NEWS: Kings trade Casspi + first rounder for JJ Hickson

True, but the next year its only top 10 protected, and the following year, it declines again.
See the updated protection numbers.

@chadfordinsider RT @STEIN_LINE_HQ: Protection specifics on Kings to Cavs picks: Protected 1-to-14 in 2012, 1-to-13 in 13, 1-to-12 in 14, 1-to-10 from 15-17

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I just read it yesterday, somewhere. YOu can't aquire a player in a trade, and immediately turn around and trade him. I think it was Amick actually, and without a lockout, the soonest Salmons could get dealt is Dec.
I don't think this is right. Larry Coon's FAQ lists the following restrictions for trading players. A player can't be traded:

For two months after receiving the player in trade or claiming him off waivers, if the player's salary is aggregated with the salaries of other players. However, the team is free to trade the player either by himself (not packaged with other players), or without combining his salary with other salaries to acquire a more expensive player, immediately. This restriction applies only to teams over the salary cap.
So according to this, we could immediately trade Salmons as long as he's not combined with other players to get a bigger salary, and we can do anything we want with him so long as we don't go over the salary cap, and two months after we receive him, he's fair game.

The December stuff is for free agent signings. I think Amick got mixed up.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I just read it yesterday, somewhere. YOu can't aquire a player in a trade, and immediately turn around and trade him. I think it was Amick actually, and without a lockout, the soonest Salmons could get dealt is Dec.
I believe the restrictions apply to newly signed free agents and to players traded using exceptions (so an over the cap team could not trade for a player making 125% more and then ship him off the next day for a guy making 125% more, etc thus circumventing the cap). Since we are under the cap and Salmons is/was under contract there aren't any rules I am aware of that apply. But if someone has a source please let me know.

fwiw: I think we have every intention of keeping Salmons for now so its moot.


Hall of Famer
Just spoke with Casspi, who says of playing w/ Cavs: "I'm happy. It's a great opportunity for me to play. They don't really have a 3-man."

This statement is just so Casspi and is the reason I never really liked him as a player. It was always about him, his minutes, and his points. When he struggled, he just kept jacking up horrible shots instead of focusing on the team. He'd rather play on a 15 win team and get 35 minutes a game rather than be a solid role player and win.
Come on! Whats he supossed to say when he's going to a new team. He hates being traded to a losing team and would rather stay with the Kings. That would really indear him to his new team. Try applying a little logic to the situation.

By the way, Greene's usage rate, which is the percentage of team possessions used by a player was 18.2% and Casspi's was 16.7%. Casspi's efficiency rating, which is a scoring metric of pt's produced per 100 possessions was 11.7% and Greene's was 9.7%. Sometimes perception isn't reality. The truth is, both players left a lot to be desired, but of the two, Casspi was the better player on offense, and didn't really take that many shots when compared to others on the team.


Hall of Famer
From Stein:
I'm told Kings (like Toronto) want to make hard FA push for Tyson Chandler. But CAN'T see TC leaving title team for rebuilding team. So ...
From Amick:
The move is even more necessary in light of the likely departure of center Samuel Dalembert, as sources close to him say he was disappointed when extension talks went nowhere with the Kings and he is now far more interested signing with a contender in free agency
This is interesting and probably why the Kings aren't talking directly about resigning him. He may have asked for a 5/50 extension and we balked, he got pissy, etc. etc.

We should be a be able to retain him as long as a team with cap space doesn't step up with a huge deal and we offer a decent amount over whatever the MLE is. We're not in that much of a different situation than Denver is with Nene. He wanted 13M starting apparently for an extension. They said no so now they wait it out.


Come on! Whats he supossed to say when he's going to a new team. He hates being traded to a losing team and would rather stay with the Kings. That would really indear him to his new team. Try applying a little logic to the situation.

By the way, Greene's usage rate, which is the percentage of team possessions used by a player was 18.2% and Casspi's was 16.7%. Casspi's efficiency rating, which is a scoring metric of pt's produced per 100 possessions was 11.7% and Greene's was 9.7%. Sometimes perception isn't reality. The truth is, both players left a lot to be desired, but of the two, Casspi was the better player on offense, and didn't really take that many shots when compared to others on the team.
I don't care about those statistics. I know enough about basketball to see exactly what went on with him. When he was struggling with his shot, he took worse shots. When the team benched him and started winning, he complained and wanted to be traded. When your team is winning, you don't make statements like that. Look, he's a good kid and all and he has some heart, but ultimately he put himself WAY ahead of his team and I'm glad he's not our problem anymore.


Hall of Famer
"They still want a center RT @Aykis16 @sam_amick Plus there are other, better FA big men out there Kings can chase.

Another factor to consider regarding Dalembert: Kings will have ability to outspend contenders, but idea of giving him huge payday scary."

Looks like we're still going after a center. Adding Chandler or Jordan to a frontline with Cousins/Hickson/JT would make me salivate.


Hall of Famer
"They still want a center RT @Aykis16 @sam_amick Plus there are other, better FA big men out there Kings can chase.

Another factor to consider regarding Dalembert: Kings will have ability to outspend contenders, but idea of giving him huge payday scary."

Looks like we're still going after a center. Adding Chandler or Jordan to a frontline with Cousins/Hickson/JT would make me salivate.
We could send you one of those lobster eating bibs. :) It looks like we are very rapidly developing a team that might attract free agents.
Well who knows how free agency will work in the next CBA, however I do agree just because I think it is going to be highly unlikely that whatever the outcome is that it would be unfriendly to teams trying to retain their players. But it is another guy demanding to get paid in front of Tyreke and Cousins and if there is a hard cap that is a bit troubling.
Assuming something similar to the current rules on qualifying offers, we have matching power after next season. And we could even match in free agency, showcase him for half a season, and trade him to free up cap space for Tyreke, who will still have two years left at that point. So even if he isn't part of our long-term vision due to his contract status, we can still flip him into something when the time comes. He's definitely a better asset than Casspi. I'm concerned about the pick (not really, after reviewing the details of the lottery protection), but not worried at all about Hickson's contract.

Also, everyone is anticipating a significant market correction in the next two years. By the time we're ready to work on Evans' and Cousins' new deals or extensions, market values should be more in line with the constraints of the new CBA. We're kind of sitting pretty in that regard.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
"They still want a center RT @Aykis16 @sam_amick Plus there are other, better FA big men out there Kings can chase.

Another factor to consider regarding Dalembert: Kings will have ability to outspend contenders, but idea of giving him huge payday scary."

Looks like we're still going after a center. Adding Chandler or Jordan to a frontline with Cousins/Hickson/JT would make me salivate.
The first set of messages you posted seemed alarming. This set just seem ignorant or speculative. That's Sam talking there, not the front office.
On another forum.....It's the Kings pick from the Rockets. Sac acquired this pick in an earlier trade. So the pick will actually be based on where the Rockets pick.



Hall of Famer
So as not to wonder why Cleveland wanted Casspi, they need a SF and also a member of Maccabi, Casspi's Israeli team, is with Cleveland.
Come on! Whats he supossed to say when he's going to a new team. He hates being traded to a losing team and would rather stay with the Kings. That would really indear him to his new team. Try applying a little logic to the situation.
The problem is that there's no reason to believe that Omri wants to stay in Sacramento or hates being traded to the Cavs. He very obviously wanted out, and there's been no indication that he wanted to go to a good team instead all indications say he wants big minutes, a starting opportunity, and more shots. I don't begrudge him; it's not like he wanted to leave a winning situation just so he could be a featured player. But everything about Casspi, from before last season, has said that he doesn't want to be on the bench for the Kings, and wanted to get out. I think his comments as quoted above are his true feelings.
You have to upgrade talent across the board and get rid of surpluses. Can't sign anyone yet, so we are doing what we can via trades right now. They have said repeatedly that they will spend the $$$ once the new CBA is in place. Can we PLEASE quit panicing over every move and wait until that occurrs?
Thanks, Warhawk. That's what I wanted to yell after reading the first page. Not likely to happen though. I like the trade. I differ from another poster above in that I wouldn't be surprised if we went anywhere in picking up free agents including at SF or resigning Dalembert. I'm sure we're getting more action before camp from Petrie and I'm looking forward to it.


I'm just wondering how all these players are going to mesh. Sure, on paper, we have more talent but from everything I've read, JJ is a bit of a knucklehead and has an extremely low basketball IQ. Add this to DMC's immaturity, Salmons' weirdness, and Evans' lack of leadership I just don't know how it's going to work. And we're not even talking about how in the hell 4 guys (Reke, DMC, Thornton, Hickson) who are black holes are going to work together.
He'a actually one of the best third bigs in the NBA. People have this unrealistic view of who those guys are. Think everybody has an Odom. Not the way it works. Most teams just try to sqeeze on by with third bigs that have all kinds of warts. Jason is comparatively a rock.
Agree with the bold and also with your concern for defense amonst bigs Hickson and Cousins. Sure as heck a good start.


Hall of Famer
But is Hickson > Casspi + first rounder? I'm glad the pick is lottery protected, but if we're not in the lottery, I think we might revisit the outcome of this trade. If we can find a way to get back in the first round before next summer, this is a non-issue. But the book isn't closed on this deal just yet.
The draft is such a crap-shoot when you get out of the lottery. Very hit and miss on whether you can get a guy that can even play in the league. Heck, even in the lottery can be a crap shoot. To me, Casspi had very marginal value. Throw in a mid-level 1st rounder (marginal value), for a very young guy with proven talent. That's a winner.
On another forum.....It's the Kings pick from the Rockets. Sac acquired this pick in an earlier trade. So the pick will actually be based on where the Rockets pick.

I don't recall having another future pick from the Rockets. Omri was actually taken from the Rockets pick we got in the Martin trade so maybe someone mentioned that and it was mixed up.


Hall of Famer
This is a smart trade, actually--Hickson has a lot of irritating flaws that make you lose patience (the Cavs tried to use him as their first option last season, and he failed miserably; as a side note, to think that this was the guy that was the holdup in the trade that could've netted them Amare while Lebron was still there!) and but if you see him as just another "cog guy", there's huge value in the offensive athlete who can finish plays and give second possessions by snagging o-boards. He's also a good overall rebounder, think real Amare-lite in terms of overall game. He's a good athletic complement to Cousins.

But there's a lot of problems: 1) he's definitely a poor defender--for a guy this athletic he's not really a shotblocker, despite a few explosions on that end last year, and his overall impact on this end was poor; even under defensive ace Mike Brown Hickson was a poor defender, so I'm not sure if there's much improvement to be seen on this end ever; 2) he's a bit of an overrated jumpshooter. He'll sometimes indulge in the mid-range as well leading to some frustrating exploits on offense, 3) A black hole. Hickson has that magical combination of being completely unable to pass the ball while being excessively turnover prone for a guy who uses that many possessions. In a way, it's very similar to the frustrations we shared with Carl Landry--if things bog down in the half court, it can lead to some ugly possessions with Hickson.

The template is great athlete, finisher, o-rebounder, rebounder, poor defense, questionable jumper, black hole. That sounds awfully like Amare-lite. Don't get me wrong, Hickson will be a great athletic complement next to Cousins and I see many lob passes from Evans to him, and with our team which lacks legitimate floor spacers we might see quite a few bricks, and Hickson excels at padding the o-boards. Those three alone make this trade worth it. I'm just saying that Hickson's flaws will make us preach for patience--his type of lack of team-intangibles (poor defense, black hole style) make it easy to pin the blame on him when things get rough. I have to admit, I very much prefer the "defensive athlete" over the "offensive athlete", and Hickson unfortunately falls in the latter category. There's guys like Hakim Warrick who are cut from the same cloth, and now he's bouncing around because of the lack of D.

It's worth trading a disgruntled SF in a position where we're stacked in for a guy who's still only 22 years old, was an attempted first option, and does help us in the athleticism/boarding department, so this is very much a net plus. But we'll seriously need a defensive frontcourt piece badly now, and Hickson's not the answer; in three-five years time, there's that possibility we might become irritated with him that he'll also be sent packing. We'll see about that.
Agree with a lot, and I'm going to nit pic some of it. I think you have to take everything into consideration when making an assessment. First off, in college Hickson was never a jumpshooter. Thats a skill that he developed and is still developing in the NBA. I don't think it would be fair to call Hickson a black hole his first two years in Cleveland. The season prior to last season he averaged 20 minutes a game but only took 6 shots a game, and seldom had his number called. Meaning that almost all of his shots came off loose balls and put backs. So one could hardly call him a ball hog his first two years.

Last year, with the leaving of LeBron, he was asked to step into the role of being one of the top offensive options. During the offseason he had worked on his mid-range jumper, and tried to incorporate into his game. With mixed results. Right now JT has a better jumper than Hickson. But as the season went on, his efficiency went up. In other words it took Hickson a while to adapt to his new role. That also played a part in his less than stellar defense, which by the way was better under Brown. He hasn't been much of a shotblocker, and he certainly has the physical ability to be better than he's been.

He's an above average athlete with good leaping ability and who runs the floor well. He seems to have trouble passing out of the double team, and most of his turnovers come from bad decisions as oppossed to not having the ability to pass the ball. Given that he's still very young, and looking at what he's accomplished so far in his short career, he's a very good pickup. His game has improved each year, and thats what your looking for in a player. Opposite comparison, Donte Greene!

Last season taken as a whole was a very good one for a third year PF, but if you just look at the last 15 games and how he played, he took a giant step.
These are his stats for the final 15 games. 19.6 PPG, 11.8 RPG, while shooting 51.8% from the floor. Those numbers are nothing to sneeze at, and if they're an indicator of whats to come, the Kings just got a lot better.

Also, I don't think this aqquisition is in anyway related to what happens with Dalembert, or if not Dalembert, the center position. I also don't think it will effect Thompsons status on the team. Thompson can play center as well as PF, and that makes him very valuable. Hickson would really struggle at the center position.
That is giving up too much for Hickson. =/ The 2012 Draft is basically the 2011 + 2012 stock combined. Casspi will likely blossom once he finds a real offensive system to play in.

Is the team rebuilding into a no defense run n gunner with no PG? After these moves, I'm lockout ready.