K Mart

yeah. he's only averaged like 30 points a game since coming back from injury after missing the majority of the season. what a bum. i hope we can unload his "superstar" contract for "flexible" pieces midseason, some of which will hopefully still be warming the bench years later.

i mean...why hasn't he won these past 5 games single handedly? why haven't we won a championship with him yet? did Kobe need Shaq to win championships? no. did Jordan need Pippen? no. did either of them need some amazing coach? no. they did it all by themselves. and if memory serves me correctly, they won every game they played too.

so i guess my secret dream of waiving the rest of the team and having Kevin play 1 on 5 for 10 million per year and winning every game isn't actually going to happen.

now it looks like i will have to move on to plan B. either drafting a terminator, building a time machine to trade 2009 Kenny Thomas for 1993 Jordan, or legally changing the city's from Sacramento to New York and convincing LeBron to sign for the MLE.

see you all at the next "Kevin isn't the greatest thing on the face of this planet" thread!

where the hell did i put my dead horse?
yeah. he's only averaged like 30 points a game since coming back from injury after missing the majority of the season. what a bum. i hope we can unload his "superstar" contract for "flexible" pieces midseason, some of which will hopefully still be warming the bench years later.

i mean...why hasn't he won these past 5 games single handedly? why haven't we won a championship with him yet? did Kobe need Shaq to win championships? no. did Jordan need Pippen? no. did either of them need some amazing coach? no. they did it all by themselves. and if memory serves me correctly, they won every game they played too.

so i guess my secret dream of waiving the rest of the team and having Kevin play 1 on 5 for 10 million per year and winning every game isn't actually going to happen.

now it looks like i will have to move on to plan B. either drafting a terminator, building a time machine to trade 2009 Kenny Thomas for 1993 Jordan, or legally changing the city's from Sacramento to New York and convincing LeBron to sign for the MLE.

see you all at the next "Kevin isn't the greatest thing on the face of this planet" thread!

where the hell did i put my dead horse?
Finally, someone who makes sense.
eehhh, I think kevins fourth quarter numbers can be deceiving .. I mean, how many important fourth quarters has kevin been in? not too many ... In my opinion though it seems like he folds when the pressure is on.. at least lately. This doesnt mean it cant change and it doesnt mean he isnt a very good player .. it is what it is.

That being said I think Cisco is our "clutchest" player .. but thats a whole different conversation ..


Super Moderator Emeritus
yeah. he's only averaged like 30 points a game since coming back from injury after missing the majority of the season. what a bum. i hope we can unload his "superstar" contract for "flexible" pieces midseason, some of which will hopefully still be warming the bench years later.

i mean...why hasn't he won these past 5 games single handedly? why haven't we won a championship with him yet? did Kobe need Shaq to win championships? no. did Jordan need Pippen? no. did either of them need some amazing coach? no. they did it all by themselves. and if memory serves me correctly, they won every game they played too.

so i guess my secret dream of waiving the rest of the team and having Kevin play 1 on 5 for 10 million per year and winning every game isn't actually going to happen.

now it looks like i will have to move on to plan B. either drafting a terminator, building a time machine to trade 2009 Kenny Thomas for 1993 Jordan, or legally changing the city's from Sacramento to New York and convincing LeBron to sign for the MLE.

see you all at the next "Kevin isn't the greatest thing on the face of this planet" thread!

where the hell did i put my dead horse?
If Kingsfans.com ever starts a "best post of the year" contest, I'll make sure this one is nominated!

Very nice, Sluggah.


Super Moderator Emeritus
eehhh, I think kevins fourth quarter numbers can be deceiving .. I mean, how many important fourth quarters has kevin been in? not too many ... In my opinion though it seems like he folds when the pressure is on.. at least lately. This doesnt mean it cant change and it doesnt mean he isnt a very good player .. it is what it is.

That being said I think Cisco is our "clutchest" player .. but thats a whole different conversation ..
Does the word "stamina" mean anything to you...or the others making such a big deal of this?

Martin was brought back and immediately pushed for major minutes, even if he wasn't starting. He had a foot injury that severely curtailed the type of conditioning exercises that he needed to keep in "game" shape.

As far as our "clutchest" player goes, I think Spencer Hawes is rapidly earning that title, for whatever it's worth. I personally subscribe to the theory that there is NO one clutch player because the defense and your opponent dictate which player will have the best advantage on any given night...

Our team was most successful when we had a variety of options available. Bibby or Peja from outside, Webber from the inside or elbow, Christie if the matchup was right and even Vlade could surprise people on occasion. In addition, we had our energizer bunny to hit the dagger if the matchup was right...

It takes a TEAM. And when you have a TEAM of players that know each other and TRUST each other, very good things can happen.

That's why the return of Coachie is paramount to the future development of the kids - and the Kings. He stresses team play and learning your teammates' moves as well as you know your own. He helps them learn to trust each other and to communicate.

Martin will be fine.
Does the word "stamina" mean anything to you...or the others making such a big deal of this?

Martin was brought back and immediately pushed for major minutes, even if he wasn't starting. He had a foot injury that severely curtailed the type of conditioning exercises that he needed to keep in "game" shape.

As far as our "clutchest" player goes, I think Spencer Hawes is rapidly earning that title, for whatever it's worth. I personally subscribe to the theory that there is NO one clutch player because the defense and your opponent dictate which player will have the best advantage on any given night...

Our team was most successful when we had a variety of options available. Bibby or Peja from outside, Webber from the inside or elbow, Christie if the matchup was right and even Vlade could surprise people on occasion. In addition, we had our energizer bunny to hit the dagger if the matchup was right...

It takes a TEAM. And when you have a TEAM of players that know each other and TRUST each other, very good things can happen.

That's why the return of Coachie is paramount to the future development of the kids - and the Kings. He stresses team play and learning your teammates' moves as well as you know your own. He helps them learn to trust each other and to communicate.

Martin will be fine.

I never really said martin wasnt going to be fine, in fact I called him a very good player. He is a good player, Im glad he's on our team.

If your going to play the stamina card (and Im not sure I buy that) then I'll put that on the coach. If your too tired to make a shot, then your hurting the team more than your helping .. I'd like to think when the game is close and theres not much time remaining, addrenaline kicks in and you just keep playing.

Im not even making a huge deal about it. Sure, if we had a better team he would be a better player. He wouldnt have to do as much as he does and the defense couldnt focus on him as much as they do. Im just calling it how it is and how I see it right now, and that is that he didnt make plays at the end of a few games ( bad pass to miller from the inbound and some bad shots late in the game ) .. not a huge deal and hopefully he improves on it.
If Kmart is not a "true" #1 option, he is at the very least one heck of a #2 option.
Yes, like we have said over and over and over....Martin is a pretty amazing 2nd option for the team. once we get the all-star power forward (Griffen) from this draft and our PG from next draft (rubio) then we are set! :D
yeah. he's only averaged like 30 points a game since coming back from injury after missing the majority of the season. what a bum. i hope we can unload his "superstar" contract for "flexible" pieces midseason, some of which will hopefully still be warming the bench years later.

i mean...why hasn't he won these past 5 games single handedly? why haven't we won a championship with him yet? did Kobe need Shaq to win championships? no. did Jordan need Pippen? no. did either of them need some amazing coach? no. they did it all by themselves. and if memory serves me correctly, they won every game they played too.

so i guess my secret dream of waiving the rest of the team and having Kevin play 1 on 5 for 10 million per year and winning every game isn't actually going to happen.

now it looks like i will have to move on to plan B. either drafting a terminator, building a time machine to trade 2009 Kenny Thomas for 1993 Jordan, or legally changing the city's from Sacramento to New York and convincing LeBron to sign for the MLE.

see you all at the next "Kevin isn't the greatest thing on the face of this planet" thread!

where the hell did i put my dead horse?

LOVE IT!!!! haha
he showed up a little tonight but has to start doing it every night to get me back on the k mart star band wagon. but i very happy with what i saw tonight and hopefully kmart will make me eat crow
I do not have the time to read this whole thread. I sure hope that somebody has pointed out that the reason Kevin is tired in the 4th is because he works so hard to keep his team in the game the first three. It is on him to learn to pace his play, so that he can be a factor in the fourth. I think it is out of line to say that he is not clutch or he "folds" because he is so tired at the end of games. He will learn to pace better, especially if he gets more help early on.
havent you watched any games lately it's not because he's tired. you dont throw a ball away because you took to many shots in 3 qts you don't drive into triple coverage because you scored in 3 qts you don't go for a lay up and hope to get fouled because you score so much in 3 qts its all a mind set and he needs to find that mind set. look at wade dude scores the whole game and really finds the energy to finish at the end thats what stars do its a mind set, so don't go saying its because hes tired because hes carrying the team its because he dosn't have the mind set yet.
havent you watched any games lately it's not because he's tired. you dont throw a ball away because you took to many shots i 3 qts you don't drive into triple coverage because you scored i 3 qts you don't go for a lay up and hope to get fouled because you score so much in 3 qts its all a mind set and he needs to find that mind set. look at wad dude scores the whole game and really finds the energy to finish at the end so don't go saying its because hes tired because hes carrying the team its because he dosn't have the mind set yet.
After playing three quarters in a professional b-ball game in which you are pretty much the only decent player, being tired would affect your decision making process as well. When you are completely drained, all of your above scenario's are likely. Again, it is his responsibility to learn to manage his energy and pace himself. But that does not make him unclutch or folding. I do not think that this is a fouth quarter mentality/clutch/game closer or not type of issue. I simply think he needs to learn to manage his energy so that he still has some juice left in the 4th.

Martin is not and will never be a Franchise player. He should not be the #1 option. If he was put on a team that did not completely rely on him as the first option, as he should be, this would not be an issue. Kevin is a great player and has proven that he can be clutch when necessary if he is not the goto guy for the entire game.

I am sorry that some are dissapointed in him because he can not carry the team. I argue that one is unintelligent to expect a player of Martins caliber to accomplish what is essentially being expected of him. I love Martin as a third option. When the right players get added to the mix, he will exceed the expectations of third option and all will be happy.

Hold up, did you actually compare him to D Wade? That is my point exactly. It is all in the expectations.
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martin is a good player but he isnt a franchise player... he should never be compared to real superstars.... martin is one of those third tier level stars, good player on a bad team type... he's right there with michael redd, gerald wallace, caron butler or joe johnson. though johnson and butler are way better than martin.

i like martin but why is this such a big deal to everyone? besides the fact that we dont have a real superstar nor will we be getting one anytime soon...

sorry, i just needed to get that off my chest...

There is a reason why we are paying him a contract that ends up at 12.9 million a year and not like 17 million. He is a good, arguably great player that we are going to need for the future. I do not see him getting the max, and we do not see that for a reason.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Hmmm.....40 ppg?
Yes. See, you thought he meant points per game, but what he was referring to is points per GUAME, where the unit "guame" is defined as 73 minutes and 50.1 seconds of game time. I don't know why this is so difficult for you people.
He is averaging over 40 ppg the last three games. I'd say that he is doing more than his part.
errrrr. my bad. I am not paying attn to the games that much and looked quickly at the NBA site at the wrong stat. OOPS. 26 ain't all that bad though.

I do stand behind the rest of my argument though. Expectations are too high.


Hall of Famer
All I can say is that I thank the good Lord for not sending his son down as a basketball player to play for the Kings. It wouldn't be long before some would be looking for a cross.
:) Some people are never satisfied.

This reminds me of a joke. Hope I'm not offending anyone. It's just a joke.

The Husband Store

A brand new store has just opened in New York City that sells Husbands. When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions at the entrance:

"You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors and the value of the products increase as you ascend the flights. You may choose any item from a particular floor or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you CANNOT go back down except to exit the building!"

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

The 1st floor sign reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs.

The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

The 3rd floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids and are extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the 4th floor and The sign reads: Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help with Housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!" Still, she goes to the 5th floor and The sign reads: Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, help with Housework and Have A Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opens a New Wives store just across the street.

The 1st floor has wives who love sex.

The 2nd floor has wives who love sex and have money.

The 3rd through 6th floors have never been visited.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
All I can say is that I thank the good Lord for not sending his son down as a basketball player to play for the Kings. It wouldn't be long before some would be looking for a cross.
But then we'd be missing the miracles of the Basketball Jesus! To wit:

Reset the shot clock at Cana right before it ran out.
Cured referees of blindness.
Allowed PF Lazarus back into the game after he fouled out.
Was the only guy not slipping on the wet spot in the floor at Galilee.
Provided nachos and beer for the crowd when the concession stand ran out.
Ejected from Golgotha in the first quarter only to return three quarters later.
Ascended to the rafters to grad a rebound, never came back down with the ball.
But then we'd be missing the miracles of the Basketball Jesus! To wit:

Reset the shot clock at Cana right before it ran out.
Cured referees of blindness.
Allowed PF Lazarus back into the game after he fouled out.
Was the only guy not slipping on the wet spot in the floor at Galilee.
Provided nachos and beer for the crowd when the concession stand ran out.
Ejected from Golgotha in the first quarter only to return three quarters later.
Ascended to the rafters to grad a rebound, never came back down with the ball.
This made reading this thread well worth the time. :D