Lotto day countdown!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Maybe, if one WAS to rig a draft in order to make a certain team fall lower than they should be, wouldn't one also make a distractor team, who is similar to the team you are rigging the draft against, move up inexplicably? Just playing devil's run-on sentence advocate here.

Indeed, because one would obviously be rigging the draft AGAINST the Sacramento Kings who you've just spent the past year and likely hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars tryign to get a new arena?

There is no devil's advocate here. Just people's need to blame any misfortunue on some grand conspiracy against them by an entity that frankly does not care.

If before this draft you had forced me, at gunpoint, to put my all money on the Kings getting any particular draft pick, I would have put it on #4. Not because of a conspiracy. Because the odds said we had a greater chance to get #4 than anything else.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Totally agree. Its inexcusable for them to not. Plus, it would make good TV.

Actually not terribly -- remember they pick the three lottery teams, and then everybody else falls in place. So if you showed the actual ball drop, there would be no reverse countdown.

You could do it that way, but unless you think teams are willingly conspiring against themselves, having 14 team reps watching the proceedings up close pretty much covers things.
Indeed, because one would obviously be rigging the draft AGAINST the Sacramento Kings who you've just spent the past year and likely hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars tryign to get a new arena?

There is no devil's advocate here. Just people's need to blame any misfortunue on some grand conspiracy against them by an entity that frankly does not care.

If before this draft you had forced me, at gunpoint, to put my all money on the Kings getting any particular draft pick, I would have put it on #4. Not because of a conspiracy. Because the odds said we had a greater chance to get #4 than anything else.
I agree. It would have been a bit fishier if OKC ended up number one with LAC at 2. At this point, I don't see why the NBA would want a star talent going to that black hole of a team. No matter the market size.

Still, the drawings should be done live. To remove all doubt.
Memphis needs a PF and PG. They have Conley so would they give up him this early?

What are the chances of a trade between us and Memphis, exchanging picks + something else so we get Rubio and they get Hill + other perks?

I hope we can pull that off, otherwise Jennings all the way for me :(


Hall of Famer
Well, its bad luck at its best. I don't believe in conspiracies, so all I can do is curse the lottery gods. Anyway, so here's the deal. The Clips will take Griffin, excuse me while I swallow hard on that one, OK, moving along, Memphis nor Oklahoma need a point guard, so there is that small possibility that Rubio might slide to us at four. If not, were assured of getting either Jennings or Thabeet. OK, I'm starting to feel better about this.

I really wanted Griffin. I honestly believe that he's going to be a star, and thats what the Kings need. Whats done is done. But I believe that the lottery needs to be changed. The worse team in the league needs to have greater odds of getting the first pick, or, at least be guaranteed no worse than the second spot.

In closing, the key for the Kings will be what Memphis does. If they pass on Rubio, I can't see Oklahoma taking Rubio. They need a big man, and if Thabeet is there I don't think they can pass on him. By the same token, I can't see Memphis taking Thabeet. They're in the win now mode and need someone that can step in and help right now. Of course if I were them, I would take Rubio and figure it out later. I better stop, I'm starting to get depressed again..
Well, its bad luck at its best. I don't believe in conspiracies, so all I can do is curse the lottery gods. Anyway, so here's the deal. The Clips will take Griffin, excuse me while I swallow hard on that one, OK, moving along, Memphis nor Oklahoma need a point guard, so there is that small possibility that Rubio might slide to us at four. If not, were assured of getting either Jennings or Thabeet. OK, I'm starting to feel better about this.

I really wanted Griffin. I honestly believe that he's going to be a star, and thats what the Kings need. Whats done is done. But I believe that the lottery needs to be changed. The worse team in the league needs to have greater odds of getting the first pick, or, at least be guaranteed no worse than the second spot.

In closing, the key for the Kings will be what Memphis does. If they pass on Rubio, I can't see Oklahoma taking Rubio. They need a big man, and if Thabeet is there I don't think they can pass on him. By the same token, I can't see Memphis taking Thabeet. They're in the win now mode and need someone that can step in and help right now. Of course if I were them, I would take Rubio and figure it out later. I better stop, I'm starting to get depressed again..
The top 2 picks are a lock this year. Its going to be Griffin and Rubio all the way regardless of team needs.

The only potential I see is Memphis trading lower to get Hill. Otherwise they keep the pick. Gasol and Rubio re-unite, with Gay and Mayo rounding out the starting unit with a hole at PF.

Rubio will NOT slip out of the top 2 regardless of team needs. He is that far ahead of the 3rd player that its dumb to think teams will pass him on because they have someone else.

If we want Rubio, we need to trade up. Otherwise settle with pick 4, pick Jennings or Thabeet. There is a very slight chance that OKC might pick Harden ahead of Thabeet but thats a slight chance.
The top 2 picks are a lock this year. Its going to be Griffin and Rubio all the way regardless of team needs.

Rubio will NOT slip out of the top 2 regardless of team needs. He is that far ahead of the 3rd player that its dumb to think teams will pass him on because they have someone else.
While I tend to agree that Griffin and Rubio are the top 2 talents in this year's draft, I don't think everyone is as convinced about Rubio as you seem to be.

Just this afternoon, I saw someone on ESPN (came in the middle) rank Rubio 3rd on his depth chart for the draft. I would not be surprised if he fell past the 2nd pick.