Kings-Spurs discussion for Sunday, April 12

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I thought Beno was playing just fine up until the last quarter. Yeah he wasn't making any shots but he was passing the ball and not getting in the way. Thats all I ask, unfortunately that isn't possible. He had to shoot our last 7 billion possesions and miss every single one of them.
I just think Beno does a ****ty job of running the offense, if we had someone like TJ Ford who play up and down basketball and run a team I think it would open up major options for Martin, Cisco, and JT.
Could you knock off the "lol"... It's more than gotten a little old. This isn't a laughing matter to a lot of Kings fans. And quite frankly, I couldn't give a rats patoot about Portland or Houston. Our Kings fought hard and they deserved fair officiating at the end of the game. They didn't get it - and I think any Kings fan who is upset about it has every right to feel that way.

It's about the Kings...and effort...and at least knowing when they give the maximum effort they'll get a fair shake from the officials.

The Kings did their job on defense on that sequence. They forced a 24-second violation. The shot was LATE. What else should they have done?
Exactly. For anyone whose played sports, they know what losing does to you. Losing every single night has to suck for these young players. To lose like THAT has to be just sickening. I don't think the Kings will ever get that fair shake from the officials though. We are just gonna have to beat the odds and fight through it like we did in 2002, hopefully we can do just a little better however.


Hall of Famer
Haven't the refs reviewed Cisco 3-pointers twice this season when the shot wasn't at the buzzer?

Correct me if Im wrong, but whats the difference?


Super Moderator Emeritus
agreed 100% but getting mad and stressing out and complaining on a message board isn't going to change anything, it is what it is. getting upset and frustrated isn't anyone but ourselves.
Participating on a sports message board is ALL ABOUT getting mad and stressing out and venting with fellow fans. And don't be too sure about it not changing anything. Fan feedback is important; and we're definitely talking about passionate fans here.

I'm willing to bet that this game is played over and over and could even possibly be used as a reason to implement a review of 24-second violation no-calls in the final two minutes of games or something similar.
Haven't the refs reviewed Cisco 3-pointers twice this season when the shot wasn't at the buzzer?

Correct me if Im wrong, but whats the difference?
some BS rule that's like it has to be the last possession of the quarter or something(correct me if im wrong, that's how I think it is)
Haven't the refs reviewed Cisco 3-pointers twice this season when the shot wasn't at the buzzer?

Correct me if Im wrong, but whats the difference?
They were reviewing whether it was a 3 or not, not whether the shot clock went off. Im not sure what the difference is in the rules, but if their is a random reason i would think that would have to be it. Still complete BULL but whatever.
Participating on a sports message board is ALL ABOUT getting mad and stressing out and venting with fellow fans. And don't be too sure about it not changing anything. Fan feedback is important; and we're definitely talking about passionate fans here.

I'm willing to bet that this game is played over and over and could even possibly be used as a reason to implement a review of 24-second violation no-calls in the final two minutes of games or something similar.
I agree that this is very likely to cause change, but the point I was trying to make is this effects the league much more than just a another loss for the kings, hence, it is much more likely to get attention.
I didnt see the play, hopefully they'll show it on sports center or something .. HOWEVER ..

Big picture here, We solidify the worst record in the league ( probly would have had it anyways ) AND the Spurs get a game on houston, getting us a better pick with the second first rounder ... remember this game if someone slides and we get him 1 pick before the spurs or some team .. think when bayless almost fell to us .. 1 or 2 spots in a draft can be huge.
Participating on a sports message board is ALL ABOUT getting mad and stressing out and venting with fellow fans. And don't be too sure about it not changing anything. Fan feedback is important; and we're definitely talking about passionate fans here.

I'm willing to bet that this game is played over and over and could even possibly be used as a reason to implement a review of 24-second violation no-calls in the final two minutes of games or something similar.
Would that be 2 changes now to the rule book due to direct resuts of the Kings getting screwed? I think so!


Super Moderator Emeritus
No because just a few games ago Garcia got a 3 reviewed with about 2 minutes left in the game.
A review can be done to determine if a shot was a three or a two. A review cannot be done - except at the end of a quarter/half - to determine if there was a 24-second violation or not.
wait so we hit a 3 at the buzzer to tie the game but the refs thought otherwise?
No Finley hit the 3 with 1.3 seconds left when the shot clock had clearly expired about .3 or .4 seconds before he even got the shot off. Of course the rules state that the shot isn't reviewable so we lose off another BS call.
A review can be done to determine if a shot was a three or a two. A review cannot be done - except at the end of a quarter/half - to determine if there was a 24-second violation or not.
Yeah i figured that was why. I just don't understand. Can you imagine the uproar if this happened during a playoff game?!?!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yeah i figured that was why. I just don't understand. Can you imagine the uproar if this happened during a playoff game?!?!

Oh I'm sure it was written the way it was to prevent there from being a dozen stoppages of play a game every time a shot went up against the shot clock. Maybe they should have a little red rim around the shot clock that lights up when it goes out the same way the backboard does at the end of quarters. Be an extra visual clue for he refs, and should not matter for the players since it would only come on when time had expired anyway.
Well that really stunk. I mean it was such an obvious shot clock violation. It's not like it was even close and three refs didn't see it? That really stinks for our poor beleaguered team. To play a decent last home game, but lose because of sheer incompetence. If whether its a 2 or 3 point basket can be reviewed (only a 1 point difference), then certainly, they should be able to review a shot clock violation which leads to a bigger point differential if called wrong (2 or 3 points). That just sucked.
It was only a few years ago that the NBA went from 2 refs to 3. What does it prove except that old saying about "3 blind mice":(
That another problem i have, all these new rules/extra refs/game changes are supposed to reduce crap calls. It hasn't done JACK since ive been watching basketball (since 2000) and in some ways i feel like its gotten worse this season. Im not sure if that is a direct result of us sucking or what but it sucks.
Gotta love this quote by Finley..

"Catch and shoot, that's what I saw," said Finley, who had nine points. "Tony made a great play penetrating, and he kicked it out to me. ... The great refereeing staff we had said it counted, so we'll take it."

Gag me.

Of course they'll take it.

I have absolutely no problem saying that the NBA has the hands-down worst referees in sports. Period. No other league has such mediocre people deciding outcomes of games.


Hall of Famer
NFL Refs are pretty bad too.
At least the NFL has the guts to admit their refereeing Gods can make a mistake
(Ala 49ers in "The Comeback" against the Giants, amongst others.)

The NBA sucks with everything about their officials...Ive just come to accept it.
And hope Karma pays us back in 5-10 years!
If you watch the video here:

You can see and hear that the buzzer went off late. That's on Sacramento's equipment. You can't look at the hands and the clock at the same time.
And that is why there are 3 refs. Listen, they know the situation. They know the importance of the moment, intensity of the crowd and players... they could probably hear some people even counting down.. There is no excuse for such crappy officiating. Especially from the "veteran" refs (i.e. danny crawford)
If you watch the video here:

You can see and hear that the buzzer went off late. That's on Sacramento's equipment. You can't look at the hands and the clock at the same time.

Actually the sound on that video seems to be off a little. Notice how after Finley makes the shot it takes the commentator a couple moments to react, thats not because he was speechless it's because the sound is off.
if there was say a .2 difference in game clock and shot clock, and the game clock goes off while the ball is in the air in that situation,(as it has to be reviewed to make sure it was off) could it be reviewed and determined a shot clock violation with .2 seconds left?
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