NEWS: Kings trade Casspi + first rounder for JJ Hickson


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Let's be honest. JT is a great guy and all, but he's not the ideal 3rd big on an NBA team. I think he's a decent 4th big though. Somebody that can come in for 10-15 minutes and provide some energy and hustle. He's shown too many times in the past 3 years that his basketball IQ is just not high enough to be playing big minutes at the NBA level.
He'a actually one of the best third bigs in the NBA. People have this unrealistic view of who those guys are. Think everybody has an Odom. Not the way it works. Most teams just try to sqeeze on by with third bigs that have all kinds of warts. Jason is comparatively a rock.
Hickson has the physical tools to be a defensive monster. A couple people have posted videos of him blocking shots and you see that he has great athleticism, timing, and strength. Now, it's up to our coaching staff to instill it in him to do it consistently.
I really like this trade, I hope it doesn't mean the end for Dally, he is still a great fit with this team. If he is gone then I'll start praying right now that Whiteside shows that he can at least be Keon Clark (sans whatever he had going on upstairs).


Why did the Cavs want to trade him? Just seems weird to trade a young, athletic big who started tearing it up the last part of the season.
Love this move. We'd probably have to double our wins to make the playoffs next year so even with a vast improvement it is unlikely. That means we get next year's pick and then give it away in 2013 when we are on the road to much more important things.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Why did the Cavs want to trade him? Just seems weird to trade a young, athletic big who started tearing it up the last part of the season.
That is a good question, and perhaps as close to a red flag as you're going to get on a deal that is this much of a no-brainer. They are rebuilding too.
assuming we keep that 1st round pick, this looks like a good trade with HIcksson for casspi straightup. a backup sf for a starting Pf. Hickson only averaged .7 blks per game, but he looks quite athletic, so he would be good to pair with Demarcus. If we lose Dalembert, we would need to find a veteran defensive backup center since Whiteside is not ready to contribute yet. Hickson is some insurance in case Dalembert leaves, softens the blow.
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Dude was a major cog in my repeating as fantasy champion last year. Drafted him in the 8th round and he paid major dividends down the stretch when K. Love went down.


Hall of Famer
Love this trade. Now that's what I'm talkin 'bout! It's not like we're losing huge cap space because of this deal. We get Hickson AND can still either retain Dally or get somebody else. On talent alone: Hickson > Casspi.

Also, everybody is talking about how everybody is going to work with everybody else on this trade and others, but there is no rule that Thompson can't be traded or Salmons can't be traded for that matter. It's wait and see....
So what happens if the Kings don't make the playoffs? Do they get our 2013 pick? What if we don't make the playoffs that year also?
If they don't make the playoffs, they get to keep their lottery pick and the protection then slides to the next year, and the same scenerio would play out. What I read on RealGM was that it could possibly be unprotected by 2014-2015.


Just spoke with Casspi, who says of playing w/ Cavs: "I'm happy. It's a great opportunity for me to play. They don't really have a 3-man."

This statement is just so Casspi and is the reason I never really liked him as a player. It was always about him, his minutes, and his points. When he struggled, he just kept jacking up horrible shots instead of focusing on the team. He'd rather play on a 15 win team and get 35 minutes a game rather than be a solid role player and win.
I understand that. But you think they are going to go sign some impact FA's when they just made these trades and draft picks? Don't see them targeting a SF now that Salmons is on board, not going to target a PF now that Hickson is on board. My hope is that they are still planning on either signing Daley (doubtful) or target another defensive C and have Hickson as the backup PF and JT as the backup C. Not bashing the trade at all, I love it. I just am wondering if this is a way to bypass FA.
Why do you doubt that they are going to try to resign Dalembert? What bearing does us trying to keep him have on any of the moves we've made so far? Free agency hasn't started yet (and probably won't for some time). We can't do anything about Dally right now, nor can we do anything about any other free agents at this point. Whether we resign Dally or not, I don't see how this move or the Maloofs' comments about making Thornton a priority have anything to do with whether we try to keep Dalembert or not.
I understand that. But you think they are going to go sign some impact FA's when they just made these trades and draft picks? Don't see them targeting a SF now that Salmons is on board, not going to target a PF now that Hickson is on board. My hope is that they are still planning on either signing Daley (doubtful) or target another defensive C and have Hickson as the backup PF and JT as the backup C. Not bashing the trade at all, I love it. I just am wondering if this is a way to bypass FA.
Yeah. I hear you. I highly (hofefully) doubt it. It would make the org look REAL bad at a bad time to look bad if they did not spend their capspace this summer, or post new CBA. If we make a push to sign Dally, and are able to secure Kirilenko, and use Salmons in spot minutes at the 2 and 3 and for defensive assignments... this is a very, very talented team 1-10. All of that would do wonders for the momentum that has built around here. I also think it might be interesting to speculate that while we still say "maloofs this, maloofs that"... that it really could be another force that will push for things like spending the capspace. Lord knows the maloofs blew all their leverage this spring. Don't spend the capspace, and you look real suspicious of sabotoging the season and pinching pennies for a move down south, that could plausably be denied, after all that's happened.
You have to upgrade talent across the board and get rid of surpluses. Can't sign anyone yet, so we are doing what we can via trades right now. They have said repeatedly that they will spend the $$$ once the new CBA is in place. Can we PLEASE quit panicing over every move and wait until that occurrs?
Agreed. Although I wouldn't call it panic as much as I would call it curiosity. Such is the case when there is an impending lockout.
Love this trade. Now that's what I'm talkin 'bout! It's not like we're losing huge cap space because of this deal. We get Hickson AND can still either retain Dally or get somebody else. On talent alone: Hickson > Casspi.
But is Hickson > Casspi + first rounder? I'm glad the pick is lottery protected, but if we're not in the lottery, I think we might revisit the outcome of this trade. If we can find a way to get back in the first round before next summer, this is a non-issue. But the book isn't closed on this deal just yet.


Hall of Famer
Doesn't this blow the "Casspi is going to a team with high Israeli fan base" (aka New York) out of the water? Is Cleveland an Israeli mecca?
But is Hickson > Casspi + first rounder? I'm glad the pick is lottery protected, but if we're not in the lottery, I think we might revisit the outcome of this trade. If we can find a way to get back in the first round before next summer, this is a non-issue. But the book isn't closed on this deal just yet.
For us, I don't think this is even a question. Casspi wasn't even playing at the end of the year. Now we have Salmons on top of that. Casspi's value would be in the toilet by the next trade deadline.
Why do you doubt that they are going to try to resign Dalembert? What bearing does us trying to keep him have on any of the moves we've made so far? Free agency hasn't started yet (and probably won't for some time). We can't do anything about Dally right now, nor can we do anything about any other free agents at this point. Whether we resign Dally or not, I don't see how this move or the Maloofs' comments about making Thornton a priority have anything to do with whether we try to keep Dalembert or not.
I am only going by what i hear and read (which may be my problem), and that is that Daley is looking to take his talents to a contender. Now we all know you have to take these reports with a grain of salt, but I just don't have a great feeling about Daley being resigned. I hope he is though. A 4 man rotation of Cousins, Daley, Hickson and JT would be amazing.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Since this appears to be official (Kings press release on shouldn't this move to the main page?

I am not very familiar with Hickson, is he a legit PF or did we just trade Casspi and a pick for another undersized big?


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I liked Omri but we just had a glut of players at that position. Have to clear some out. I like this trade.

Slightly off topic but addressing some comments floating around in here: With Sam, we can offer the world and he may still choose to leave. We have no control over the eventual decision on his end. And we can't do anything about it until a CBA is signed. So let's not worry about Sam until we can get close to doing something about it. Worrying doesn't do anyone any good at this point. Let's just upgrade everywhere we can until FA are available then look to upgrade some more when we can start forking out the $$$.
Per Marc Stein:

If first-round pick is not conveyed from SAC to CLE by 2017, then Kings convey their 2017 second-rounder to Cavaliers (protected 56-60)

Protection specifics on Kings to Cavs picks: Protected 1-to-14 in 2012, 1-to-13 in 13, 1-to-12 in 14, 1-to-10 from 15-17
For us, I don't think this is even a question. Casspi wasn't even playing at the end of the year. Now we have Salmons on top of that. Casspi's value would be in the toilet by the next trade deadline.
Never thought of this trade that way, that is a really good point. The trade still could blow up in our faces but its solid value for someone who would have had to struggle to even get minutes this year.
Yeah. I hear you. I highly (hofefully) doubt it. It would make the org look REAL bad at a bad time to look bad if they did not spend their capspace this summer, or post new CBA. If we make a push to sign Dally, and are able to secure Kirilenko, and use Salmons in spot minutes at the 2 and 3 and for defensive assignments... this is a very, very talented team 1-10. All of that would do wonders for the momentum that has built around here. I also think it might be interesting to speculate that while we still say "maloofs this, maloofs that"... that it really could be another force that will push for things like spending the capspace. Lord knows the maloofs blew all their leverage this spring. Don't spend the capspace, and you look real suspicious of sabotoging the season and pinching pennies for a move down south, that could plausably be denied, after all that's happened.
That right there has been my ideal scenerio all along, even before the Salmons trade.
Yeah, I hope you are right about the capspace issue (or non issue). Apparently I have become quite paranoid. It's been a long time since I have had an offseason to get excited about and this is our most important one since 99', and want it to go well.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Doesn't this blow the "Casspi is going to a team with high Israeli fan base" (aka New York) out of the water? Is Cleveland an Israeli mecca?
Actually, I am told it is, by an Orthodox Jewish co-worker who was trying desperately to move there because Portland wasn't "accepting" enough for him. Cleveland was number one on his list.
This is a smart trade, actually--Hickson has a lot of irritating flaws that make you lose patience (the Cavs tried to use him as their first option last season, and he failed miserably; as a side note, to think that this was the guy that was the holdup in the trade that could've netted them Amare while Lebron was still there!) and but if you see him as just another "cog guy", there's huge value in the offensive athlete who can finish plays and give second possessions by snagging o-boards. He's also a good overall rebounder, think real Amare-lite in terms of overall game. He's a good athletic complement to Cousins.

But there's a lot of problems: 1) he's definitely a poor defender--for a guy this athletic he's not really a shotblocker, despite a few explosions on that end last year, and his overall impact on this end was poor; even under defensive ace Mike Brown Hickson was a poor defender, so I'm not sure if there's much improvement to be seen on this end ever; 2) he's a bit of an overrated jumpshooter. He'll sometimes indulge in the mid-range as well leading to some frustrating exploits on offense, 3) A black hole. Hickson has that magical combination of being completely unable to pass the ball while being excessively turnover prone for a guy who uses that many possessions. In a way, it's very similar to the frustrations we shared with Carl Landry--if things bog down in the half court, it can lead to some ugly possessions with Hickson.

The template is great athlete, finisher, o-rebounder, rebounder, poor defense, questionable jumper, black hole. That sounds awfully like Amare-lite. Don't get me wrong, Hickson will be a great athletic complement next to Cousins and I see many lob passes from Evans to him, and with our team which lacks legitimate floor spacers we might see quite a few bricks, and Hickson excels at padding the o-boards. Those three alone make this trade worth it. I'm just saying that Hickson's flaws will make us preach for patience--his type of lack of team-intangibles (poor defense, black hole style) make it easy to pin the blame on him when things get rough. I have to admit, I very much prefer the "defensive athlete" over the "offensive athlete", and Hickson unfortunately falls in the latter category. There's guys like Hakim Warrick who are cut from the same cloth, and now he's bouncing around because of the lack of D.

It's worth trading a disgruntled SF in a position where we're stacked in for a guy who's still only 22 years old, was an attempted first option, and does help us in the athleticism/boarding department, so this is very much a net plus. But we'll seriously need a defensive frontcourt piece badly now, and Hickson's not the answer; in three-five years time, there's that possibility we might become irritated with him that he'll also be sent packing. We'll see about that.