Grades v. Jazz 11/02

Which coaching move drew your ire the most?

  • Starting Bobby Jackson at SG

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Pulling Spencer Hawes when he was carrying us in the third

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • 11 minutes for Thompson, 3 for Greene

    Votes: 19 19.4%
  • Suddenly inserting Douby for the first time with 4 minutes to go in a close game

    Votes: 67 68.4%

  • Total voters
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We good.

I would regale you with another perk me up theme, but am afraid I have used up my board sanctioned pretty girl posting quota for the week.

Cisco ( B ) -- in with Kevin, out with John, and Cisco with a solid start in his place. Gave us a boost with first half energy, grabbed some boards, made some passes, hustled around, flopped like a dead fish. Not a lot of offense, but overall helpful. Gave us a little more offense, but a little less of everything else after half, inlcuding defense where he kept on turning his head and losing his man. Still a solid contributing effort cut somewhat artificailly short when Reggie abruptly went with Douby instead for the final four minutes of the game.

Hawes ( B+ ) -- got the start, and in an apparent Theus nightmare, justified it. Actually was off to the mediocre start before half. Miller was doing more. Was not on the glass. Moved his feet well on defense but was giving us nothing as a shotblocker. And was rushing his shots a bit on offense. But it was Hawes who made the difference in the early 3rd quarter with a series of nifty plays, both passing the ball, stepping in front of passes for steals, and with his own offense. His length was also an impediment to Okur. Got Theused at the 3 minute mark of the quarter, when seconds after leading a fastbreak (yes, leading) and throwing a nifty behind the back pass on the move to Beno for the layup, he got yanked. Makes sense to me. Came back wiht a couple of good plays late, but was not a factor down the stretch. Most of the excitment cetners around the one quarter (the 3rd) and the boardwork was shoddy, so went with the B+ rather than the A-, but it was a good outing either way.

Miller ( B ) -- had his guy in the park standstill jumper game going nicely in the early going, and also had a couple of blocks against a suddenly vulnerable Jazz frontline (minus Boozer and AK47). Was solid on the galss, although still outperformed by both the Jazz bigs (Okur sand Milsap). Actually ended up recieving more good passes (often from Hawes) than he delivered tonight. Did try to get the Kevin backdoor game going, but only worked once that I can recall -- otherwise the Jazz were doing a good job defending it. Solid down the stretch, but no real impact. Made that pass, hit a couple of FTs, even had a post move to put us up one, but was invisible inside as Deron Williams ran right past him for a key layup (to be fair Brad was the only guy who was not invisible inside for most of the night with a very out of character 4 blocks) and wildly missed a layup with under 30 seconds to go that pretty much sealed things for us. Might have "+"'d him if we had won, but we did not. As an aside, notice that he and Spencer have not been chucking as many threes the last couple of games?

BJax ( D ) -- playing out of position and ineffective -- just cannot get that shot to fall anymore and was 0-4 again from three point land. Got a few hustle steals, and scored a few hoops on the break. Lost the late minutes after Korver in particular began to shoot over him with relative ease (nice 6-7 inch height advantage there).

Udrih ( C+ ) -- a game in which Beno did some good things, hit his shots, and for 44 minutes was the better PG on the floor, was noentheless marred by a stack of odd careless turnovers, foul trouble, and losing control of Deron when it mattered. This grade may be a half tic low, not sure. But the turnovers in particular are a real problem. Beno's offense was a general plus all night, but then he would jsut suddenly throw the ball to...noone. Not like he was forcing passes that could have made it. I mean just throw it out in space to nobody. there's got to be some miscommunication there -- its like when a quarterback throws a ball downfield and no receiver is within 10 yards of it. Somebody didn't know the route, whether it be the QB or the receiver. Ditto with some of these. No idea what Beno is looking at. Anyway, we still were holding our own in the PG matchup for most of the night, and with all the Jazz injuries that was a major reason why we had a chance to steal this. But then down the stretch Deron woke up and showed why he's a star player, taking over and picking us apart in crunchtime like it was the game in Utah all over again. Beno had a key drive to put us up one in the final minutes, and then added the meaningless cheapie at the buzzer, but in the end the gap between the guy in control of the whole court in the clutch and the guy who plays for the Kings was all too evident.


Martin ( B ) -- our most important benchee of course as Kevin was finally back. Of course with
John now out, it became largely a wash, not that the two of them were really working great together at the start of the season. Came back hot shooting to start things, but then cooled dramatically as the 2nd quarter wore on and finished the half something like 3-9. In lieu of shooting the ball began to get the FT parade going in the third quarter and got his points that way. Was quiet in the 4th until bombing in back to back threes in the middle of the quarter to pull us back within striking distance and force the Jazz to bring back in the A-listers (or what is left of them on that banged up team). Think he got a freebie layup late with the game decided, but never back to the line. Was actually bothered significantly by Morris Almond on defense -- not a player I would think of as a top defender, but he was all over Kevin. Didn't come back playing anymore of a complete game than he left us with --2rebs 2asts 2stls -- but did not really expect him to, and first game back and all that. Not an explosive return, but a solid enough one. Was a bit of a struggle, but got his points, and the back to back threes in the 4th were important momentum shifters. Not there for us in crunchtime, but then again, who was?

Brown ( C ) -- five empty first half minutes, did use a nifty crossover to free himself up and set up Brad on one possession, but led to nothing. Was a little better after half, looked more competitive against Price on defense, and hit a three on a setup from Kevin. Still limited productivity here.

Thompson ( D ) -- gotta love Reggie's new "commitment to youth". Basically starting Hawes because if he doesn't he gets fired. JT? 3 minutes of first half action. But that was up to 8 after half, so its all good right? Right? Of course it would help if Jason would start doing something again. Have a chicken and the egg thing here. Did Jason's game go south once he was back to spot minutes and garbagetime and the coach lost confidence in him, or did the coach lose confidence in him because his game went south first? Not sure, but in any case gave us 11 minutes of nothing tonight. Should have had a block at the end of the 3rd, but got called a foul. Did almost nothing else of note. Not even enough bad stuff to give him an F. Just...nothing.

Moore ( D ) -- soon after entering tried a dunk with authority and missed, then got repeatedly smushed inside. May have been pressing trying to prove his worth but certainly did little to help his cause this time out. Was getting called for his normal assortment of defensive fouls, and complaining about them all. Was mysteriously inserted right in the middle of Spencer's third quarter hot streak. So maybe you can call Mikki Moore "the cooler" now. Not a good outing as our bench was a wasteland other than Kevin.

Greene ( INC ) -- another 3 minute first half kid, missed both his shots, including getting a dunk blocked at the last second. And that was it. No minutes after half.

Douby ( INC ) -- wow, this is unfair even having to put his name down. Fortunately he did not play enough minutes to get a real grade to make it worse. In any case, in the move of the game, Quincy Douby, who had not played a minute all game, suddenly gets inserted by Reggie Theus in a one point game (I think) wiht 4 minutes to go. The same guy who had his confidence crushed after back to back chokes last month. Don't know whether Reggie was trying to get it back for him or what, but What a coaching move. If it was for, maybe. Did impede Korver on a shot. But really? A dead cold player suddenly inserted? If it was to help our draft position...well then we should all give Reggie a big ole kiss, because Quincy came out, and surprise! choked again. Not only do we have him out there, but all of a sudden he is like our goto guy down the stretch, and we get a badly clanked 3pter from one corner, leading to murmurs from the crowd. An out of control drive and pair of FTs which he mercifully hit. And then an AIRBALLED 3pt shot from the other corner which just...the crowd was not happy. I was not happy. And any hope Quincy Douby ever had of ever hitting another clutch shot in his basketball life may have just flown out the door. My goodness. Oh, we lost btw. Again, what a coaching move.


Theus ( ) -- You know when the poll question is "Which coaching move drew your ire the most?" that there is going to be a problem here.
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REGGIE gets a big fat F for playing Q "clutch" Douby during crunch time.....awesome job, you must not really like your job or Sac Fans

I wanted to vote for all the above for our lost, but it was mainly due to coach than anything else
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Hawes ( B+ ) -- got the start, and ina Theus nightmare, justified it. Actually was off to the mediocre start before half. Miller was doing more. Was not on the glass. Moved his feet well on defense but was giving us nothing as a shotblocker. And was rushing his shots a bit on offense. But it was Hawes who made the difference in the early 3rd quarter with a series of nifty plays, both passing the ball, stepping in front of passes for steals, and with his own offense. His length was also an impediment to Okur. Got Theused at the 3 minute mark of the quarter, when seconds after leading a fastbreak (yes, leading) and throwing a nifty behind the back pass on the move to Beno for the layup, he got yanked. Makes sense to me. Came back wiht a couple of good plays late, but was not a factor down the stretch. Most of the excitment cetners around the one quarter (the 3rd) and the boardwork was shoddy, so went with the B+ rather than the A-, but it was a good outing either way.
This was one of several confusing things I saw in tonights game. I want to know the reasoning behind that pull. He was doing so well, so we yank him. Reggie needs to explain that one :confused: Brick, do you remember who replaced him?


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
OUCH! Again. Better game than others but one of the most mysterious games I can remember. The Jazz have 18 TO's but lead at halftime!? Jazz have 25 TO's for the game and win! Kings shoot under 40% AT HOME!

BJax and Douby ineffective as perimeter scorer's as is Greene. JT gets skimpy minutes but partially understandable considering Korver and Millsap.

Beno just not there yet. Outplayed Williams for 45 minutes but then the great ones overcome and win. Will he get there? and be a force in final minutes?

Arrrggghhhhh. Kevin and Cisco become essential that's for sure but both very rusty and a ways from being in game shape.

Couple of more home games and we better see them turn the corner or drastic measures with come from on high I'm afraid.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This was one of several confusing things I saw in tonights game. I want to know the reasoning behind that pull. He was doing so well, so we yank him. Reggie needs to explain that one :confused: Brick, do you remember who replaced him?

It was Mikki.

Mayeb Reggei was worried Spencer was doing too well and wanted to give Mikki a chance to respond. ;)
REGGIE gets a big fat F for playing Q "clutch" Douby during crunch time.....awesome job, you must not really like your job or Sac Fans

I wanted to vote for all the above for our lost, but it was mainly due to coach than anything else

i agree reggie cost us the game fransico on the bench and douby playing crunch time air balling wide open threes and also bobby brown should of been in the game at the end not beno. at least brown would have been able to stay in front of williams also he can score and he runs the team good when he is in but are awsome coach selects to play over the hill bjax(my fav player but dosn't have it any more) and 54 mil beno who turns the ball over way to much on passes that if he looks up he would see a defender. Reggie sucks F get em out of town he is a chump
I had a feeling Reggie was going to pull Spencer then. After the awesome fast break, you could just tell Spence was hyped and really wanted to block a shot. He ended up fouling someone I think, and I guess Reggie wanted to calm him down. Or kill our momentum :mad:

The Beno grade is plenty high, perhaps too high. His turnovers were terrible tonight. He just didn't look as bad since the Jazz were doing even worse taking care of the ball. But there was only one play where Beno successfully turned the corner around a pick. Every other time he had two guys following him and couldn't make the right pass or find the shot. I mean, I guess it could be a miscommunication and the other guys are at fault, but you can't run your offense like that. For the most part, the Kings D looked pretty good (more on that in a minute) but it was the offense that looked shoddy.

As for Kevin, you could tell that everyone in Arco (including the Kings) seemed to breathe easier with him in there. On offense at least. Now, while it's great to have him back, who was guarding Morris Almond as he torched us in the 4th on a series of cuts and back doors? Kevin, no? Well, no one was guarding him, but that was Kevin's man if I recall correctly. So, welcome back and all that. But let's get some D.

Speaking of D, yes Miller had a career block night (good for my fantasy team) but Spencer was solid down low, too. And on the perimiter as well. I recall a couple sequences where he kept Memo from getting into his groove out there and the result was a bad pass. Now, I don't think you can get away starting the Ivory Towers against all teams, but tonight it worked. (Utah even trotted out an Ivory Towers of their own in Okur and Koufus).

Now, as for Reggie, I'm not as steamed as everyone else. I guess I tend not to get as mad about losses when I'm at games in person for some reason. For much of the game, I questioned whether it was the plan or the execution that was failing. And for much of the game I thought it was the latter. But, with the Doubyous decision that may be Reggie's last, the buck clearly stops on the coach. I'm still not convinced firing him is what this team needs. (he still seems to have the ears of the players, which is more important than wins or losses in this regard). I mean, I guess we could trot out Whiz, and he'll play the kids like the Maloofs want. But wasn't Reggie a Maloof stooge, too?
A Douby-ous decision late, with Quincy bricking two very important and very open baskets. But though I wanted this win, and I think the team needs a win to keep up morale, I'm fairly pleased with the performance of the team today.
Not like he was forcing passes that could have made it. I mean just throw it out in space to nobody. there's got to be some miscommunication there -- its like when a quarterback throws a ball downfield and no receiver is within 10 yards of it. Somebody didn't know the route, whether it be the QB or the receiver. Ditto with some of these. No idea what Beno is looking at.
A lot of Beno's passes are just terrible, too. I can't think of another starting point guard in the NBA that throws such bad passes. When he's not passing to thin air, he's throwing bounce passes too hard or leaving them too short, making the guy he's passing to have to leap to catch it or bend down to his ankles. It's a hell of a lot harder to hit a shot when you have to engage in gymnastics just to get the ball from your distributor
Reggie's excuse for putting Douby into the game late was that BJax was getting eaten up by Kover, and Cisco & Martin had exceed the minutes set up by the Medical Staff.

Well he's correct about BJax, there no good reason to have him in at the end of the game if he's going to set up beyond the 3pt line (6 for 42) But, Theus, you have a half dozen coaches, and you knew what the medical limits where before the game started. So, no one on your staff could figure out how to save 6min from Martin's and Cisco's allotted time so that they would be available at cruch time?

Somehow, you'd think you could have snuck Greene into the game for a few minutes per quarter or Douby. You didn't have to throw a guy who's confidence is completely shot, out there for the last 4 mins only to lose the game again.

Theus started Hawes (probably directed by management),but didn't play Greene, played JT and Brown too little. In fact, pulled Brown out after a short strech, right after he had sunk a critical 3pt shoot, and replace him with Beno. Within sec. Beno turned the ball over again.

Based on the criteria of : plays the rookies, rotation, play calling , and time outs & time management, I rate Theus an D-. Even though it's his ouw fault for having to sub either Douby, BJax, or Greene at the end of the game, I give him a little better grade because the depth chart is so bad that those 3 were his only choices. We need to add more spot shooters next year.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Too many to choose from, Mr. Brick. Although I went with limited minutes for JT and Greene, the decision to put in a cold player in a tight game is befuddling, confusing, and...frightening? Mon Dieu!

Knowing that you only have "limited minutes from the medical staff", wouldn't it make sense maybe, just maybe, to spread those minutes so that you know you have players available for the 4th? I mean, I'm just a math teacher, and maybe that's the way I'm wired, but I think it would have made sense.
Grade for Reggie Theus

Dear Reggie,

Every year I attempt to boost my students’ final grades by giving them
this relatively simple exam consisting of 100 True/False questions from only 3 chapters of material. For the past 20 years that I have taught Intro Communications 101 at this institution I have never once seen someone score below a 65 on this exam. Consequently, your score of a zero is the first in history and ultimately brought the entire class average down a whole 8 points.

There were two possible answer choices: A (True) and B (False). You chose C for all 100 questions in an obvious attempt to get lucky with a least a quarter of the answers. It’s as if you didn’t look at a single question. Unfortunately, this brings your final grade in this class to failing. See you next year!

May God have mercy on your soul.

Professor William Turner

P.S. If all else fails, go with B from now on.
B is the new C

Dear Reggie,

Every year I attempt to boost my students’ final grades by giving them this relatively simple exam consisting of 100 True/False questions from only 3 chapters of material. For the past 20 years that I have taught Intro Communications 101 at this institution I have never once seen someone score below a 65 on this exam. Consequently, your score of a zero is the first in history and ultimately brought the entire class average down a whole 8 points.

There were two possible answer choices: A (True) and B (False). You chose C for all 100 questions in an obvious attempt to get lucky with a least a quarter of the answers. It’s as if you didn’t look at a single question. Unfortunately, this brings your final grade in this class to failing. See you next year!

May God have mercy on your soul.

Professor William Turner

P.S. If all else fails, go with B from now on.
B is the new C

Haha, very nice.
I honestly couldn't decide which way to vote so I had to abstain. At first it was pulling Hawes, then inserting Quincy at the end (this was probably more confusing then anything), but after refleckting on the game I really couldn't choose one. I still don't think we should fire Reggie right now, but I was certainly troubled by last night.


Hall of Famer
Very confusing with Douby at the end. I would have rather had Jackson, who at least has experience. I didn't understand the 3 minutes for JT in the first half. As a matter of fact, why not insert him into the offense a little more.

Right now Jason looks tenative out there. Everytime the whistle blows, he has that, what did I do wrong now look. Even when its not being blown for him. Between Reggie's jerking him around and the ref's giving him the rookie treatment ( terrible call on the blocked shot ) the kid looks confused and not sure what he can or can't do.

I certainly hope were over the debate of whose better, Hawes or Moore? I do not want to see Moore in the starting lineup the rest of the year.

If the Maloff's want to replace Reggie, now is the time. At least if your going to be fair to an interim coach. The team will have more practice time in Dec. than at any time in the year. I would think that would be the least you could do for any poor individual that gets the job.

By the way, the ref's did the same thing to Spence last year. If your name isn't Oden or Rose, your going to go through it. Its sucks, but it is what it is.
Jerry Reynolds

Last Night Jerry Reynolds was talking about the Lakers, he said something to the effect of.............."The Lakers went into Indiana and got Hoosier'd".

I cant believe that we actually have fans of this guy. Someone pull the plug!

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