Well I've lost most of my country backups in case my original backup to Garth Brooks was taken. Kudos to the Jimmy Buffett, John Denver and especially Steve Earle picks. Margaritaville, Country Boy, Guitar Town and Copperhead Road are all in my top 10 country songs. I know Buffett and Earle are not technically classified as country, but they're closer to country than rock & roll, so that works for me. Anyway time to take my #2 country pick:
Alan Jackson
Unlike any other country artist, I just find Alan Jackson so easy to listen to. And I like pretty much everything he's done which I can't say about any other artist in the genre. For anyone wondering why I had Brooks higher is because Friends in Low Places is without a doubt my #1 country song. Jackson sings my (distant) #2 and definitely has the most songs in my top 20, so happy to have him aboard.
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[yt="I Don't Even Know Your Name"]-aNjYlgwBN0[/yt]
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