Donte Greene dare we say??


Hall of Famer
A better shooting Gerald Wallace? Are we getting our second chance to have an athletic guy that can defend well and block shots. Only difference is Donte already has more offensive skills.

We will talk about his accomplishments against the knicks but what may get overlooked is his passing. he had great court vision. needless to say our SF position is going to get interesting when Garcia gets back.
I found this on another site but someone said what if we put Greene in the starting lineup and it would look like this:

C - S. Hawes
PF- J. Thompson
SF- A. Nocioni
SG- D. Greene
PG- T. Evans

That could be a pretty good lineup til Martin and Garcia get back. What team would be able to cover a 6'11 SG, well other than Cleveland. We would have length and athleticism all on the court at the same time.


Hall of Famer
I think Donte has more skills than gerald. Gerald depends on his Athletic ability without that he is mediocre. Donte on the other hand that is just one weapon.

Passing ability
Athletic ability

who do you campare him to if he progresses from where he is at now.

Lamar Odom
Rashard Lewis
Al Harrington
Shawn Marion
Carmello Anthony

I remember at the begining of last season when the talk was JT and Hawes and Jerry Reynolds said that he believes Donte will eventually be the better player of the 3 that he has tremendous skills. We are seeing that come into fruition.
I knew he was this good all along. I got reassured when I watched his Reno Big Horns highlights in the development league where he pretty much dominated. It's a different level, but if you can do wild dunks and long ball 3's in the development league, you can do it in the NBA. It's just a matter of getting over that hump. What I didn't know about Donte was his potential to be Josh Smith 2.0 with his shot blocking.


Hall of Famer
I think Donte has more skills than gerald. Gerald depends on his Athletic ability without that he is mediocre. Donte on the other hand that is just one weapon.

Passing ability
Athletic ability

who do you campare him to if he progresses from where he is at now.

Lamar Odom
Rashard Lewis
Al Harrington
Shawn Marion
Carmello Anthony

I remember at the begining of last season when the talk was JT and Hawes and Jerry Reynolds said that he believes Donte will eventually be the better player of the 3 that he has tremendous skills. We are seeing that come into fruition.
Yes, and I believe Lever said the same thing. I think Greene has the talent to be as good as any of the players you mention above, with the exception of Carmello. You left off one thing on your list - offensive rebounding. Greene has shown an uncanny ability for offensive tips and offensive slams over his brief career. That's something you can't teach. He has a ton of potential in that area, and he hasn't even begun to tap it. As he gets more minutes and more experience he should really start making an impact in that area. I think we have to major keepers in Tyreke and Greene. That Artest trade is looking better, and better, and better...
The Gerald Wallace thing crossed my mind as well, but Greene has more offensive potential, as others have said, and he's bigger. What's interesting about Greene is that he's showed flashes of just about everything. When he's on, he can shoot, pass, defend, rebound, block shots, etc. Even his offensive repertoire has been very diverse. It's nice to see him sink a three, then get a flying dunk, then make a nifty post move. He's been very streaky, but when he's on, he's an absolute handful to defend. As Brick said in his grade thread, if Greene suddenly emerges as a major player for us, we've just become much better (and deeper) team.



Hall of Famer
Peja = Artest = Greene & Casspi.. If both Greene and Casspi continue to improve, it looks like we finally got the good end of the stick. The jury is still out, but we could be nearing final arguments.:D
Excellent game by Donte. As I said earlier in the season, Donte is only beginning to realise what he is capable of doing. I stand by my statement that there are only a handful of guys in the WHOLE LEAGUE who have his fluidity and athleticism at his size. Coupled with his shooting ability, Greene can truly be a force. The key to success is hard work, hard work, and more hard work. I think he's finally "getting it".

I also think the addition of 'Reke may have something to do with Donte's development. Donte, JT and 'Reke all appear to be great friends and I think Donte may have realised that, with Evans and Thompson both putting up good numbers, it's time he started treating the NBA as a job. And he has.

Greene is a very likeable player. It would be harder to find a guy with a bigger smile and demeanour. I just hope he continues his progress and doesn't revert backing to settling for shots. When he uses his body, he is a force.
Definitely Rashard Lewis.
In the postgame interview, Donte talked about aspiring to be a Richard Lewis or Robert Horry type of player - someone who can make a difference in the league for a long time. He said something to the effect that everyone in the NBA is athletic, can make crazy moves & dunks, etc, but you only make it in the league for the long term by doing all the other little, things - playing D, blocking shots, being a complete player. He also said the Westphal has been dogging him about developing this broader skillset since the beginning of camp this year. Well, it looks like it's beginning to pay off. He obviouly has the talent to develop the full skill set; and i'm liking what i'm seeing in just the 2nd year - the 1st first under a real coach.
In the postgame interview, Donte talked about aspiring to be a Richard Lewis or Robert Horry type of player - someone who can make a difference in the league for a long time. He said something to the effect that everyone in the NBA is athletic, can make crazy moves & dunks, etc, but you only make it in the league for the long term by doing all the other little, things - playing D, blocking shots, being a complete player. He also said the Westphal has been dogging him about developing this broader skillset since the beginning of camp this year. Well, it looks like it's beginning to pay off. He obviouly has the talent to develop the full skill set; and i'm liking what i'm seeing in just the 2nd year - the 1st first under a real coach.

Yep... Donte seems to be able to fully commit to a thing called Defense. The coaches have done an outstanding job with him so far.... Let's hope KMart sees what Donte has done and commits more effort on the defensive end!


It's amazing how the rockets love trading away athletic small forwards for old defensive minded small forwards. First rudy gay for battier and then Greene for artest. Maybe they just don't like players whose last names begin with the letter G.
I just love his versatility. He is a bit like Hedo in that he can play SG, SF and PF but is best suited to SF. Not as good a ball handler as Hedo but with Donte, we can throw a number of different looks at opponents.

If he continues at this rate we have found our SF. Things are finally looking to fall into place. Potentially we are a pretty tall team down the track (especially the starting 5)
In the postgame interview, Donte talked about aspiring to be a Richard Lewis or Robert Horry type of player - someone who can make a difference in the league for a long time. He said something to the effect that everyone in the NBA is athletic, can make crazy moves & dunks, etc, but you only make it in the league for the long term by doing all the other little, things - playing D, blocking shots, being a complete player. He also said the Westphal has been dogging him about developing this broader skillset since the beginning of camp this year. Well, it looks like it's beginning to pay off. He obviouly has the talent to develop the full skill set; and i'm liking what i'm seeing in just the 2nd year - the 1st first under a real coach.
What I liked most was that Donte is watching a lot of video to prepare for who he is playing against every game. This is one of the things that help Mitch Richmond become one of the best defensive SGs in the league. Most of the good or great defensive players spend a lot of time in the video room. I am glad to see that he is putting the work and it is starting to pay off.
I just wonder what happends with playing time when Martin and Cisco come back. We are going to have ALOT of guards/small forwards.. somebody is definitely going to loose out.
I just wonder what happends with playing time when Martin and Cisco come back. We are going to have ALOT of guards/small forwards.. somebody is definitely going to loose out.
Yeah, that's my concern too... I want Greene to get CONSISTENT playing time. Unfortunately, that means Cisco is going to have to go. He brings too much to the table that Greene and Casspi already bring while Martin brings a 25-30 ppg scorer.


Hall of Famer
It's amazing how the rockets love trading away athletic small forwards for old defensive minded small forwards. First rudy gay for battier and then Greene for artest. Maybe they just don't like players whose last names begin with the letter G.
By George, I think you've uncovered their secret. Well done there! :)
A better shooting Gerald Wallace? Are we getting our second chance to have an athletic guy that can defend well and block shots. Only difference is Donte already has more offensive skills.

We will talk about his accomplishments against the knicks but what may get overlooked is his passing. he had great court vision. needless to say our SF position is going to get interesting when Garcia gets back.
Garcia is a 2 guard. I dont think Garcia will affect the small forward rotation whatsoever.
Yeah, that's my concern too... I want Greene to get CONSISTENT playing time. Unfortunately, that means Cisco is going to have to go. He brings too much to the table that Greene and Casspi already bring while Martin brings a 25-30 ppg scorer.
As much as I love Noc's hustle, I would trade him before Garcia. We have Donte n Casspi as SF/PF types so theres no need for Noc.
Garcia is a different versatile SG/SF which we lack on this team.. Garcias D' , ball handling and passing will be more valuable to us then what Noc brings.
As much as I love Noc's hustle, I would trade him before Garcia. We have Donte n Casspi as SF/PF types so theres no need for Noc.
Garcia is a different versatile SG/SF which we lack on this team.. Garcias D' , ball handling and passing will be more valuable to us then what Noc brings.
Can't neglect what Noc brings as a veteran leader. Its like evaluating Vlade Divac only on what he brings to the table talent wise.
I'm thinking the same thing. It almost may be time to ship Noc and let Greene and Casspi get big minutes every night.
I do value nocioni as a grizzled vet. Once it comes time to say goodbye to Noc i think the Kings would be hardpressed to start Casspi over Greene. With Greene's athleticism all he needs to do in my eyes is bring the same effort everynight and the starting job is his. The guy allows the Kings to put all kinds of different looking units on the floor.
Continue to grab rebounds and loose balls, block shots, finish with dunks and space the floor with the 3 point threat. The Kings become VERY tough in the future if Mr. Greene keeps it up.


Hall of Famer
I'm not so sure Donte can't be our future sg. Its still to early to tell, and I always thought he would be a sf, but I think he might be able to be an extremely effective sg.

He's a better ballhandler and passer than I thought he was. At his height, he would be a nightmare matchup for opposing sg's, along with tyreke in the backcourt. I didn't think he was quick enough to guard sg's, but I actually think he his.

This would go along with the idea of Omri being our future sf. Yeah, they would both be wings, but I don't think Omri is the ballhandler Donte is, although I could be wrong about that.

I like the idea of having Tyreke, Donte, and Omri as our future pg, sg,sf. I'm not sold on it in any way, and its too early to tell if that would work. But it is a scenario I've been thinking about lately.