TDOS Tropical Island Drafts

Still 5 days left in the 1st round of the Heroes/Villains playoffs. Get out and vote!

Also, there's still room in the Multi-player Video Game and Rock Band II Drafts if anyone is interested.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'll reiterate my comment that you really shouldn't have made so many polls at the same time. ;) And to have the voting continue for as long as it has just seems contradictory to how quickly the draft itself went.

In all honesty, while I did vote in the first round, I only looked for the one favorite hero or villain I had on each team. Trying to wade through the incredibly detailed descriptions all at once was just overwhelming. And I'm saying this not to dig at the whole thing, which is really well-thought out, etc. but to point out what might be a fallacy people need to consider for the future. If you put too much out there at once for people to assimilate, you might end up with something much different than what the result might have been if there were just a couple of match-ups at once for people to mull over and envision.

As I said, though, just my two cents...

You might want to bump all the polls so people who are still interested in voting don't miss any of them.

I agree. One at a time with a shorter voting window adds to the immediacy and excitement while giving each team and match-up its moment in the spotlight.

In hindsight, we probably should have done something similar for the first round, but oh well, live and learn, still getting good voter turnout and participation.

Kinks will be worked out for round two.
This actually might be better starting in round 2. Now the weaker teams will be weeded out and so now we can spend more specific time on each matchup in round 2. But I think the votes are pretty much done by now and I reall think the first round should be over by tomorrow. I'm not saying this to be hasty, but because the drafts are drifting away from people's minds.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think we definitely need a music draft or two since I know we have a lot of fans of an incredibly wide assortment of music.

I'd like to propose a draft of tunes similar to last year's Ipod draft, but with one significant distinction. All songs would have to come from a certain period of time. I was thinking we could start with songs of the 70s, then perhaps go on to the 80s, the 90s, and the new millennium. I can draft up the rules if there's enough interest. Only one draft would go at a time...
I was thinking about literally doing an Ipod SINGLES draft, as in, only songs that were released as singles could be selected. I'm not sure if I'd participate, but anyone is welcome to use the idea if they want to.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't think I'd participate in a draft like that since I have absolutely no idea of whether or not a song was released as a single or part of a CD or album or whatever...

I beat you as far as the Ipod suggestion for this year anyway. :p
After all the fun of combat in the heroes/villains drafts, we should, either this TDOS or next do a superzero/stuporvillain draft... the idea is the character must be fictional and have some sort of enhanced powers, but the goal is to make the worst team possible... the team that would lose the fight moves on to the next round. Seems like that would be so much fun and funny!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I was back in the old Ipod draft just last night poking around for something, and I noticed somebody suggesting a "Best Youtube Video" draft because of all the videos that were being posted. Not sure how well that would work as a draft -- after all I think few people collect or rank those things in their head. But it could lead to an amusing colection of videos by the end.
I was back in the old Ipod draft just last night poking around for something, and I noticed somebody suggesting a "Best Youtube Video" draft because of all the videos that were being posted. Not sure how well that would work as a draft -- after all I think few people collect or rank those things in their head. But it could lead to an amusing colection of videos by the end.
I am pretty sure that I had that idea. I like it! I'll take part in that one if someone else commishes.
I don't think I'd participate in a draft like that since I have absolutely no idea of whether or not a song was released as a single or part of a CD or album or whatever...

I beat you as far as the Ipod suggestion for this year anyway. :p
You also beat me in the Finals of the original Ipod draft last year too. You don't have to rub it in my face :p


Super Moderator Emeritus
FYI: I've removed my "B Movie Draft" from consideration. I would rather remove it from the list and give the Music Draft at least a slim chance of making it to the top before the end of TDOS. I'll be honest - I miss not having anything going about music; I don't know about anyone else, but I really enjoyed following all the various album, single, compilation picks and it brought back some great memories.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I have that suggestion in the list HERE. It will be 20 rounds serpentine, where you pick songs from one decade (I was going to have a short poll to decide which decade - 70s, 80s, or 90s) - just to make it a little different from the music drafts we had last year. I'm hoping it will make it to the top of the queue before the end of TDOS.
We could always just bump the Decade IPOD Draft (60s/70s/80s/90s etc.) into the next group too. I'm sure Bricklayer would understand waiting a bit more to do the Kings Players Dream Team Draft. That would put the next 3 drafts as the TV Show Draft, the Tropical Island Menu Draft, and the Decade IPOD Draft.

Ya know, since we're doing a decades Ipod, a decades album, movie and video game draft could also easily be done. Not sure if I'd participate in them (likely just the video game one) but thought I'd throw it out there since I didn't see it mentioned anywhere
Interesting idea. Do you mean current players or...wait, let me make sure I say this All-time All-sports All-star team draft? ;)
Yep, sounds about right there. :p

We have alot of sports buffs on this board, it'd be interesting to see which kind of teams people would put together.

Mixed, all one sport, all one position... etc etc..
It's nearly that time again. With 1 game to go the Kings are that much closer to the end of the rebuild and back to prominence. It should be an exciting offseason with the draft, cap space, and a roster full of young guns for summer league. It's also the return of the Kingsfans tradition (courtesy of Mr. Slim Citrus) the TDOS desert island drafts. Next in line were the Kings Dream team draft, VF21's B-Movie Draft, and dare I say a hero/villain redux draft is in the works too?

Welcome back TDOS and go KINGS!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Just want to note that whoever is participating in a particular "draft" cannot perform the random order selection - had a couple complaints about that last year (not that anyone was cheating necessarily, but that in the future a neutral 3rd party should do them to avoid any possible accusations of such).