I'm a Kings fan in Los Angeles, so I fell in love with the team not for the city, but because of the team. I'm 19 right now, so the glory days drew me to the Kings and the NBA in general. I thank them for allowing me to dig deeper and learn the intricate history of basketball. I became a fanatic of basketball because of how the Kings played and they made me fall in love with the art of passing. It seemed like I was the only one in school who actually enjoyed making crafty passes, so in a way they carved a blueprint of my own basketball identity and I will forever cherish that ideal.
Are they the same team since the glory days? No. But, no team can stay together just as everything good in life will end. I will admit that the city of Sacramento and its loyal fans made me even more proud to be a Kings fan. I will continue to be a fan regardless of the city, but will forever remember where it all began for me in particular, that being Sacramento.
But, I guess for all their own passion...