Hoopsworld says Monroe to the Kings

Andrew in San Francisco:
Bill- Do you think Greg Monroe can play the center position in the NBA or is he better suited at the 4?

Bill Ingram:
At this point he doesn't have the skills to play the 4 . . .very hard to say about these young big men, but my guess is he's a 5. The Kings certainly think so.

Pee in Indy, IN:
Finals are over, let's talk draft. Monroe apparently didn't impress the Warriors. Who will they take if Cousins is off the board?

Bill Ingram:
I don't think Cousins will be off the board . . .his interviews with teams didn't go well, but the Warriors want him anyway . . .he's their pick.

maskman in detroit, michigan:
r u high on DEAMRCUS COUSINS?i think he rily like to play in motown...

Bill Ingram:
Having spoken to him a few times, not really. Talented yes, but he's a train wreck waiting to happen in some ways. There are rumors that he's bi-polar, and that wouldn't surprise me a bit. He makes Ron Artest look very, very sane.

Ludwig Hasbauer in Germany:
tell me the kings draft cousins if he's available!! do you expect kings trades this week?

Bill Ingram:
We have it on good authority that the Kings go with Monroe . . .the Warriors will take Cousins at 6

Didn't Napear do an interview with Ingram? I think I heard parts of the interview that were along these same lines, not the Monroe parts, but the belief that Cousins is like a modern day Krakatoa waiting to blow. It seems as though Ingram has had some sort of personal experience that turned him sour on Cousins a few years back.

Of course, this is all hot air until I come back with the interview, which is what I will try to do right now!

Ba! I can't find it.
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I do believe that the Kings will go with Monroe, but that would probably mark the first time a mock draft or an expert got a Kings draft pick right in some time.

Also, Cousins makes Artest look sane? Gimme a break :rolleyes:
I do believe that the Kings will go with Monroe, but that would probably mark the first time a mock draft or an expert got a Kings draft pick right in some time.
I don't know why everyone is hyping this up. It's obvious from the previous draft with the kings drafting tyreke, omri, and brock, that they will take Demarcus Cousins.
There are rumors that he's bi-polar, and that wouldn't surprise me a bit. He makes Ron Artest look very, very sane.
Meds and a good psychiatrist can work wonders! This should not stop us from drafting him. Heck, if I can stay married to my bi-polar wife for 11 years and be happy then the Kings should be able to do the same for a guy with this much talent!


Hall of Famer
I do believe that the Kings will go with Monroe, but that would probably mark the first time a mock draft or an expert got a Kings draft pick right in some time.

Also, Cousins makes Artest look sane? Gimme a break :rolleyes:
If Cousins is there at 5, trust me, the Kings will take him. Monroe is the antithisis of everything the Kings are trying to do right now. Ask yourself this. Would you want to be the GM that passes on Cousins and then watches him play in the all star game a few years later, while the player you chose is just a nice role player. Remember, this isn't passing on a center for a SF or a SG that could be stars. This is passing on a center for another center. So the one you pick dammed well better be the best of the litter.
If Cousins is there at 5, trust me, the Kings will take him. Monroe is the antithisis of everything the Kings are trying to do right now. Ask yourself this. Would you want to be the GM that passes on Cousins and then watches him play in the all star game a few years later, while the player you chose is just a nice role player. Remember, this isn't passing on a center for a SF or a SG that could be stars. This is passing on a center for another center. So the one you pick dammed well better be the best of the litter.
Hope you are right Baja
A source close to DeMarcus Cousins indicates his preference is to land in Detroit. Feeling is mutual. Not a fan of Sacramento apparently.

thats according to draft express.
A source close to DeMarcus Cousins indicates his preference is to land in Detroit. Feeling is mutual. Not a fan of Sacramento apparently.

thats according to draft express.
I doubt the Kings care what he wants, if he's their choice at five. I don't care either. :p
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All we can do is send an email on Kings.com regarding our preference. Maybe what the fans want will enter into the pick at least .000001%.
Yeh, I'm preparing myself for the 13 8 and 4 that Monroe brings. We need to be swinging for the fences when drafting this high. Ugh. Seriously, how much better does his skillset make us?
I'm getting sick of this draft. Why couldn't we have just gotten the 3rd pick and drafted Derrick Favors?
I think all of this garbage stems from the fact that the Kings were widely regarded as a soft team for the better part of the most recent decade. 5 years ago the Kings may well have taken Monroe. Today the kings will certainly pick Cousins if hes still available.
I think all of this garbage stems from the fact that the Kings were widely regarded as a soft team for the better part of the most recent decade. 5 years ago the Kings may well have taken Monroe. Today the kings will certainly pick Cousins if hes still available.
If it's true that Cousins doesn't want to come here, then we have to worry about him staying in Sac. This is getting so ridiculous.
Honestly, I'd rather Jt start at center than Monroe. He has a better jumper, is a better finisher(sadly) rebounds better, has more potential on the defensive end and has shown flashes of passing ability.
I think all of this garbage stems from the fact that the Kings were widely regarded as a soft team for the better part of the most recent decade. 5 years ago the Kings may well have taken Monroe. Today the kings will certainly pick Cousins if hes still available.
That could be part of it. Monroe would seem to most people like a Petrie pick. But GP has definitely changed the type of players he's interested in recently.

I'm just a little worried that the Kings had Monroe back for a second look. Although after they worked out Monroe and Cousins, the word was they were impressed with Monroe, until they saw Cousin's workout. Based on that, I'd have to think they'd only pass on Cousins if they had some serious concerns about Cousins, other than his talent.
Lets see the article that most likely falsely states that Cousins doesnt want to come here. Anybody?
It was DX's twitter. I'm not saying it's fact, I'm just saying all these horrible reports we're hearing is getting a little tiresome, true or not.
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See the tweet on Draft Express. Link is posted above in post #14. That's where the rumor comes from. Is it true? Who knows. Rumors are hardly fact.
That only states that Cousins' preference is Detroit, which oddly enough is the biggest market of any of the top picks, and the lowest pick which means the lowest starting salary (albeit not by a lot). I think any big man would love to play with Tyreke
DeMarcus responds on his twitter to draftexpress comment:

Draft express needs to get there facts straight ....ME nor ANYBODY close to me made those comments ..


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Take that DX.

A lot of kids coming out have preferences based on who they were fans of, etc. Detroit has wons some rings, I can see why of all the perrenial lotto teams likely to pick him he'd want to go to the one with some hardware history. We've always had a problem with people being reluctant to play in Sac who then grow to love the city. So I wouldn't be concerned even if it were true.
I was thinking it was kind of weird for someone to say they actually want to be drafted 7th, if there's a good chance they'll go higher.
If it's true that Cousins doesn't want to come here, then we have to worry about him staying in Sac. This is getting so ridiculous.
Winning will take care of that! We'll have him locked up for 4 years and by then Tyreke will be 5 times the beast he already is. With any luck we could be contending.