The Kings and Freeagency:


Hall of Famer
Agreed. He actually said, "...fairly big name." My money is on Barea.
If he says a fairly big name, I'd have to think it's bigger than Barea. I'd put my money on a trade, which can be kept under wraps. If the Kings and Barea were near a contract, I'd have to think we'd hear something from someone about it. Seems discussions regarding signing FA's are more public, then trades which seem to pop up out of nowhere.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AK47 is a good guess. Haven't heard too many rumors about his landing spot. Suppose it could be Richard Jefferson too
I'd lvoe for it to be AK47, but then again the only rumors about him coming here that I have heard have been started by me chirping away in the corner. :)


Hall of Famer
Grant would never say something like that, unless he knows for sure, it's likely. He hates any speculation about trades. There must be smoke there.
Agree about Grant. We are in a position to make a 2 for one trade as in some ways we are overloaded with decent talent. Trade two of ours for an All Star.

Never thought I'd say we were overloaded anywhere but it happens to be a fact.
Turiaf would be a GREAT pickup. He's more of a true paint protector than Dalembert, horrible rebounder though. Turiaf and Hayes would be awesome players to put next to Cousins, Turiaf can spot shoot too! I say jettison Thompson and use Turiaf as that spot shot blocker. Would also help the Kings get to the minimum.

Pick up the phone Geoff!!
Not sure, but I wonder if Arenas is still too big of a headache for the risk... even on a one year deal...
Just a nightmare scenario for me. I really hope the Kings are in on that Turiaf situation and don't look to block off any more positions that don't need any more bodies.


Hall of Famer
I highly doubt what Grant is referring to, in terms of a big name, is an amnesty candidate. How would he know that a day ahead of time? It's also a bidding process, so he wouldn't know if we'd end up with a certain amnestied player. There is no certainty with bidding on amnestied players. That's what has Billups so pissed. He could end up a number of places.
Turiaf would be a GREAT pickup. He's more of a true paint protector than Dalembert, horrible rebounder though. Turiaf and Hayes would be awesome players to put next to Cousins, Turiaf can spot shoot too! I say jettison Thompson and use Turiaf as that spot shot blocker. Would also help the Kings get to the minimum.

Pick up the phone Geoff!!
Fairly big name and Turiaf doesnt really jive. I think its Barea.
I highly doubt what Grant is referring to, in terms of a big name, is an amnesty candidate. How would he know that a day ahead of time? It's also a bidding process, so he wouldn't know if we'd end up with a certain amnestied player. There is no certainty with bidding on amnestied players. That's what has Billups so pissed. He could end up a number of places.
Yeah, I'm thinking trade.
Could the Kings trade for Billups and amensty him? Wonder if the Kings did that for the Knicks, and took on Turiaf (or had NYK amensty him), if the Kings could get a desireable Knick for one of the Kings SFs? Because the Kings are so far under the cap, they could do it.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
:pHe just said it's about 50-50 right now, he can't give the name right now, it is a big name, but not an all-star. That narrows it down!


Hall of Famer
On a side note...I wonder if this fairly big named player is coming to us via trade
Ask yourself, if a fairly big name was close to signing a contract, wouldn't there be talk about it? Teams talking to FA's is all over the media the past week. However, trades always pop out of nowhere, and they aren't as public as FA courting. Just my thoughts.

If we were close to signing a big name FA, I highly doubt it'd be kept under wraps, to the points there isn't a single tweet about it.
Wow. Grant Napier is being incredibly annoying but dropping some heavy stuff.

Big name, non all-star. Could come this weekend .. 50-50 chance it happens.

Based on the 'this weekend' call .. makes me think it is by trade or amnesty. If it was a Free Agent what would the hold up be?
Grant just let out bit more on possible "other player" on way to Sac. Not an allstar, pretty big name, fans should like, 50-50 deal gets done. Said he can't say who it is because he gave his word to Kings source he wouldn't.


Hall of Famer
What about Por, now that Roy retired? Are they looking to send someone our way, to clear cap space, to they can bid for someone else, or have future trade flexibility?
Fairly big name and Turiaf doesnt really jive. I think its Barea.

Turiaf at least jives in the need department. Barea? Really? I just don't see how it works. Jimmer should be able to get time, and the Kings are on pace to lock up their backcourt as two guys taking up 33-40% of your cap in a few years.