Nets taking Wes Johnson


Hall of Famer
We're just feigning interest in Monroe to lull others out of Trading up to 4 for Cousins. We've been after Cousins all along. If he's gone then we'll take Johnson or Favors.

Monroe is just a pawn in our game
Thats what I'm beginning to think as well.

I mean, Monroe is so blah as a prospect I dont want to believe we actually want him. Maybe we're being delusional, but hopefully this is whats going on.

If we get one of Cuz or Favors I'm gonna plotz.
I don't care if he goes 2,3, or 4, but hearing Wes Johnson's name called before our pick would be very, very encouraging. Well, here's hoping.
This is the key point here. All the talk about Johnson's stock rising is just plain good for us. Let those teams wind themselves up and we'll take Cousins and be set with him and Tyreke for a decade.
Younger, but also a lot more raw. I'd rather take the more skilled/polished talent than just hope for a little more upside with another talent.
Eh, you lost me. Batum's already a top notch NBA defender and shooter who did it on a 50 win team. That's proven ability. I can't give that much credit to one excellent year in the Big East.

The one thing I would wonder is if Batum might catch the injury bug.
seeing alot more mock drafts that were updated today having Wes Johnson at 3... there is no way minny would pass on favors. ugh 48hrs cant pass soon enough.
So much for Gary saying Wes Johnson was garbage.

Make up some more stories will ya? :rolleyes: I never said he was garbage, I said he was not in the top 4 unless something happened during workouts, or if something drastic happened in regards to interviews and such.. With those Cousins rumors there ya go. I still don't think he's top 3 or whatever. Quit being stupid. I also said I wouldn't take him because the Kings had a need for a big man, and I wouldn't want him to split time with 2 more 1st round prospects at SF drafted in back to back years.

Am I the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? I am flattered but don't you have "kingsgirl" or whoever?

EDIT: I still think this is a "rumor" but since Johnson has been killing in his workouts it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see him move up. I had said IF someone was going to move up it was going to be him. Still doesn't mean he's a top 4 talent. Plus these are RUMORS so until draft night I will take them for that. BPA for us is not another SF when the talent after Cousins/Favors/Turner/Wall drops off.
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
seeing alot more mock drafts that were updated today having Wes Johnson at 3... there is no way minny would pass on favors. ugh 48hrs cant pass soon enough.
But it doesn't even matter if Minnesota picks Favors at that point, as long as Johnson goes top 4 we get an elite big man prospect. Unless you're convinced Cousins is a psycho (I'm not) or Favors is overrated (I'm not) then it's a win-win for us.
Even more interesting is I see more mock drafts with us taking Cousins. DX and included

Yah, I am glad Johnson has moved into the top 4 because that makes the #5 that much more interesting because one of the 4 players that the Kings wanted will be sure to fall to us now (if the rumors are true). I am not yet ready to believe it since there has been like a new rumor every hour or so, and DX made that one up about Cousins yesterday.

My whole issue with Johnson is we don't need another SF after grabbing up 2 1st round SFs in the last couple years via draft/trade. Plus Johnson can't play SG because he cannot create his own shot. He is deadly from 3 as a spot up shooter, WHICH WE NEED, but I would rather see what we have first in Casspi, and Greene before we replace them.

We need a BIG, and if BPA is a big we better be grabbing him.
But it doesn't even matter if Minnesota picks Favors at that point, as long as Johnson goes top 4 we get an elite big man prospect. Unless you're convinced Cousins is a psycho (I'm not) or Favors is overrated (I'm not) then it's a win-win for us.
trust me, im on the cousins bandwagon... been there for quite sometime. what im saying is i hope johnson is picked at three. because there is still a possibility that minny will take cousins over johnson at 4.
Pretty much, if Johnson goes before we pick then obviously cousins or favors will be available. So it'll be up to Petrie. If he goes Monroe with either of those two sitting there I'd be furious. I can see him maybe MAYBE going Monroe if favors is gone but if cousins is gone he will not hesitate to pick favors.

Let's say we get favors. And I'm saying this knowing it's an extreme long shot. But if we got him, does he start right away? And how would your depth chart look if we drafted him? I think if he started next to sammy we could have landry in the 6th man role that most of us want him to be in. But are you guys fine with JT as a back up C? I'm perfectly fine with it. As a matter of fact I like him in that role and think it's a better spot for him. What do you guys think?
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
trust me, im on the cousins bandwagon... been there for quite sometime. what im saying is i hope johnson is picked at three. because there is still a possibility that minny will take cousins over johnson at 4.
Ah, I see. Yeah, nothing is guaranteed until Thursday night. In that respect, I completely agree with you. 48 hours can't get here soon enough! :)
Pretty much, if Johnson goes before we pick then obviously cousins or favors will be available. So it'll be up to Petrie. If he goes Monroe with with either of those two I'd be furious. I can see him maybe MAYBE going Monroe if favors is gone but if cousins is gone he will not hesitate to pick favors.

Let's say we get favors. And I'm saying this knowing it's an extreme long shot. But if we got him, does he start right away? And how would your depth chart look if we drafted him? I think if he started next to sammy we could have landry in the 6th man role that most of us want him to be in. But are you guys fine with JT as a back up C? I'm perfectly fine with it. As a matter of fact I like him in that role and think it's a better spot for him. What do you guys think?
Personally I think you have to start him because he'd be the future. I'm sure he'll have some foul issues he'll have to get over at first, but it'll be better he gets over them sooner rather than later. I'd start him and Thompson together, with Landry and Dalembert off the bench.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Let's say we get favors. And I'm saying this knowing it's an extreme long shot. But if we got him, does he start right away? And how would your depth chart look if we drafted him? I think if he started next to sammy we could have landry in the 6th man role that most of us want him to be in. But are you guys fine with JT as a back up C? I'm perfectly fine with it. As a matter of fact I like him in that role and think it's a better spot for him. What do you guys think?
It's not a perfect fit for us. I wouldn't think Favors would be starting from day 1 with Landry and Thompson on the roster. And it would most likely mean that one of them will be gone after next year (in that case, probably Landry doesn't get re-signed). Thompson can play some minutes at C but I don't think his future is starting at that position and Dalembert is most likely a 1 year rental for us. If we get Favors I would think he'll backup Landry this year (or the first half anyway if he impresses and takes over) and then move into the starting lineup for 11-12. Thompson would be the third big off the bench at that point and we'd be shopping for a free agent center next off-season. (Greg Oden?)

Drafting Cousins accelerates the development process. I would put Cousins in as the starter right away and bring Dalembert off the bench. Landry and Thompson split minutes at PF and we decide in the off season how much we want Landry back. If we go free agent shopping it'll probably be for a SG or SF (easier to find and afford) and we'd be a playoff team as early as 2012.
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Pretty much, if Johnson goes before we pick then obviously cousins or favors will be available. So it'll be up to Petrie. If he goes Monroe with with either of those two I'd be furious. I can see him maybe MAYBE going Monroe if favors is gone but if cousins is gone he will not hesitate to pick favors.

Let's say we get favors. And I'm saying this knowing it's an extreme long shot. But if we got him, does he start right away? And how would your depth chart look if we drafted him? I think if he started next to sammy we could have landry in the 6th man role that most of us want him to be in. But are you guys fine with JT as a back up C? I'm perfectly fine with it. As a matter of fact I like him in that role and think it's a better spot for him. What do you guys think?

Start him right away.. I had a feeling if someone dropped out it might be Favors. I hadn't been reading much about him, but at the same time I hadn't heard much about him either for the last few weeks. That had me thinking he might be the one to fall out of the top 4. Then along comes Cousins issue yesterday about his interviews and such, then the false rumor by DX.. Who knows.. I had a feeling it would take a lot for Johnson to jump into the top 4, and these two circumstances might have moved him into the top 4. All the better, because we don't need another SF, and Johnson isn't a SG.

So if Cousins/Favors/Turner/Wall were all drafted 1-4 and we were looking at Monroe, or Johnson I would have to take Monroe. Johnson moved up to #2 on my list though because Aldrich measured like a SF. So if we were to trade down a pick or two or something and Johnson was there with Monroe not then he would be who I want. I think Johnson is more talented than Greene, but I think Casspi might turn into a Ginobli type player.. So before we take another 1st round SF I would want to make sure the Kings have their business in order about who they want to develop.
It's not a perfect fit for us. I wouldn't think Favors would be starting from day 1 with Landry and Thompson on the roster. And it would most likely mean that one of them will be gone after next year (in that case, probably Landry doesn't get re-signed). Thompson can play some minutes at C but I don't think his future is starting at that position and Dalembert is most likely a 1 year rental for us. If we get Favors I would think he'll backup Landry this year (or the first half anyway if he impresses and takes over) and then move into the starting lineup for 11-12. Thompson would be the third big off the bench at that point and we'd be shopping for a free agent center next off-season. (Greg Oden?)

Drafting Cousins accelerates the development process. I would put Cousins in as the starter right away and bring Dalembert off the bench. Landry and Thompson split minutes at PF and we decide in the off season how much we want Landry back. If we go free agent shopping it'll probably be for a SG or SF (easier to find and afford) and we'd be a playoff team as early as 2012.
Forgot about Thompson =/ I do like Favors, but would we want Thompson being the third PF off the bench? Does he deserve that after how he played late in the year?

Makes me think now that if we did have the choice between Favors and Monroe we might be picking Monroe.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Forgot about Thompson =/ I do like Favors, but would we want Thompson being the third PF off the bench? Does he deserve that after how he played late in the year?

Makes me think now that if we did have the choice between Favors and Monroe we might be picking Monroe.

You don't pass on Derrick Favors for Jason Thompson's comfort. Favors high end is projected out as perennial All Star. You either want him, or you don't, but JT can not be any concern at all in the face of a potential franchise turning pick.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Forgot about Thompson =/ I do like Favors, but would we want Thompson being the third PF off the bench? Does he deserve that after how he played late in the year?

Makes me think now that if we did have the choice between Favors and Monroe we might be picking Monroe.
If he plays minutes at PF and C he should still be getting 30 minutes a game or so which is starter's minutes. Thompson is a little like Casspi to me at this point -- I'm glad they're both on our team, but right now I think I'd prefer they be very good bench players instead of average starters. You're going to need an 8 or 9 man rotation in the playoffs so those roles are still valuable ones to fill. Of course both of those guys are young enough that they can prove they deserve the starting spot and then you rethink your plan accordingly. The nice thing about Thompson and Favors though is that either one is big enough to play minutes at C. You'd run into a problem when you play against a team with legitimate size (an Orlando or LA or Portland) but you could probably do pretty well with a Thompson/Favors frontcourt duo for a couple years until you decide which guy you want to hang your hat on as the starting PF.
Tyreke has us picking Cousins in the players mock draft. I'll go with that. Maybe he has a tad bit of pull considering he's our franchise player and all...
Well yah.. I was thinking what Petrie would probably do. I like Favors!! I want Favors, but I haven't been hearing much about him for the past few weeks. I thought he was a lock for the Nets, and now this rumor came out I started looking more at Favors, but still cannot find much. I didn't get a chance to see him that much in college (about 5-8 games) but I did know he was a tremendous high school talent. Think he was ranked in the top 3 for high school talents the year before last. That's when I started following him.
Hoping it comes down to Favors n DC, im confident in that case we'd take Favors. If it comes down to DC n Monroe id say well go for the passing big man. Can really see DC falling
Hoping it comes down to Favors n DC, im confident in that case we'd take Favors. If it comes down to DC n Monroe id say well go for the passing big man. Can really see DC falling
There's no way in hell both Favors and Cousins will be available at our pick. One or the other, if we're lucky.

According to DX, the warriors are saying that Cousins won't fall past them.
Start thompson over landry? Are you kidding me? Have we forgotten that we traded for landry b/c thompson wasnt cutting it as a starting pf. When landry came in he brought stability to that spot. Thompson is an energy player coming off the bench. Not a starter.
Start thompson over landry? Are you kidding me? Have we forgotten that we traded for landry b/c thompson wasnt cutting it as a starting pf. When landry came in he brought stability to that spot. Thompson is an energy player coming off the bench. Not a starter.

Your right JT should not start OVER Landry but one day I would like Landy to be our 6th man.
Start thompson over landry? Are you kidding me? Have we forgotten that we traded for landry b/c thompson wasnt cutting it as a starting pf. When landry came in he brought stability to that spot. Thompson is an energy player coming off the bench. Not a starter.
The same can be said for Landry that he's an energy player off the bench, he's shown he's just as effective starting as he is off the bench although from what I've seen he's even more effective coming off the bench and so is JT but if you have Cousins as that big who scores then JT rebounding and doing what he does then have Dally in for defense and laundry come in and you won't be losing any offense really.

Thing about Landry that is concerning as a starter is rebounding and he just is too small to guard the bigger PF's let's not forget Pau pretty much shot 80% against Landry both times.

Either way would be telling which line up would be most effective yet.
JT can play Center. I know a lot of folkes dont want him over there, but he is our tallest player aside from Dalembert, and His numbers were BETTER last year at center.

It doesnt matter who we draft, Favors or Cousins. They both impact the roster the same way.

If you draft Cousins, he plays center with Dalembert and JT/Landry play PF.

You draft Favors and he plays PF with Landry while JT and Dalembert hold down center.

It is too many guys though. They all deserve 30 mpg. I wouldnt mind trading JT for some kind of Combo/pg. Maybe the Twolves take him for Flynn or Sessions? Then you could put Brockman in that backup PF role for 5-10 minutes a night. Greene can cover over there too depending on the matchup. Its unforutunate that Brockman is totally out of the rotation right now, I think he'd be perfect in a limited role. There is also the possibility of trading Dalembert's expriring deal at the deadline to open up some playing time.

Thursday cant come soon enough.