Since we are nowhere near a team that you can call a playoff team, I'd rather have our young stud get all the opportunity to hone his motor/coordination-skills for now that we're still irrelevant. This is especially true because I believe Evans can very well be developed into a very special player in the caliber of MJ, LBJ, Kobe, or Durant. He is 20/5/5 in his rookie year! If Ithink Evans is just another Crawford or Arenas, maybe I wouldn't do the same thing.
Give him all the freedom to play in actual games and perfect his ball-handling skills, dribble-drive skills, shooting skills, passing, etc. at the same time that you teach him little by little how to play within a team frame. Build in him all the confidence that he will need later. They've done the same thing with Jordan and a lot of people thought of Jordan as a ballhog who will never get a Championship. I believe Durant was also given the same freedom during his first 2 years in the NBA too. And both players did not even play PG. And the result? 6 Nba Championships for the Bulls and playoffs for OKC in a short time.