The Kings and Freeagency:

I'm starting to think its Jeff Green. Maybe not as big a name as Grant is trying to hype it as, but he does carry some name recognition and if I recall Grant has always had a crush on him. Boston doesn't seem to be in love with him. Grant mentioned not being afraid to pay him, which leads me to believe a free agent thing, but normally a free agent wants to have it out there that they are talking to a team in case anybody else out there wants to join in. However, if its a sign and trade for Green that may explain the silence.
I'm starting to think its Jeff Green. Maybe not as big a name as Grant is trying to hype it as, but he does carry some name recognition and if I recall Grant has always had a crush on him. Boston doesn't seem to be in love with him. Grant mentioned not being afraid to pay him, which leads me to believe a free agent thing, but normally a free agent wants to have it out there that they are talking to a team in case anybody else out there wants to join in. However, if its a sign and trade for Green that may explain the silence.
Jeff Green signed a one year deal with the Celtics
The last time the team kept us in awe about a "mystery player that's about to sign" it ended up being John Salmons the first time around. I can hardly get excited
After listening to Grant some more, I think its a free agent. He keeps saying 'this player' without a team attatched. I think this rules out amnesty players aswell.

He also hinted that it wasn't a guard, which means no Barea .. which is fantastic.

I breifly thought Jeff Green, but reports are he will be back with Boston.

Best guess right now is AK, and that would be awesome.
After listening to Grant some more, I think its a free agent. He keeps saying 'this player' without a team attatched. I think this rules out amnesty players aswell.

He also hinted that it wasn't a guard, which means no Barea .. which is fantastic.

I breifly thought Jeff Green, but reports are he will be back with Boston.

Best guess right now is AK, and that would be awesome.

And if he said the mystery player is better than the player we have now that eliminates center as a possibility (assuming we view Cuz as the center) So no to pg, sg or center. almost has to be a sf
If it's AK47 I guess that means they amnesty Salmons. Man I hate this secretive stuff. Every other team you know who they're after but Petrie has to play this poker face game.
If it's AK47 what about Petries view on defense now!? AK/Hayes...lock 'em down!

I always thought Petrie would go after Nene, frontload the deal and it might be easier to swallow but at 16 million a year he can stuff it.
I still don't think we amnesty anyone, even if its AK ... but a trade becomes highly likely.

And I would pray its Salmons, who hasn't been mentioned as one of the guys in town, or at the practice facility today from what I have read.