Jimmer is awful and not ready to play


Hall of Famer
I noticed that baja got rid of his chimp around the time Cheetah died.

If you are real young, you won't have a clue as to the reference. Umm ga waaa.



Jimmer is not awful. In the NBA, everyone is talented, the mental game often separates players. Jimmer will struggle, but slowly and steadily improve his game, he doesn't let things get to him. He just started playing, no training camp, team is in disarray...Everyone is saying he's awful or a decent 6th man at best. I'm saying it right now, he's going to end up being an all-star, perhaps even hall of fame material.


Put simply IT > Jimmer. Better passer, quicker/faster, more athletic, better ball handler, and just more confidence out on the court.
wow if i had said this the sky would fall... but your right entity... IT has show a hint that he can play in this league... Jimmer is a train reck right now.
Thank you for agreeing with Entity, sactownfan.. since you agreeing with someone is usually a sign that they are completely off.

Also, CT = jwill


wow if i had said this the sky would fall... but your right entity... IT has show a hint that he can play in this league... Jimmer is a train reck right now.
Naw bro, if you had said that it would have came out more along the lines of:

"Isaiah Thomas is worlds ahead of Jimmer, IT is the BEST player EVER to come out of college and Jimmer is the WORST. Jimmer isn't worth a pair of stinky socks. IT should start and take ALL the shots. I haven't seen a worse player than Jimmer in my entire life!! Dude is terrible, absolutely horrible, and has no business ever putting on a pair of athletic shoes again. He can't shoot, can't pass, can't blink, can't breathe, can't dribble, can't walk, can't write, can't drive, can't do NOTHING!!!"

See the difference? Entity actually made sense. You make drivel.


haha Robinson will be fine... but i think were all conforming to the obvious that jimmer and whiteside are very iffy


Super Moderator Emeritus
haha Robinson will be fine... but i think were all conforming to the obvious that jimmer and whiteside are very iffy
My comment was made primarily because you're about the only person I know who would go back over 6 months into the threads to find a way to say "Nanner, nanner, I told you so." :)


My comment was made primarily because you're about the only person I know who would go back over 6 months into the threads to find a way to say "Nanner, nanner, I told you so." :)
on the real tho... jimmer?????? eh.... trust me as a kings fan i wanted "OUR" 10th pick should have been 7th not to end up as Salmons and Jimmer... .... ... (sigh) i still hope for a miracle that jimmer will work


Super Moderator Emeritus
on the real tho... jimmer?????? eh.... trust me as a kings fan i wanted "OUR" 10th pick should have been 7th not to end up as Salmons and Jimmer... .... ... (sigh) i still hope for a miracle that jimmer will work
Notice how I'm not disputing your argument but merely picking on you for old times sake? Dude, I really wanted to like Jimmer. I even bought his freaking jersey. Right now, it's looking like I won't be getting much more use out of his jersey than I did Omri's.

Jimmer looked lost. While I usually place little to no stock in summer league games, I am very concerned about his potential as a player of value for the Kings.


Notice how I'm not disputing your argument but merely picking on you for old times sake? Dude, I really wanted to like Jimmer. I even bought his freaking jersey. Right now, it's looking like I won't be getting much more use out of his jersey than I did Omri's.

Jimmer looked lost. While I usually place little to no stock in summer league games, I am very concerned about his potential as a player of value for the Kings.
i completely agree. (side note this is the best convo we've had in years...civil) this is street ball... where you see the natural instincts of players... its hard on system guys sometimes (cross your fingers jimmer) but jimmer has not a single PG bone in his body... or apparently the ability to shoot??? jeez...
I no longer buy Jerseys. I got a Hurley jersey and then they traded him. I got a Jon Barry jersey and they go and trade him. I wanted a Bojax jersey, but I was afraid of jinxing him and seeing him traded. So my brother gets the Bojax jersey instead, and they trade him the next season. It seems you're only safe if you buy a Salmons jersey, but that's depressing to an even greater degree.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I no longer buy Jerseys. I got a Hurley jersey and then they traded him. I got a Jon Barry jersey and they go and trade him. I wanted a Bojax jersey, but I was afraid of jinxing him and seeing him traded. So my brother gets the Bojax jersey instead, and they trade him the next season. It seems you're only safe if you buy a Salmons jersey, but that's depressing to an even greater degree.
My daughter won't let me have any jerseys of players she likes. So, while she has Evans, Cousins, Webber, Jackson, Pollard, etc. I had to be content with Vlade (I didn't tell her and never wore it around her), Christie, Bibby, Martin, Casspi and Jimmer. At least with Christie and Martin the number is still good. ;)

Oh yeah...almost forgot. I have a Theus jersey around somewhere.


Super Moderator Emeritus
i completely agree. (side note this is the best convo we've had in years...civil) this is street ball... where you see the natural instincts of players... its hard on system guys sometimes (cross your fingers jimmer) but jimmer has not a single PG bone in his body... or apparently the ability to shoot??? jeez...
What it looked like is a total lack of confidence in his game, both by himself and even by some of the other players. He wasn't routinely getting the ball as the PG should, and - at least during the parts of the game I watched - he just didn't look engaged. I want to hear from bajaden and CruzDude, who are in LV, to get their insight. I hope I'm wrong.


Hall of Famer
I was a Jimmer fan from the BYU days and thought at least part of his game would translate to the NBA and that was his shooting. I think it is a worthwhile attempt to make him into an NBA quality PG but it's not there, is it? I hate to give up early but he makes it so easy. Very disappointing and, yes, it is based on this one game. I hate the term BBIQ but he lacks it as a PG. Do we give up? I don't think so but he will be relegated to the end of the bench.

Fortunately this series of games are happening now as maybe we will have time to get us another PG or maybe it will put more pressure on signing TWill who, although not a PG, seemed to have far more PG skills than Jimmer.

His contract won't go forever and then he will be gone. I see no trade value in him.

I could ramble more but he is an incredible disappointment. I would like to hear what a long time BYU fan has to say. This is not to start an argument or anything of that nature. I just wonder if the same people who thought his inability to get minutes was the Kings fault still feel that way.


Northernmost Kings Fan
I hope the Kings try to play Jimmer at the SG position.
Josh Akognon had a decent game. I can already imagine the Thomas/Agognon backcourt.


Hall of Famer
What it looked like is a total lack of confidence in his game, both by himself and even by some of the other players. He wasn't routinely getting the ball as the PG should, and - at least during the parts of the game I watched - he just didn't look engaged. I want to hear from bajaden and CruzDude, who are in LV, to get their insight. I hope I'm wrong.
Of course you aren't wrong. Bajaden and CruzDude can spruce up a long note with the details of how he failed and put it in better basketball terms than you and I are capable of but the essence is that Jimmer lacks the skills to do the job. Last year I blamed it mostly on confidence but I think it goes deeper. My question is how long do we give him a trial before we get another PG?
Jimmer can't handle pressure and that's his main problem. Basically, his lack of quickness and confidence strangles him behind the 3pt line. NBA guards have to be able to dribble past a bit of pressure. He can't right now. He also stops his dribble once he gets around the FT line, forcing himself into odd twists and turns. He has no confidence with handling the ball in traffic. He's pretty much afraid of that situation and you can't play PG in the NBA if you can't handle that.

A lot of the times, he'll make the right pass on a drive, but he doesn't even get to that point in the play.
Jimmer wont make it here. His lack of confidence, long range bomber mentality and slowness mean i think we'll struggle to get much out of him. Glad we got Thomas last year
hes playing like a rookie.. can you answer why?
First of all, Jimmer had no system last year. They had a strike and the practice time he would have to develop wasn't there. Secondly, he got some training camp and had 6 pre-season games. He didnt have a full training camp. So he is already behind the 8 ball. Now this year, he will get a lot of playing time in the pre-season and with a full camp, he will be okay. However, if he doesn't do well in camp and toward the end of pre-season, you can start seeing if he maxed out his potential.

Thirdly, Jimmer can shoot. Would be great if he played in a Jerry Sloan offense. Reminds me of JJ Redick or Jeff Hornacek. I am not sure if Keith Smart is the answer as the coach. Jimmer would play great in a half court system passing the ball down to Robinson and Robinson kicks it out to him for the 3ptr. Now Robinson played good tonight. He turned the ball over 8 times though and was doing too much dribbling but it is summer league. We can see the flashes that he is going to be a special player. If he was stronger, could be like Karl Malone somewhat... Just give him time!

Jimmer was dribbling the ball and he looked intimidated by all the faster players out there. He just got the ball and got rid of it. Maybe the Kings need a VanGundy/Sloan type coach. But if you see Jimmer play, he will excel if you gave him space to shoot 3's.

P.S. Sloan turned down the Blazers job today. Doesnt look like he is in a rush to get back into the league anytime soon.


Hall of Famer
Jimmer hasn't demonstrated he can play the point guard position. That's pretty obvious. Defensive pressure bothers him. Athleticism bothers him. For him to be successful he needs screens to get him open and someone like Cousins or Robinson to play pick and roll with. This kind of rag-tag game with no offensive system to speak of plays to his weaknesses, not his strengths. He's really more of an undersized sg at this point of his career.
He looks like a middle schooler playing against adults. Even his best has been woeful. Im not gonna get excited about anything he's done. He's been completely unimpressive he makes Quincy douby look good. Beno looks like a shut down defender compared to him. Jimmer looks lost every single second.

I really hope he's not this awful and can improve but other than outlaw he's the worst player on our team... its also obvious he lacks any natural PG abilitys, and will be a serious serious project as a pg... maybe he can be like eddie house? Or jj redick? He looks that bad.
Exactly how I see him.

Sometimes I wonder how he became a star college basketball player.

Were the coaches that he had his relatives?

This kid looks so terrible (with the terrible footwork, poor handle, and awkward basketball form) I can't help but think he probably bought his coaches into giving him that much playing time and important role in his College basketball team. Whenever I watch him play, I feel like watching a spoiled kid being given so much playing time in a game by his "father-coach" although clearly he does not know how to play.:p


Hall of Famer
On the plus side...

At least after he busts out, we wont have to worry about obnoxious Jimmer fanboys clotting up our message board. Remember when he was first drafted? That got ugly real fast :p


Hall of Famer
I agree. And he is not 6' 2" as has been advertised. He looks more like under 6 feet.

Isaiah Thomas is the same thing. Too damn short and skinny, too slow to cover his man, and just gets easily pushed by the big men on the court. The funny thing is every one is bigger than him, so everyone can just push him out of their way. So who is he supposed to be guarding or matching against?

I know it is cute to see these little players playing, but they are most oftentimes a big liability. They are not helping the team and they should be sent to the D-League until they are ready. What have they done anyways (other than bring the ball halfcourt which anyone of the other guards can do) to merit these long minutes of playing time?

Keith Smart. I hope you are that smart to see that.
If you want to say that Jimmer didn't play well, fine! He didn't! I think the whole team was caught off guard by the aggressive defense of the Bobcats. But as for his height. They do measure you at the combine, and Jimmer measured 6'0.75" without shoes, and 6'2.5" with shoes, which is normal to slightly above normal for a PG. So instead of just making up whatever you want, try getting your facts straight first.