Would You Still Be A Kings Fan If they Move?

Would You Still Be A Kings Fan If They Move?

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Depends to where, and what the the terms are. If they go to somewhere that's not really relevant to me, and it smaks of Maloof sleaze, then I'd probably look elsewhere. If it's more of the city dropping the ball, then I wouldn't hold a grudge. My interest would definitely take a sizeable hit either way, however.
I really have no clue, if it's out of state most likely not.

Lot's of things that make me think like maybe they move and change their name...i just don't know if I would still be a fan :/
I'm a Kings fan in Los Angeles, so I fell in love with the team not for the city, but because of the team. I'm 19 right now, so the glory days drew me to the Kings and the NBA in general. I thank them for allowing me to dig deeper and learn the intricate history of basketball. I became a fanatic of basketball because of how the Kings played and they made me fall in love with the art of passing. It seemed like I was the only one in school who actually enjoyed making crafty passes, so in a way they carved a blueprint of my own basketball identity and I will forever cherish that ideal.

Are they the same team since the glory days? No. But, no team can stay together just as everything good in life will end. I will admit that the city of Sacramento and its loyal fans made me even more proud to be a Kings fan. I will continue to be a fan regardless of the city, but will forever remember where it all began for me in particular, that being Sacramento.

But, I guess for all their own passion...
I'll be honest, if the Kings move strictly because of a financial reason because the Maloofs wanted more money, I would stop being a fan. Although I can't think of another potential reason, I'm willing to assume there are other factors.
It would be hard as hell to be a fan because all of my blood, sweat and tears as a Kings fan the past 25 years of my life were made right here in the city I was born, raised, and lived in for over 32 of my 36 years on this Earth. To be a fan if they moved to another city would leave a sour taste in my mouth as a born and bred Sacramentan. :)


I don't know, I think I'd stop being a fan, I'm from Sacramento and I didn't know of Basketball before moving to Sacramento and the Kings are Sacramento's team.
i'm a firm believer in rooting for the home team, so i'd prolly become a warriors fan by proximity...

i'd still root for the kings, too, but its hard to be a "fan" of a team that packs up and bolts for some other city, justification be damned...
Probably not. I love the Kings because they are the Sacramento Kings. If they moved out of Northern California, I'd probably become a Warriors fan (though I wish they'd move back to The City). It would certainly be a sad day in Sacramento if they left however, as Sacramento, the 19th largest city in the country (by CSAs), and a 1 team city, would be left without a team in a league with 30 teams. You'd think that Sacramento has the population and market to maintain at least one professional sports franchise.
for sureeeee i would be a kings fan still, these players are the result of a great legacy/team.vlade molded brad, brad molded spencer. spence carrys on the legacy. so you want to root for spence to get the ring for us, and his masters.
I just can´t believe that some people really think about becoming a Warriors fan just because the Kings leave Sacramento. In my opinion it´s not about the city, it´s about the franchise. I´m from Europe. The fan culture here is much better than in the US so I´m probably not used to the american way of being a fan.
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I voted maybe. I am 99% sure I would still be a fan, especially if the move was done in good faith and/or into another small market. However, if there was anything shady and underhanded, like Sonics move, I'd have an issue with that.

I was a Warrior fan growing up and became a Kings fan when they moved out here from Kansas City. If the the Kings moved I would root for the Warriors again.
How many people in Kansas City do you think are still Kings fans?
0-5? 5-10? Or more than 10?
I don't remember what I put last time. If they moved I would be a fan of the Warriors first, this team second then wait eagerly for Sacramento to get a new team.
When I first came to USA almost everyone I talked to was for the LA Lakers. Well, that was because I lived in Anaheim. I tried to like the Lakers, but I was never thrilled by their brand of play. Then came that day the Sacramento Kings traded for Webber and Divac. I thought I've found the most interesting team worth watching. The team was the most unselfish and entertaining team I've ever seen and I got hooked and became an instant loyal fan of the Kings.

So, it doesn't matter where the Kings would be in the future. I will always be a fan of them wherever they end up staying.
I will stay a fan simply because I have no real tie to the city of Sacramento. I can definitely understand why people from the area would stop supporting, though.

I really hope they don't move. There are so many great fans that would be left team-less and heartbroken. I am not fully up on the new arena situation because it doesn't mean as much to me as it does to you guys.
I'm in the Sacramento Valley. Whether I would remain a Kings fan or not, might depend on where they went. SoCal or Vegas, not so much. I wouldn't like San Jose much either, Otherwise, probably.

I have always disliked the Warriors. I would never root for them, anymore than I would root for the Lakers.
I could forgive a move within northern CA. The Las Vegas Kings would probably lose my interest. The Anaheim Kings I might actively root against. But if they moved farther than San Jose, I'd be upset enough that I'm just guessing, really.

I wonder how many Sonics fans are still OKC fans? I wonder how many hate them, and would like nothing better than to see the Thunder's assets auctioned off by a bankruptcy court?
I spent about ten years in the Sacramento area, but have been in Southern California the last five years. I always go to the Clipper/Sac games and try to make it out to Arco once a year if I'm able to.

With League Pass and this fantastic forum I'm able to keep up with the team just as easily as when I lived in the area. I always try to make a few games in the Vegas summer league and will be there for all five games this summer. So to answer the question, iif the team did move from Sacramento I'd still be a huge fan.

If they moved to Anaheim I'd be first in line for season tickets.

I think the only thing which would cause me to stop being a fan would be if we collected a bunch of arrogant stars which were universally despised. I just have a huge problem rooting for athletes like TO or Kobe. I'd probably have to take a break from the team, cheer on Aldeman's Rockets or something until the team roster took a turn for the better.