Kings’ Tyreke Evans Named Western Conference Rookie Of The Month For October/november



you are fighting a losing battle, the list is worthless not because its sorted by ppg but the first player on bricks list is allen iverson... he isnt a pg. he was drafted as one but look what happened. he's a shooting guard. even crazier that the 2nd player on that list is jennings... who is a pg, score more points, has more assists and fewer turnovers... a jennings/martin backcourt wouldve been awesome.

evans is good, we all know that but some of these posters are in denial because they wanted he who shall remain nameless, didnt get him and are clinging on to evans like a woman who doesnt want to die alone.

yeah i said it, they are like clingy girlfriends... if you cant love the one you want love the one youre with. some posters have taken that to heart with evans.
Damn man, you sound like someone jilted you in the past and broke your lil heart. Grow up kid, it'll be to your future benefit.


Dude, when will you give it up? I know as much about Rubio as anyone on this board, and I'm confident I know more. Look at my posts last year, I was high on Rubio. I know what I'm talking about. I've seen him ALOT. And I absolutley guarantee you: He would not have had half the effect right away that Evans is having. I seriously doubt that Rubio will ever be the player Evans will be. Why can't you see that? You should be happy we have a guy who could be a legit star. This franchise needed an immediate injection of energy and we've gotten more than we've bargained for.

All this "he who shall remain nameless" stuff is completely cringeworthy. Aren't you embarassed? I'm not surprised some people have actually come to hate Rubio himself when he has guys like you fighting his corner. Let him prove himself that he's a star, and if he is one he'll have no problem doing that. Evans is already doing that on a level that not many others have. It seems to me that you're the type who would want Evans to fail to the detriment of the Kings just so you could say you're right. Give it up.
im not fighting for him, i wanted petrie to draft him... he didnt. end of story... look through my posts, where do i ever say anything about him other than the fact that he would be a better pg than evans? most of my posts are more about how evans isnt a pg than anything about he who shall remain nameless... im so gonna run with that name though... i dont know why its such a big deal to anyone. if i said his name all of the time posters would complain that i talk about him too much. though they are the ones who bring his name in to the conversation.

in all of my years of posting here i have never seen a non-kings player be mentioned in almost every thread in the kings rap section. the personnel section is understandable but here?

my feelings werent hurt when petrie drafted evans, im used to it now... i wanted arenas, we got wallace... i wanted sergio, we got douby... it happens. but the e-beef between evans and he who shall remain nameless is on the same level as the peja/webber beef we had back in the day. and i dont even know why we are having the beef. its probably because the evans lovers have realized the fact that he isnt a pg but still want a reason to argue in his behalf...
you are fighting a losing battle, the list is worthless not because its sorted by ppg but the first player on bricks list is allen iverson... he isnt a pg. he was drafted as one but look what happened. he's a shooting guard. even crazier that the 2nd player on that list is jennings... who is a pg, score more points, has more assists and fewer turnovers... a jennings/martin backcourt wouldve been awesome.

evans is good, we all know that but some of these posters are in denial because they wanted he who shall remain nameless, didnt get him and are clinging on to evans like a woman who doesnt want to die alone.

yeah i said it, they are like clingy girlfriends... if you cant love the one you want love the one youre with. some posters have taken that to heart with evans.
It's a bit difficult to infer the meaning of some of your posts. To the laymen it may seem that your soul intent is to bash Evans and his supporters (and you have with this underlined portion). To me it seems as though you are unnecessarily struggling to defend your right to a differing opinion on Rubio's / Evans's ceilings.

Your right to this opinion is not really under attack, you can believe Rubio will be better than Evans. That's completely reasonable. Some of us just prefer to believe Evans is / will be better than Rubio. I am personally in the camp that believes they are different players, Evans will be the better combo guard with better overall skills, and Rubio may be the better pure PG. Who would have been better for our team? This answer to this question is pure conjecture, and does not warrant the dog fight you are pouring so much energy into.

This is just an observation. You can do whatever you want. I just wanted to give my opinion.


I've come to the realization that he is not a die-hard Kings fan. He is not emotionally connected to the Kings, he literally just follows them more than any other team. Thats all. So he can be disconnected from the Kings and it doesn't bother him. He is not a true original Kings fan, he is a Johnny-come-lately, and therefore it is not as important to him as it is to others. Ask him who he rooted for before the Kings, I bet you he rooted for the Lakers and a part of him probably still does. He sounds just like my brother when he posts, and my brother is a Lakers fan first, and a Kings fan when it suits him.

johnny-come-lately? ive been posting here since like 2001... well i was more of a lurker back then. but still.... :confused:


It's a bit difficult to infer the meaning of some of your posts. To the laymen it may seem that your soul intent is to bash Evans and his supporters (and you have with this underlined portion). To me it seems as though you are unnecessarily struggling to defend your right to a differing opinion on Rubio's / Evans's ceilings.

Your right to this opinion is not really under attack, you can believe Rubio will be better than Evans. That's completely reasonable. Some of us just prefer to believe Evans is / will be better than Rubio. I am personally in the camp that believes they are different players, Evans will be the better combo guard with better overall skills, and Rubio may be the better pure PG. Who would have been better for our team? This answer to this question is pure conjecture, and does not warrant the dog fight you are pouring so much energy into.

This is just an observation. You can do whatever you want. I just wanted to give my opinion.

and thats the problem... ive never attacked anyone for opinion their of evans... i dont think he will be a pg and thats it. thats it... i think sergio is a better pg than evans, not a better player but definitely a better pg. if he werent on this team i would be jumped on by half of the posters here for saying that.

but since im not on the evans bandwagon im the bad guy... like i said this is worse than the peja/webber beef... because i dont see where any of the supposed he who shall remain nameless supporters have ever jumped on anyones case.

i have issues with the level of competition that we have played in our wins and all of a sudden its an attack on evans. we beat a bad team at home and all of a sudden im not a real kings fan because we beat the hornets at home without chris paul. all of a sudden because people here have a man crush on evans im the one who isnt a real fan, eventhough ive been here longer than most if not all of them and i havent changed my tune since i got here.

are you serious?


I don't care when you started posting, I'm talking about how long have you been a Kings fan, and where does your heart truly lie. And I don't think you have 100% of your heart into seeing the Kings succeed. You yourself intimated that you only became a fan because of J-Dub, and then kinda hung around after he was traded.

Me on the other hand, I have rooted for this team the minute they came to Sacramento, as a little boy my dad had season tickets to the old arco, the one level barn out off Northgate blvd. I got to go into the bowels of the new arco and meet the players, and see them hanging out in my neighborhood at Tank Thompson's house. I'm emotionally and physically invested in this team. And you are not.
so if the clippers had come to sacramento instead of the kings then you would be a clipper fan? im a kings fan by choice, you dont have any other options, besides the monarchs.... and im not a real fan?

i was 2 yrs old when the kings came to sacramento...
and thats the problem... ive never attacked anyone for opinion their of evans...

are you serious?
Your legend precedes you, everyone baits you so they can get a kick out of your ranting (I know you're not the only one they do this to). Why do you frequently play along? To say that you've never attacked anyone for their opinion of Evans, and completely ignore the fact that you just compared all of his supporters who believe him to be an adequate point guard to clingy, lonely women is revisionist history at its finest. You can't twist that.

I agree with you 80% of the time. I just wanted to point out that posts like the above mentioned are the reason why you constantly get such a hard time.

Hmmpph... I am going to bow out. I have no real interest in this argument, just an interest in the intention of the posters involved.
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To say that you've never attacked anyone for their opinion of Evans, and completely ignore the fact that you just seemingly compared all of his converted supporters who believe him to be an adequate point guard to clingy, lonely women is revisionist history at its finest. You can't twist that.
Wait, wait. Let me correct myself for you: see bolded words.

Again, a little difficult to interpret some of these posts correctly.


Your legend precedes you, everyone baits you so they can get a kick out of your ranting (I know you're not the only one they do this to). Why do you frequently play along? To say that you've never attacked anyone for their opinion of Evans, and completely ignore the fact that you just compared all of his supporters who believe him to be an adequate point guard to clingy, lonely women is revisionist history at its finest. You can't twist that.

I agree with you 80% of the time. I just wanted to point out that posts like the above mentioned are the reason why you constantly get such a hard time.

Hmmpph... I am going to bow out. I have no real interest in this argument, just an interest in the intention of the posters involved.
oh i agree with you...

but the clingy girlfriend thing was true though...they have evans in a choke hold and wont let him go. if they get on my case for that i cant complain. but if i say that evans will be a bad pg but a really good sg, im attacking his character and we have 3 page arguments... thats my only issue... we can argue because i insulted them with an off hand comment. thats cool, i deserve it. but this?


Hall of Famer
This has been coming for several days, but putting together the numbers was time consuming and a pain, and I generally resent even having to do it just to prove that the Earth is round to a few peeps who insist its flat just because they always thoguht it was flat and no don't want to have egg on their face. So I'm just going to ignore that particular contingent and say I did this for everyone else, so they could better appreciate what it is they are watching here.

Here are the rookie numbers for every single starting PG in the NBA today, as well as every single backup PG who has been a longtime starting PG (Andre Miller, Anthony carter, Jarret Jack etc.) as well as every single combo guard who has been along time starting PG in the past (Randy Foye, Jason Terry etc.). In short here are the rookie numbers of every single PG of note and/or worth in the entire NBA, and of basically every worthwhile PG to have entered the league in the last 10-12 years:

Allen Iverson
Age: 21 40.1min 23.5pts (.416 FG% .341 3pt% .702 FT%) 4.1reb 7.5ast 2.1stl 0.3blk 4.4TO
Brandon Jennings
Age: 20 34.8min 21.5pts (.422 FG% .476 3pt% .767 FT%) 3.9reb 5.8ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 3.1TO
Tyreke Evans
Age: 20 35.9min 19.3pts (.449 FG% .303 3pt% .800 FT%) 5.0reb 4.8ast 1.2stl 0.3blk 3.3TO
Derrick Rose
Age: 20 37.0min 16.8pts (.475 FG% .222 3pt% .788 FT%) 3.9reb 6.3ast 0.8stl 0.2blk 2.5TO
Chris Paul
Age: 20 36.0min 16.1pts (.430 FG% .282 3pt% .847 FT%) 5.1reb 7.8ast 2.2stl 0.1blk 2.4TO
Russel Westbrook
Age: 20 32.5min 15.3pts (.398 FG% .271 3pt% .815 FT%) 4.9reb 5.3ast 1.3stl 0.2blk 3.3TO
Johnny Flynn
Age: 20 29.2min 14.3pts (.435 FG% .292 3pt% .833 FT%) 2.6reb 3.8ast 1.1stl 0.1blk 3.4TO
Mike Bibby
Age: 20 35.2min 13.2pts (.430 FG% .203 3pt% .751 FT%) 2.7reb 6.5ast 1.6stl 0.1blk 3.0TO
Jason Williams
Age: 23 36.1min 12.8pts (.374 FG% .310 3pt% .752 FT%) 3.1reb 6.0ast 1.9stl 0.0blk 2.9TO
Kirk Hinrich
Age: 22 35.6min 12.0pts (.386 FG% .390 3pt% .804 FT%) 3.4reb 6.8ast 1.3stl 0.3blk 2.7TO
Raymond Felton
Age: 21 30.1min 11.8pts (.391 FG% .358 3pt% .725 FT%) 3.3reb 5.6ast 1.3stl 0.1blk 2.3TO
D.J. Augustin
Age: 21 26.5min 11.8pts (.430 FG% .439 3pt% .893 FT%) 1.8reb 3.5ast 0.6stl 0.0blk 1.7TO
Jason Kidd
Age: 21 33.8min 11.7pts (.385 FG% .272 3pt% .698 FT%) 5.4reb 7.7ast 1.9stl 0.3blk 3.2TO
Chauncey Billups
Age: 21 27.7min 11.2pts (.374 FG% .329 3pt% .850 FT%) 2.4reb 3.9ast 1.3stl 0.1blk 2.2TO
Andre Miller
Age: 23 25.5min 11.1pts (.449 FG% .204 3pt% .774 FT%) 3.4reb 5.8ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 2.0TO
Gilbert Arenas
Age: 20 24.5min 10.9pts (.453 FG% .345 3pt% .775 FT%) 2.8reb 3.7ast 1.5stl 0.2blk 2.1TO
Deron Williams
Age: 21 28.8min 10.8pts (.421 FG% .416 3pt% .704 FT%) 2.4reb 4.5ast 0.8stl 0.2blk 1.8TO
Randy Foye
Age: 23 22.9min 10.1pts (.434 FG% .368 3pt% .854 FT%) 2.7reb 2.8ast 0.6stl 0.3blk 1.9TO
Mario Chalmers
Age: 22 32.0min 10.0pts (.420 FG% .367 3pt% .767 FT%) 2.8reb 4.9ast 2.0stl 0.1blk 2.0TO
Mike Conley
Age: 20 26.1min 9.4pts (.428 FG% .330 3pt% .732 FT%) 2.6reb 4.2ast 0.8stl 0.0blk 1.7TO
Jamaal Tinsley
Age: 23 30.5min 9.4pts (.380 FG% .240 3pt% .704 FT%) 3.7reb 8.1ast 1.7stl 0.5blk 3.4TO
Nate Robinson
Age: 21 21.4min 9.3pts (.407 FG% .397 3pt% .752 FT%) 2.3reb 2.0ast 0.8stl 0.0blk 1.6TO
Tony Parker
Age: 19 29.5min 9.2pts (.419 FG% .323 3pt% .675 FT%) 2.6reb 4.3ast 1.2stl 0.1blk 2.0TO
Jameer Nelson
Age: 22 20.4min 8.7pts (.455 FG% .312 3pt% .682 FT%) 2.4reb 3.0ast 1.0stl 0.0blk 1.5TO
Jason Terry
Age: 22 23.3min 8.1pts (.415 FG% .293 3pt% .807 FT%) 2.0reb 4.3ast 1.1stl 0.1blk 1.9TO
Ramon Sessions
Age: 21 26.5min 8.1pts (.436 FG% .429 3pt% .780 FT%) 3.4reb 7.5ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 2.1TO
Rodney Stuckey
Age: 21 19.0min 7.6pts (.401 FG% .188 3pt% .814 FT%) 2.3reb 2.8ast 0.9stl 0.1blk 1.4TO
TJ Ford
Age: 20 26.8min 7.1pts (.384 FG% .238 3pt% .816 FT%) 3.2reb 6.5ast 1.1stl 0.0blk 2.5TO
Monta Ellis
Age: 20 18.1min 6.8pts (.415 FG% .341 3pt% .712 FT%) 2.1reb 1.6ast 0.7stl 0.2blk 1.2TO
Jarret Jack
Age: 22 20.2min 6.7pts (.442 FG% .263 3pt% .800 FT%) 2.0reb 2.8ast 0.5stl 0.0blk 1.3TO
Rajon Rondo
Age: 20 23.5min 6.4pts (.418 FG% .207 3pt% .647 FT%) 3.7reb 3.8ast 1.6stl 0.1blk 1.8TO
Anthony Carter
Age: 24 23.5min 6.3pts (.395 FG% .130 3pt% .750 FT%) 2.5reb 4.8ast 1.2stl 0.1blk 2.2TO
Beno Udrih
Age: 22 14.3min 5.9pts (.444 FG% .408 3pt% .753 FT%) 1.0reb 1.9ast 0.5stl 0.1blk 1.0TO
Chris Duhon
Age: 22 26.6min 5.9pts (.352 FG% .355 3pt% .731 FT%) 2.6reb 4.9ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 1.5TO
Baron Davis
Age: 20 18.6min 5.9pts (.420 FG% .225 3pt% .634 FT%) 2.0reb 3.8ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 1.7TO
Steve Blake
Age: 23 18.6min 5.9pts (.386 FG% .371 3pt% .821 FT%) 1.6reb 2.8ast 0.7stl 0.1blk 1.7TO
Devin Harris
Age: 21 15.4min 5.7pts (.429 FG% .336 3pt% .757 FT%) 1.3reb 2.2ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 1.1TO
Luke Ridnour
Age: 22 16.1min 5.5pts (.414 FG% .338 3pt% .823 FT%) 1.6reb 2.4ast 0.8stl 0.1blk 1.2TO
Jose Calderon
Age: 24 23.2min 5.5pts (.423 FG% .163 3pt% .848 FT%) 2.2reb 4.5ast 0.7stl 0.1blk 1.6TO
Aaron Brooks
Age: 23 11.9min 5.2pts (.413 FG% .330 3pt% .857 FT%) 1.1reb 1.7ast 0.2stl 0.1blk 0.9TO
Mo Williams
Age: 21 13.5min 5.0pts (.380 FG% .256 3pt% .786 FT%) 1.3reb 1.3ast 0.5stl 0.0blk 0.9TO
Jamaal Crawford
Age: 20 17.2min 4.6pts (.352 FG% .350 3pt% .794 FT%) 1.5reb 2.3ast 0.7stl 0.2blk 1.4TO
Delonte West
Age: 21 12.9min 4.5pts (.426 FG% .358 3pt% .704 FT%) 1.7reb 1.4ast 0.5stl 0.2blk 0.6TO
Derek Fisher
Age: 22 11.5min 3.9pts (.397 FG% .301 3pt% .658 FT%) 1.2reb 1.5ast 0.5stl 0.1blk 0.9TO
Steve Nash
Age: 22 10.5min 3.3pts (.423 FG% .418 3pt% .824 FT%) 1.0reb 2.1ast 0.3stl 0.0blk 1.0TO
Rafer Alston
Age: 23 13.4min 2.2pts (.284 FG% .214 3pt% .750 FT%) 0.9reb 2.6ast 0.4stl 0.0blk 1.1TO
Louis Williams
Age: 19 4.8min 1.9pts (.442 FG% .222 3pt% .615 FT%) 0.6reb 0.3ast 0.2stl 0.0blk 0.4TO
Very interesting data. You've got guys at the top who are great, and guys on the bottom who are great. Now if Tyreke can have the same improvement as Nash did after his rookie year, then I think we're set.:p

Of all the stats, the one that interests me the most is rebounds. Westbrook (4.9), Tyreke (5.0), Paul (5.1) and Kidd (5.4) fall into a distinct group, with a large dropoff after that. The next highest is a grouping of Iverson (4.1), Rose (3.9) and Jennings (3.9). The reason this intrigues me is that point production doesn't seem to be a significant indicator for future success (Nash and Fisher are examples of being low point producers and having very successful later careers). Assists don't either - Tinsley was 8.1 and he's not great and Nash was 2.1 and he is (although you can make a case that his minutes had much to do with that). But all the great rebounders are successful. (I'd argue Westbrook is on his way to being an All-Star in the not too distant future). Paul is amazing. For a guy that small to have 5.1 rebs per game is absurd.
Dude, when will you give it up? I know as much about Rubio as anyone on this board, and I'm confident I know more. Look at my posts last year, I was high on Rubio. I know what I'm talking about. I've seen him ALOT. And I absolutley guarantee you: He would not have had half the effect right away that Evans is having. I seriously doubt that Rubio will ever be the player Evans will be. Why can't you see that? You should be happy we have a guy who could be a legit star. This franchise needed an immediate injection of energy and we've gotten more than we've bargained for.

All this "he who shall remain nameless" stuff is completely cringeworthy. Aren't you embarassed? I'm not surprised some people have actually come to hate Rubio himself when he has guys like you fighting his corner. Let him prove himself that he's a star, and if he is one he'll have no problem doing that. Evans is already doing that on a level that not many others have. It seems to me that you're the type who would want Evans to fail to the detriment of the Kings just so you could say you're right. Give it up.
He can't see it because his gigantic ego doesn't allow him to!

Quite simply he is wrong, he knows he is wrong but he is not man enough to admit that he is wrong and will try to find ways to prove his point without actually realising that he is just digging a bigger and bigger hole for himself.

A classic case of egoist ;)
Aries, while I am with you on the Evans is not a PG thing, I don't think it's fair to say that you have not brought up anything other than that. I'm referring to the thing on Tyreke's stats and the comparison to LBJ. I know in your head the team is just doing as well as you'd expected, and you expected tyreke to be putting up these kind of numbers and thus you aren't giving him any credit. You also in fact attributed the teams success to Beno and not tyreke, when Evans has clearly made a very significant impact.

I'm totally fine with agreeing with you on not calling Evans a PG. Provided you start giving credit where it's due. To me, "he's playing how he's supposed to play" shouldn't be an excuse not to give props to a damn good rookie that we are fortunate enough to haave


Some might suggest that its time to grow up and quite acting like a 2 yr old. Not me of course. I find you very amusing. :D

youre on a roll right now... :p i might have to stop posting for a couple of days to throw you off your game.