I'll reiterate my comment that you really shouldn't have made so many polls at the same time.
And to have the voting continue for as long as it has just seems contradictory to how quickly the draft itself went.
In all honesty, while I did vote in the first round, I only looked for the one favorite hero or villain I had on each team. Trying to wade through the incredibly detailed descriptions all at once was just overwhelming. And I'm saying this not to dig at the whole thing, which is really well-thought out, etc. but to point out what might be a fallacy people need to consider for the future. If you put too much out there at once for people to assimilate, you might end up with something much different than what the result might have been if there were just a couple of match-ups at once for people to mull over and envision.
As I said, though, just my two cents...
You might want to bump all the polls so people who are still interested in voting don't miss any of them.