I've read all the posts, and I'd like to give you my opinion. I don't see anyone being 100% wrong or right. I can understand those who are saying that Rondo would be a big upgrade over Tyreke. They see him going for almost 20/20/20 last night, so it's obvious someone could think he is such a great player.
Personally, I'm not sold on that. I really like Rondo, he is a great point guard, very quick, one of the better passer and a very solid defender. He plays bigger than his size (look at his wingspan) and he is a real general on the floor. But, and this is a big "but", I think Tyreke has the potential to be better than Rondo when he reaches his prime. Rondo is playing in a real system, with great veterans and a good coach. This helps a lot. I believe that if you put Rondo in Charlotte or Washington, he would not be the kind of player he is right now. He is great as a 3rd/4th option, but he will never be a great 1st/2nd option. So, I'm not going to give up a 22-year-old Tyreke Evans who could be our 2nd best player, for him.
I'm not ready to give up on Tyreke yet. We could really regret this decision in 3/4 years. I could trade him only if we had a shot at a Chris Paul kind of player, on a long contract of course. But for now, let's be patient with him. Give him a real coach, someone who can use his skills in an organized offense. Someone who could teach him how to move without the ball. Be clear on what you expect from him. He can't keep switching from PG to SG to SF. If he needs to be a PG, play him at PG. If you want him at SG (and I think this should be his role), play him at SG. Get a real PG and a good SF, so he won't have to guard SFs anymore. I'm pretty sure that he would look much better, just doing these things.