TDOS Tropical Island Drafts

Just want to note that whoever is participating in a particular "draft" cannot perform the random order selection - had a couple complaints about that last year (not that anyone was cheating necessarily, but that in the future a neutral 3rd party should do them to avoid any possible accusations of such).
I think that's a great idea. Here's a link to the randomizer.
Let's do another album draft. Whether it excludes the albums that were picked in the first draft or not is a non-issue to me. I just want another one.

It was the most fun and most intriguing of them all, and don't forget the first. Every other draft has had a tinge of sequel-itis (okay maybe despite the epicness that was hot babe).
It's nearly that time again. With 1 game to go the Kings are that much closer to the end of the rebuild and back to prominence. It should be an exciting offseason with the draft, cap space, and a roster full of young guns for summer league. It's also the return of the Kingsfans tradition (courtesy of Mr. Slim Citrus) the TDOS desert island drafts. Next in line were the Kings Dream team draft, VF21's B-Movie Draft, and dare I say a hero/villain redux draft is in the works too?

Welcome back TDOS and go KINGS!
Dream team draft needs to happen.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
If we wind up doing another iPod draft I'd like to see either one-hit wonders or one with a no artist repeats rule just for some variety.

But no, I'm not volunteering to run one :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I have thoughts on those, especially given what could be a very LONG offseason coming ahead. But first things first -- let's make sure there is a team for whom to root.