Chris Webber on KHTK 1140

Hey, I agree that Grant tends to paint a biased picture of things and frequently/mostly represents the Kings organization's "view" on things. I don't care for him personally but his show does have the interviews with players, coaches, etc., so it is where we can get our Kings info as long as you can use your brain and filter through some of the bias/junk when it seeps in.

I just think that in this case, he doesn't appear to be in the wrong. I don't think he's "right" - I just think he is more neutral in this matter. But I also think he did the right thing by asking the question he did - it was timely and warranted. He could have phrased it better though.
The story of the day and best thing for the team was to cover the win and the crowd Because the team and grant, who is probably out of work when the kings leave and don changes the format, wanted a ton of good a arena press bitched about TNT all show instead. carmichael dave did some of the same, going as far to say webb is the reason michigan doesnt have its banners while covering his errors on tv

then grant and webb get into it. grant doesnt put the fire out. lets his mouth breathing callers kill webb. then webb and grant retweet posts and keep this going.

grant took the joy out of last night, tried to call out and embarrass an icon, pissed off said icon, and then escalated the issue because he was hacked off. killed a lot of momentum for some fans.
look, Webber is MY DUDE and always will be, but he is pretty terrible on the air. his delivery is horrid and his insight is middle-of-the-road at best. Reggie's on-air presence isn't must better, though it has improved since he first started broadcasting.

bottom line: some people can speak on their feet, others can't.

just listen to Kenny and (even) Chuck; they're great. JVG, Jon Berry, Michael Wilbon--these guys all come up with some great material in an entertaining package.

Webb, unfortunately, hasn't been doing too well in his second career, and that doesn't help him when going up against a professional mouth-piece like Napear.
Honestly, does it REALLY matter that the information given by the TNT broadcasters regarding the arena was incorrect? Sure, you would think C Webb of all people would have the correct facts of the arena developments due to his Sacramento connection but he didn't. Should research have been conducted regarding where the arena situation stands? Certainly! Do you think people living in NYC, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Boise, Santa Fe, Cheyenne, Miami, San Diego, Boston, etc., etc. that heard the incorrect news will affect the new arena in any way from being built?? Even Anaheim and Seattle knows TNT was wrong. They are keeping close watch every single day of developments. What absolutely matters is that Kings fans, Sacramento City government and local residents, David Stearn and his NBA people appointed to the Sacramento new arena know whats going on.

As far as the radio interview goes its very unfortunate that C Webb got pissed off. C Webb should have stayed on and tried to 'remedy' the situation. All C Webb had to say was that he thought he had the correct information. With saying that statement what more could Grant say or try getting out of Chris?? At least he said sorry. Very sad situation.

Go Kings!!
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Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Do you think people living in NYC, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Boise, Santa Fe, Cheyenne, Miami, San Diego, Boston, etc., etc. that heard the incorrect news will affect the new arena in any way from being built??
Of course it will. KJ cannot afford to lose the NYC (District 9) swing vote on the City Council. This is a True Fact*.

*I heard it on TNT!


Hall of Famer
It seems the whole TNT crew had it wrong, because Cheryl Miller didn't understand that the fail vote was good news for the arena either. You can't expect people who don't even live here to follow this every single day like we do. Their job is to know basketball, not politics. If folks are going to blame anyone, blame TNT for not prepping their crew well.
If your going to be a broadcaster on national TV, then get your facts straight. If you don't have the facts, then don't bring up the subject. Your either a professional or not. I listened to the interview, and how I personally feel about Grant or C Webb aside, I thought Webb was in the wrong. Lets be honest here. Grant has a sports show in sacramento. C Webb, and the entire crew of the broadcast team screwed up, what to the fans in sacramento, is important infomation. If Grant had Webber on his show, and didn't ask him about it, I would have been disappointed, and he wouldn't have been doing his job.

Now you can argue about whether it should have been the first question or not, or that it could have been worded differently, but the question needed to be asked. Webber isn't a fool! He had to know that if he came on the show, he was at some point going to be asked about the screw up. This is the big leagues folks. If your going to be a national broadcaster, you can't have thin skin, and you have to own up to your mistakes. I realize that were all biased in some fashion, and we have the tendecy to let our personal biases shade our judgement. I love C. Webb, but if he was truely blindsided, which I doubt, then he's more nieve than I would have guessed. When I first heard the interview, I thought Grant was the one that got blindsided. I seriously doubt he expected that reaction.

I would advise Webb not to try that approach on the Mike and the Mad Dog show in New York.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If your going to be a broadcaster on national TV, then get your facts straight. If you don't have the facts, then don't bring up the subject. Your either a professional or not. I listened to the interview, and how I personally feel about Grant or C Webb aside, I thought Webb was in the wrong. Lets be honest here. Grant has a sports show in sacramento. C Webb, and the entire crew of the broadcast team screwed up, what to the fans in sacramento, is important infomation. If Grant had Webber on his show, and didn't ask him about it, I would have been disappointed, and he wouldn't have been doing his job.

Now you can argue about whether it should have been the first question or not, or that it could have been worded differently, but the question needed to be asked. Webber isn't a fool! He had to know that if he came on the show, he was at some point going to be asked about the screw up. This is the big leagues folks. If your going to be a national broadcaster, you can't have thin skin, and you have to own up to your mistakes. I realize that were all biased in some fashion, and we have the tendecy to let our personal biases shade our judgement. I love C. Webb, but if he was truely blindsided, which I doubt, then he's more nieve than I would have guessed. When I first heard the interview, I thought Grant was the one that got blindsided. I seriously doubt he expected that reaction.

I would advise Webb not to try that approach on the Mike and the Mad Dog show in New York.

Of course the question is whether anybody outside of Sacramento knew or cared it was a big deal. It may have come as a consderable surpise to more nationally based types that on a nationally televised game, the only one of the season, featuring a nice Kings win and a big crowd, that what from their perspective was a fairly irrelevant arena statement secondary to the overall show should be the lead off question.
Webber called into the Napear show after Napear's producer called him and set it up. The first thing Webb did was congratulate Grant on the Giants winning the Superbowl. The first question Grant asked was to question how Cheryl Miller and everybody else could get it so wrong on the air last night. Webber said he thought he was coming on the air to talk about the reception he got last night, how grateful he was to the fans, how much he loved the Sacramento fans, etc. He also said he'd come out of a meeting and missed a flight to be able to be on the show and didn't appreciate being ambushed. He was talking, Grant was backtracking and Webber wouldn't let him get much of a word in edgewise. Webber said if he said something wrong on the air to let him know and he'd correct it. He then gave his twitter info (@realchriswebber) and told the fans if they wanted to talk about it to tweet him and that he wasn't going to be used by Grant on his show, or words to that effect. He then hung up.

In usual Napear fashion, Grant is self-righteously indignant, saying Webber DID know what the call was going to be about, etc. which makes no sense whatsoever. When I turned it off, he was ranting that TNT is the bigtime and he (Grant) isn't going to let them get away with blindly putting out bad information. In other words, Grant is milking this for all it's worth...

And in other breaking news, water is still wet.
If that's the case, then I'm with Chris. There's a separation between the arena matters (what was said vs what's really going on) and a "bait-and-switch" where Chris thought he was just going to be doing a fan interaction thing and it turns into an aggressive "proving you wrong" thing.
If your going to be a broadcaster on national TV, then get your facts straight. If you don't have the facts, then don't bring up the subject. Your either a professional or not. I listened to the interview, and how I personally feel about Grant or C Webb aside, I thought Webb was in the wrong. Lets be honest here. Grant has a sports show in sacramento. C Webb, and the entire crew of the broadcast team screwed up, what to the fans in sacramento, is important infomation. If Grant had Webber on his show, and didn't ask him about it, I would have been disappointed, and he wouldn't have been doing his job.

Now you can argue about whether it should have been the first question or not, or that it could have been worded differently, but the question needed to be asked. Webber isn't a fool! He had to know that if he came on the show, he was at some point going to be asked about the screw up. This is the big leagues folks. If your going to be a national broadcaster, you can't have thin skin, and you have to own up to your mistakes. I realize that were all biased in some fashion, and we have the tendecy to let our personal biases shade our judgement. I love C. Webb, but if he was truely blindsided, which I doubt, then he's more nieve than I would have guessed. When I first heard the interview, I thought Grant was the one that got blindsided. I seriously doubt he expected that reaction.

I would advise Webb not to try that approach on the Mike and the Mad Dog show in New York.
Technically, they did have the facts straight, they were just confused about what the facts meant. I have to disagree that it's their duty to research something like this. They're personalities/entertainers whose primary job is to talk about the game, the players, etc. not local politics regarding the arena. The whole thing has really been blown out of proportion.
Obviously Webber has a lot more fans than Napier, so in that respect I'm not surprised so many people are taking Webbers side.

I'm not a fan of Grant. I hate how pro Maloof he is. He has praised every single personnel move since he's been here. Shows what kind of GM he'd be seeing as how he loves every move one of the worst teams of the last 5 years has made..

But I can separate that. I can see the Chris Webber fandom seeping out of every pro Webber post. You know he's in the wrong but you don't want to admit it.

Let me be clear, I don't care about how much information he knows. I really don't. But please, don't put on a front, don't pretend like your Sacramento's guy .. don't pretend like you follow this situation as closely as you say you do.

He had the facts so wrong. It was a mess. And according to a lot of people he was 'briefing' the TNT crew about the situation? Cmon man.

And I think he's done enough for Sacramento! If he never returns to Sac for the rest of his life he will have done enough. I'm not asking him for anything. I'm not saying he owes Sac anything, I'm just saying that he shouldn't pretend like he's some big piece in all of this. He shouldn't pretend like he knows it all. That's what I don't like.
Obviously Webber has a lot more fans than Napier, so in that respect I'm not surprised so many people are taking Webbers side.

I'm not a fan of Grant. I hate how pro Maloof he is. He has praised every single personnel move since he's been here. Shows what kind of GM he'd be seeing as how he loves every move one of the worst teams of the last 5 years has made..

But I can separate that. I can see the Chris Webber fandom seeping out of every pro Webber post. You know he's in the wrong but you don't want to admit it.

Let me be clear, I don't care about how much information he knows. I really don't. But please, don't put on a front, don't pretend like your Sacramento's guy .. don't pretend like you follow this situation as closely as you say you do.

He had the facts so wrong. It was a mess. And according to a lot of people he was 'briefing' the TNT crew about the situation? Cmon man.

And I think he's done enough for Sacramento! If he never returns to Sac for the rest of his life he will have done enough. I'm not asking him for anything. I'm not saying he owes Sac anything, I'm just saying that he shouldn't pretend like he's some big piece in all of this. He shouldn't pretend like he knows it all. That's what I don't like.
I am totally with you. It was bad enough that his facts were wrong. But when the mayor gave the CORRECT facts during his interview, don't throw him under the bus, essentially call him a liar, and pretend that you know more about the situation than the mayor. If I did that, I would be going out of my way to apologize to Sacramento, and go back on TNT with the correct story. It's shameful that he doesn't feel the same way...


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
The story of the day and best thing for the team was to cover the win and the crowd Because the team and grant, who is probably out of work when the kings leave and don changes the format, wanted a ton of good a arena press bitched about TNT all show instead. carmichael dave did some of the same, going as far to say webb is the reason michigan doesnt have its banners while covering his errors on tv

then grant and webb get into it. grant doesnt put the fire out. lets his mouth breathing callers kill webb. then webb and grant retweet posts and keep this going.

grant took the joy out of last night, tried to call out and embarrass an icon, pissed off said icon, and then escalated the issue because he was hacked off. killed a lot of momentum for some fans.
The win against a very good team on national TV spoke for itself. Grant doesn't need to go on and on about the win when there are bigger stories to cover.

And the major-league screw-up by TNT is a bigger story. The arena situation is the biggest issue right now. Time-wise, this thing is coming down to a nail-biter. The last vote was 5-4. If this gets shot down at any point in the City Council, bye-bye Kings no matter how many games they win on national TV.

I arrived home shortly after Chris hung up, so I didn't listen to the callers and really don't care. This isn't about the callers, or twitter, or anything else. This is about how a national broadcast team, covering an issue they should have been prepared for, totally blew it and insulted our mayor and the city in the process.

I am discussing the one incident, Webber's call to the show. He handled it poorly. And if he hadn't, none of the rest of this would be going on.

If he had just said:

"Hey Grant, I was going off the information my TNT crew gave me, I'm sorry it wasn't correct, I apologize on behalf of the TNT crew for the mistake. On my next TNT broadcast I will apologize to KJ, the city and the fans."

The issue would have been over and everyone goes home happy.

Instead, he gets his knickers in a twist, won't let the host get a word in at all even though he was trying to back off a little, won't listen for the facts like he asked for, won't answer the question, and looks like a fool when he's all done. And it was all totally in Webber's hands to make this a good interview or a bad one. Grant didn't call him names or anything else, he just asked how the whole TNT crew screwed up such an important discussion on the only national Kings broadcast.

If you don't have your facts straight, and if you don't know what's going on, then don't ask the question or talk about the topic on a national broadcast. DO NOT throw an ex-NBA star player who is now the mayor under the bus when he corrects your reporter when she screws up the story. That is just low class and bad journalism.

And I disagree with RotD, as these guys are not just entertainers. The national audience gets lots of NBA-related info from shows like this. They were at least pretending to try to address the issue. It wasn't like KJ brought it up in his interview and caught them unaware. THEY broached the topic and chose to devote so much time to it. That is on TNT to correct.
The win against a very good team on national TV spoke for itself. Grant doesn't need to go on and on about the win when there are bigger stories to cover.

And the major-league screw-up by TNT is a bigger story. The arena situation is the biggest issue right now. Time-wise, this thing is coming down to a nail-biter. The last vote was 5-4. If this gets shot down at any point in the City Council, bye-bye Kings no matter how many games they win on national TV.

I arrived home shortly after Chris hung up, so I didn't listen to the callers and really don't care. This isn't about the callers, or twitter, or anything else. This is about how a national broadcast team, covering an issue they should have been prepared for, totally blew it and insulted our mayor and the city in the process.

I am discussing the one incident, Webber's call to the show. He handled it poorly. And if he hadn't, none of the rest of this would be going on.

If he had just said:

"Hey Grant, I was going off the information my TNT crew gave me, I'm sorry it wasn't correct, I apologize on behalf of the TNT crew for the mistake. On my next TNT broadcast I will apologize to KJ, the city and the fans."

The issue would have been over and everyone goes home happy.

Instead, he gets his knickers in a twist, won't let the host get a word in at all even though he was trying to back off a little, won't listen for the facts like he asked for, won't answer the question, and looks like a fool when he's all done. And it was all totally in Webber's hands to make this a good interview or a bad one. Grant didn't call him names or anything else, he just asked how the whole TNT crew screwed up such an important discussion on the only national Kings broadcast.

If you don't have your facts straight, and if you don't know what's going on, then don't ask the question or talk about the topic on a national broadcast. DO NOT throw an ex-NBA star player who is now the mayor under the bus when he corrects your reporter when she screws up the story. That is just low class and bad journalism.

And I disagree with RotD, as these guys are not just entertainers. The national audience gets lots of NBA-related info from shows like this. They were at least pretending to try to address the issue. It wasn't like KJ brought it up in his interview and caught them unaware. THEY broached the topic and chose to devote so much time to it. That is on TNT to correct.
What's the saying? There is no such thing as bad publicity. I bet Grants ratings are off the chart right now and Webber got a few more people on his twitter account. And just maybe people that had no clue about the arena issue actually read up on it getting the correct information.
Another thing. The way the story broke, at least in The Bee was a little confusing. I think is said something like "Arena ballot proposal" failed." If you hadn't been closely following the events and you saw ARENA and FAILED in the same sentence, it'd be easy to get the wrong idea.
I can't believe how many are giving Webber a pass here and ripping Grant. lol Dude doesn't know what's going on here in Sac. He was frontin' yall.

Btw Webber has been my avatar since 2000, before I was even on this board. Thought I'd mention that since I figure someone would say I don't like him.
Question as to context: I heard the "interview" between Webb and Peaches...I didn't get to hear Grant's rant preceding it, but I heard he was fiery livid, even for Napear.

I thought Webb was way too defensive from the get-go to not have some inkling what Grant was doing at the moment (not saying he might have known way in advance, but at the very least when the show started.)

Does anyone have an opinion on the Grant rant before hand? I know that there are time where he should take his rants down a notch. Webb should have acted like a professional and manned up to his mistake, yes. I also know that Grant can really get under someone's skin and be insulting in his rants.

To clarify: I'm asking about the rant preceding the interview, which I heard started from the get-go of the show.
Another thing. The way the story broke, at least in The Bee was a little confusing. I think is said something like "Arena ballot proposal" failed." If you hadn't been closely following the events and you saw ARENA and FAILED in the same sentence, it'd be easy to get the wrong idea.
But when the Mayor of Sacramento clears up the situation, and explains what happened, don't call him a liar on national TV, and pretend you know more about it than he does.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hey, I agree that Grant tends to paint a biased picture of things and frequently/mostly represents the Kings organization's "view" on things. I don't care for him personally but his show does have the interviews with players, coaches, etc., so it is where we can get our Kings info as long as you can use your brain and filter through some of the bias/junk when it seeps in.

I just think that in this case, he doesn't appear to be in the wrong. I don't think he's "right" - I just think he is more neutral in this matter. But I also think he did the right thing by asking the question he did - it was timely and warranted. He could have phrased it better though.
I will agree with your take here, for the most part. And I will agree that my dislike/distrust of Grant when it comes to things like this was certainly part of my reaction.

BUT Grant is the professional. He should have handled it better.
Question as to context: I heard the "interview" between Webb and Peaches...I didn't get to hear Grant's rant preceding it, but I heard he was fiery livid, even for Napear.

I thought Webb was way too defensive from the get-go to not have some inkling what Grant was doing at the moment (not saying he might have known way in advance, but at the very least when the show started.)

Does anyone have an opinion on the Grant rant before hand? I know that there are time where he should take his rants down a notch. Webb should have acted like a professional and manned up to his mistake, yes. I also know that Grant can really get under someone's skin and be insulting in his rants.

To clarify: I'm asking about the rant preceding the interview, which I heard started from the get-go of the show.
The first words out of his mouth on his show were about this subject. Went on to say that he was not attacking (just) Webb, but then played the Kevin Harlan interview (from the day before) clip pretty much on loop the whole show.

From his what he said, it sounds like Chris was in town the majority of the day. He probably heard from people how Grant was ranting on his show. Add that to the storied history between these two, and whatever the producer of the show said and/or what Webb heard its easy to see why the interview went where it did.

The podcast of the show is not up yet, but can be found here:
After the interview with Cherly Miller and Mayor KJ, Reggie Miller commented saying that the vote was "rejected" and the KJ, ever the politician was just "spinning" the story, trying to "save face for the fans..." Webb agreed with him, saying "yea" about the "political spinning."
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Hall of Famer
Of course the question is whether anybody outside of Sacramento knew or cared it was a big deal. It may have come as a consderable surpise to more nationally based types that on a nationally televised game, the only one of the season, featuring a nice Kings win and a big crowd, that what from their perspective was a fairly irrelevant arena statement secondary to the overall show should be the lead off question.
I totally agree. What the national audience thought, or thinks of the situation in sacramento will have little or no impact on the outcome of the arena. But locally, its probably best to avoid any negatives about the arena, especially those that happen to be untrue. So trying to correct false information should be a priority for anyone from the local media, whether its Grant, or channel 10 news. Obviously there's bad blood between Grant and Webb, and probably well deserved. Grant has stepped on many toes along the way. From Kevin Martin to Bobby Jackson. This happens a lot back east, where the typical sports show personality tends to be more abrasive. I grew up with it, and tend to like it to some extent. But its not everyone's cup of tea.

But in most cases, both sides tend to put their personal differences aside and be professional when on the air. Obviously Webber couldn't do that. I suspect however, that if Grant had it to do over, he wouldn't lead with that question. I have no doubts that Webb is sincere in his feelings about the arena and sacramento, and maybe that got the best of him. Thinking that someone might be doubting his intentions. But hey, we're all human. I've done and said some dumb things in my life, so who am I to criticize. I agree with you though, thats its easier to look at this situation from a distance.


Hall of Famer
What's the saying? There is no such thing as bad publicity. I bet Grants ratings are off the chart right now and Webber got a few more people on his twitter account. And just maybe people that had no clue about the arena issue actually read up on it getting the correct information.
^^^ Nothing better could have happened to Grant's show than what happened. I don't know if they keep ratings for shows like that but I am sure they were at their highest. Grant wears multiple hats but in this case his primary hat covers the head that is trying to get people listeing to his show. He succeeded. Bravo, Grant! I listened to his show for the first time in my life. Never will again.

Reminds me of an announcer interviewing Pete Rose at an all star baseball game and the first question had to do with Pete's banishment from baseball. It was a jaw breaker. I believe that same announcer works for the Kings part time.

Anyway, is there anyone here that could have gone on a rant like Chris did without swearing? I couldn't.
I totally agree. What the national audience thought, or thinks of the situation in sacramento will have little or no impact on the outcome of the arena. But locally, its probably best to avoid any negatives about the arena, especially those that happen to be untrue. So trying to correct false information should be a priority for anyone from the local media, whether its Grant, or channel 10 news. Obviously there's bad blood between Grant and Webb, and probably well deserved. Grant has stepped on many toes along the way. From Kevin Martin to Bobby Jackson. This happens a lot back east, where the typical sports show personality tends to be more abrasive. I grew up with it, and tend to like it to some extent. But its not everyone's cup of tea.
I don't think the issue with Grant is him being abrasive, its him playing both sides. You can't be the homer TV announcer of the team, travel with the team, be with the team for 7 months of the year, be considered part of collective franchise, then rip members of the team on your radio show the next day and act like they won't hear it. Not with these players, not with these egos, not in this NBA and certainly not in this one horse town.


Hall of Famer
Technically, they did have the facts straight, they were just confused about what the facts meant. I have to disagree that it's their duty to research something like this. They're personalities/entertainers whose primary job is to talk about the game, the players, etc. not local politics regarding the arena. The whole thing has really been blown out of proportion.
I'm going to disagree on the first part. If your profession is to be a national broadcaster, regardless of your previous background, then get your facts straight, or get your interpretation of the facts straight. Now I'll admit that one of my pet peeves is listening to broadcasters constantly make uninformed mistakes. It means they didn't do their homework. To me they're intellectually lazy, and rely too much on the bug in their ear. Nationally, it didn't make a tinkers damm. But I'm sure that locally, there were some sitting in their living rooms, that don't stay on top of the situation the way you and I do, that were shocked to hear the arena deal might be in trouble.

I do agree that the whole thing has been blown out of proportion, and has turned into a personality contest between Grant and Webb. Which I could care less about.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
When I watched the game the other night and they discussed the arena situation I was majorly ticked off. And I really expected Chris to step in and correct them rather than nod his head. I think it is incumbent on Chris if he is going to show up and claim he is dedicated to the arena cause to actually know what's goin on. I'm glad someone called him on it. The truth is there are plenty of Kings fans outside the local market and not all of us follow the local arena politics like those on this board and the kind of gaffe Webb made is inexcusable if he is also going to claim any role in trying to keep the Kings in town, which he has, and did on Thursday night.


Hall of Famer
I will agree with your take here, for the most part. And I will agree that my dislike/distrust of Grant when it comes to things like this was certainly part of my reaction.

BUT Grant is the professional. He should have handled it better.
I think we both have opinions of Grant, that, how should I put it, flavor our opinion of the situation. I've tried to put my personal feelings aside and judge the incident for what it was. I think that if Webb is coming on the show, you have to ask the question. However, I do think that Grant could have found a more palatable way of entering it into the conversation. The outcome is unfortunate. However the sun is still shinning, and the ocean looks just as beautiful this morning as it did yesterday. My dog Moe said he could care less about the situation. All is well with the world from my view in baja...


Hall of Famer
But when the Mayor of Sacramento clears up the situation, and explains what happened, don't call him a liar on national TV, and pretend you know more about it than he does.
Ya think? I couldn't believe that. Well, actually I could but you know what I mean. :) Is it clear it was Reggie who called KJ a politician and blew KJ's reply off?

Chris made a mistake if it was his job to keep TNT up on what was going on. Happens all the time. Heck, posters here don't know what is going on from council meeting to council meeting so it isn't the biggest crime in the world. Essentially calling the Mayor of Sacramento, the man who should have the REAL news, a liar is a bigger problem than what Chris or anytone else did during the show.

I don't consider Chris a leader, I don't consider him the brightest guy in the world, and he certainly isn't an investigative news reporter. I think what we all love about him is what he did for Sacramento for a few years and what he continues to do long after. There is no question what he thinks of this area and the fans. How many NBA players feel that deeply about a city? Perhaps a few but not many trumpet their love for the city on national TV whenever they get a chance.

He deserves better than he got. The REAL bad guy is the one who called the Mayor a "politician" i.e. liar. If Webber went along with that shot at KJ, that's on him but as I said, Chris is not a leader and I suspect was in all out defensive mode and trying to save his self annointed reputation of having his finger on the pulse of the issue. Chris is who he is and this is not his first screw up in life nor will it be his last.

I suspect he is tired of 20 year period of defending himself and I think most of us know that he can get overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment. Grant certainly knew Chris was emotional. Emotions run both ways with Chris. I don't care what he did on Grant's show and I will continue to not care about Grant's show.

Grant jacked up his ratings. Good for him. I still wonder why he didn't have the producer of the TNT show on his show to be interviewed. It's the producer's job to decide what is discussed and ultimately decides what gets aired on TNT and what does not. (I hope I understand how those things work) Chris was not the final decision maker. I'm sure no one cares about anyone but Grant and Chris but there are other people involved in this foul up and how it was aired.

Grant called the only guy who cared enough to call back.

I sure hope we have issues like this to discuss next year.


Hall of Famer
I don't think the issue with Grant is him being abrasive, its him playing both sides. You can't be the homer TV announcer of the team, travel with the team, be with the team for 7 months of the year, be considered part of collective franchise, then rip members of the team on your radio show the next day and act like they won't hear it. Not with these players, not with these egos, not in this NBA and certainly not in this one horse town.

When I use the term abrasive, I wasn't just referring to this incident, but ot Grants personality in general. He's tends to be abrasive. I'm not being critical of that, its just the way he is. And since he continues to pull high ratings, people listen to his show. Either because they like him, or because they hate him. That aside, your right in that he walks a very thin line trying to be the Kings TV broadcaster, and also do an unbiased radio show. When your getting paychecks from both sides, its almost impossible to do both jobs well without stepping on some toes. So he's made some enemies along the way. But thats his problem, and he's the one that has to sit on the same plane with the players after saying things about them that they don't like.

As a play by play guy, I think he's one of the better one's in the league, and believe me, I've listened to a lot of them. And as long as his ratings stay high on KHTK, he's not going anywhere. On a personal level, that has nothing to do with his on air personality, I have nothing but dislike for the man. But as a broadcaster, I find him entertaining.
I watched the whole game live on TV and I have to admit that I didn't hear the misstatents of arena facts. I didn't hear the radio confrontation either live or later. But because this thread/subject has brought out just how many folks on here whether they live locally or not have a low regard for Napearkl. I don't. I used to many years ago when he started and for some years after. But as time has passed I have developed a real appreciation for Grant and his show. He still makes me cringe as often as he ever did but I think he is fine. He does a good job. He is OK in by book.