doesn't demand shots, relatively young, and most importantly, a pretty good defender. Seems like a good fit to me.
Probably the not a shooter part that is the problem. And he's a guy who really likes/needs to have the ball -- always going to be a problem next to Reke. Somebody is stealing from somebody. And without the ball he's like a smaller Reke, kind of has nothing to do. The defense is there though.


Hall of Famer
this is again where Jimmer's age weighs against him. At 23, 5 years now removed from high school, he's been a gym rat for a long time. there is less opportunity for him to suddenly grow hugely as a ballhandler at this late age. Its not as if he is a converted center or something.

If he's been a 1 and done candidate the odds would be better. Won't rule anything out, but the ability of teams just to walk up and take the ball from him was alarming.
As they say, anythings possible. I actually think Jimmer is a better ballhandler than he showed, for whatever reason. Lack of confidence, whatever. In college he had a very good crossover dribble, and I can't remember even seeing it last season. I think some of his problem is figuring out what the can and can't do. I think he got better as the year went on. But all in all, he does need to improve in the ballhandling area, and I really don't see what age has to do with it. Now maybe if he was 50 years old and all his reflexes had gone to hell, but he's still a young man. He doesn't have to be Tyreke. All he has to do is be less predictable.

But its all up to him. I know he can shoot the ball. If he can eventually play the point, then he becomes more valuable. Either for us, or for someone else.
With Reke, IT, and Jimmer, I don't see us signing any expensive PG at all.

We could fix this PG situation by adding a vet that will be more of a coach to these kids than a player that will demand 20 mins per game. Someone who's main role is to run an offense when none of our young PG can get it then get back to bench.

I could see maybe Mike Bibby retiring here. Or maybe doing trade where we can get a player like Earl Watson or Jamal Tinsley (who was quite useful with the Jazz, btw).
I know this requires us to believe that the Maloofs might actually spend some money, but what about going after Steve Nash?
IMO, a very dumb move if we do this.

Nash is a very good player to have. But if you really know your basketball and you know the Kings, you won't even consider him.

First, common sense tells me he won't be able to solve our greatest needs: Shot-blocking BIG and a sweet-shooting defending SF. Is Nash one os those two? NO. Therefore, it is not wise to waste money just so we can have A Steve Nash.

Waste of money.

Second, you have Evans, IT, and MT who needs the ball in their hands to be effective. And you want to add another one? Not wise. And again, waste of money.

Third, the Maloofs are broke. You don't want to waste money some more. You want to spend the Kings money on players who will fit.
With Reke, IT, and Jimmer, I don't see us signing any expensive PG at all.

We could fix this PG situation by adding a vet that will be more of a coach to these kids than a player that will demand 20 mins per game. Someone who's main role is to run an offense when none of our young PG can get it then get back to bench.

I could see maybe Mike Bibby retiring here. Or maybe doing trade where we can get a player like Earl Watson or Jamal Tinsley (who was quite useful with the Jazz, btw).
If as expected Toronto use the amnesty clause on Calderon, I would expect us to place a bid to get him on the cheap Outlaw style. He is a PG and is a good shooter but don't expect him to be able to guard a chair. That is the life of a team that is owned by a bunch of broke clowns.