Saw GI Joe today, as it was guy's movie night and one of my friends was a big fan of them back in the day.
It was better than I expected, fairly predictable in most parts, the special effects left a little to be desired (especially in a few parts here and there, but not terrible by any means), and some of the dialogue was a bit stiff, for lack of a better word. But it still was a movie with lots of action, some good fight scenes, and kind of fun for the heck of it watching a former cartoon being brought to the big screen in an updated manner.
Saw GI Joe today, as it was guy's movie night and one of my friends was a big fan of them back in the day.
It was better than I expected, fairly predictable in most parts, the special effects left a little to be desired (especially in a few parts here and there, but not terrible by any means), and some of the dialogue was a bit stiff, for lack of a better word. But it still was a movie with lots of action, some good fight scenes, and kind of fun for the heck of it watching a former cartoon being brought to the big screen in an updated manner.
Saw GI Joe today, as it was guy's movie night and one of my friends was a big fan of them back in the day.
It was better than I expected, fairly predictable in most parts, the special effects left a little to be desired (especially in a few parts here and there, but not terrible by any means), and some of the dialogue was a bit stiff, for lack of a better word. But it still was a movie with lots of action, some good fight scenes, and kind of fun for the heck of it watching a former cartoon being brought to the big screen in an updated manner.
agreed, saw this yesterday as well. prefaced it to the wife with "okay, this movie is going to be just ridiculous..."
i don't understand all the negative critic reviews on this one. i mean...have they seen the original cartoons? this is exactly what they were like, with less action!
i don't understand all the negative critic reviews on this one. i mean...have they seen the original cartoons? this is exactly what they were like, with less action!
Now I haven't seen, am considerably unlikely to see unless by accident but ok, assuming what you say is true, I have the same question I have with all of these ridiculous creatively bankrupt cartoon movies -- how does that make for a good movie? It didn't even make for a good cartoon.
Once upon a time when Hollywood did these it at least had the good sense to do them as Grade Z cheese (see He-Man etc.). Now they get released as summer blockbusters I guess assuming that the target audience probably was too young to remmeber just how bad the source material was.
i don't understand all the negative critic reviews on this one. i mean...have they seen the original cartoons? this is exactly what they were like, with less action!
Now I haven't seen, am considerably unlikely to see unless by accident but ok, assuming what you say is true, I have the same question I have with all of these ridiculous creatively bankrupt cartoon movies -- how does that make for a good movie? It didn't even make for a good cartoon.
this movie was an action, plot-driven movie. no character development, lots of explosions, high tech stuff, NINJAs , and the like. standard formula to me. i'll give you the point for the cartoons being terrible, but as far as movies go in this day and age, g.i. joe not sucking is loads better than the other drivel that hollywood puts out.
Just watched Iron Man. Holy crap did it give my sub a work out, my wife was afraid the basement was going to collapse on her. I may have it bumped up a bit high.
eta: apparently the Blu-Ray is well known for having a louder than normal LFE (low frequency) track so that's why the house was shaking. My wife was accusing me of sneaking new equipment into the house! So if you happen to own a shake-your-house type sub and want to demo it to your friends the Iron Man Blu-Ray may be your one stop demo disc.
I really liked this movie btw. It was refreshing to see a non-angsty superhero movie in this day.
My Blueberry Nights -- Yeesh. Bad. Interesting cast (Jude Law, David Strathairn, Natalie Portman, Rachel Weisz), directed by Wong Kar Wai, but completely unredeemable. BAD acting (which I have to assume was due to direction) and a script that meanders around at such a pace that I was already checking the time left at the 17-minute mark.
Just watched Iron Man. Holy crap did it give my sub a work out, my wife was afraid the basement was going to collapse on her. I may have it bumped up a bit high.
eta: apparently the Blu-Ray is well known for having a louder than normal LFE (low frequency) track so that's why the house was shaking. My wife was accusing me of sneaking new equipment into the house! So if you happen to own a shake-your-house type sub and want to demo it to your friends the Iron Man Blu-Ray may be your one stop demo disc.
I really liked this movie btw. It was refreshing to see a non-angsty superhero movie in this day.
Just watched Coraline. This was very cool, I really wish I had seen it in 3D in the theaters. I watched with TJ who mostly slepts but its probably really only for older kids since its a tad dark.
Just watched Coraline. This was very cool, I really wish I had seen it in 3D in the theaters. I watched with TJ who mostly slepts but its probably really only for older kids since its a tad dark.
I, too, wish I had seen that one in theaters. Meant to, but never got around to it.
Watched I Love You, Man and The International today. The first was very amusing and once again highlighted the utter adorableness of Paul Rudd. The second... there was a lot I liked about it, but waaaaaaaaaay too slow and too long.
District 9 -- Just... see it. Really, really good. Genuinely interesting sci-fi that managed to make me laugh, gross me out, touch me (a little), and cheer at cool guns and 'sploding people. Seriously, see it.
District 9 -- Just... see it. Really, really good. Genuinely interesting sci-fi that managed to make me laugh, gross me out, touch me (a little), and cheer at cool guns and 'sploding people. Seriously, see it.
District 9 -- Just... see it. Really, really good. Genuinely interesting sci-fi that managed to make me laugh, gross me out, touch me (a little), and cheer at cool guns and 'sploding people. Seriously, see it.
District 9 -- Just... see it. Really, really good. Genuinely interesting sci-fi that managed to make me laugh, gross me out, touch me (a little), and cheer at cool guns and 'sploding people. Seriously, see it.
Kinda funny in that technically it is a VERY good movie, however, it didn't really "grab" me, especially early. Nothing "wrong" with it, I was just trying to figure out where it was going and why. And it wasn't necessarily what I thought it was going to be.
I noticed at least one scene in the preview was not in the movie.
A little more graphic than I really was looking for - unnecessarily so. But in looking back, some of it was the thought of what was about to happen, not all of which eventually did (so at times more psychologically "scary" than it really is in retrospect).
For some reason, in certain respects it reminded me of "Cloverfield," but not for the reasons you would think - it took a while to really get going and lots of "handycam" use. Not nearly as bad as in Cloverfield, but the thought of it was in my head during this movie for some reason.
Many things are unexplained, but that does not necessarily mean they were plot holes.....just "unexplained."
There are a few aspects to the movie that you just kinda wonder about, like (some semi-spoilers and spoilers):
How come all the creatures are "stupid" and only one (and his son) are smart enough to actually do what they are trying to do?
How does being infected with alien DNA allow you to run their ship and mechanical walker? Is this like the Matrix where you can download info at will?
What did cause the craft to originally break away and fall to Earth?
Why the heck didn't he tell anyone he was infected? Isn't that kinda like rule #1 when dealing with alien stuff?
What was that stuff they used that can not only power a ship but also change humans to aliens? Drinking petroleum does not turn people into dinosaurs. And what were they getting it from?
Are they making a sequel, because they really left it open for one.....
In general, a good movie and very technically well done, but for some reason it just didn't "grab" me as well as such a well made movie should, if that makes any sense.....
Grace - I find this movie weird. I didn't hate it but didn't enjoy it much either. I felt that the movie didn't really know where it was going, is it a drama? horror/suspense? But it's quite interesting though.
The Last House on the Left(2009 version) - enjoyed this. Haven't seen the original but I liked this one.
Definitely read the book. Although I liked the film (seeing Jackie Earle Hailey bring Rorschach to life was well worth the 20 bucks), I still the book 10x better. By far one of my favorite graphic novels of all time.
Main Entry:novel Part of Speech:noun Definition:fictional book Synonyms:best-seller, cliff-hanger, fiction, narrative, novelette, novella, paperback, potboiler, prose, romance, story, tale, yarn
Hence: graphic novel = picture book
One of the most successful redefintions since the invention of the "waste management engineer"
I watched 3 movies over the last few days. Watchmen, I Love You, Man, and the Soloist. My wife couldn't stay in the room for Watchmen,
after the attempted rape scene...
so I watched it late at night. It was really violent, but I'm a comic nerd and really got off on some of the choices they made with the movie (Dr. Manhattan, Rorshanke, Ozymandius, etc.).
I Love You, Man wasn't quite as funny as I was expecting, and I found the humor a bit awkward. Overall it was well done, especially Jason Segel's character, but I wasn't as high on this movie as I thought I would be.
The Soloist was also very well made, and it's more powerful for being based on actual events. It was very sad, but I really enjoyed the performances by Robert Downey Jr., his ex-wife (forgot the actresses name), and Jamie Foxx. I was expecting more from the music (a la August Rush) and was a little disappointed there, but the acting was subtle and spectacular.
Main Entry:novel Part of Speech:noun Definition:fictional book Synonyms:best-seller, cliff-hanger, fiction, narrative, novelette, novella, paperback, potboiler, prose, romance, story, tale, yarn
Hence: graphic novel = picture book
One of the most successful redefintions since the invention of the "waste management engineer"