Jeez these are fun.
I apologize to the ladies of the board because the blowout = Girls formula was never supposed to be producing Girls threads every other night. However, one must soldier on. So: Girls!
Salmons ( F! ) -- just F! Yo Keith! Yo Geoff! Are you listening?? F!!!! What is the point exactly? 20 games into a shortened season and the patient is flatlined. There is no pulse. There has been no pulse. And just as it was last time he was here, his particular brand of undeath is catching and sucks the life right out of a team. And yes Geoff, that one's for you since you apparently missed it the first time we had him. In any case, he was terrible again, on both sides of the ball. And its just such a killer. You have a young struggling team against a top opponent, and you know they will make mistakes and are going to have to fight just to hang around, and they have this veteran just getting whipped play after play on both sides of the ball, his man is scoring at will, he's forcing dumb crap the other way, and its just demoralizing. You're fighting to hang 8 back, and suddenly your veteran SF can't move his feet on defense and won't move the ball on offense, and you're down 14 and whatever little belief you may have had begins to waver. John had a grand total of 2 good plays in the whole game. The first was a shaky one actually, coming out of a timeout and going 1 on 1 to hit a jumper -- that alas is his offensive comfort zone. 1 on 1, playing to 15. But of course having done it once, he then gets enouraged to try it some more, and just gets embarrassed and stops the whole offense. Later in the 3rd quarter he would finally hit a feet set three. That was it. Meanwhile basically got whipped in everyway possible by Galinari, including having a 6'10' guy not known for his speed whip him off the dribble, and I'm sorry, but that just wouldn't have happened a few years ago. Once Reke went out near the end of the half, John responded by first forcing a garbage 1 on 1 shot vs Gallinari with no hope, then getting beat by him back the other way for the +1. He started the 3rd quarter by getting a 5 second violation trying to inbound the ball after it looked like Jimmer was the intended target and we had no backups. It was just sincerely not good again. Half a game of 5ps 1reb 1ast while getting torched by a guy who is not an All Star for 23pts 3rebs and 5ast on 8-12 shooting. Oh, and while I suspend my disdain for the PER stat for just a moment, let me note that John is 310th out of 333 qualifying NBA players right now, and aside from the since benched Wesley Johnson, he has the single worst PER of any starter in the entire NBA. No other team starts somebody who has been that unproductive, let alone keeps on doing it. Its insanity. Or more likely front office meddling trying to justify a major mistake.
Alice Eve -- cheesy perhaps, but effective. You'll see more of her in the Star Trek sequel.
Thompson ( C ) -- had the dubious honor of being just less bad than many of teammates. Had a couple of nice takes inside in the early going before our coach, who I think frankly deserves considerable credit for getting us in trouble in this one, pulled him. When he came back we were in freefall and of course Jason teeters on the edge of out of control at the best of times. Well, these weren't them and he was not making good decisons anywhere on the floor after returning in the second. Ironcally we finally FINALLY went back to the largish Cousins, Thompson, Reke trio (albeit flanked by the two rookie midget guards) late in the game, and it was the best we had looked since the first quarter, oddly enough. Off of this I can also say that if Hayes is ready physically, he's going to get his starting job back as Jason appears to have missed his opprtunity for that spot for about the 10th time in his career. P.S. I'm just glad we don't have to fill this spot with that Daly character anymore, who put up another 13pt 18reb 2blk performance tongiht and is averaging 10.9pts 10.9rebs and 2.2 blocks as a starter -- pretty much exactly what he did for us the second half of last year. I hate competent roleplayers like that. Hate 'em. Luckily we know better.
Jessica Biel -- might as well preserve as much of my main list of lovely ladies as I can by taking these suggestions from the peanut gallery. Got a feeling I may need them in the future.
Cousins ( B- ) -- was on the defensive glass from the early going, but out of control trying to initate his offense frorm all the way ot near the three point line. One of those life imitating messageboard things as we just had a, well rather over the top thread onhow he is being used, and here it was staring you rihgt in the face. And it wasn't primarily because of our personnel. It was Smart again, maybe outsmarting himself. When a coach sayd the only thing you can really depend on right now is your facing jumper, then he positions his 280lb center 20 feet from the hoop every play..hey, he has a finisihing problem, but that ain't the answer. Neither he, nor we, are dangerous with him out that far. In close he can overwhelm some teams some of the time but tonight it was ridiculous how often our guarda were driving the ball, then kicking it OUT to our 280lb center, who then had to drive it back inside for hi shot. In any case, he was stuck on the perimeter on offense, and didn't even look like he was trying on defense against Koufos in the early going. Wasn't even moving toward him, and seemed a little unfocused and pciking up more of the loose fouls he has been avoiding. Numbers tonight are somewhat deceptive as his boarding and overall game began to finally settle into a rhythm really at the same time we got completely blown out, and it was a funny thing that in the garabagetime we finally went back to a fullish sized lineup, DeMarcus finally started getting the ball inisde, and he began to beat up the Nuggets in there overwhelming them with his size. Was fun at least to see him explaining to Fareid who the big board dog was as he just bounced him out of the way and snatched balls with the great hands. Nonetheless, while the very strong numbers were the best overall on the team, if you watched the game you wouldn't have been terribly impressed by him until the 4th quarter when the game was long over. Oh BTW, we got killed on the galss again as again DeMarcus was our there all alone.
Josie Maran -- putting the pretty in pretty girl.
Fredette ( B+ ) -- on paper just reading through the boxscore this looks like we had Jason Kapono out there. 5-8 from 3pt land. 1-5 from everywhere else, and not many other numbers. But during the first quarter while we were still competitive, Jimmer was a lot more than a Kapono, and was making a lot of plays all over the court as a good player, not just good shooter Jumped up on one play to steal an inbounds pass almost out of the inbounders hand, and find Reke out ahead for the layup. Nice job on another play hustling to save a ball that was headed back for a backcourt violation. And then there were the threes, where again we found a sweet spot for him getting off the ball while Reke and IT shot passes across the top of the key to him for deep threes. It really does seem to have simplified the game for him, and while this could still just be a hot streak, its more than just the shots falling. Relieved of the resonsibilites of trying to run the team, he just feels a lot more settled and comfortable, and hasn't been getting himself into trouble wiht all the ballhandling and passing errors. Now the flip side of the boxscore not showing how complete the early game was, is that in the end his scoring got padded back up in the garbagetime, as did several of our guys who ended wih decent numbers. After the strong overall first quarter started to miss, and during the decisive 2nd/3rd quarter stretch the Nuggets harrassed him well above the three point circle and he largely just disappeared as the lead exploded. Wasn't until we settled into our garbagetime rhythm with our starters + IT (and -Salmons) that he finally started hitting again to finish with the nice scoring output, so its kinda deceptive. When the Nuggets wanted to take him away, they did. Nonetheless if we can keep him going like this then in a couple of weeks we may finally have some the shooting we were hoping for from a 3-guard rotation with both Thornton and Jimmer able to stretch the defense. My biggest concern about that transition is just going to be that when Jimmer is playing alongside Thornton he is going to have to back over the ball again, and he has really been settling in mostly as a midget shooting guard. Don't want the struggles to return if he's more natural SG than PG, and has to start overthinking and getting his dribble attacked again. Defense tonight was ok BTW. The Nuggets started 2 PGs, which was perfect for him, and we kept him on the old slow one (Miller).
Stacey Dash
I apologize to the ladies of the board because the blowout = Girls formula was never supposed to be producing Girls threads every other night. However, one must soldier on. So: Girls!
Salmons ( F! ) -- just F! Yo Keith! Yo Geoff! Are you listening?? F!!!! What is the point exactly? 20 games into a shortened season and the patient is flatlined. There is no pulse. There has been no pulse. And just as it was last time he was here, his particular brand of undeath is catching and sucks the life right out of a team. And yes Geoff, that one's for you since you apparently missed it the first time we had him. In any case, he was terrible again, on both sides of the ball. And its just such a killer. You have a young struggling team against a top opponent, and you know they will make mistakes and are going to have to fight just to hang around, and they have this veteran just getting whipped play after play on both sides of the ball, his man is scoring at will, he's forcing dumb crap the other way, and its just demoralizing. You're fighting to hang 8 back, and suddenly your veteran SF can't move his feet on defense and won't move the ball on offense, and you're down 14 and whatever little belief you may have had begins to waver. John had a grand total of 2 good plays in the whole game. The first was a shaky one actually, coming out of a timeout and going 1 on 1 to hit a jumper -- that alas is his offensive comfort zone. 1 on 1, playing to 15. But of course having done it once, he then gets enouraged to try it some more, and just gets embarrassed and stops the whole offense. Later in the 3rd quarter he would finally hit a feet set three. That was it. Meanwhile basically got whipped in everyway possible by Galinari, including having a 6'10' guy not known for his speed whip him off the dribble, and I'm sorry, but that just wouldn't have happened a few years ago. Once Reke went out near the end of the half, John responded by first forcing a garbage 1 on 1 shot vs Gallinari with no hope, then getting beat by him back the other way for the +1. He started the 3rd quarter by getting a 5 second violation trying to inbound the ball after it looked like Jimmer was the intended target and we had no backups. It was just sincerely not good again. Half a game of 5ps 1reb 1ast while getting torched by a guy who is not an All Star for 23pts 3rebs and 5ast on 8-12 shooting. Oh, and while I suspend my disdain for the PER stat for just a moment, let me note that John is 310th out of 333 qualifying NBA players right now, and aside from the since benched Wesley Johnson, he has the single worst PER of any starter in the entire NBA. No other team starts somebody who has been that unproductive, let alone keeps on doing it. Its insanity. Or more likely front office meddling trying to justify a major mistake.

Alice Eve -- cheesy perhaps, but effective. You'll see more of her in the Star Trek sequel.
Thompson ( C ) -- had the dubious honor of being just less bad than many of teammates. Had a couple of nice takes inside in the early going before our coach, who I think frankly deserves considerable credit for getting us in trouble in this one, pulled him. When he came back we were in freefall and of course Jason teeters on the edge of out of control at the best of times. Well, these weren't them and he was not making good decisons anywhere on the floor after returning in the second. Ironcally we finally FINALLY went back to the largish Cousins, Thompson, Reke trio (albeit flanked by the two rookie midget guards) late in the game, and it was the best we had looked since the first quarter, oddly enough. Off of this I can also say that if Hayes is ready physically, he's going to get his starting job back as Jason appears to have missed his opprtunity for that spot for about the 10th time in his career. P.S. I'm just glad we don't have to fill this spot with that Daly character anymore, who put up another 13pt 18reb 2blk performance tongiht and is averaging 10.9pts 10.9rebs and 2.2 blocks as a starter -- pretty much exactly what he did for us the second half of last year. I hate competent roleplayers like that. Hate 'em. Luckily we know better.

Jessica Biel -- might as well preserve as much of my main list of lovely ladies as I can by taking these suggestions from the peanut gallery. Got a feeling I may need them in the future.
Cousins ( B- ) -- was on the defensive glass from the early going, but out of control trying to initate his offense frorm all the way ot near the three point line. One of those life imitating messageboard things as we just had a, well rather over the top thread onhow he is being used, and here it was staring you rihgt in the face. And it wasn't primarily because of our personnel. It was Smart again, maybe outsmarting himself. When a coach sayd the only thing you can really depend on right now is your facing jumper, then he positions his 280lb center 20 feet from the hoop every play..hey, he has a finisihing problem, but that ain't the answer. Neither he, nor we, are dangerous with him out that far. In close he can overwhelm some teams some of the time but tonight it was ridiculous how often our guarda were driving the ball, then kicking it OUT to our 280lb center, who then had to drive it back inside for hi shot. In any case, he was stuck on the perimeter on offense, and didn't even look like he was trying on defense against Koufos in the early going. Wasn't even moving toward him, and seemed a little unfocused and pciking up more of the loose fouls he has been avoiding. Numbers tonight are somewhat deceptive as his boarding and overall game began to finally settle into a rhythm really at the same time we got completely blown out, and it was a funny thing that in the garabagetime we finally went back to a fullish sized lineup, DeMarcus finally started getting the ball inisde, and he began to beat up the Nuggets in there overwhelming them with his size. Was fun at least to see him explaining to Fareid who the big board dog was as he just bounced him out of the way and snatched balls with the great hands. Nonetheless, while the very strong numbers were the best overall on the team, if you watched the game you wouldn't have been terribly impressed by him until the 4th quarter when the game was long over. Oh BTW, we got killed on the galss again as again DeMarcus was our there all alone.

Josie Maran -- putting the pretty in pretty girl.
Fredette ( B+ ) -- on paper just reading through the boxscore this looks like we had Jason Kapono out there. 5-8 from 3pt land. 1-5 from everywhere else, and not many other numbers. But during the first quarter while we were still competitive, Jimmer was a lot more than a Kapono, and was making a lot of plays all over the court as a good player, not just good shooter Jumped up on one play to steal an inbounds pass almost out of the inbounders hand, and find Reke out ahead for the layup. Nice job on another play hustling to save a ball that was headed back for a backcourt violation. And then there were the threes, where again we found a sweet spot for him getting off the ball while Reke and IT shot passes across the top of the key to him for deep threes. It really does seem to have simplified the game for him, and while this could still just be a hot streak, its more than just the shots falling. Relieved of the resonsibilites of trying to run the team, he just feels a lot more settled and comfortable, and hasn't been getting himself into trouble wiht all the ballhandling and passing errors. Now the flip side of the boxscore not showing how complete the early game was, is that in the end his scoring got padded back up in the garbagetime, as did several of our guys who ended wih decent numbers. After the strong overall first quarter started to miss, and during the decisive 2nd/3rd quarter stretch the Nuggets harrassed him well above the three point circle and he largely just disappeared as the lead exploded. Wasn't until we settled into our garbagetime rhythm with our starters + IT (and -Salmons) that he finally started hitting again to finish with the nice scoring output, so its kinda deceptive. When the Nuggets wanted to take him away, they did. Nonetheless if we can keep him going like this then in a couple of weeks we may finally have some the shooting we were hoping for from a 3-guard rotation with both Thornton and Jimmer able to stretch the defense. My biggest concern about that transition is just going to be that when Jimmer is playing alongside Thornton he is going to have to back over the ball again, and he has really been settling in mostly as a midget shooting guard. Don't want the struggles to return if he's more natural SG than PG, and has to start overthinking and getting his dribble attacked again. Defense tonight was ok BTW. The Nuggets started 2 PGs, which was perfect for him, and we kept him on the old slow one (Miller).

Stacey Dash
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