2009-10 Kings draft position thread

I've looked over the remaining schedule and the teams like GS and Washington can certainly pick up a few more wins...of course you never know what will happen with those teams as they could easily lose the rest of their games no matter the opponent...I do see Detroit losing the rest of the way.

GS and Wash leading early :)
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Hall of Famer
I'm gonna get my hopes up that we'll be in a position to draft Favors.

NO! I'm gonna get my hopes up that we'll luck out in the lotto and end up with Turner.

Evans/Turner backcourt will destroy the league. We wont even NEED a frontcourt.


Hall of Famer
I'm gonna get my hopes up that we'll be in a position to draft Favors.

NO! I'm gonna get my hopes up that we'll luck out in the lotto and end up with Turner.

Evans/Turner backcourt will destroy the league. We wont even NEED a frontcourt.
An Evans/Turner backcourt would definately attract the attention of big name free agents if that ever happened. I would think with that backcourt free agent bigs would seriously consider signing with us in the future.
Washington up by 10 against NJ, looks like a woss for them! With games against GS, NY, and Indiana, they just need 1 more win after today to tie us and maybe they could win 2 and pull ahead of us if we win no more games. GS also is winning and if they win, they are also 1 back. That Washington-GS game is gonna be great and if they both win today, one of the 2 is going to be tied with us as long as we don't win.


Hall of Famer
The ping pong race is so exciting, and pathetic at the same time!

Haha, I'm hoping we dont win until next season.

Meanwhile...GS is within linning. Scaryness in Toronto.
Indiana, GSW and Washington ALL WOSE! :D

There's still the Clippers-Knicks game to go, but that's no big deal, we win no matter what happens.

Indiana will no longer appear in these listings, as they're now out of the race with a hopeless 29 wosses.

3-5. GSW-WAS-DET 23-53 .303
6. SAC 24-53 .312
7. PHI 26-50 .342
8. NYK 26-49 .347
9. LAC 27-49 .355
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Since it's looking like we may end the season tied with another team, I'll take a moment to remind everyone how ties work.

Let's say that we end up tied for 3rd-4th. :)

The 3rd place team usually gets 156 ping pong balls. The 4th place team usually gets 119. When they're tied, the equivalent of a coin flip is used to break the tie, but the result is a lot more fair than that one wins & one loses.

The ping pong balls would be split between us and the team we were tied with, and the only thing determined by the coin flip would be (1) which team might get a single leftover ball, if there are an odd number to be split, and (2) the order in the second round.

So in my scenario where we're tied for 3rd-4th, the team winning the coin flip would get ((156+119)/2)+1=138 ping pong balls, and the 3rd pick in the second round. The team losing the flip would get 137 ping pong balls and the 4th pick in the second round.

If we were in a 3-way tie, the general idea would be the same; throw all the ping pong balls involved into a pile, and split them as evenly as possible.

In short, if one or more of our competitors wose enough games to tie us, it can still be a great thing for the Kings, even if we lose the coin flip, because it'll help our ping pong ball tally quite a bit.
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Indiana, GSW and Washington ALL WOSE! :D

There's still the Clippers-Knicks game to go, but that's no big deal, we win no matter what happens.

Indiana will no longer appear in these listings, as they're now out of the race with a hopeless 29 wosses.

3-5. GSW-WAS-DET 23-53 .303
6. SAC 24-53 .312
7. PHI 26-50 .342
8. NYK 26-49 .347
9. LAC 27-49 .355

we might sneak into the 4 or 5th spot!


Hall of Famer
Indiana, GSW and Washington ALL WOSE! :D

There's still the Clippers-Knicks game to go, but that's no big deal, we win no matter what happens.

Indiana will no longer appear in these listings, as they're now out of the race with a hopeless 29 wosses.

3-5. GSW-WAS-DET 23-53 .303
6. SAC 24-53 .312
7. PHI 26-50 .342
8. NYK 26-49 .347
9. LAC 27-49 .355
This is a close race! Washington and Detroit are pretty bad. But if we are bad enough to lose every game from here on out, I can see us picking #5. That is potentially Favors territory.
det @ philly, minnesota

gsw @ washington, minnesota, LAC

washington @ gsw, indiana

theres a possibility detroit, gsw and washington each pick up another win by the end of the season. if we can maintain and not pick up any win's we'll be tied!! :)

bring out the ...

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Since it's looking like we may end the season tied with another team, I'll take a moment to remind everyone how ties work.

The ping pong balls would be split between us and the team we were tied with, and the only thing determined by the coin flip would be (1) which team might get a single leftover ball, if there are an odd number to be split, and (2) the order in the second round.
Don't forget the 1st round pick if both teams don't get a top 3 pick.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Since it's looking like we may end the season tied with another team, I'll take a moment to remind everyone how ties work.


The ping pong balls would be split between us and the team we were tied with, and the only thing determined by the coin flip would be (1) which team might get a single leftover ball, if there are an odd number to be split, and (2) the order in the second round.
Also 3) the order in the first round, if no team involved in the tie moves up due to having their combos selected in the lottery.
Since it's looking like we may end the season tied with another team, I'll take a moment to remind everyone how ties work.

Let's say that we end up tied for 3rd-4th. :)

The 3rd place team usually gets 156 ping pong balls. The 4th place team usually gets 119. When they're tied, the equivalent of a coin flip is used to break the tie, but the result is a lot more fair than that one wins & one loses.

The ping pong balls would be split between us and the team we were tied with, and the only thing determined by the coin flip would be (1) which team might get a single leftover ball, if there are an odd number to be split, and (2) the order in the second round.

So in my scenario where we're tied for 3rd-4th, the team winning the coin flip would get ((156+119)/2)+1=138 ping pong balls, and the 3rd pick in the second round. The team losing the flip would get 137 ping pong balls and the 4th pick in the second round.

If we were in a 3-way tie, the general idea would be the same; throw all the ping pong balls involved into a pile, and split them as evenly as possible.

In short, if one or more of our competitors wose enough games to tie us, it can still be a great thing for the Kings, even if we lose the coin flip, because it'll help our ping pong ball tally quite a bit.

I also assume if you have a tie for fourth place, the winner of the coin flip gets the 4th pick and the loser gets the 5th pick if neither team moves up into the top three.
I also assume if you have a tie for fourth place, the winner of the coin flip gets the 4th pick and the loser gets the 5th pick if neither team moves up into the top three.
Sort of.

There's some stuff posted on the Internet to that effect, but I didn't post it here because I 'm not sure that it's necessarily true.

Let's say that you're tied for 4th-5th in the lottery, and lose the coin flip. You get your 108 ping pong balls or whatever, and then you drop to 6th when the lottery happens. What does the tiebreaker mean, then? Nothing. The tiebreaker that said you'd be 5th has been overruled for the 1st round; it was the ping pong balls that decided the outcome. The coin flip's only impact was to (maybe) deprive you of one ping pong ball. The lottery decided the rest, even though it may not have moved either of the tied teams into the top 3. The lottery could have, for example, moved the #6 team to #1, and dropped everyone who was previously at #1-#5 by one spot.

This continues to be true until the point where you've exited the lottery. Then, if you're tied for 18th-19th (for example), you have no ping pong balls to split, and the coin flip decides everything. But then the whole thing about "if you didn't get 1st-3rd" is meaningless, because you never had a shot at those anyway. You weren't in the lottery. And none of that applies to the Kings, anyhow.

Make sense, now?

(If not, sorry, posting coherently at 1AM is hard.)
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Washington v. Golden State tuesday

so one of them has to tie with us w/ 24 wins :eek:

I vote its washington cuz im sure GSW will get that additional win soon(to put Nelson at #1 of all time)

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Sort of.

There's some stuff posted on the Internet to that effect, but I didn't post it here because I 'm not sure that it's necessarily true.

Let's say that you're tied for 4th-5th in the lottery, and lose the coin flip. You get your 108 ping pong balls or whatever, and then you drop to 6th when the lottery happens. What does the tiebreaker mean, then? Nothing. The tiebreaker that said you'd be 5th has been overruled for the 1st round; it was the ping pong balls that decided the outcome. The coin flip's only impact was to (maybe) deprive you of one ping pong ball. The lottery decided the rest, even though it may not have moved either of the tied teams into the top 3. The lottery could have, for example, moved the #6 team to #1, and dropped everyone who was previously at #1-#5 by one spot.
I think the question was whether the tiebreaker coin flip has any effect on relative positioning in the first round, given that neither team hits the lottery. We'll say the Lakers and the Mavericks are tied for 4th-5th in the lottery, and the Mavericks win the coin toss. Then the #6, #7, and #8 teams hit the lottery to go 1-2-3 in the draft. The 1-2-3 teams from the lottery drop down to 4-5-6 in the draft and the Lakers and Mavericks drop to 7-8. But who goes first between them? The winner of the coin flip, the Mavericks, goes 7th and the Lakers go 8th. So the coin flip determines that positioning too, in the case that neither team hits the lottery.
Knicks just wost, joining the Clips in the 27 woss club. They are both now far enough behind that we can probably forget about them.
So as I'm reading the standings, Kings are jockeying for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th pick. (I should probably say "most likely" in there)
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Yeah, no question that it sets default, relative positions, and absolute position WRT the second round.

In practice, I'm not sure how important that is for teams who have a good chance of moving up. In the event of the 3-4-5 tie I'm hoping we could be part of, for example, there's less than a 1/4 chance that none of the teams would get a top 3 pick. (In the event of a 1-2 tie, there'd be a less than 1/8 chance, though that can't happen this year.)

Conversely, I could be accused of overoptimism, since even with a 3-4-5 tie, the odds of *our* advancing to the top 3 would only be a little better than 25%.

And in a much worse case, tying for 6th-7th-8th, our chances would suck, and the coin flip would become very important. But let's not go there. Let's win the lottery and render all of this moot.

Update: no games today, but tomorrow will be big! Detroit will be playing Philly, and Washington will be playing GSW. One of either Washington or GSW will drop into a tie with us, and if Detroit beats Philly, they will drop into a tie with us as well. If Philly beats Detroit, there's still a silver lining, as Philly will be all but eliminated as a competitor.

After tomorrow, Washington will still have games left against NYK and Indiana, and GSW will still have games against Minny and LAC, so I'm not sure which team to root for in that game tomorrow. But I will say, GO PISTONS!
So as I'm reading the standings, Kings are jockeying for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th pick. (I should probably say "most likely" in there)
Yeah. Assuming we don't wose to the Spurs tomorrow, we will be in either a 5-6 tie or a 4-5-6 tie. And, as long as we keep linning, 3rd to 6th will be our range (subject to modification by the lottery).

One woss might doom us to sole 6th, but couldn't hurt us any worse than that.
I have been looking at Cole Aldrich and lordy lordy, he looks like he will be available, and i think we could use his size and skill. Honestly, he has as good a chance as any 2010 to be a star. If he is on the board and we are picking, i don't see how we don't draft a C who is 1st an upgrade to hawes 2nd already has some polish to his game. Imagine having this lineup, EVANS/JORDAN CRAWFORD/DONTE/HAWES/ALDRICH.....sounds like a 45 win lineup to me.


Hall of Famer
I have been looking at Cole Aldrich and lordy lordy, he looks like he will be available, and i think we could use his size and skill. Honestly, he has as good a chance as any 2010 to be a star. If he is on the board and we are picking, i don't see how we don't draft a C who is 1st an upgrade to hawes 2nd already has some polish to his game. Imagine having this lineup, EVANS/JORDAN CRAWFORD/DONTE/HAWES/ALDRICH.....sounds like a 45 win lineup to me.
I don't think I would go so far at to say Aldrich will be a star. I guess anythings possible, but Cole has a long way to go offensively to reach stardom. His forte is defense, and I think its possible that he could become a defensive star. If we were to use the all star game as a yardstick, there are five or six players I would put ahead of him right off the bat. That doesn't mean I don't want him on my team. I think he's exactly what the Kings need. Or at least one of the things the Kings need. But if I have the first pick in the draft, Aldrich's name doesn't pop up to the top of my list.
I have been looking at Cole Aldrich and lordy lordy, he looks like he will be available, and i think we could use his size and skill. Honestly, he has as good a chance as any 2010 to be a star. If he is on the board and we are picking, i don't see how we don't draft a C who is 1st an upgrade to hawes 2nd already has some polish to his game. Imagine having this lineup, EVANS/JORDAN CRAWFORD/DONTE/HAWES/ALDRICH.....sounds like a 45 win lineup to me.
No, no he doesnt. Look at me with a straight face and tell me he has as good of a chance as John Wall, Evan Turner, Demarcus Cousins, and Ed Favors at being a star. No sir.
He does, however, have a chance of becoming the next Joel Przybilla, and I'd be delighted to get that with a 6th pick.

The bigger question might be whether Geoff would ever draft a Przybilla type. I can't think of any time he's drafted a player who has never had a 20 point game.
Yeah, I project Aldrich to be a below average offensive player in the NBA--he just isn't really involved in the offense, although he shows slight ability in his jumper even with that hitch. What he absolutely excels at is clearing the boards, especially on the defensive glass, while simultaneously blocking shots well. He's not tragically foul prone either and has the body to play D at the next level (6'11" 265), so it bodes well for him to carve a niche on the defensive end. I do believe he has quite limited upside in the run-and-gun NBA, because the offense is really going to hinder him, and if all goes well maybe a Joel Przybilla/Theo Ratliff like career might suffice. I honestly think his talent is more in line with the #10-15 picks, as opposed to the #5-10, because of what I think is lack of upside, and I don't really think he's a super defensive stud.
With the Kings at 24 wins and the other speepstakes contenders at 23, here are the schedules and records against respective opponents[...]

Wow you packed in the info on that one.

I guess I'm just amazed that this is being tracked so heavily. I can't remember being excited about Linning.