Kings @ Spurs Game Thread 5:30 p.m.PST 12/9

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The combination of teams shooting incredible percentages from 3 point range and us sucking from the line is KILLING us. You just can't win games like that.
You know, I've been watching alot of NBA games lately ( I can only listen to kings games) and have noticed the kings fit together really well. They are missing a piece or two and need to develop alot more obviously, but they just have a better feel than some of the other young developing teams the last few years. (okc, portland, atlanta etc) Im not saying the kings are better than those teams but I think they are further along in the building process than those teams were with the same amount of time.
You know, I've been watching alot of NBA games lately ( I can only listen to kings games) and have noticed the kings fit together really well. They are missing a piece or two and need to develop alot more obviously, but they just have a better feel than some of the other young developing teams the last few years. (okc, portland, atlanta etc) Im not saying the kings are better than those teams but I think they are further along in the building process than those teams were with the same amount of time.
It's called having a Tyreke Evans.
its like all those minutes where we fought back have been washed away. All because of crappy free throw shooting and made threes by the Spurs.
The Kings bad D is a combination of lack of an inside presence and impatient offense. The guard defense has been somewhat better this year, with Tyreke and Donte getting time there. Even Sergio has shown flashes, but when guys get inside they have no fear going up straight to the hole. It's the total opposite of our big's inside on offense.

Then they take bad shots, turn over the ball, miss FTs and end up giving up open threes and dunks in transition.
The Kings bad D is a combination of lack of an inside presence and impatient offense. The guard defense has been somewhat better this year, with Tyreke and Donte getting time there. Even Sergio has shown flashes, but when guys get inside they have no fear going up straight to the hole. It's the total opposite of our big's inside on offense.

Then they take bad shots, turn over the ball, miss FTs and end up giving up open threes and dunks in transition.
bingo. our interior d is terrible. how many shots can 6'2" parker put up right under our front line's arms?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
i dont understand why we took evans out. as soon as he left the game for udoka they went on a 12-0 run.....

Tryign to save him from foul #3.

Disastrous end to that half though. Especiually for a tired team on the end of a 4games in 5 nights stretch. We were right there, could beleive and scrap. Now we have ot come out strong in the third or risk falling back 15= and maybe just getting walked out of the gym.
while I like both Thompson and Hawes I don't think that a contending team can have both of them starting for it. We're still rebuilding so we can wait it out and see which one is more valuable or perhaps just bring one of them off the bench (i think JT would be awesome off the bench), but our interior defense is just putrid with these two and they wont be magically growing athleticism any time soon..


The last few games all have had the exact same feel. You watch the game feeling hopeful yet frustrated at the same time. Just when you think they are going to pull it together and go on a run, they break down and the other team makes a move. Phoenix, Miami, and the New Orleans games all had that feel and this one is the same.
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