Kings sign Antoine Wright and Pooh Jeter

Wow, tough crowd. Wright has played more than 20 minutes a game in the NBA for the last 3 years and 18 minutes a game the year before that. That stretch includes Dallas, which is... a good NBA team. There has been a lot of love in this forum for players that haven't done that.

Jetter certainly has a good handle and was a consistant assist guy in SL which is rare. The Kings needed a back up guy with a good handle...

So what's the problem? Ok neither is a 40% 3 pt shooter. It is what it is....
Dorell isn't much of a perimeter threat, much worse than Antoine, but he did display some point forward responsibility in Miami. Antoine was supposedly used as a closer type player towards the end of the season for the Raptors. A well rounded, but doesn't master anything guard, hopefully much better than Udoka.

EEck! Eugene!?! In my language that is the word for excrement.
Well...his nickname is Pooh....


Hall of Famer
I have to admit it looks more promising than Sloan. pooh is an emergency back up pg. Meaning even if Tyreke or Beno get hurt he still may not see the court. Wright on the other hand may see some sg min.

BTW all this talk about needing a shooter and us not really getting one might give us some insight just how well Donte and Omri and Garcia are looking to our coaches in that area. Think about it. We know all 3 are capable 3 pt shooters maybe the consistency and % appears to be coming around.


Hall of Famer
I saw Pooh play in summer league. He played well. He handles the ball well and is a good passer. He's very quick and is a good penetrate and dish type of point. His midrange game is pretty good. He's streaky from beyond the arc. He'll be 27 years old in December. He's a much better player than Sloan. I was talking to a friend at the summer league game and we both said that the Kings should ditch Sloan and sign Jeter. I think he'll be fine as an emergency backup or as a change of pace type to bring off the bench. He doesn't turn the ball over much so he's not going to hurt the team in that regard.

Wright is another story altogether. He's not much of an offensiver player. He is an above average defender. Especially in isolation defense. I looked him up on Synergy and he's not bad. I could see us using him in special situations at the end of the quarter of the game. His weakness is that he doesn't defend being posted up very well. I don't know if his contract is guaranteed or not. I suspect the team isn't done signing yet. I think they still want to sign a good outside shooter.. We'll see...
I like the Pooh signing. Geoff oviously sees something and he's continued his career and got better in the D-League and Europe since we had him in the summer league. Not a difference maker, but probly a useful player who's entering his prime. He's a pro.
Pooh played here in Israel last year... was preety alright.. he's lighting fast really (well you'de expect that from Carmelita Jeters brother), and hes a great passer.. defenetly a great pickup, as he brings something diffrente to the team, and will be like an energy bomb off the bench.
Smart signing

He improved his shooting quite a bit. Good signing. Hitting clutch shot in SL helps too. What we need are more clutch shooter like when we had Bibby. That's when you can start winning.
Pooh Jeter is a awsome player which i dont care what anyone says he can shoot the 3 he just doesnt do that too much hes more of the pass first mid range player.I really dont see why everyone is bashing antoine wright i have really liked his game since he was in dallas.hes a solid signing off the bench but in all set and done give 3 or 4 days and Darnell Jackson will get waived.I do still hope they give Christmas a try even thought it is probibly unlikly now.
I like the signing of Pooh Jeter. I remember when he played for the Kings' SL team a couple years ago and really liked his passing and change of pace speed. His biggest weakness was inconsistant shooting, which pretty much eleminates you from the NBA if you are under 6 ft. Everything I have heard is that he has become a much more consistant shooter and that is likely why he got a contract.

I don't know enough about Wright to really make any judgements at this point. I know he is a good defender at SG/SF, but that is about it. I guess we will see how he works out.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I like the signing of Pooh Jeter. I remember when he played for the Kings' SL team a couple years ago and really liked his passing and change of pace speed. His biggest weakness was inconsistant shooting, which pretty much eleminates you from the NBA if you are under 6 ft. Everything I have heard is that he has become a much more consistant shooter and that is likely why he got a contract.
FYI, Pooh stats (ave) from summer league for 31 min/gm over 5 games: 14.4 pts, 5.4 ast, 2 reb, 1 stl, 25% 3pt, 80% FT, 48% FG

Good stats for backup. Only tried 8 3's in 4 games. He will stick and Sloan will disappear.
quick energy bunny

Pooh will give us quick energy minutes to that we need. I'd rather have Jeremy Lin myself. He's an energizer bunny but is bigger at 6'3" and good outside shooter. Too bad we let the Warriors jump on him. We probably sign Wright in hopes of playing better defense against perimeter. We've been burned too often on the perimeter by opposing team.