Jimmer is awful and not ready to play


Hall of Famer
I agree. And he is not 6' 2" as has been advertised. He looks more like under 6 feet.

Isaiah Thomas is the same thing. Too damn short and skinny, too slow to cover his man, and just gets easily pushed by the big men on the court. The funny thing is every one is bigger than him, so everyone can just push him out of their way. So who is he supposed to be guarding or matching against?

I know it is cute to see these little players playing, but they are most oftentimes a big liability. They are not helping the team and they should be sent to the D-League until they are ready. What have they done anyways (other than bring the ball halfcourt which anyone of the other guards can do) to merit these long minutes of playing time?

Keith Smart. I hope you are that smart to see that.
If you did your homework, you would have the info from the NBA combine where they measure every player. Jimmer measured out at 6'2.5" in shoes. And slightly over 6'1" without shoes. Almost all listed heights are with shoes. Its late, I'm tired, my wife is sick, and I don't have time for idiots.


wow everyone freak out! did anyone notice the NOT READY part!?

the dude is awful... and like someone else pointed out he's like a all around worse Beno that can't even shoot... WHO WE TRADED to get Jimmer... which is fine but WE ALSO TOOK BACK SALMONS!

but Jimmer is younger and i predict will be a great 3pt guy one day... however his disturbing lack of flashing anything special is what I'm talking about. not all the rookies are looking this lost... and i don't care how little defense he played at BYU its apart of the game and he's played it his whole life... right now he's hands down the worst defender i've ever seen with my eyes... literally getting embarrassed all over the place... and requiring so much help from teammates its like a guaranteed basket if the guy he's trying to guard has any ability to dribble and pass...

hes also thrown more passes to the other team for fast break points i've ever seen as well... its just awful ...




but heres hoping he will develop...

but also as a PG he's not showing any natural gifts in this area... i realize this situation he's in.... but seriously ... john wall, Lawson, Jennings or any starting PG in this NBA would be still able to shine a little bit... just a little bit... and his under hand (with 2 hands) grandma pass to JT for an ast was ugly... and these bounce passes all over the place are weak... he is a undersized 2 ... aka quincy douby 2.0 with a higher ceiling...


BTW where in the original post did i say throw in the towel? or that he won't be a role player? he could be a more athletic derek fisher or eddie house/ JJ redick type player... or a better version of all of them put still not a true PG... again ONE MORE TIME... HE'S NOT READY RIGHT NOW... AND HE DOES! I REPEAT RIGHT NOW LOOK AWFUL!!!! everyone chill the hell out.
He looks like a middle schooler playing against adults. Even his best has been woeful. Im not gonna get excited about anything he's done. He's been completely unimpressive he makes Quincy douby look good. Beno looks like a shut down defender compared to him. Jimmer looks lost every single second.

I really hope he's not this awful and can improve but other than outlaw he's the worst player on our team... its also obvious he lacks any natural PG abilitys, and will be a serious serious project as a pg... maybe he can be like eddie house? Or jj redick? He looks that bad.
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If you did your homework, you would have the info from the NBA combine where they measure every player. Jimmer measured out at 6'2.5" in shoes. And slightly over 6'1" without shoes. Almost all listed heights are with shoes. Its late, I'm tired, my wife is sick, and I don't have time for idiots.
I love it when Baja is grumpy. :)


Check the OP's posts over the years and you'll see a certain pattern. ;)
hey i was wondering where you were... you've been way more low key... anyway good win... still don't see anything that isn't true at the moment about what i said about jimmer...


Hall of Famer
BTW where in the original post did i say throw in the towel? or that he won't be a role player? he could be a more athletic derek fisher or eddie house/ JJ redick type player... or a better version of all of them put still not a true PG... again ONE MORE TIME... HE'S NOT READY RIGHT NOW... AND HE DOES! I REPEAT RIGHT NOW LOOK AWFUL!!!! everyone chill the hell out.
Why don't you use bigger type, that way I'll be able to hear you better. Your entitled to your opinion dude, even if you don't know what your talking about. Here's what I know. I know you knew you'd get a big response when you started this thread. You've been around this block before. Personally, I have no use for people that go out of their way to get other people riled up. If I'm wrong, and you had good intentions, then you seriously lack social skills.


your right... this is a forum. where fans can discuss ... views...ideas... thoughts... opinions... my opinion is that Jimmers freaking awful right now and that the hype my never be lived up to. hopes of him NOT being a one dimensional player are not looking great at the moment...

and if you can't see that then i'd rather have lacking social skills than whatever you have cause its obviously similar to that of a low functioning autistic child


Hall of Famer
Jimmer is ready to play a promising rookie's minutes. I expect no more this time in the season so I don't know what the point is. Bigger fonts don't make the point more forceful but make the notes appear a little foolish. The game is different and he has stated he is surprisd at how fast the NBA players are. He certainly didn't play in a college league that could prepare him for the athleticism he is facing. The simple awareness is a hint that he knows how he needs to adjust his game.

He isn't worth this amount of emotion considering all the factors in play at this moment.


just saying he looks awful right now ... we all have to be open to him not panning out... not saying it will but... watching him right now is like watching tim tebow play in the broncos losses


Super Moderator Emeritus
just saying he looks awful right now ... we all have to be open to him not panning out... not saying it will but... watching him right now is like watching tim tebow play in the broncos losses
Yes, I think everyone fully understands what you're saying. You find it painful to watch Jimmer right now because he's not meeting your standards. We get it. Luckily, a lot of us view things differently. I think we get your point. Why not just give it a rest and accept the fact there are opinions other than yours that are just as valid?

Just sayin'...

This kind of arrogant postings I believe deserves some slap from moderators. What's wrong with an opinion that a player does not look like as advertised? Even the TV commentators during the game against Memphis and Denver said the same thing.

Ok. Yeah, now I know you are old, tired, and your wife is sick. Go rest for now so we would have less arrogant idiots in this board.
When your "opinion" contradicts the "facts", I think that makes you an idiot for that instance. You can think that Jimmer looks shorter than 6', but the facts show you are wrong. So to keep believing he is shorter is idiotic IMO. It's like saying someone isn't an idiot for thinking that the Earth looks flat to them, when the facts show us all that it is round.
Why does Jimmer all of a sudden need to be "flashy?" Sure he's lacking defense and he's a little shy on his shot, but so what. Lack of practices, no training camp, summer camp, etc, wtf do you expect? He wasn't brought here to be the next Jason Williams so why do you expect flashiness? Like a previous poster said, he's ranked #7 right now amongst rookies and was drafted 10th in his class, so he's actually exceeding expectations.

Relax Mr. Impatient...geeze

Just some FYI info about the top 3 draft picks:

Kyrie Irving:
25.8 1.0 3.7 5.3 0.7 0.8 14.2

Derrick Williams:
17.7 0.7 4.2 0.5 0.8 0.0 7.2

Tristan Thompson:
19.3 0.0 4.8 0.3 0.2 1.7 8.3

Jimmer Fredette:
25.4 1.4 1.6 2.6 0.7 0.0 9.7

Considering that there are only 3 people in the top 10 picks that are doing better than him right now (Kyrie Irving, Brandon Knight, Kemba Walker), I'd say we did pretty good picking up Jimmer. Technically, he wasn't even as NBA ready as the other folks but his stats are right up there with them. Imagine what will happen when he starts to feel comfy outside that 3 point line and when the coaching staff starts to implement some offense. Jimmer will be raining 3s all day, he'll create more opportunities for Reke/Cousins/Thornton, etc.

So again, calm down Mr. Impatient....geeze...
wow everyone freak out! did anyone notice the NOT READY part!?

the dude is awful... and like someone else pointed out he's like a all around worse Beno that can't even shoot... WHO WE TRADED to get Jimmer... which is fine but WE ALSO TOOK BACK SALMONS!

but Jimmer is younger and i predict will be a great 3pt guy one day... however his disturbing lack of flashing anything special is what I'm talking about. not all the rookies are looking this lost... and i don't care how little defense he played at BYU its apart of the game and he's played it his whole life... right now he's hands down the worst defender i've ever seen with my eyes... literally getting embarrassed all over the place... and requiring so much help from teammates its like a guaranteed basket if the guy he's trying to guard has any ability to dribble and pass...

hes also thrown more passes to the other team for fast break points i've ever seen as well... its just awful ...




but heres hoping he will develop...

but also as a PG he's not showing any natural gifts in this area... i realize this situation he's in.... but seriously ... john wall, Lawson, Jennings or any starting PG in this NBA would be still able to shine a little bit... just a little bit... and his under hand (with 2 hands) grandma pass to JT for an ast was ugly... and these bounce passes all over the place are weak... he is a undersized 2 ... aka quincy douby 2.0 with a higher ceiling...
he can't even shoot? He went 3/8 on his 5th game in 6 nights. Thats not bad for a rookie. He played the whole 4th quarter and didnt get embarrassed on D and he brought the ball up and made some good passes to guys who got fouled and stuff. Plus he spaced the floor well. Give him a break.
the moment we have set plays for him and tyreke starts kickng it out to him wide open we will see a jump in numbers, he is not even the 4th option on offense and he is almost averaging double digits while the likes of kemba are chucking away and he's only a couple of points behind..

this is a guy who plays within himself, granted his defense isnt as good but i expect him to improve. and he is promising when he runs the offense sometimes
This is just stupid. He's a kings rookie and you get the feeling people are just waiting for him to fail. Willing him to fail.

it's the same with Tyreke every bad night he has he's a bust.

have some patience with a rookie, under immense pressure to live up to his phenomenal college career.

half the problem is the people he is throwing passes to aren't even paying attention.

"flashing something special" Like what a dream shake? Honestly what is "special" that he has to do? A 60 point game off the bench? A Big Dunk? It's about winning not highlights.

If thats your thing watch the top 10.
Like others have said we are talking about a kid that virtually went straight from college to the pros with no practice in between. Nevermind the fact the team has no real offensive identity other than 1v1. Hopefully Smart can change that. I have watched a lot of the other rookies play and most of them have nights where they look lost and cant hit a shot so its not just Jimmer.
Eventually Jimmer will find his shot and will be a great player off the bench. I don't see him starting on this team, at least not this year because the offense is a better fit for slashing guards like Reke.

What I find annoying is that nobody seems to get Jimmer the ball even when he is wide open.


Hall of Famer
Jimmer needs a real system. You won't see that unless Smart puts one in over the next few weeks. He doesn't work in this freelancing as well because he is young and making rookie mistakes. He gets to spots, where he's used to players being in spots from college, but they aren't there now. I am not judging him until he gets put into a real role in a real system.
I agree with this. We may not see a comfortable shooting Jimmer until he and the rest of the team has a system they feel comfortable with, where he can be the receiver of passes where has some space. He's probably not at his best in rag-tag fast break situations, unless it's a controlled fast break where he is told to fade to three point line and get his shots.

It could be quite a while before we see Jimmer much of an effect at point guard. I'm not expecting anything noteworthy from him this year in that regard (and I didn't before the season began). He's got some bad habits to break, like picking up his dribble in the paint. It would be very helpful to him I think to watch tons of Steve Nash film. The first thing he can watch is how Nash never gives up his dribble until he makes some sort of play.


He needs some help on Defense, he plays it like a zone and leaves his man to much to help and that's just his BYU brain kicking in. He needs to learn to stay on his man and he'll be fine on that end. As for the shooting, really, this is Jimmer, dude will score and in bunches, he's a bench player and a good one for his rookie season. This season for rookies is like being thrown to the lions, survive this and you can survive anything.


Hall of Famer
just saying he looks awful right now ... we all have to be open to him not panning out... not saying it will but... watching him right now is like watching tim tebow play in the broncos losses
This is a better note and might have gotten a better reaction. :) I think many of us expected him to be a three point machine right from the get go. Also, although he can dribble around like some PGs do, I don't think that makes him a good PG. In any case, I still wouldn't call him awful but I admit to being disappointed. This is my fault for having high expectations concerning his shooting. I don't think he will be a failure and as an obvious three point threat from game 1, he has demanded attention by the defense. There is no sagging off him.

Coach Smart made a point of discussing this concept which although obvious, it needed to be said. He told his entire team of shooters that even if they weren't getting their shots and points, don't go forcing shots. As a shooting threat, they were still a valuable part of the offense by demanding defensive attention. In other words, even without mega points, they were more valuable offensively than a non-threat. At this point, Jimmer is still contributing by demanding defensve attention. And, as Coach Smart thinks this has value, we will still see Jimmer getting his minutes.

As a shift to Smart, I thought that was a brilliant statement especially for this team.

Can we all drop the use of the term "idiot" especially when directed straight at a person. I realize I am overally sensitive to personal attacks, which this use of the term is, but lets criticize ideas and not people. It's a long time standard of this forum and is part of the reason it functions as nicely as it does. No one is perfect but at least try. Just like Jimmer.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
your right... this is a forum. where fans can discuss ... views...ideas... thoughts... opinions... my opinion is that Jimmers freaking awful right now and that the hype my never be lived up to. hopes of him NOT being a one dimensional player are not looking great at the moment...

and if you can't see that then i'd rather have lacking social skills than whatever you have cause its obviously similar to that of a low functioning autistic child
Okay, enough with the escalating sprial of insults here.
You could have said this about the whole team looking awful. JT was the only player who looked like his usual inconsistent self. So if a whole team looks lost and not ready to play, then I'm thinking the coach should get canned. Oh wait...

Seriously, PW threw Jimmer out there without enough direction. He looked bad. He's not a bad player. Maybe some fans should really sit back and evaluate players from a larger view of things. Seven games under a disaster of a coach is not a large view of anything.
You could have said this about the whole team looking awful. JT was the only player who looked like his usual inconsistent self. So if a whole team looks lost and not ready to play, then I'm thinking the coach should get canned. Oh wait...

Seriously, PW threw Jimmer out there without enough direction. He looked bad. He's not a bad player. Maybe some fans should really sit back and evaluate players from a larger view of things. Seven games under a disaster of a coach is not a large view of anything.

yeah that whole team looked lost out there. let's see how Jimmer, Tyreke and Demarcus do with the new coach before calling them a bust!
Partial list of players with a worse shooting % than Jimmer right now:

Deron Williams, PG
Grant Hill, SF
Jason Richardson, SG
Kemba Walker, PG
Luc Richard Mbah a Moute, SF
Toney Douglas, PG
Josh Davis, PF
Roger Mason, SG
Jose Juan Barea, PG
Tyler Hansbrough, PF
Matt Carroll, SG
John Salmons, SG
Vince Carter, SG
Jordan Crawford, SG
Shannon Brown, SG
Rudy Fernandez, SG
Josh Howard, SF
Stephen Jackson, SG
Glen Davis, PF
Klay Thompson, G
Jodie Meeks, G
Sebastian Telfair, PG
Josh Childress, SF
Renaldo Balkman, PF
Dominique Jones, SG
Lazar Hayward, F
Cory Higgins, G
E'Twaun Moore, G
Luke Walton, SF
Dennis Horner, PF
Jared Jeffries, PF
John Wall, PG
C.J. Miles, SF
Rodney Stuckey, PG
Marco Belinelli, SG
Shelden Williams, PF
Mike Dunleavy, SF
Danny Granger, SF
Anthony Morrow, SG
C.J. Watson, PG
Jason Kidd, PG
Louis Amundson, C
Wayne Ellington, G
Corey Maggette, SF
Marcus Camby, C
Anthony Carter, PG
Quentin Richardson, SF
Jonny Flynn, PG
James Johnson, SF
Avery Bradley, SG
Dorell Wright, SF
Isaiah Thomas, PG
Vladimir Radmanovic, PF
Earl Watson, PG
Kevin Seraphin, F
Rodrigue Beaubois, G
Channing Frye, C
Greivis Vasquez, PG
Marquis Daniels, SG
Shane Battier, SF
Francisco Garcia, SG
Lamar Odom, PF
Patrick Patterson, PF
Raja Bell, SG
Josh Harrellson, F
Rasual Butler, SF
Shawne Williams, SF
Brian Cook, PF
DeShawn Stevenson, SG
Andrew Goudelock, G
Jon Brockman, F
Earl Clark, F
JaJuan Johnson, F
Travis Outlaw, SF
Austin Daye, SF
Al-Farouq Aminu, SF
Ryan Hollins, C
Marcus Morris, F
Jerome Jordan, C

I think it is just a bit early to be taking ANYTHING away from the overall play of everyone in this weird season. lol
Jimmer looks like a rookie who did not have the advantage of a summer league, training camp or pre-season.

I will also add that while he probably leads the team in bone-headed plays, he also probabably leads theteam in really nice passes. I am really excited about his passing skills.
1. I think the consensus is that the OP is way off base, so with that being said:

2. If you watched the first few games, Jimmer was constantly walking up to PW during breaks in the action shrugging his shoulders, basically saying "I have no effing idea what you want me to do"

3. How many of his shots have been heaves as the shot clock has wound down? If he has had an open look, he is, for the most part, knocking them down.

4. He has been the main culprit in allowing his player to run out on him and get those break-aways. I blame most of this on coaching. It wasn't an ability or a laziness problem, it was an understanding of the situation problem.

5. He looks slightly tenative when he is dribbling into the lane. Again, a coaching issue and a maturing process.

6. His defense has gotten better every game. Even got back on some break-aways last night. Slapped the ball away cleanly from Jennings, even though a foul was called.

So what exactly were you expecting from this kid?
1. I think the consensus is that the OP is way off base, so with that being said:

2. If you watched the first few games, Jimmer was constantly walking up to PW during breaks in the action shrugging his shoulders, basically saying "I have no effing idea what you want me to do"

3. How many of his shots have been heaves as the shot clock has wound down? If he has had an open look, he is, for the most part, knocking them down.

4. He has been the main culprit in allowing his player to run out on him and get those break-aways. I blame most of this on coaching. It wasn't an ability or a laziness problem, it was an understanding of the situation problem.

5. He looks slightly tenative when he is dribbling into the lane. Again, a coaching issue and a maturing process.

6. His defense has gotten better every game. Even got back on some break-aways last night. Slapped the ball away cleanly from Jennings, even though a foul was called.

So what exactly were you expecting from this kid?

I remember they were asking him to guard Batum, who kept posting him up, and Jimmer was yelling back and forth with the coaching staff like "what the EFF you want me to do?????" LOL talk about disaster matchups. No rookie should be subjected that!