Donte vs. Omri

Who wins the starting SF spot

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I also doubt very much that him laughing and joking around are bad things I feel that shows how happy he is to be on the team which begets determination
That's just it though I hope he doesn't feel like that always that he is just happy to be there. I know the game shouldn't be taken for granted, but at some point he needs to get himself out there and play up to his potential. I really hope this is the year and I know it's just summer league but he is finally showing some real nice go to moves. I'm pumped for him the most this season. I don't wanna come off like I'm dogging him, because I'm not. Behind Reke he is my favorite current King, I guess I just expect alot more out of him this year.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think if there was no Donte we would all be on here right now being excited about Omri's potential as our starting SF of the future. He's got size, a well rounded offensive game, feistiness, and there are times when he enters the game and there is an almost audible energy pop.

But with Donte around it becoems a comparison of a guy with a chance to become a good SF doing all the things SFs do, to a guy who has a chance to become our 3rd absolute mismatch nightmare freak. Now hoepfully going forward there will be room for both of them ala Peja and Hedo back in the day. But sooner or later minutes are going to start getting tight on this team with so may big pieces, and young pieces all bucking for time.
I don't buy this at all, I think donte is a hustler. I also doubt very much that him laughing and joking around are bad things I feel that shows how happy he is to be on the team which begets determination
I agree. Vlade was a huge jokester and that team was laughing and joking a lot. Laughing and joking are not necessarily signs of lack of determination, hard work, focus or hustle. For a lot of people and those around them, it's a great deflector of tension, anger and bickering.
Well, so far everybody has raved about how much of a leader Donté has become, how he always helps the new players, tells them where to be on defense and everything. Indicates to me that he is very serious about basketball and doing everything he can to help the team. If he can do this and still be a positive locker room presence, encourage everybody and smile all the time, then more power to him that's exactly what I would want from him.


I'd rather have a team that is happy and likes playing together than a bunch of brooding prima donnas. If Donte is keeping the mood light on the bench, and still has his head in the game rooting for his teammates, and still manages to keep improving in HIS THIRD YEAR IN THE LEAGUE then who are you to keep kicking him down because of it?
Any chance Omri really develops his ballhandling skills and becomes our 2 of the future? Can he defend the 2? Or is he just not quick enough to keep up with some of the quicker 2s in the league?


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Any chance Omri really develops his ballhandling skills and becomes our 2 of the future? Can he defend the 2? Or is he just not quick enough to keep up with some of the quicker 2s in the league?
If anything, Donte is the one athletic enough to get minutes at the 2 spot.
If anything, Donte is the one athletic enough to get minutes at the 2 spot.
I'm just wondering if there is anyway they are our 2/3 of the future anyway you slice it. Like Donte guards most threes, plays 2 on offense, etc... Yeah Donte's got better handles at this point, but ****, a 7' semi-legitimate actual two guard??? I mean is that even allowed?? It's insane that I even had that thought.


Hall of Famer
I think with each passing game and Omri still not quite got his head clear yet Donte is winning the battle in summer league. When Omri understands what is wanted and needed of him he will be great.


The Game Thread Dude
I think with each passing game and Omri still not quite got his head clear yet Donte is winning the battle in summer league. When Omri understands what is wanted and needed of him he will be great.
I agree. While Omri has been winning statistically, Donte has been playing far better basketball.
I think with each passing game and Omri still not quite got his head clear yet Donte is winning the battle in summer league. When Omri understands what is wanted and needed of him he will be great.
Spot on.

This summer league does make Omri the 2nd option other then Cousins, considering it's either Greene or him on the floor... he demands the ball and actually gets it now, and tries to show the team he can be like that on the main team, something that fails miserbly obviusly.. I think/hope it will turn for the best, cause after seeing for himself he plays bad in that role he will not even have the need to be 'that guy', and much like Donte will accept his 4-5th option position.

Once he plays with the real team this will cool down very quickly and they will bring him back to earth.

Donte on the other hand is just great, love his approach to the game, how he knows where he stands and trys to make the best out of it.. thats the right way to do things.
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Omri has tunnel vision

Omri seems to have tunnel vision and cannot see the whole court and hit open guys. He shoots in traffic far too often and bricks or travel. Donte impresses me with his court vision and passing when guys are open and he is in heavy traffic. They will both get their minutes but Donte is going to be the starter. Book it.
with all this talk about "winning the starting position" I hope Westpahl doesn't pull the same crap he did last season and switch up the lineup every game.

We need a consistent role for these kids to get comfortable with.
I agree. I didn't mind his approach last year because he's basically trying to give everybody a chance to earn it. The problem was nobody except Evans seem to be able to perform at the level needed to consistently start. After a full year, SL, and preseason, I think he'll settle in to a starting lineup. I think 3 guys are sure to start are Evans, Donte, and Cousins. I think SG and PF are up for grabs until preseason finishes. I think the priority at PF is shotblocking and rebounds so likely Landry will probably not start. Now you guy Thompson, Dally and Whiteside battling it out. I actually think that we're better off having Beno play the 2 than Garcia. Beno is better outside shooter and penetrator.
I don't think so.. I mean after Reke the 2nd name on the lineup is Landry.. he's preety much a lockin at PF atleast in the begining of the season....I also think Beno is a lockin at the starting lineup at the 1\2 position together with Reke.. especiely if Petrie make no suprise signings and just get a backup guard from SL.

From there you could argue, none including DMC has a 100% spot, although his latest outings might take care of that.
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I don't think so.. I mean after Reke the 2nd name on the lineup is Landry.. he's preety much a lockin at PF atleast in the begining of the season....I also think Beno is a lockin at the starting lineup at the 1\2 position together with Reke.. especiely if Petrie make no suprise signings and just get a backup guard from SL.

From there you could argue, none including DMC has a 100% spot, although his latest outings might take care of that.
Id actually love Landry off the bench taking the majority of minutes @ PF

imagine the energy we would get off the bench with Landry,Casspi, and Garcia (Not to mention Dalembert, and Brockman) -- new bench mob? :eek:
I also think Landry is most effective from the bench as he prooved.. but thats very unlikely to happen, cause theres just about no one to put him there unless you play Cousins at the 4, and even thats questionable.

What I mean is realisticly, the starting lineup lockins right now are Reke, Beno and Landry in my opinion.
I agree. I didn't mind his approach last year because he's basically trying to give everybody a chance to earn it. The problem was nobody except Evans seem to be able to perform at the level needed to consistently start. After a full year, SL, and preseason, I think he'll settle in to a starting lineup. I think 3 guys are sure to start are Evans, Donte, and Cousins. I think SG and PF are up for grabs until preseason finishes. I think the priority at PF is shotblocking and rebounds so likely Landry will probably not start. Now you guy Thompson, Dally and Whiteside battling it out. I actually think that we're better off having Beno play the 2 than Garcia. Beno is better outside shooter and penetrator.
I seem to remember a knock on PW, iirc from a poster who followed his previous nba teams, was that he would constantly tweak the starting line-ups to a maddening degree in the name of match-ups. Hopefully it'll be a lot less this year than last. Actually, I hope the first game line-up isn't silly like last years...
Donte, at least in summer league, is playing like a starting role-player. Omri isn't. Least year, I preferred Omri at SF over Donte because of the rebounding. I really hate that Donte is a poor rebounder, but he's got the edge with me so far. I just don't like Landry and Donte playing together as the forwards. If Thompson is starting at PF, I'm fine with Donte as the SF.
To me, it doesn't matter much who starts. It matters more who plays at the end of the game. Additionally, PT could largely depend on match-ups each game.
I don't see why Landry can't play small forward. He can shoot medium jumpers, slash, and quick enough to guard SF. Shooting trey's is not that important. In fact sometimes SF can shoot trey's too much and become inefficient. For Omri to start, he needs to learn how to pass and play defense rather than take bad shots. With Cousins on board, a new standard is set for passing. Omri is a major defensive liability. I don't give him much of a chance to start since defense is hard to pick up overnight. To me we have 4 starters in Tyreke, Beno, Donte and Cousins and very deep bench. I'd like to see PW make good use of bench to increase offensive boarding, fast break, and defense intensity throughout the game
Landry can't defend most of the SF's in the league. He also plays 100% PF on offense.

In short, he's a good PF an a crappy SF. Easy decision for me.

I don't see why Landry can't play small forward. He can shoot medium jumpers, slash, and quick enough to guard SF. Shooting trey's is not that important. In fact sometimes SF can shoot trey's too much and become inefficient. For Omri to start, he needs to learn how to pass and play defense rather than take bad shots. With Cousins on board, a new standard is set for passing. Omri is a major defensive liability. I don't give him much of a chance to start since defense is hard to pick up overnight. To me we have 4 starters in Tyreke, Beno, Donte and Cousins and very deep bench. I'd like to see PW make good use of bench to increase offensive boarding, fast break, and defense intensity throughout the game
I dont know if it means much, but in offense, ive seen omri with his back against the ball a couple times while it was in play, while his frontside is facing towards the spectators. to me, it kind of signals a "while you guys do your thing, ill do mine" approach at times during the game..

that should be our starting lineup when the season starts. greene is a really versatile player that can play on both sides of the court. his length and shooting ability will give him an advantage against other small fowards. cousins has to start. we're not a playoff team to allow our rookies to sit on the bench. they need to start and develop. dalembert at the center so we can show case him along with his contract and the man can really hit the boards. with cousins and dalembert we should shred the label of being "soft" in the front court. then beno or garcia at the shooting guard to spread the floor. casspi and landry should come off the bench to inject the team with a spark. and landry is more comfortable as the 6th man anyway. thompson should get the backup big man minutes that landry doesn't because thompson can play both PF and C.
this is a good lineup. It's going to be a fast break-dunk fest with this lineup. Cousins will be zipping dimes to Tyreke and Greene all day long for dunks and layups upon double team.
I always feel that Omri tries to prove himself too much, instead of just playing the game and letting the game come to him. I haven't seen him pass a single time on the break (I know I'm exaggerating), and it's like he just wants to get his numbers too much.

I'd like Omri to work on his ball handling a bit more over the summer. You can see he's still not very comfortable crossing over and driving in, which in turn probably affects his ability to pass as well because he isn't able to control the ball as well to pass it, or to be on an active look out for team mates.
Donte Greene is legit. In fact, I'd hazard to say that he might actually outperform 2010's No.4 overall pick, Wesley Johnson. Donte has some similar skills to WJ, and he has that 6'11 frame that is just crazy for how athletic he is. It's like we have the No.4 overall pick, and the No.5 overall pick. Donte should get a ton of minutes, quite honestly. He could have a real breakout year.

Casspi is interesting, because at times last year, I thought I was looking at a combination of Hedo and Peja in Casspi. But since the second half of last year, and so far during this Summer League, Omri has been overly aggressive, self-fish, and semi out-of-control at times. He still shows those brief glimpses of brilliance, but they seem to be fewer and farther between. Plus, it seems that Omri's mistakes both offensively and defensively outweigh any of his brief moments of magnificence. Honestly, I'm wondering if we should be shopping Casspi to the Knicks for something. I think the Knicks would pay more for Casspi than any other team, especially after coming out of this FA with just Amare and scraps.
Donte Greene is legit. In fact, I'd hazard to say that he might actually outperform 2010's No.4 overall pick, Wesley Johnson. Donte has some similar skills to WJ, and he has that 6'11 frame that is just crazy for how athletic he is. It's like we have the No.4 overall pick, and the No.5 overall pick. Donte should get a ton of minutes, quite honestly. He could have a real breakout year.

Casspi is interesting, because at times last year, I thought I was looking at a combination of Hedo and Peja in Casspi. But since the second half of last year, and so far during this Summer League, Omri has been overly aggressive, self-fish, and semi out-of-control at times. He still shows those brief glimpses of brilliance, but they seem to be fewer and farther between. Plus, it seems that Omri's mistakes both offensively and defensively outweigh any of his brief moments of magnificence. Honestly, I'm wondering if we should be shopping Casspi to the Knicks for something. I think the Knicks would pay more for Casspi than any other team, especially after coming out of this FA with just Amare and scraps.
I will go one step further and say Donte has a stronger frame.. he added some inches and muscle this off-season and doesn't seem to have lost any quickness (unlike Casspi).

I really like Donte's game, you can tella t times he does still get out of control - but I think he's learning how to put his complete game together and play it naturally sometimes I think he's thinking hard about what he's doing... When he plays it naturally he will be a very legit starting 3 that people will have to worry about I think.

Casspi seems to have slowed down this summer league (maybe poor conditioning) but he did come in more musclar so maybe he let his cardio slack because of weight lifting. He still has that tunnel vision at times which is maddening - he needs to realize he doesn't have to be the superstar on this team and be all out aggressive at times... But I'm not sure he'll ever grow out of it which makes me believe he is a great option off the bench. Having Beno and Casspi off the bench which will be a huge change of pace in the game for how our team attacks I think will throw teams off balance around the league.

JT/Landry (interchangable)/Whiteside

When you potentially hit the bench and have a lineup of Beno/Garcia/Casspi/Landry or JT/Dally... That's still a pretty formidable bench squad with plenty of O and still good defense compared to what we've seen in years past... This team will probably be a faster paced squad then our starters...