and with the #1 pick in the 2009 NBA draft the Kings select...

This is how the Kings did in the simulator that I did.. 10 times...

1. Kings #4 pick - OKC #1
2. Kings #4 pick - LAC #1
3. Kings #1 pick
4. Kings #3 pick - OKC #1
5. Kings #4 pick - WAS #1
6. Kings #2 pick - OKC #1
7. Kings #4 pick - MIN #1
8. Kings #1 pick
9. Kings #4 pick - MEM #1
10. Kings #4 pick - MIN #1

JEEBUS!!! We get the #1 only 2 times, the #2 only 1 time, the #3 only 1 time, and the #4 we get SIX times!!!

I must have horrible luck or something.. SIGH!

edit: did it another 10 times for the heck of it and the #4 came up five more times =/ Dang.. I have a feeling it's #4 for the Kings.
Personally, I never assumed he was immature, only that we have yet to find out. An article like this is what I was waiting for on Jennings, now is the beginning of finding out more about his character and attitude, and how it has developed from his experiences overseas. in other words, the intangibles he learned being overseas, being somewhat independent, and a professional athlete playing against and w/ pro's. He seems to have learned humility and patience, which was a big potential positive of his decision to play in Europe. It may be all him knowing the right things to say now that he's pretty much auditioning for the draft, but I think that still goes to his credit.

One thing that is very very encouraging is that he has a personal coach working on his mechanics. That's huge IMO, because if he sticks with the mechanics that I saw, his scoring ability is never going to reach its full potential. Based on the interview, they're getting the right things corrected. In general, he seems very aware of what he needs to improve on and focusing on it.

His mindset seems to be in the right place based on that article and the interview. I never would have called him a ball hog like some have, but I preferred to refer to him more as wild or overzealous. He never struck me as selfish, but who knows what will happen once he gets back into the American game. He's willing to pass, but sometimes does a lot of extraneous moves. His biggest obstacles are that he needs to learn to be more cerebral in the half-court, just get a better understanding of how to facilitate and lead in the half-court and playing at different tempos. So much of his game is based on reacting instinctually (which is a big reason why he's so good in transition), which isn't bad per se because it shows he has a great feel for the game, but sometimes he needs to understand how things work mentally to make good decisions and be a dependable leader out on the court. Defensively, he still has some ways to go, it's true he's long and quick, but he gets way too aggressive in his reach-ins and makes a lot of mistakes in general on D. His biggest concern there though is his strength, he got taken out way too much with screens both on and off the ball.

One more that I liked about the article, which I don't feel like I called enough attention to in the past, is that he is so incredibly fast with the ball and how much that can disrupt a defense in today's game re: Aaron Brooks. The lanes are going to open up more in the NBA and he's going to be able to use that ability far more than in the Euroleague and Italian league.

Right now he's got the great raw PG abilities in his athleticism, ball handling, creativity, passing, which gives him a very high upside. However, he is still very raw and is a risky pick, which is why I wouldn't move him above Rubio. He still needs to improve his finishing ability, shot selection, and scoring ability overall. It's good that he's working on his shot but whether it'll translate into an advanced mid range and pull up game who knows. Regardless this report by DX makes me a little less nervous about falling out of the top 2, I just hope Petrie is high on Jennings over guys like Hill, Thabeet, and Harden as well.

low: Sebastian Telfair
mid: Nick Van Exel
high: Tim Hardaway (similar in mix of scoring/passing but to lesser degree)
First off, let me say that I never said he was immature. I said he was more mature than I expected. I was giving him a complement. I don't know about you, but when I was eighteen, I was pretty stupid. Enough said about that.

I've watched basketball for a long time, and two things that I don't get too excited about as negatives, are shooting ability and defense. When we only drafted seniors, I would say that 90% of them couldn't play defense at the NBA level. The percentages are even worse now with the younger players. There have been countless players that wern't good shooters coming out of college, and several years later they had improved dramaticly.

Karl Malone was a terrible freethrow shooter and had no outside shot at all when he came into the league. Magic Johnson had no outside shot when he came into the league. Some became good enough to keep people honest. Some became very good shooters. Michael Jordan had a decent midrange game, but nothing beyond that. I won't bring up Jason Kidd.

I believe that if a player has good instincts and a feel for the game, combined with good court vision and great athletic ability, he can be taught the rest, as long as he has the desire and commitment.
Didn't mean to imply that you meant that (I can see how you would think that, my bad for phrasing it poorly), just some people have implied that.

I'm not fretting over his defense, the way the game is played now and all these stupid new rules, PG defense has become mostly non-existent; the tools are there to be decent and that's about as much as you can ask these days. The big question marks for me are his ability to faciliate in the half-court, his decision making, and his strength.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
edit: did it another 10 times for the heck of it and the #4 came up five more times =/ Dang.. I have a feeling it's #4 for the Kings.
Regardless of what your feelings might be, the odds are:
#1: 25%
#2: 21.5%
#3: 17.7%
#4: 35.8%

No amount of clicking on any simulator is going to change them.
I would be perfectly fine with Griffin, Rubio, Harden, or Jennings.
I would rather get Griffin or Rubio over Harden, and IMO it isn't even close. I think Harden will be a good player, but I don't think he has the potential that Griffin or Rubio has. And Jennings is the wildcard in this draft. He has the talent to be a top 10 pg down the road, but I could also see him turning into another Telfair.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well of course -- there is a 36% chance we get "jipped." But I'm still pretty steady in thinking there are 4 unique talents of note in this draft (Griffin, Rubio, Thabeet, Jennings) and maybe even a 5th wildcard (Evans). So worst case we're still getting a player who I think could help.

I'm also interested in where the other teams end up picking -- still interested in that Washington pick for instance.
Regardless of what your feelings might be, the odds are:
#1: 25%
#2: 21.5%
#3: 17.7%
#4: 35.8%

No amount of clicking on any simulator is going to change them.
Well yah I know that ;)

I just am kind of upset over how many times #4 came up :) 11 out of 20.

After hearing how Griffin did in San Francisco I am inclined to believe that if we did get #1 it's Griffin all the way.
Griffin has a nice 3 point stroke?? Draft him. Now. 3 years ago I watched Drew Gooden warming up for the Bulls v the Magic. He hit 13 threes in a row. All over the court. How many does he shoot a game? Why? Because there is a huge difference when there is a defender on you and when you're wide open with no . I've hit 15 in a row with my little brother throwing to me. I hate these little "updates" or revelations about playes. We've seen the guy dominate for two years. No way in hell he's drafted for his "improved stroke from 3" Any GM to use that as a deciding factor should go work for the Clippers.
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The improved stroke from 3 doesnt mean he will be shooting 3s in the game. It just shows that he has a jump shot and can hit a mid range if needed. Personally I would rather have him be inept from the 3 point line just so he will be in the middle grabbing rebounds and working on his post game.

This is how the Kings did in the simulator that I did.. 10 times...

1. Kings #4 pick - OKC #1
2. Kings #4 pick - LAC #1
3. Kings #1 pick
4. Kings #3 pick - OKC #1
5. Kings #4 pick - WAS #1
6. Kings #2 pick - OKC #1
7. Kings #4 pick - MIN #1
8. Kings #1 pick
9. Kings #4 pick - MEM #1
10. Kings #4 pick - MIN #1

JEEBUS!!! We get the #1 only 2 times, the #2 only 1 time, the #3 only 1 time, and the #4 we get SIX times!!!

I must have horrible luck or something.. SIGH!

edit: did it another 10 times for the heck of it and the #4 came up five more times =/ Dang.. I have a feeling it's #4 for the Kings.
Thank God your not representing us at the Lotto..;)
Didn't mean to imply that you meant that (I can see how you would think that, my bad for phrasing it poorly), just some people have implied that.

I'm not fretting over his defense, the way the game is played now and all these stupid new rules, PG defense has become mostly non-existent; the tools are there to be decent and that's about as much as you can ask these days. The big question marks for me are his ability to faciliate in the half-court, his decision making, and his strength.
I agee. Most of the rule changes were intended to make things easier for the offensive player. I wish they would at least allow handchecking for the perimiter players.

As far as his ability to faciliate in the half-court, I would tend to think it must have at least improved. Thats about all they play over there. Its hard to get read on someone that plays in europe and then only plays limited minutes. Even NBA scouts have complained about flying all the way over there and then seeing him play for 12 minutes in a game, or perhaps not play at all.

I suspect that the team workouts will do a lot to determine his ranking in the draft.
I agee. Most of the rule changes were intended to make things easier for the offensive player. I wish they would at least allow handchecking for the perimiter players.

As far as his ability to faciliate in the half-court, I would tend to think it must have at least improved. Thats about all they play over there. Its hard to get read on someone that plays in europe and then only plays limited minutes. Even NBA scouts have complained about flying all the way over there and then seeing him play for 12 minutes in a game, or perhaps not play at all.

I suspect that the team workouts will do a lot to determine his ranking in the draft.
He may have, but I wouldn't know because the games I saw he was only facilitating in transition, when they were in the set, he became a scorer for them. He probably learned more about half court offense there in practice than he would have at Arizona. Still, it's a weakness in his game.

Yeah, I suspect things to change around a lot, this draft is going to make my head spin.
I really want us to get Griffin or Rubio like everyone else on this board, but my perfect scenario is this and it makes so much sense and I hope it happens. I would like to see us get the number 1 pick and have either the Thunder or Minnesota be the team with the number 2 pick. Then I would have us take Blake Griffin and the number 2 team pick Rubio. We make the swap for Rubio and their remaining picks. The thunder have I believe 1 or 2 more picks in the first round and Minnesota does as well. I think this is a better way of rounding out a team and making us a lot more competitive quicker. We'd have rubio and a total of 4 1st round picks and if we have to throw in that second in the swap of players then so be it. I would honestly rather see this scenario than just getting Rubio or Griffin. Problem is A we have to get the 1st pick and B we need to have Minnesota or the Thunder get the 2nd pick. This is going to be interesting either way and I think Chris Webber knows something we don't know him and the Maloofs. Remember that comment about him bringing the number 1 back home. Lets hope so
I'm also interested in where the other teams end up picking -- still interested in that Washington pick for instance.

Really hoping Washington ends up in the 3 or 4 spot. That's where the major talent drops off and they would be more likely to trade that pick for cap/tax relief and a vet like Nocioni. Thabeet should be there at that point. It would allow us to get our flashy, sell tickets guy with our pick (Griffin, Rubio, maybe Jennings) plus fill a gaping hole in our team that Thabeet would fill.
I'm actually getting pretty impressed by what I'm reading about Jennings. A project, maybe? But star potential, absolutely. Aaron Brooks performance against the Lakers as a whole is impressive, and Jennings is much more physically/athletically gifted. His speed is what has me intrigued, especially since the Princeton, even if a modified version, can benefit a great deal from having a point that can attack the lane.

The vast improvement in his maturity level is encouraging as well. I've gotten to a point where I wont feel as bad if we get the #3 or #4 pick. We're going to get something that will help our team regardless.
SI: Top NBA landing spots for Griffin, Rubio, others..

2. Ricky Rubio, 6-4 point guard, 18 years old, DKV Joventut Badalona (Spain). Of the teams with the best hope of gaining the top-two pick necessary to draft Rubio, the Thunder may need to consider other options -- unless, of course, they view Rubio as a better prospect than Westbrook, who is coming off an impressive rookie year. The Wizards and Warriors would have to consider picking Rubio to play alongside Gilbert Arenas or Monta Ellis, respectively, as well as to serve as a replacement should either Arenas or Ellis suffer another injury.
"I think he fits the best with Sacramento," the scout said. "He can replace Beno Udrih at the point, and the Kings can build their style around him. They have a good shooting guard in Kevin Martin, who can run, and [their frontcourt of] Jason Thompson and [Spencer] Hawes can get up and down the court. They still could use an elite 3, but they're building -- and Rubio would give them the strong foundation of an 18-year-old point guard they'll have for the next 12 years.''
While Rubio is an up-tempo creator of a style approved by Kings GM Geoff Petrie, he may worry about disappearing for a rebuilding team in a small market like Sacramento. The jackpot move would be for Rubio to wind up playing in New York for Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni -- but then most players would wish for the same thing. When it comes to Rubio, however, the Knicks have a 3.3 percent chance at a top-two pick.

The choice: Kings.
Makes sense.

As an aside, I would be very disappointed in Rubio if he tried to avoid being picked by any team. I really hate that nonsense. Yi did it and I didn't like it. However, I don't think Rubio will be the same.
Yeah, especially foreign guys who might not have even been to America much shouldn't expect to go to New York or LA. I mean Lebron went to Cleveland and has played there for 5 years I think,so they don't get to complain.
Yeah, especially foreign guys who might not have even been to America much shouldn't expect to go to New York or LA. I mean Lebron went to Cleveland and has played there for 5 years I think,so they don't get to complain.
Of course, Ohio is LeBron's home state, which probably made it a little easier to take.