Last Night's Broadcast--The real Grant

Anyone catch Grant get pissy about the media relations guy handing him something during the telecast? He snarked about it and when he realized when he was on camera, he tried to play it off like it was no big deal. Pretty funny stuff from our guy G-Nappy.
I did see that and agreed with him completely. That guy should not be handing them anything while they are on camera. That is GN. If he was nice about things like that we would call him Jerry Reynolds. They fit perfectly well together, and Nap is a 1st class radio personality and close to a 1st class TV announcer. Who is better than him in sacramento dare i ask?
I did see that and agreed with him completely. That guy should not be handing them anything while they are on camera. That is GN. If he was nice about things like that we would call him Jerry Reynolds. They fit perfectly well together, and Nap is a 1st class radio personality and close to a 1st class TV announcer. Who is better than him in sacramento dare i ask?
are u serious? didnt see a :rolleyes: or /sarcasm at the end of your post. either way this post made me chuckle
Yea, I caught the faux pa and it's par for the course for Mr. Know It All Charming - how the hell does he last for 25 years in Sacramento? One word. ARROGANT, or a couple words, New York, east coast, rude, superiority complex.
are u serious? didnt see a :rolleyes: or /sarcasm at the end of your post. either way this post made me chuckle
A few of my friends that are Laker fans and general NBA fans think that Napear and Reynolds are some of the worst announcers they have ever seen.

I tend to like them, because they do let loose at times, and don't seem so serious, at least Jerry doesn't. But, I'm biased, because I've been watching them for so many years whether they are good or bad, it's what I'm used to. It's sort of like "I'm home" when I hear them. I know I'm watching the Kings. So, my opinion is biased and I don't think I can look at it objectively.

Hwowever, I've seen some other broadcast teams that are very uptight and by the book and I think they are horrible. So, I don't know.
I get that people dislike Grant, and that some of the things that he says and does are stupid, but when you compare him to some of the other broadcast guys out there he's actually one of the better guys in the buisness. Hes not a homer, he has a good voice for TV ( and a good face for radio :p) and I'm glad hes the guy in Sacramento.

At least he knows the correct names of the other players in the league. If I has a nickel for every time I herd "Steve Hawes" or "Omar Casspi" or some rediculous pronunciation for Beno Udrih, I'd be rich. Grant and Jerry arent perfect, but compared to some of these other clowns, there pretty good.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I get that people dislike Grant, and that some of the things that he says and does are stupid, but when you compare him to some of the other broadcast guys out there he's actually one of the better guys in the buisness.
You're crazy. I've had League Pass for six years, and I watch all teams games; Napear isn't in the top half. Hell he isn't even the best analyst in Sacramento.
I saw the incident and it looked like the guy shoved the paper in his face on purpose while he was on camera. It was obvious they were on air and the guy shoved the paper in his face. More like LA obnoxious jackazz syndrome. Just another insult from the LA perspective toward Sacramento and our team.

I have NBA League Pass, and Grant and Jerry are easily one of the best broadcast teams in the league. Don't believe me, get NBA league pass and see how stupid and homer some of the other broadcast teams sound. I dont always agree with Grant but at least he has opinions and they are not all homer kiss azz opinions. I think his observations of Kevin Martin were spot on. He IS Mentally weak and it will show in Houston if they make the playoffs... Jerry is getting a little old but he is still pretty witty and has some good insight on other teams and players. I guess it's all in what you like as a listener. I like facts and good play by play. Not fluff and BS.

We make fun of Grant here in Sacramento because we can. But he really is a pretty good announcer and play by play guy. Jerry is still a good color guy. There is no sarcasm in this post. If you dont like the broadcast crew, get the NBA ticket and see how long you can stand the homerism and outright azz kissing that goes on during other teams broadcasts. It is horrific. And you can always turn the sound down on the tv and turn up Gary Gerrold on the radio side if you want a more professional announcer. There is none better than Gary Gerrold. He is a master of his craft.
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I saw the incident and it looked like the guy shoved the paper in his face on purpose while he was on camera. It was obvious they were on air and the guy shoved the paper in his face. More like LA obnoxious jackazz syndrome. Just another insult from the LA perspective toward Sacramento and our team.

I have NBA League Pass, and Grant and Jerry are easily one of the best broadcast teams in the league. Don't believe me, get NBA league pass and see how stupid and homer some of the other broadcast teams sound. I dont always agree with Grant but at least he has opinions and they are not all homer kiss azz opinions. I think his observations of Kevin Martin were spot on. He IS Mentally weak and it will show in Houston if they make the playoffs... Jerry is getting a little old but he is still pretty witty and has some good insight on other teams and players.

We make fun of Grant here in Sacramento because we can. But he really is a pretty good announcer and play by play guy. Jerry is still a good color guy. There is no sarcasm in this post. If you dont like the broadcast crew, get the NBA ticket and see how long you can stand the homerism and outright azz kissing that goes on during other teams broadcasts. It is horrific. And you can always turn the sound down on the tv and turn up Gary Gerrold on the radio side if you want a more professional announcer. There is none better than Gary Gerrold. He is a master of his craft.
The G-man is someone I'd defend. If someone tries to disrespect G-Man as a broadcaster they better be ready to fight. He's like everyone's Grandpa, if our Grandpa was an excellent broadcaster; and you don't talk about Grandpa that way!
I saw the incident and it looked like the guy shoved the paper in his face on purpose while he was on camera. It was obvious they were on air and the guy shoved the paper in his face. More like LA obnoxious jackazz syndrome. Just another insult from the LA perspective toward Sacramento and our team.

I have NBA League Pass, and Grant and Jerry are easily one of the best broadcast teams in the league. Don't believe me, get NBA league pass and see how stupid and homer some of the other broadcast teams sound. I dont always agree with Grant but at least he has opinions and they are not all homer kiss azz opinions. I think his observations of Kevin Martin were spot on. He IS Mentally weak and it will show in Houston if they make the playoffs... Jerry is getting a little old but he is still pretty witty and has some good insight on other teams and players.

We make fun of Grant here in Sacramento because we can. But he really is a pretty good announcer and play by play guy. Jerry is still a good color guy. There is no sarcasm in this post. If you dont like the broadcast crew, get the NBA ticket and see how long you can stand the homerism and outright azz kissing that goes on during other teams broadcasts. It is horrific. And you can always turn the sound down on the tv and turn up Gary Gerrold on the radio side if you want a more professional announcer. There is none better than Gary Gerrold. He is a master of his craft.
Grant's "observations" are 100% homer. He loved Martin until he was apparently told to start taking him down because a trade was possible and the fans needed to be set up to be happy about it. Just like Webber, Peja, etc. He's a homer... but subtract the "mer" and that's Grant.
A few of my friends that are Laker fans and general NBA fans think that Napear and Reynolds are some of the worst announcers they have ever seen.

I tend to like them, because they do let loose at times, and don't seem so serious, at least Jerry doesn't. But, I'm biased, because I've been watching them for so many years whether they are good or bad, it's what I'm used to. It's sort of like "I'm home" when I hear them. I know I'm watching the Kings. So, my opinion is biased and I don't think I can look at it objectively.

Hwowever, I've seen some other broadcast teams that are very uptight and by the book and I think they are horrible. So, I don't know.
I live in L.A. and have seen plenty of laker broadcasts...
those announcers treat kobe like the next coming of Jesus.

All in all, they make vujacic and everybody on the team seem like all-stars.

Add to the fact that they ALWAYS think the Lakers are on the losing end of referee calls, which is simply pathetic.
You're crazy. I've had League Pass for six years, and I watch all teams games; Napear isn't in the top half. Hell he isn't even the best analyst in Sacramento.
Maybe your crazy and dislike Grant because hes not afraid to talk bad about Kings players. Im not saying its something he should do, and im not saying he doesnt do it just for the sake of being different, but I know a lot of fans hate it.

Ive had league pass for four years, Ive seen almost every Kings, Celtics, and Mavs ( cousin I live with is a huge fan ) game in that time span, and a huge majority of these guys suck. They think every player on their team is the second coming of MJ. Jerry does that sometimes, but for the most part Grant is fair.

Im not saying Grant is the best, Im just thankful our guys are better than most.

In the end though its all opinion, so im not sure how much of a discussion this really is.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Did not see the incident, but would this not qualify as mountain out of a molehill stuff?
I'm as quick to criticize Howdy Doody as anyone, but in this case I don't think it's worth even "molehill" status. (And that applies both to the criticism of Grant AND his comments.) Much Ado About Nothing immediately comes to mind.

You're crazy. I've had League Pass for six years, and I watch all teams games; Napear isn't in the top half. Hell he isn't even the best analyst in Sacramento.
He may be in the lower half, but there are definitely worse out there....much worse.

On the other hand, Gary Gerould is terrific, one of the best radio announcers, IMHO. :)
Nap is a 1st class radio personality and close to a 1st class TV announcer. Who is better than him in sacramento dare i ask?
^^^^^^^^ Comedy!!!!

Literally everyone on KNBR and everyone who broadcasts for any Bay area sports team is better than Grant.

Tom Tolbert? Greg Papa? Miller? and on and on. We get grant -because- we're a second-rate media market.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
You last 25 years at a media job because your are GOOD at what you do. Gee, none of your words seem to support a 25-year history on-air. Try listening to the other TV NBA on-air guys around the country. Grant is easily in the top 1/3 and with Gerry likely in the top 4-5.

Yea, I caught the faux pa and it's par for the course for Mr. Know It All Charming - how the hell does he last for 25 years in Sacramento? One word. ARROGANT, or a couple words, New York, east coast, rude, superiority complex.


The Game Thread Dude
You last 25 years at a media job because your are GOOD at what you do. Gee, none of your words seem to support a 25-year history on-air. Try listening to the other TV NBA on-air guys around the country. Grant is easily in the top 1/3 and with Gerry likely in the top 4-5.
How dare you actually be nice about Grant Napear???????!!!!!!

Flame flame flame!!!!
Anyone catch Grant get pissy about the media relations guy handing him something during the telecast? He snarked about it and when he realized when he was on camera, he tried to play it off like it was no big deal. Pretty funny stuff from our guy G-Nappy.

He ain't my guy.. thats for damn sure.
Grant and Jerry might not be the best duo ever, but they are definitely top 10 in the league. Grant has a great voice, Jerry is almost always wrong but he's at least entertaining to listen to. I'll watch league pass and some of these announcers for other teams are just so boring. Their voices are not cut out for announcing and they put me to sleep. Sometimes it's like watching two 80 year olds try to keep up with the game.

Maybe I'm biased but I like my sports play by play announcers to have very distinctive voices. Grant has one and until someone else comes along in Sacramento with one, then I'm satisfied with who we have.
Exactly. I wonder what everyone else would have done if some stat guy shoved a paper in their faces during a LIVE broadcast.
I would have been pissed too. Can't fault him for behaving just like I would.;)
I like them both. I really like Jerry, and Grant is a good offset for Jerry's silliness. I know Jerry's goofy and everything, but he makes me smile and sometimes watching a Kings's the only thing that does.

Agree with more Katie!

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Maybe your crazy and dislike Grant because hes not afraid to talk bad about Kings players. Im not saying its something he should do, and im not saying he doesnt do it just for the sake of being different, but I know a lot of fans hate it.
You think I'm the type of fan that would have a problem with a media personality talking bad about Kings players? Are you new here? I challenge you to find anything in my post history that portrays me as a "glass half full/protect the shield" type of fan.

You want to know why I don't like Napear? Just apply Occam's Razor. Instead of trying to fabricate reasons like he bashes players, or he doesn't treat players like the "second coming of MJ" (which is a Straw Man if I've ever heard one), don't overlook the obvious: that I simply don't think he's good at his job. The same way that I didn't think that Angela Tsai was good at her job. I think that his play-by-play is not any good, and Reynolds' color commentary is even worse.

The only television broadcast crews that are clearly worse than Napear and Reynolds are:

New York
San Antonio
Golden State

These crews are as good or slightly better:

Los Angeles Clippers
New Jersey

And these crews, in my opinion, are clearly better:

Oklahoma City
New Orleans
Los Angeles lakers

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
You last 25 years at a media job because your are GOOD at what you do. Gee, none of your words seem to support a 25-year history on-air. Try listening to the other TV NBA on-air guys around the country. Grant is easily in the top 1/3 and with Gerry likely in the top 4-5.
Do you think that every multi-term politician is good at their jobs, too?

Unlike some people who have posted in this thread, I'm not handicapped by the belief that you don't last without being any good, because I've actually seen evidence to the contrary: I've actually seen that Eric Reid has been calling games for Miami for twenty years; he's terrible, too. I've actually seen that Ralph Lawler has been calling Clippers games for over thirty years. And it's not just broadcasters: Everything that Isaiah Thomas touched after he retired as a player turned to ****; he actually made the Knicks worse, and that was after five years of Scott Layden! And, I guarantee you, before this decade is out, he'll have another front office gig in the NBA.

If watching sports has taught me anything, it's that, while you surely have to be able to impress somebody to get your foot in the door - and, depending on who you know, maybe not even then - once you've been vetted, you're in for life, no matter how ****ty you become.